"this is......"

The man, rescued not so long ago as a war correspondent, picked up the receiver he found in the base full of corpses and wondered who was sending the signal.

He himself started to act to investigate human trafficking in the Middle East. Now that the clues have been obtained, there are still many things to do.

Now not far from the base, the rescued people are the best witnesses.

In addition to this incident, there was another incident that disturbed his mind.

That is the unknown existence that seems to have descended from the gods. What is it that can possess such powerful power?

"Maybe that's my clue."

The man held onto the receiver. His current thoughts were simply whimsical. There was no evidence to prove it.

This unique signal has never been caught in his one and a half years of activities in the Middle East.

Putting the receiver back into his pocket, the man walked out of the base. He had been tracking down the same thing and had been derailed from the situation for a while.

When he returned to the city, more information awaited him.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"thanks, thanks!"

Thank you so much, thank you Dade, it seems a bit monotonous to just say thank you for the joy of the rest of your life.

Although I didn't do it for this kind of thing, it doesn't feel bad to be thanked.

The ship and the ship headed back to the port again, and the nearly noon sun shone on the fleet.

"No more information?"

"At least I didn't get it out."

Kazama, who was in communication with the commander, was not surprised by the current result. If a perfect line from top to bottom is formed, then orders are always passed on layer by layer.

The little guy who performs the task only knows what to do, and the other information is in the hands of a higher layer.

"No way, come back first, those people have to go to the hospital for a physical examination first."

The communication was cut off, and Kazama leaned back on the seat.

It has been in action for about 14 hours since yesterday, and the results obtained are also not very good.

Among the recovered people, only 10 people can match the missing list. Where are the rest?

According to information obtained during the interrogation, the ship is the 'cargo' of the month

Missing time does not match.


It is not only alien beasts who commit crimes, but also humans.

There are people in the world who live law-abidingly, while others are doing outrageous acts as a matter of course.

Fortunately, the vast majority of people are neither very good nor too bad, and just live their lives in peace.

For example, in Okinawa, Natsume was sitting in front of Fujimiya at this time.

The father of two children, this middle-aged man actually didn't understand what Fujimiya said, just like you can't ask the person who develops the refrigerator to repair the refrigerator, he is very good at "fishing" things I don't understand.

"Although I don't know why you fell into the sea, there are still many beautiful things in life. Being unlucky in one thing does not mean that you will always be unlucky in the future. I am like this. There was a time when I also I thought I was going to die, but in the end I made it through.”

Natsume was encouraging Fujimiya with his own experience that he didn't explain clearly, but Fujimiya just listened quietly.

Although he felt that it was very unreasonable for the other party to bring a person who only knew his name into the house, but the tone and emotion in front of him were not hypocritical, so there was no need for him to be on guard.

After all, the man in front of him is not a strange beast, he can't feel that kind of breath.

At this moment, Natsume picked up the beer that was put aside.

"Doctor Fujimiya, do you drink?"

He picked up the glass and poured the can of beer into it.

This somewhat redundant action made Fujimiya a little concerned, he shook his head at the invitation:

"No thanks."

He had never drunk alcohol before or now.

"Dad, you should learn from Fujimiya, how can you drink as soon as you get home?"

Shirou, who was nibbling melon seeds on one side, also added, but it didn't affect Natsume's drinking into his throat at all.

"It's just because I just came back that I want to have a drink. Your dad and I have seen a lot this time."

Natsume showed a sighed expression while speaking.

"What's the name of that blue Ultraman? Poseidon? Neptune? Dragon King?"

He suddenly popped out three gods related to the sea in different mythological systems, which made Fujimiya feel a little weird.

After all, is there someone whose private life is extremely chaotic?

At this moment, Natsume who put down the wine glass continued to say:

"No matter what his name is, he saved mine and many lives. In this era, Ultraman may be the morning star of hope."

Natsume felt that no matter who it was, as long as they really saw it, they would definitely feel the same way.

"You...don't you feel ashamed to say such a thing?"

Shirou felt goosebumps all over his body, and he still hoped for the morning star, it's too nasty, when did you start believing in God?

At this time, Fujimiya also shook his head.

"Excessive worship is not a good thing."

When a person focuses his eyes too much, it is easy to lose sight of other things. Excessive worship is such a dangerous thing.

"Oh, as expected of a doctor, he uttered such a literate word all at once!"

Natsume picked up the beer can with his left hand, but stopped again. In the end, he just shook the remaining amount and put it down.

In the following time, he kept talking about various things.

Fujimiya didn't feel disgusted, because the man in front of him loved the sea no matter what the reason was, and that was enough.

Different from the calmness here, my dream sitting on the plane at this time was 'kicked out' of the air base in a sense.

If it is a thick-skinned person, maybe you can continue to stay.

But I dreamed that it was because of his irrational judgment that Captain Yoneda was injured. As a result, even the strange creature code-named 'Eye Q' ran away.

What is such an illogical and common sense creature?

Until now, he has not been able to draw a reliable guess.

How can I find it?

Maybe you should seek help from others, as the saying goes that three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang... Hmm, isn't that a little bit wrong?

It's weird to compare yourself to a cobbler.

Thinking of this, I dreamed to look out of the window again.

The originally pure white clouds seemed to be flowing. At this moment, a certain unique feeling came.

It is a warning, a reminder, and a signal of danger.


I dreamed that something was wrong, and the next moment, a pair of cockroach-like insect wings appeared from the white sea of ​​clouds.

For those on the plane, there was no awareness of what was happening.

But the captain in the captain's cabin noticed something was wrong, because the plane began to climb without him operating it.

Or in other words, being dragged away.

To the alien beast, the steel bird of the airplane is really just a bird, and it can be crushed easily.

Everyone noticed the anomaly at this moment, because strange cries came from all directions.

"What, what?!"

Someone asked in a panic, and then there was a scream.

The altitude of [-] meters brought a strong air flow, which should have been blocked by the windows.

But the window was shattered, and the fuselage was dented in the same place.

My dream immediately turned my head, and the opposite side was also crushed.

What are the alien beasts outside doing?

?Chapter 75 The Commonality of Biology

'What does it want to do? ! '

With the power of the monster, it can easily crush the entire plane and tear it into two pieces.

But what is going on now?

My dream was thinking quickly, and he subconsciously speculated on the reason why the enemy did this.

At this moment, he vaguely grasped something, but his subconscious thinking was over.

When people were panicking because of this, I dreamed of rushing out to the side of the cabin amidst the creaking sound of the plane being overwhelmed.

When the door opened, the stewardess, who barely kept her composure, was startled by the sudden appearance of my dream.


?Chapter 76 Me and Me

"What's going on here..."

The three people other than Kazama arrived at the scene first, and there was no abnormal beast vibration wave.

However, the call received from the hospital clearly pointed out that there were monsters raging inside, and even after reaching such a close distance, there was still no abnormality.

The moment they entered the hospital gate, water vapor and the smell of blood mixed together, and the fog that diffused inside blocked the sight.

Blood stuck to the wall, and the doctor sitting there had no heartbeat.

Qihai kept scanning, is there any survivors in this fog?

"What is

?Chapter 77

The crux of the problem lies here, how did the enemy get into the hospital?

The follow-up processing is continuing, and the videos that can still be extracted are also being repaired and stitched together. If the alien beast attacked through an underground route, then it should be able to find the corresponding exit.

However, no such hole could be found anywhere.

The task this time can be said to be completed, but it cannot be regarded as a success.

Kazama's ten fingers did not move for a long time, and the mission report on the screen did not print a single word.

Why were those three defeated?

The reason is very clear, and Kazama can guess a general idea.

?Chapter 78 You are not me, I am not you

It's no problem to describe it like this.

As a result, Natsume was still eating dinner while pulling Shirou and Fujimiya to drink.

However, the father and son are now lying on the sofa, one of them is sound asleep, and the other is yelling something, "Happy, happy!"

Totally in a state of drunkenness.


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