'No, now is not the time to think about that. '

Thinking of this, Pei Dan's temporary agent went to the Space Guard on that side. Frankly speaking, he didn't really want to get close to that side, because there was a person there who threatened to 'kill them all' just now.

The words alone are not bad, but the problem is that the spine-chilling atmosphere gushing out of the opponent's body before really makes people feel scared now.

What's more, he also experienced the dilemma of "being at a loss in the air and can't do anything", and the nerves in his whole body reminded him that "this person is very dangerous"

At this moment, Pei Danxing's temporary agent suddenly noticed the sight.

But when he concentrated again, he didn't know where the line of sight moved, but soon, that person left.


He had to admit he was relieved.

At the same time, Empat, who left because he sensed other people's scruples, also shook his head helplessly in his heart.

How should I put it, it is really easy for him to play the villain now, light makes people want to get close and brings warmth, while darkness is naturally the complete opposite.

The power in Empat's body maintained a balance in the past, which was a shadow under the light, but after accepting the "power left behind", it became unbalanced, and frankly speaking, it was completely biased towards the dark.

In other words, he is almost entirely a serious dark giant.

'It's okay...probably. '

At present, it seems that when he has a lot of emotional ups and downs, he will naturally activate the dark energy in his body, and he is easy to be regarded as a bad person.

Thinking of this, he looked at his five fingers, which were as slender as a blade, with short sharp claws extending from the front.

Empat is not dissatisfied with his own situation at this time.

Power is power, what matters is what the person with power intends to do, as long as he remains himself.

"Speaking of which, let's come to an end for now."

At this moment, Empat heard the chatter of other guards.

The wounded were greeted by the members of the Silver Crusade, and the members of the guard relaxed a little.

"I was curious before, why did you come here so quickly? Is there nothing wrong with Andromeda?"

The security team member in this galaxy asked curiously, he was not in such a hurry, because the security team members in Andromeda didn't show the kind of anxiety that they would go somewhere to support immediately.

Because actually what happened on Pedan was the most serious incident that happened in all the guard sub-bases.

Andromeda's guard gave the answer:

"Our side didn't spend much effort to solve the problem. Although some people pretended to be companions, their provocations didn't play much role."

He told the situation that was not much different from Empat's expectations.

"Actually, it's the same on your side, right? If it wasn't for the seizure of the control of Jin Guqiao, it wouldn't have turned into this."

Corresponding to these words, the wounded Pedan soldiers who were healed by the Silver Crusade reluctantly said "thank you"

It's not mutual suspicion and suspicion, the two sides get along naturally as if the previous battle didn't exist.

'As expected. '

Empat nodded in his heart. Suspicion and suspicion are good strategies, but such strategies may not work every time.

Take, for example, himself.

When he had just become a giant, the earth was full of voices of doubt.

Some people believed in him and Dijia, while others expressed doubts about it. It was the 'uneasiness' caused by the overpowering force that was used by the Kirielod people.

But after going through that difficult period, things became clear.

In a word, the giants have proved themselves trustworthy with practical actions.

If one planet and two giants are like this, what about this universe?

The kingdom of light brought peace and order, they repelled the monsters, crushed the aggression, this is the so-called 'actual action'

To use a simple metaphor, a good student who can get a scholarship every year in school, has excellent grades, is kind, and is loved by his classmates and teachers is told by others, "He is actually a bad guy who commits crimes" , what do you think?

'What nonsense are you talking about, do you think I'll believe you'

Most people should react like this.

And going one step further, for example, when a civilization that already has a good relationship with the Kingdom of Light encounters such a thing, it is equivalent to an honest and good friend who suddenly does something bad, and your first reaction must be 'there is a misunderstanding'

After such an investigation, it will be found that this is not a misunderstanding, but a slander.

The past constitutes the present, the present constitutes the future, and the future becomes the past.

From the beginning, Empat felt that the enemy's tricks might not be effective, and now he just confirmed it.

'The mind responds to the mind, that's all. '

Empat raised his head. Although he couldn't see the bright Alt Star, there were quite a few stars around. How many of these stars had civilization nearby?

He is not the only one looking into the deep space like this, Rattler has already contacted other sub-bases in a corner of the boundless universe.

"The peace you built may not be destroyed that easily... right?"

He repeated what he had only heard from Empat not long ago, and his heart was a little complicated for a while.

"Maybe I'm wrong."

After completing contact with various sub-bases and remaining branches, he was surprised to find that the current situation is much better than he thought.

As Empat said, the peace that started from the Kingdom of Light and gradually spread to the scope of the universe is not easily destroyed.

A peaceful life, a peaceful life, there may indeed be people who seek excitement in this world, but most of them are people who want to live peacefully in their own one-acre three-point land.

So the first reaction of disrupted civilizations is to 'find the bug'

When the person who made the 'mistake' is found, the answer comes naturally.

Most of the people involved in this incident were mercenaries who had been active on the battlefield in the past, and there were also many soldiers who disappeared after retiring. They seemed to have not yet come out of the war.

Is it just that?

Impossible, it is impossible for them alone to freeze the entire Kingdom of Light.

There must be something else...

"Commander, we have received a document from an unknown person, do you want to open it?"

Hearing the words of his subordinates, Rattler came back to his senses and gave an affirmative answer:


No way to know what's inside.

Soon, what appeared on the screen of the headquarters was a record in the deep universe. Judging from the order and distribution of the stars, it was undoubtedly the M78 nebula, or even the vicinity of the Kingdom of Light.

And just near there, a large number of warships and spaceships are stationed, as if they want to destroy all the existences that dare to approach.

"This is!"

Ratterer instantly recognized the origin of those machines, the past Ultra War was started by the Ampera Stars.

The reason why the adjective 'big' is deliberately added is because its scale is too large.

The forces involved are not just the Kingdom of Light and Ampera. There are dozens of galaxies in it, and the Kingdom of Light will be completely destroyed with just one last step.

But at that time, Ken, who was not yet called the father of Ultra, held the ultimate blade and gave Ampera the injury that had to retreat, which made the situation better again.

The army now presented in front of Rattler is the 'Gakalu Legion' that also dealt a heavy blow to the Kingdom of Light in the Ultra War.

"They have indeed... No, since they do exist here, there is no need to think about how they came back, and contact all the guard bases immediately!"

Rattler issued instructions, and the reason why the Kingdom of Light was frozen was finally clear.

That is 'no one will defend against an enemy that has disappeared into history'

"Is it undead? Or..."


"How... this is!"

Jia Kalu alone is not enough, what appears on the screen is a red and black giant, he is like a strong beast, but still retains the characteristics of the Ultra warrior in the past.

Its name is 'Belia'

Holding the core of the plasma spark tower in his left hand and the weapon called 'Giga Combat Instrument' in his right hand, he walked out of the main tower.

"How did this happen, not only the Jiakaru Legion, but even Beria escaped from prison..."

The Jakalu Legion with unknown combat strength and Beria, the second strongest player in the Kingdom of Light in the past, is really the worst combination.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


The stones splashed and fell, and the sound echoed in the bustling cemetery.

Countless monsters make this place seem crowded, and there are many violent and ferocious beings among them, but they maintain an impossible tranquility.

All this is because of the person sitting on the stone seat at will, Beria holds the Gigabit Fighting Instrument in his hand, and the special gene in his body is the key to driving the Gigabit Fighting Instrument.

Now this fighting instrument awakens the souls of the monsters, re-endows them with bodies, and makes all the monsters obey orders.

Belia scanned the surroundings. There are monsters he has fought and killed in the past, as well as monsters he has never seen before. It is said that the monster cemetery is located in the gap between time and space, accepting the souls of monsters from different universes.

This may be true.


The gigabit fighting instrument was raised and lowered, and the cracked ground, which had long been disfigured, sank even deeper.

Beria is thinking and waiting at the same time. He is not a patient person, but he knows that sometimes patience is necessary.

'It's really annoying. '

He was thinking of something that happened not so long ago, when he was 'a pawn' fresh out of prison

Let the Kingdom of Light be distracted and have no time to take care of other chess pieces. From the very beginning, Beria knew that this situation might evolve into this situation, so he decided to steal the core of the plasma spark tower.

'But that power...'

Beria recalled the 'mimesis' he saw when fighting in the Kingdom of Light

Fortresses are always breached from the inside. In that chaotic situation, the so-called 'Jakalu Great Demon King' took the opportunity to destroy everywhere, shut down the supply of sub-towers, disguised as guards to sneak attack, pretended to be civilians to destroy the shelter, and used any means out.

This is the weakness of those who have companions. Beria does not have any companions, so he is not afraid of this approach.

It's a pity that the security team is not like this. They were played around by the Great Demon King Jiakalu, which is really ridiculous.

However, they made a big mistake.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"watch out!"

The planet with a terrible environment seems to be alone, and Zero's roundabout kick seems to hit an invisible enemy.

Since he was thrown to this planet, he has only two activities, fighting and sleeping.

Now it was just the former's turn. Compared with sleeping, he felt that fighting might be more interesting.

'Today is really slow. '

After a series of consecutive kicks, Sai Luo complained about Leo's lateness in his heart.

After waiting until bored, the red giant finally arrived.

"It seems that you are not thinking about anything."

Leo said so, and Sai Luo's performance is no different from before.

"Stop rambling, what do you want me to think about on this planet with nothing? It doesn't even have a book, does it?"

Saima immediately retorted, but unlike usual, Leo in front of him nodded instead.

"That's what you said, after all, this is a planet with nothing."


Chapter Eleven: Ghosts of the Past

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