Regardless of the fact that she can always get good things, recently Reiko has always been on the host of the show and she has gained a lot of fans.

Fans, aren't they worth it?

The superior's thoughts are not known.

Lunwen and Lingzi were just happy to think that they were really promising, and that they could take great things without Tian Bata.

"Okay, start broadcasting immediately, get ready!"



The two of them who were full of energy responded with enthusiasm.

The video about Anaimos is about to be broadcast as news.

KCB's TV station is about to broadcast an urgent news.

At the same moment, Asano, who wanted to escape, was also caught by my dream.

How could she, who is always in the lab, escape my dream that I have been exercising recently.

"What's wrong with you in the future? It's not like you."

"How can I be like me? Not everyone is as consistent as you."

Before my dream could say anything, Asano refuted him with fierce words.

"I understand the pain of Anaimos being abandoned. I dream, you must not understand, it is because you don't understand that you suddenly become so far away from me."

What is incomprehensible, and the most incomprehensible, is the logic of this young paleontologist.

But my dream is not like this, he is a simple person, just because he is a simple person, so I directly use pure logic to ask:

"I don't understand. How can I understand if you don't say it? Tell me."

This performance made Asano silent. For her, the boy in front of her was suddenly unfamiliar and familiar, which would only make her feel confused.

Just as I was dreaming of waiting, strange fluctuations came.


He raised his head immediately, and there seemed to be an invisible force flowing in the endless clear blue sky, and this invisible force gradually converged on the same point.

Everything starts with a news.

In an unremarkable town in the Okinawa area, Fujimiya frowned, listening to what KCB TV was telling.

In the picture is a strange monster, it is unknown whether this monster is alive or dead.

Regardless of whether it can be counted as 'dead' before

Now it must have been transformed into 'sheng'

"real or fake?"

Weiwei, who also came to wait near Anaimos for this battle, felt that he really didn't understand what 'science' was.

Is there any way to come back from the dead in 'science'?

In the fighter plane, the non-existing reaction Anaimos has a 'thermal reaction' similar to the monsters recorded in the past

Accompanied by this thermal reaction, Anaimos' body appeared to spew purple liquid.

"What's this?!"

The Hercules team on the ground subconsciously drove the chariot back a short distance, the purple liquid wet the green trees and the ground.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing.

"Not a lethal liquid..."

The dike captain frowned, and soon, besides the purple liquid, yellow smoke also gushed out from Anaimos' body.

The gas spread and floated with the wind, covering half of the opponent.

"A request for an attack order."

Yoneda of the Falcons tightened his grip on the joystick again. It might not be appropriate to attack without knowing whether the opponent is malicious. The problem is that it is not an option to just look at the opponent without knowing what to do.

What if something happened because of their negligence?

Captain Dike also understood this truth, so he gave the order to attack after hesitating for half a second.

In an instant, the scorching gunfire evaporated together with the smoke.

The light beams fired by fighter planes, the shells blasted by chariots, Anaimos, which was only shaking slightly before, swayed fiercely in the wound.

The sound of war immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Has it started yet?"

In the eyes of my dream, apart from the sky, I can still see the yellow mist floating in.

"Go to evacuate first."

He quickly pulled Asano's wrist, trying to take him away, but what he felt was resistance.


Turning her head, the woman's face was in a trance.


Suddenly, I dreamed that there was a strange itching sensation in my nose.

He sneezed unconsciously, then noticed a strange yellow dust floating in the air.

"Is this..."

Realizing that the situation was not good, I dreamed to shake Asano who had just inhaled the gas.

This action woke up Asano from a trance, her hands loosened subconsciously, and the metal box containing the fossils fell to the ground.

The next moment, her legs moved subconsciously due to the pulling.

"and many more---"

Asano wanted to pick up the suitcase, but was hugged directly by the waist.

"Forget about that! Your life is more important than that!"

Beams, cannonballs, and within a thousand meters of them, Anaimos' body kept swinging, with scorched black marks all over his body.

Surrounded by XIG's preparations, it was powerless to resist.

?140 Eight Chapters Inheritance

'It doesn't seem like a big deal. '

No matter who it was, seeing that Anaimos was struggling to even move during the attack, he would definitely think so.

What broke the slack of the team members was the emergency communication from the headquarters. The Shishi Commander, who was located in the air base and was able to receive various contacts, connected the connection after knowing the abnormal situation:

"Dike Captain, something is rushing towards you along the waterway. It's very fast, and the source is unknown."

After the materialization of Anaimos, it appeared together. I don't know what it is.

'Origin unknown? '


?140 Nine Chapters No Unchanging Person

What kind of troubles should children have?

No matter what troubles other people have, Asano in the past has troubles that are not understood.

There are not many members of Alchemy Star who think like this. They have thought about different things since they were young, and this result is manifested in the way of 'not being gregarious'.

Geek, nerd, self-important, hated.

Unlike Gaimu, whose parents were very tolerant, Asano was hated by her family.

There is an older brother who cannot accept the existence of his sister's excellent older brother.

There is a pair of parents, parents who dote on their elder brother.

?150 chapters between chapters

Life is calm, ordinary, without any waves.

How nice it is to continue like this.

It is unimaginably lucky to be able to stay in the status quo forever without any stimulation.

"Come on, let's do an interview. How have you been since you left your father? How do you feel? How do you feel?"

As usual, school days are for school.

Chunhe watched the exchanges between his three friends. From the past, Dongyang liked to make fun of Xili. It seemed that many people liked to see the so-called 'Beauty of the Ice Mountain' showing different expressions.

?150 Chapter Projection

What is the use of praying to God and worshiping Buddha?

I don't know, it doesn't make any sense to do so.

At best, just find a comfort to make yourself more comfortable.

This point has long been understood.

Good things, bad things, what is it that determines whether those things come or not?

Either way, the past is the past.

People's feelings are really not solid. Now that I recall it, I no longer have the pain and anger at the beginning, but only melancholy and a little sadness.

"It's been 20 years..."

Looking at the family portrait in the photo, the old man did not

?150 Chapter Two Search

"Again! One more time! One last time!"


In the living room, Fujimiya is being pestered by Erina.

For normal children, this time is summer vacation time, not to mention that Erina is still in elementary school and junior high school, and has more vacation time than other students.

After all, there is no summer homework, so of course I want to play as much as I want.

So, the two were in front of the TV, and the screen of the game was shown on the TV.

Now it's "One More Time: The Last Time: The Counter Attack Time"

Probably because of the family environment, Erina is essentially a male

?150 three chapters with one against two

Just hitting the ground like this is enough to affect the surrounding environment, what a terrible destructive power that is.

If there will be exaggerated panic in the city, this panic will cause the alien beast to become stronger.

However, it is precisely because it is not in the city that we can do our best.

Kutura's blow was so powerful that Gaia was driven deeper into the ground.

However, Gaia showed a sensitivity that even Empat could not imagine.

The earth is to him what the ocean is to Agurus.

Gaia travels through the ground at an unbelievable speed, what kind of existence can exist in

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