? Chapter 150 will start

What do older people generally like to do?

Chat, drink tea, rest, play chess, raise birds.

It may be too arbitrary to say so, but it is true that Yamaguchi is this type of old man.

Under the green trees in the park, the little sparrows were chirping in the cage, pecking at the cool water in the small box from time to time.

And not far away, a Shiba Inu named Taro ran fast, jumped up, and easily bit the Frisbee.

Although Yamaguchi is getting old, his mind is still clear and his body is considered healthy.

So, he did notice something strange.


?150 chapter five as usual

Not right.

There is indeed something wrong.

In the trio of KCB reporters, basically only Lunwen and Reiko are currently on missions, but what about Tabata?

He's been looking into something interesting.

Things on the Internet are [-]% true and [-]% false. Whether you don't believe it or believe it is not the best.

But because the internet is such a world, people mostly don't take those things to heart.

As a veteran reporter, Tabata was different. He relied on rumors on the Internet to capture good news more than once, and made outstanding contributions to KCB TV.

?150 Chapter Six That's Extravagant Hope

Wake up in the morning, the weather is sunny.

It can only be said that it is a habit in the past, so that I can always wake up at this time. The human body is really amazing, and so is the biological clock.

However, unlike in the past, there was no prepared breakfast on the table, and there were no men cleaning up the kitchen utensils in the kitchen.

Change clothes, wash up, and feel refreshed.

The next thing is that every girl has trouble, but that can be said later.

"Hey, get up quickly, what are you doing?"

"It's so noisy, there's nothing to eat anyway, what are you doing?"

The door of the room is covered with hair because of a night's sleep, it looks messy

?150 Abnormalities at the scene of Chapter [-]

How could this be, is this a dream?

When things are really about to come, they won't give any reminders, they can only accept the result.

It was like this again, and suddenly everything changed.

Why is it always like this?

Saying to 'cherish the people in front of you'

In the end, it turned out that whether you can cherish has nothing to do with your own thoughts, so what is it related to?Is it related to fate?

Haruhe gasped for breath several times, she tried to squeeze forward, but couldn't do it.

The neighbors around have already finished watching the excitement, and the reporters who took pictures have long been used to it

?150 eight chapters of evil

Old people are like this, they always don't trust the so-called banks, and they prefer to save money by themselves rather than deposit it in it.

Cash, jewelry, all in your own home.

Especially for these strange old people who live alone, without family members around them, they can't react quickly even if they encounter any danger.

Are they too busy with their children's work to take care of them or simply have no relatives?

There is no way to verify this, but the man hopes it is the latter, so that the trouble will be much less.

Anyway, it's just a bunch of people who can't create value and will only consume social pensions

?150 nine chapters of the surviving self

The memory is extremely clear, probably because the distance is not that far away.

Those who appear at night are different.

Even if you have higher intelligence, it doesn't mean you know more things.

There are many things in the world that you cannot know without experiencing them yourself.

That's why it caused such a result, and it failed to notice where the gap was.

I almost didn't even wake up. After eating dinner, a strange feeling was brewing in my body. It was so uncomfortable that I really wanted to sleep all the time.

If it wasn't for the strange smell, there was no way to get up.

As a result, only one

? Chapter 160 start

Out of control, how can it be counted as out of control?

Does something like that count as out of control?

That smell, instinct roaring inside, shouting to eat.

Tossing and turning in the middle of the night, Taro closed his eyes, unwilling to look at the scenery over there, because he might not be able to look away after taking a look.

The surrounding darkness seems to make the body become active.

This feeling was really uncomfortable, and the stomach kept wailing, and the sound echoed in his head.

It maintains a motionless posture. If it does not carry out any activities, the alien beast radar will not have any reaction to it.

?Chapter 160: Two Alien Beasts

First of all, the thing attacking there, its ferocious movements look completely different from those of small birds, the yellow-green sparrow is aiming at the head that is fragile and fragile, hard and hard.

Kazama quickly reached out and hugged Haruhe, the girl's weight seemed nothing to him.

Its footsteps lead its body steadily, and while avoiding it, it uses its eyes to lock the passing sparrows.

The opponent moved forward all the way, flapped his wings again, and raised his head, as if he was about to rise to the sky outside the hospital.

But that whole action ends here, because even without using both hands, the power called 'Ultra Mind Force' is enough to move this

?160 Chapter Two Body and Spirit

Creatures will be assimilated into alien beasts after receiving the alien beast factor.

Before the transformation is completed, even within a certain period of time after the transformation is completed, there is still a chance to save it.

Kazama thought so at first, but in fact it wasn't.

If the living are infected, it is erosion, and if the dead are infected, it is just occupation.

Here is the doubt: Why didn't Yamaguchi have any scars on his body after he was rescued?

Unscathed in such a fire scene?Not even the slightest scratch, the slightest scar?

In contrast to this status quo are the traces on his clothing.

he should be

?160 Chapter [-] is doing

Had a dream about a special confrontation.

On one side are the alien beasts who want to survive. They have done a lot of things for this. Although they didn't cause too much damage, they did what they did.

On one side was what appeared to be a youth, with a human appearance, but certainly not human, as evidenced by the beams of light emanating from his fingers.

After waking up, I don't know what happened. It seems a bit too real to say that it was a dream.

Haruhe opened his eyes, and she was the only one lying on the bed in the dark room.

Not long ago, she had been half-altered and animalized, and she was connected to the alien

?160 Chapter [-] Follow-up Quest

"Ultra armor?"

"Well, that's equipment that can't be countered by old-style weapons alone, not to mention that this unknown set of armor may also hide functions that we don't know about."

Thugs who disrupt the world order, this is the consensus.

The Otto armor, which has an inexplicably similar appearance to Empat, is being destroyed all over the world. Let alone who its target is, how much panic is caused by such a simple attack regardless of the surrounding situation?

The armies of all countries have more or less suffered losses. It is precisely to protect themselves that they will vigorously develop the military. Without the army, there will be no sense of security.

?160 chapter five before the storm

The sky is clear because nature is better.

Unlike the planet that has been turned into a desert, there is no yellow sand all over the sky, and there are no strange beasts roaming around here.

As long as the god of destruction thinks about it, destroying a planet like the earth is a breeze.

If the earth has lost its vitality, then the sun is meaningless.

The deliberately destroyed atmosphere allows the radiation from the universe to erode the earth, and the surface has become a world unsuitable for any life.

Only the alien beasts that defy common sense and the earth monsters that turned into alien beasts hunt leisurely there.

why on earth

?160 gap in six chapters

The uncontrollable power began to spread at the moment of cutting, evolving into a large-scale attack.

Now Empat in the future is not so much wielding the dark blade as he is pulling a beam cannon that is firing.

In the center of the blade, the purple 'dot' is expanding.

Kazama's right palm knife is forward, centering on this point, the energy overflowing from the body surface turns it into a sharp knife, directly piercing through the dark blade.

He made a frontal breakthrough, shortened the distance, and then his ready-to-go left fist collided with the palm facing him.


In the future, Empat took the blow without dodging or evading, and the straight fist that pierced the golden crack

?160 seven chapter bureau

Can't strengthen myself quickly, so start elsewhere.

What is the essence of the Ott family?

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