Just now, he sensed my chaotic mood intermittently.

what exactly is it?What's going on?

'Are there any new threats? '

Fujimiya lifted the quilt from the bed and left, the pain from before was already familiar... probably.

He walked to the door, looked through the door with his eyes, and scanned the living room.

There was no one there, probably the brother and sister had gone out, and they could just take this opportunity to leave.

Thinking of this, Fujimiya's movements became faster. He quickly walked across the living room, reached for the doorknob with his right hand, and twisted it.

The next moment, three surprised faces came into view.

Apart from the Shirou and Erina brothers and sisters, a man with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes resembles Erina in eyes and Shirou in the bridge of the nose, so there is no doubt that they are relatives.

"Do you... have the ability to predict?"

Shirou spoke in a strange tone, and Fujimiya began to regret that he didn't use teleportation to leave directly, because he chose to walk because he considered that his injury had not healed, and he didn't expect to meet him so coincidentally.

"I've heard about it! You are really restless, Dr. Fujimiya!"

As the father of the siblings, and also the one who scooped up Fujimiya, Natsume, who was rescued by Aguru in the disaster, laughed.

His words caught Fujimiya's attention.

'He knows who I am? '

But in Japan, even if you know it, you just know a name.

"Don't stand at the door chatting, go in quickly."

Erina urged the three big men present, no one would stand at the door of their own house and chat.

Hearing this, Natsume laughed out loud.

"That's right, Dr. Fujimiya, let's go inside and say, I still remember the article you published three years ago on protecting the marine environment very clearly!"

This is part of the reason why he didn't throw Fujimiya into any random hospital.

A man who lives by the sea has a heart that loves the sea.

Chapter 73 Selling and Seizing

Where exactly is the missing person?

This is the most critical issue for the Night Raiders.

The man whose eyes were covered with a black cloth couldn't resist. He was pushed into the confinement room, and the left side of his face, which was already scarred by the beating, came into intimate contact with the cold ground.

He and the other five were criminals, and only criminals, not desperadoes.

The purpose of doing this kind of thing is to make money. If you earn more money, you are afraid of death and being arrested, so you are recruited easily.

Because they don't even know who they were arrested by. The strong spotlight shines on their eyes, and if they don't confess, they punch their faces and bodies.

"Caught one and got to catch more... Tsk."

Aikawa smacked his lips. He didn't like what the prisoner said, but disliking doesn't make things go away.

After all, the basement is just a transfer station, just a transfer station to check the value of the 'goods', and it seems that people will be transported somewhere after leaving from there.

As for where it will be transported...you have to ask the person who will be caught next.

At this moment, Aikawa received a new communication, and after he connected it, Kazama's voice came:

"Aikawa, go to the coordinates sent to you immediately to catch people. I'm going to the port."

The message arrives, the navigation starts running, and the final location is the Metropolitan Police Department.

Aikawa shrugged, he was not surprised at all.

"As expected, I immediately started to think about withdrawing. Saying that I didn't sleep all night, it doesn't matter if I beat the resister a little bit harder because of my temper?"

Where did the message come from?How did it pass?

This kind of question is irrelevant, as long as you know where the news is delivered, if you arrest the person who received the news and torture him, he will always speak.

Listening to Aikawa's words, Kazama's response was also very simple:

"up to you."

After he hung up the communication, he also started to go to the coordinates he wanted to go to. Unlike the ground, if he took the empty road, the road would be unimpeded.

Generally, no one would be idle and look up at the sky, so no one noticed any unknown objects flying in the sky.

The clouds that flowed past his body from time to time were left behind. The reason why Kazama wanted to go to the port was because he was the most suitable for it.

In his eyes, the sailing ship has gradually begun to move away, getting farther and farther away from the port.

That's good, because that's the only way...

At the same time, the crew on the deck of the ship breathed a sigh of relief. They were indeed a little flustered when they received the report before.

If it is really a rescue team, then it is impossible that there is no intelligence from the Metropolitan Police Department.

What is the background of the people in that team?

But no matter what the origin is, it is impossible for any Maritime Self-Defense Force to chase after the sea. Didn’t the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force and the US garrison just get caught by monsters?

It is precisely because of such a chaotic calm that they can obtain more 'goods'

Now these 'goods' are being kept in the cargo hold below, after all, the cargo should be placed in the cargo hold.

At this time, inside the cargo hold, people didn't even dare to make a sound.

Either waking up from drunkenness, or waking up from hallucinations, they wanted to make a noise, but they didn't dare to make a noise, because the two men standing there were holding hands, although they didn't know the model, but they could see it at a glance. Out is the weapon of firearms.

Who dares to speak?Who will speak?How to speak?Those two didn't look like Japanese.

There was only a strong sense of uneasiness brewing in the crowd.

Men and women began to regret that they shouldn't play around. Difficulty living and not wanting to live are two different things.

Pray for others to come to your rescue?

Or do you wish you were still in a dream, a hallucination?

No matter what they were thinking, they didn't dare to look directly at the two guns.

The boat was running steadily and the waves were coming off the sides.

The crew members on the deck felt slightly relieved, they could no longer see the distant port.


He let out a breath, turned around and was about to enter the cabin.

But the two blue eyes that appeared in front of him made him want to yell.

Abdomen, face, before he could react, two heavy punches destroyed his consciousness.

Kazama put the man aside, and floated towards the cabin without touching the ground.

Up in the cargo hold, something is happening.

Inside the cargo hold, the two are communicating:

"What do you think of this shipment?"

"It doesn't matter. If you die, you can sell it. Anyway, there are people who buy it."

"Those pigs full of oil and water."

One cursed under his breath, the other shrugged.

They just came to collect the goods, how much is a person worth?

A person can be used as a coolie, can be used to assign various tasks, a woman can be used to relieve fire, even if one day cannot hold on to death, the internal organs of the corpse can also be used to sell money.

There are always people suffering from various diseases, such as the kidney, such as the bone marrow, such as the cornea, these things are in high demand.

While the two were communicating, some of the people who had been afraid to make a sound showed expressions of horror.

It's just that they didn't notice it, all they noticed was the intense pain of the explosion, and all they saw was the magnified faces of each other.

The two assault rifles and the two men fell to the ground one behind the other. What people saw in their eyes was a machine that did not resemble a human.

"The night raid team will guarantee your safety. Don't leave the cabin for now. It will be over in half an hour."

The sound of the machine came out, and the ecstasy of the survivors instantly appeared in people's eyes.

If it was three months ago, no one knew what the night raid team was.

Now it’s different, people’s impression of the Night Raiders is ‘a special force that can fight monsters’

They knew about the Night Raiders, so they were relieved.

The ship is still sailing on the sea without stopping at all.

The flow of time by minute and second, what wakes people up is the sound of electricity.

"What, what?!"

When the crew member was awakened by the electric current, he found that he could not move, his hands and feet were tightly bound.

"Now answer me, what business are you doing, where are you going, and who are your partners."

Kazama's calm voice turned into a synthetic voice, and he stood in front of everyone, his strange posture was incomprehensible.

It would be understandable if he was caught by the police.

The question is what is it to catch them now?

The chaotic brain couldn't process this series of situations quickly, so the silence lasted for about two seconds.

"I'll leave anyone who will answer."

Kazama's words caught the attention of the crew, and the next moment, the three tied crew screamed.

They were pulled all the way to the side of the boat, and then their bodies floated in the air and began to fall.


Others could clearly see that their hands and feet were bound and absolutely unable to paddle. The three entangled with each other drew a beautiful arc and then fell downward.

where is it?

There is the sea.

"Who wants to answer my question now?"

Kazama turned around and gave another chance.

The boat is out to sea, very good, you can do whatever you want here.

"We are doing human trafficking!"

Immediately someone opened his mouth to answer, being able to do evil does not mean being able to be done evil by others.

Like a murderer who kills without wanting to be killed himself.

The people transported by this ship will be transported to a chaotic area, which is the Middle East.

In this area, the original contradictions have been exacerbated by the practices of Western countries in the past.

Even today, it seems that there will never be a day of peace.

The lawless zone will take the lives of others at any time, and there are also people wandering here.

Not about war correspondents who want to expose brutality, but villains masquerading as rescue teams.

The reporter whose complexion was darkened by the sun is carefully hiding himself. He has been seeking the answer, what is the organization that has been reported and praised in the past.

In the past he had seen a wounded civilian after a skirmish, and seen the White Helmets who had taken the civilian away.

The problem was, he never saw the civilian again.

It wasn't just the civilian. After his investigation, he found that far more than one or two people were missing.

"What the hell are you doing..."

War correspondents could vaguely hear shouts, laughter, and the sound of whips being whipped.

Vaguely aware that he was approaching the truth, he approached there, and what he saw through the crack of the door was a naked woman.

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