'It's different from the Jayden I know. '

The so-called 'Jetton' is a monster weapon transformed by special technology. They have no self-awareness, can be mass-produced, have a strong body, special ability of instant movement, powerful light skills and special counterattack ability against light.

Judging from the description alone, this is indeed the current Jayden.

The fist bumped into the arm, the palm knife swung in the air, and the knee bump was only a short miss. Jayden, who retreated quickly, dodged a series of attacks from Empat.

"You're not Jayden."

When he said this, his words were somewhat arbitrary,

The Jayden in front of him has stronger physical ability and stronger teleportation ability than what he knew.

According to Empat's personal experience, Jayton's special action just now should be that the main body is transferred to a different space through teleportation, but at the same time, it projects its own actions into this universe, so it creates an "unhitable transparent" 'The illusion.

Then next is...

Empat clenched his right fist tightly around his waist, and the gathered dark energy was attached to his right arm.

He aimed at Jayton, and instead of approaching, he punched directly from the spot.

The light attack, that's what Jayden thought at the beginning, and he also responded in this way. With his hands facing each other, he was already prepared to deal with it.

But the straight beam of light suddenly scattered towards the surroundings, leaving behind a force.


The dark energy gathered by Empat was not for attacking, but for compressing the surrounding air. This blow blasted out the atmosphere, and the punch formed by the atmosphere hit Jayden's chest. The force of the explosion caused the air to spread around. , a large number of flames were directly raised.


One side, two sides, three sides, the remaining metal walls of the base were smashed through one after another.

The next moment, the blurry shadows collided, and Jayden, who had slowed down due to the impact, accelerated again, the battlefield was changed, the forest was disturbed by the hurricane, and big waves were set off on the lake.

The moonlight made the sharp blade glow with silver, and the blade collided with the fist. Now Empat's left fist hit a short knife, and the one holding the short knife was not Jaden.

A knife light that was more brilliant than the starry sky swayed out, and Empat, who had evaded by backflipping, landed on the ground again. His left fist was cut open, and the internal particles were overflowing through this gap.

"It seems that your fist is still not as strong as the blade."

It wasn't Jayden who spoke, but he was Jayden before.

Red and dark gold are intertwined, and there is a rhombus-shaped green crystal on the chest. The powerful enemy that the Ultra Brothers defeated in the past, Ace Killer is holding the short knife.

Just as he was laughing, the crack on the blade expanded rapidly, and finally the entire short knife was shattered, and the remaining handle turned into a cracked bracelet, and pieces fell apart.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

"It seems that your blade is nothing more than that."

Empat uttered a mocking remark in a calm tone.

'This time it's the Yabo's monster weapon, what's going on? '

With the same tone, he was thinking calmly in his heart.

Just before the collision, the enemy's body changed shape in the blur, not only the shape, but even the ability.

It's a pity that the enemy never accommodates you, Ace Killer laughed again:

"Hmph, hehe, interesting! Have you seen this one before?"

After shaking off the fragments of the bracelet, he jumped up, combined his hands and wrists, and shot the Spyium light at the opponent on the ground.

The reason why this 'Ace Killer' changed his stance was because he had realized that his opponent had the experience of fighting 'Jedon', that is, he did not use light skills, but used physical means to attack.

The falling blue light was bounced off by the waving palm, and that was just the beginning.

Ace Killer shot out the Emelim beam from his forehead, and the skill used to contain it had not weak damage and a fast enough rate of fire, so the green light that hit at a high speed collided with the red wrist armor.

Empat was defending, so Ace Killer, who had bought time, put his palms together across his chest.

"Accept! M87 Ray!"

Forces many times stronger than the previous two strikes are gathering, and there is still a certain distance between the two sides.

The instantaneous light may not be able to hit, so Empat quickly swung his left arm that was still defending before.

The dark blade devoured the starlight, and the kilometer-long slash made the distance between the two sides equal to nothing.

Ace Killer, who was still preparing the M87 light in the last second, climbed up to complete the evasion, and Empat, who completed the slash in the next second, threw an eight-point light wheel with his right arm diagonally upward.

The light wheel on an arc track was avoided again, and the faint blue light beams converged.

Since Empat's head crystal, almost the exact same skill retaliation, the Emelim beam was directly avoided before hitting.

Ace Killer's right hand pulled back, the M87 light has completed gathering and is about to launch at full power.

But at the next moment, the light wheel refracted and rebounded, attacking Ace Killer from behind.

If you use the power of thought, you may be noticed, so the Aimelium light used by Empat acts as a 'wall'.

Just like a spinning top bounces back when it hits a wall, as long as the calculation is good...

"This level can't hit me!"

Ace Killer descended quickly, his right arm already starting to come forward.

"I don't think I can hit you either."

Empat combined his arms into a cross shape, and the Spetsium light changed color according to his power at the moment, from purple to reddish black, straight towards the sky.

It was now that the blow was the real attack.

The light wheel collided with the light, and the light wheel shook due to the impact. This shaking caused scattering, and the originally stable structure of Spyium's light became unstable, and bursts of red light appeared like ripples on the other side of a disturbed lake. Spread around.

The all-round attack hit Ace Killer's body, and his original actions were disrupted.

In a short period of time, the two sides did not get close to each other, but had a confrontation based on light skills, and the winner was eligible for the main attack. As a result, the weeds were blown down by the turbulent wind, and Empat, who jumped up, used his sword as a Blade thrust.

Against the background of red light, the blurred figure of Killer Ace began to transform rapidly.

Beak, bird beak, Volcano Barton stabs with a beak that is exaggerated and penetrating even if it is not poisonous.

Collisions, stalemates, splits, and shattered beaks are no defense against palm blades, but there is something harder.

The sound of metal rubbing resounded through the sky. What Empat hit was a real robot. The three-eyed monitor on his head rotated rapidly to gather energy.

A total of five cannons fired at the same time on the shoulders and the head, and Impreza, known as the Peerless Iron God, aimed at the target directly in front of him.

The electron beam, the energy cannon, and the rapid bursts of two bursts of energy completely engulf any idiot who dares to approach in just half a second.

The next moment, the sides of Impreza's head were crushed to the point of deformation by a huge force. It was two silver fists and a forming arm.

That is not teleportation, because there is no spatial fluctuation.

Just pure 'particleization'

Empat's body 'shifted center of gravity' the moment he was hit

The parts with insufficient energy were directly shredded, while the other energies were turned into pure particles, and then formed behind Impreza.

Now, the pincer punch aimed at the head hit. Empat retracted his hands and raised his right arm to hit Imprezana's head with a vertical split, which seemed to be blurred by the impact.

The heavy force directly smashed Impreza down, and it was just smashed down.

If the real Impreza were here, it would have been cut in half before it fell.

' Hit. '

Empat was able to determine this, so he took aim quickly.

"Have a hand."


Impreza endured the hand knife and pincer punch aimed at the head but still didn't lose consciousness, not only because of her own strength, but also because of the reason of 'scruples'.

"It is impossible to defeat me without the heart of killing me, this is your mistake!"

Impreza's body deformed again in the blur, but Empat didn't see the next posture, because the other party was wrapped in a dangerous red light.

"Then I'm going to give you the final test right now. If you don't follow, this planet will be easily blown to pieces!"

Red light burst out, and the ball of energy that completely enveloped the enemy exploded.

The words of 'destroy this planet' are not empty words, that force is enough to blast through the planet Pedan from here to the opposite side.

The moment he realized this, Empat's arms quickly formed an L-shape, with a black background and purple-edged Zapellio rays hitting the ground.

The instant strike arrived one step earlier. When the enemy's red light disintegrated the surface, the purple-black light that blocked it collided with it and canceled each other out. The aftermath of the expansion inevitably opened up more of the surface.

"Hahaha! Stupid idiot! You've exposed your greatest weakness!"

The unknown enemy in the red light laughed wildly, using the recoil force generated by the light to escape from the atmosphere at an exaggerated speed.

As if the red sun was flying, the opponent quickly turned into a star above the night sky.

The confrontation between light and light also ended, so the chaotic gravitational force became normal again, and the gravel and soil floating upwards now fell into the pit with a diameter of thousands of meters like rain.

Crackling, gravel and mud fell on Empat's body as they fell, and he looked at the scorched earth in silence.

'What the hell is the enemy...'

It is not a lie to have the ability to destroy planets, the question is whether the other party's 'easy crush' is true or false.

According to Empat's sense of body, there is a high probability that the other party's words are true.

'Transfiguration Expert'

The description of an enemy who keeps changing his posture during the battle is fine, but it's just an addition.

Empat understood what it was like to feel the needles on his back, because his intuition kept telling him 'the enemy hasn't used his full strength yet'

The real body hidden under the appearance is the most dangerous, and transformation is just for fun.

"Where is this——"

Hearing such a voice, the members of the Space Guard who descended from outside the universe felt the abnormal weather, hail?No, it's similar to hail, but it rains gravel and mud.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"A power that cannot be underestimated, that is to say, 4 years is enough time for another such strong man to appear in the universe."

In the pitch-black universe, beings wrapped in red balls move forward at a speed exceeding light.


And still an insane idiot.

Chapter Ten Responses to Kindness

"The damage is very serious..."

A strong fortress, this is how the Pedan Stars used to describe their home planet.

However, this time the incident almost destroyed their confidence. First, the control of the Jinguqiao army was taken away, and then an unknown enemy directly burned two-thirds of the base.

If there is no assistance, God knows what will happen next.

But how did the enemy take control of the Jingu Bridge?It takes more than just one man's approval to command an entire army.

Imitate power, imitate the body, but only the spirit cannot be imitated, at least this is the case for the mimicry abilities known today.

"Haven't got in touch yet?"

"No, let alone contacted, I can't even find anyone there."

The Pedan army is a bit chaotic now, and the upper echelons who could be contacted in the past can't see or find any of them now.

Taking into account the fact that the Jinguqiao army was seized of control, the situation is somewhat obvious.

"Everyone was killed...Is that so."

I don't really want to admit it, but I have to consider the possibility of it.

A flame ignited in the silence, it was anger and revenge, and their Pedan Star was used as a gun to consume the combat power of the Space Guard.

The enemies hide in the dark and don't know what their intentions are, but their actions have only one purpose, and that is to smash the most reliable 'shield' of this universe from the inside.

Who on earth can do such a thing?

Does such a force exist in this universe?

Or did it come here from another universe?

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