There was more than one person, the women seemed to be dancing in an eclectic dance, but their bodies couldn't be said to be pretty.


There was another whip, and the whips on them left bloodstains on their bodies. Even so, they had to laugh and continue to dance.

That smile is more depressing than anything in the world.

The reporter who sneaked in subconsciously touched his waist, his teeth were clenched tightly at some point, and he was extremely angry.

It was his compassion, his anger, that he failed to notice.


He was hit hard on the back of the neck and fell to the ground in embarrassment, his consciousness plunged into darkness.

When he woke up again, the first thing that appeared in front of him was a long series of sights.

'This is! '

His wrists were firmly locked behind his back, and he knelt on the ground and looked left and right.

Besides him, there are other people here.

Asians with the same facial features as him, and Europeans who are completely different from him, all of them were tied up without exception.

"These poor heretics are waking up."

One sentence attracted the attention of the war reporter. He didn't know the language, but he knew that there was a camera pointed at him now, and the camera that should belong to him was right in front of him.

"They want to see it, so we let them see it."

The person who said this walked forward and showed everyone the shining blade in his hand.

God, custom, soul, a string of words uttered.

"We're fucked."

This sentence is Japanese that war reporters are very familiar with. He immediately looked to the person on the right and asked:

"What do you mean?"

"They want to chop off our heads and send them to our country."

The man's expression kept changing after he answered, and the reporter who learned about it gritted his teeth, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the restraint.

He kept struggling, in exchange for a series of laughter.

And the man with the blade came up behind him.

'Is the last record of my death? '

The reporter is still struggling, he's not dead yet, so he's still struggling.

Also because of his struggle, he became the first poor guy to be beheaded.

With the blade raised high, people couldn't help but want to see the rotting blood of the heretics.

In the next moment, the believer spewed out no blood, as if saying that he didn't have the blood that should flow as a human being.

"Dang bang."

The sound of the sharp metal weapon falling to the ground attracted the reporter's attention, and he subconsciously looked down at the knife and the two smoking palms holding it.


The cry of pain is the same no matter what language it is.

The reporter who turned his head saw the man who wanted to behead him before, with empty arms, nothing but the smell of burnt.

Purple light fell from the sky, and in an instant, only a red-hot, withered corpse was left of the wailing man.


The reporter turned his head to look in the direction of the attack again. Only his eyes and chest were shining blue due to the scorching sun. He slowly fell from the air, and he counterattacked with an evil appearance.

The guns were raised one after another, and the blue flames instantly covered the guns and people together.

It didn't even take half a second for more charred corpses to fall to the ground.

This smell does not come from food, but from human corpses.

Upon realizing this, the reporter felt his stomach cramp.

Immediately afterwards, the rope that originally restrained him and the others collapsed, and he immediately fell forward, while the others also wanted to vomit in embarrassment.

They struggled to get up and leave, and the reporter was no exception.

But he quickly stepped forward and grabbed his camera, pointing the lens at the mechanical figure.

Although he didn't know what was going on, his instinct as a reporter made him move.

In the camera, apart from that person, there are still soldiers who are taking the lead. Realizing that the situation is not good, he quickly turns around and runs away. He is also within the range of the shooting when he is a step slower.

However, these fast-flying bullets stopped halfway and returned the same way.

Soldiers with guns were pierced by stronger bullets and fell.

How many people are there?

It doesn't matter to the Ultra armor wearer who claims to be from the future, it's just effective, precise, and constantly producing corpses that look different.

After about 3 hours, the war reporters who turned back could only see corpses in one place.

The scorched, punctured, scattered, and inlaid in the sharp parts of the smashed buildings are like hell on earth.

But even in such a living hell, there is hope.

People who are at a loss stand here, they are in ragged clothes, there are men and women, all of them have scars on their faces, and all of them are sallow and emaciated due to the torture.

But everyone rejoiced at being free again.

Some people are crying because some people are left here forever.


The reporter took the photo. He didn't know what that unknown existence was, but he only knew that some people were saved, including him.

Chapter 74 A Long Day

How many people go missing in the world every year?

Where did those who disappeared go?

When the trace of a person's existence in the world disappears, death is automatically announced.

He or she may die somewhere, or maybe he or she doesn't actually die, but lives in pain there.

If there is no action, perhaps the people here will also be sent to certain places, bought by certain people, and live a life that is worse than death.

Humans have done so-called 'human trafficking' in the past history

It seems that some people are still doing such things today, and as long as there is a market, such things may not disappear.

The ships in the distance are gradually approaching, and the wind is waiting for the arrival of the night raid team.

On one side, the person who was fished out of the water was lying on the wet deck, and the others could not make any effective resistance, and could only wait for the punishment that would come to them later.

But the people here are just pawns, and what really makes all this work is an industrial chain in the rear.

Don't destroy everything in it, such things will definitely happen in other countries, and someone has to take action.

Yes, someone has to act.

Laborers, female slaves, day-to-day life, despair and fear of the future can consume people's hearts, and the Middle East is such a place.

Ten, one hundred, keep increasing, they follow this emotion, and devour this emotion.

On the way forward, if there are obstacles, it is not recommended to destroy them.

There were gunshots, screams, and the moment the struggling soldiers fell to the ground, they couldn't get up again. The crows flopped on them, and the mice tore their legs.

These small creatures now seem to have turned into bloodthirsty beasts, constantly attacking humans.

The flesh from the birds' pecks was swallowed, and the pain and fear of the dying human beings were absorbed and made stronger.

The soldiers of the terrorist organization here want to fight back, but they have no way to fight back. Everything comes so suddenly.

It's not uncommon to see crows or rats in such a bad environment, so by the time it's too late, it's too late.

The fleeing soldiers locked the gate firmly, locking the rats and crows out.

Even so, those screams were also transmitted to the room.

Is it safe?

The sound of footsteps that cannot be detected by human ears is gradually gathering.

When the soldier felt something crawling up its neck, more creatures took possession of its neck.

The gaps in the corners of the tables, the gaps in the doors, the gaps in the windows, a large number of geckos poured in.


The screams cannot be uttered, and these supposedly harmless creatures inject toxins into the bodies of their prey, paralyzing their nerves.

Only the eyes of the person who fell on the ground were wide open, and the scenery in his sight was gradually occupied by the gecko. Finally, the whole body was covered by the gecko.

The extremely loud sounds continued, rats, crows, their chirping was noisy due to the large number of gatherings.

How many are there?

At least it can turn the whole ground into pitch black, constantly surging like waves.

The humans on the surface have almost eaten, so the next is the previous prey.

When it, when they thought so, some power came down from above.

Realizing that something was wrong, they began to scatter and flee. Even so, the scorching purple light beam quickly reduced their number in the form of strafing.

No matter whether it was a bird or a mouse, no matter whether it was an external creature or an internal alien animal factor, it was completely destroyed.

By the time Future Empat landed, everything had run away.

As long as it wants to, those things are impossible to escape.

But it didn't want to let the mutilated corpse lie on the ground.

In the future, Empat pushed open the front door directly. After the sound of the gunshot, the bullet hit it and bounced off.

The terrified laborer held a gun still stained with blood, and tightly held the life-saving straw with his thin hands.

There was hysteria in their eyes, and the daily life and today's abnormality made their fragile nerves unable to rest.

"do not want!"

A woman saw something was wrong, and she called out to the man with the gun to stop him.

Future Empat took a step back, and even that move provoked a reaction.

Several bullets hit it again and bounced off. Even so, it didn't make any counterattack.

The mechanical sound coming out from the armor surface is a language that can be understood by people here:

"It's all right, you are free."

After saying this, it left the ground without warning without any movement, and disappeared from people's sight.

When a strong signal is sent out, someone will definitely receive the signal, and these people will be saved by then.

But what if the wicked come again?

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's not like he didn't kill him.

How can human trafficking be completely eradicated?

Just kill everyone who dares to do such a thing.

The so-called law is to let people know what things should be done, what things should not be done, and what kind of punishment will be given for what they do.

In other words, to scare people.

That's the nature of the matter, some people don't know morality, they don't understand life, the only thing they can understand is fear.

In the future, Empat stares at the map and markers that emerge in front of him, and a new '×' is drawn. His body is hidden behind the cloud and 'perceives' all the time

And the signal it sends out is transmitted, and there are indeed many people who can receive it.

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