The so-called Jakalu Legion is an elite that rampaged in the Ultra War 4 years ago, and belongs to the empire of the Ampera Stars.

The Ultra War is essentially a collision between two forces. One is dominated by the Kingdom of Light, and the other is dominated by the Ampera Empire. More than [-] civilizations participated in the war.

The war had already shown a bad situation from the very beginning. At the beginning, the Ampera star had four subordinates, known as the Four Heavenly Kings.

The head of the Jiakalu Legion is called the fifth person. The reason why he is not classified as the Four Heavenly Kings is because he is unwilling to be subordinated to others, and at the same time, he is also proud that the so-called Four Heavenly Kings are not worthy of being compared with him.

That arrogant attitude will naturally cause dissatisfaction, but as long as you can show enough good results, then this arrogance is not a problem.

With the deteriorating situation on the battlefield, Kingdom of Light made a dangerous decision, that is to 'lure the enemy deep'

In the M78 defensive battle that changed the situation of the Ultra War, the Kingdom of Light made a "shrink defense" situation, but it was actually a gamble.

While fighting fiercely in front, the Science and Technology Bureau in the rear has already arranged everything, that is the 'Otto Bell'

The empire that entered the M78 nebula was convinced that it could win, but this was also a strategy. The bell of Otto echoed throughout the galaxy, and a large number of monster weapons manufactured by the empire lost most of their functions.

The sudden abnormality brought about a major counterattack, and the situation on the battlefield changed. In order to change the situation again, the Ampera star who had been waiting for the results went to the battlefield.

At that time, it was the Garkalu Legion that guarded him, opened the way for him, and allowed him to land unimpeded all the way to the land of the Kingdom of Light.

Most of the fighters were blocked by the Jakalu Legion. The Ampera Stars waved their black blades, slaughtered civilians and logistics, and went straight to the location of the Bell of Otto.

The soldiers who broke through the blockade and rushed to the mainland fell one after another. No one was the enemy of the Ampera Stars until the two men, Ken and Beria, arrived.

Ken obtained the Ultimate Blade and started a fight with the Ambellas, which ended in a tie. The Ambellas had to retreat, and Ken was seriously injured.

Afterwards, he led the Kingdom of Light to chase down the enemy's remnant soldiers, defeated the enemy with a large counterattack, and it was Beria who brought the situation back into balance.

The war ended not because anyone was better than the other, but because both sides were too badly injured to continue fighting.

After that, there was a long truce, and it was not until the return of the Ambella Stars that they were completely killed on the earth, and everything finally came to an end.

However, in the battle on the earth, the Four Heavenly Kings under the Ambella Stars are different from the past.

Among them, the evil Bogaru, who served as the evil general, was exiled for treason. During the period of truce, various things happened in the empire.

The reason there was such a long truce was because of a civil war.

Are you unwilling to be inferior to others and want to replace them?

Or because of other reasons?

The Jiakalu Legion and the evil Bogaru joined forces to rebel, and were finally exiled into the black hole by the Ampera Stars.

Now the Jiakalu Legion has made a comeback, and Beria has also escaped from prison.

What about Beria?

Once a hero of the Kingdom of Light and the second in command of the guard, he had a desire for the core of the Plasma Spark Tower that he shouldn't have.

After being expelled because of this, he made contact with the Rebrando stars, and armed with a Gigabit fighting instrument led the monster army to re-attack the Kingdom of Light.

There are always similarities in history. Originally, the Kingdom of Light and the Empire might not have such a long truce, but the same thing happened to both sides, that is 'rebellion'

"Who is the LeBrondorian?"

The history lesson came to an end here, and Empat began to ask questions as a listener.

Now he is waiting with Rattler for the commanders of other sub-bases and the 'branch chief of the Andromeda branch'

It was free time, so Empat asked, and Rattler didn't mind telling the past history, so now he continued to answer:

"The Lebrondo star is the king of monsters who once ruled the universe in the past. No matter what kind of monsters are in front of him, they can only bow their heads. However, one day he suddenly disappeared... No, it should be said that Give up your body."

Why?This may only be known to him.

"The Lebrando star is still alive in the form of a spirit body until now, and it may exist in Beria's body now."

Is it because of the fear of the passage of time that he abandoned his physical body and chose to become a spiritual life?Or for some other reason?

Empat thinks maybe this can only be known when they are actually face to face.

"What about Beria? Is your approach a little too...benevolent?"

The first time was to attack the lifeblood of the country, and the second time he even directly led the army to invade the motherland. He had already reached this point, and Beria was only imprisoned.

Facing Empat's question, Rattler shook his head and replied:

"We think that Beria may be able to turn back... Or the father of Otto believes that friends from the past can still turn back. Considering the existence of the Lebrando Stars, what Beria did may not be from His heart, at least that's what everyone thought at the time when the punishment was considered."

Maybe one day Beria will be able to regain his original intention, maybe one day Beria will be able to get rid of the possession of the Lebrando stars, maybe all of Beria's original actions were because of the manipulation of the Lebrondo stars.

Many 'maybes' and various factors lead to captivity.

Beria, as the hero of the Great War of Ottoman, is also very popular among the people, and people still hope that he can turn back.

Hearing this, Empat repeated one word:


He hesitated for a while, unable to say anything.

'I'm not qualified to say anything about others. '

In another future, as a father, Nangong Lan did something similar. Human feelings are troublesome things, and they will affect people's judgment.

So just say nothing.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting... Uh, it turns out they didn't arrive."

Hearing such a voice, the female Ultra warrior seen on the screen made Rattler hesitate. He knew the other party, so he asked tentatively:

"Ola, is the head of the Melos branch still not here?"

'still? '

Empat noticed the word.

"The head of the branch left a sentence of 'I will hand it over to you later' and went out by himself, as usual."

The female Ultra warrior known as 'Aura' said that what the 'Melos branch chief' did was nothing like what the branch chief should do.

Rattler also felt helpless about this. In fact, he, like Melos, was opposed and dissatisfied with the change of the policy of the Space Guard.

It's just that since he is in his position, he will do what he should do in his position, but Melos is different. He has the ability to be the head of the branch but he doesn't do it at all. The so-called "head of the branch" is just an empty position.

But Captain Zofi adopted a 'letting go' attitude towards this. Whenever asked about this matter, Melos would avoid it with an uncomfortable attitude. It seemed that something had happened between them.

At this moment, Empat noticed that Ola's eyes moved slightly, seeming to glance at him.

It's just that before the two introduced themselves to each other, one sub-base commander after another appeared on the screen.

Everyone came to the meeting after completing the statistics and calculations of combat power. The Jiakalu Legion is an enemy that should not be underestimated, and it is impossible for them to just leave the compatriots of the Kingdom of Light alone.

"In that case, let's start reporting the situation."

When Ola said this, everyone knew that the other party should be regarded as the substantive head of the Andromeda branch, and it was perfect for her to start the integration.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The interior of the warship is covered with a red carpet, and the golden decorations that scatter the light are fascinating.

The man who walked in from the gate was wearing golden armor, his long dark red hair was extremely messy, and he had a wild atmosphere. The horns on the left and right sides of his head were bigger than the soldiers accompanying him.

"Your Majesty, you are back."

"Nice entertainment, I had a great time."

The Great Demon King Jiakalu replied casually. For him, whether it was defeating the Kingdom of Light or the previous battle on Pedan Star, it was just a game.

The former is less challenging than the latter.

Because it takes a lot of effort to fight the Otts who use the power of darkness, but to invade the Kingdom of Light, you only need to use the strongest mimicry ability in the universe.

Trusting your companions without doubting your companions is the beginning of failure.

Taking advantage of the chaos to break through one by one, the so-called "Ott brothers" must not have thought that the attack came from their closest comrades-in-arms.

The civilians did not expect that the guards leading the refuge would attack them.

When the top combat power is on guard against Beria, no one can stop the Great Demon King Jiakalu. As long as he quickly finds an opportunity to kill someone and then pretend to be him, he can cause new chaos.

After playing enough, as long as you cooperate with the power of the black hole to form absolute zero, you will successfully freeze the entire Kingdom of Light.

It never occurred to them that the enemy was an undead from the past.

"But the taboo opponents in the past have turned into real undead."

The Great Demon King Jiakalu couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The emperor who exiled them died on an asteroid that he had never heard of.

"How are you getting ready?"

Let’s not lament those things now. Now that the empire has perished, it will be the Jiakalu clan’s thing to completely destroy the universe of the Kingdom of Light.

"The energy fill is currently only 48 percent."

The subordinate replied that since excessive fluctuations can easily unfreeze the Kingdom of Light, they should directly banish the Kingdom of Light into the black hole.

Not only the Kingdom of Light, but the entire M78 nebula will be thrown out, but if you want to create such a huge black hole, you must need the corresponding energy.

"Tsk, damn Beria."

The Great Demon King Jiakalu did not hide his malice towards Beria. If the other party hadn't snatched the core of the plasma spark tower, the entire M78 nebula would have disappeared from this universe.

"Forget it, since this is the case, there is no other way. Tell the whole army to prepare for the battle. The remaining members of the Space Guard will surely attack in a short time. It seems that the situation of this universe and our past cognition have changed. Totally different."

The Great Demon King Jiakalu is not just imitating to create contradictions, he is also observing the situation of various civilizations.

The guessing game seems to be impossible to play, so the only way to go is to fight.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"The so-called million elite space guard has only 10 people left..."

Aura didn't know how to make an evaluation for a while, the timing of the enemy's attack was too good, just in time for Captain Zoffy to call a meeting of all branches and sub-bases.

It is precisely because of this that a large amount of military power has been frozen together with the Kingdom of Light, and the high-end combat power is even more...

"At such a time, the head of the Melos branch doesn't know where he went."

She complained about the irresponsible officer, and at this moment, Rattler said:

"The head of the Melos branch probably went to the Kingdom of Light to conduct investigations. He is the only one who can capture the video data of the Jiakalu Legion under heavy guards."

That person has always been talking to himself, going his own way.

However, what Rattler said for Melos did not have any effect, and Ola was still very dissatisfied. She said:

"But what is needed now is not to act alone, but to integrate all the members of the security team. The members are uneasy because of the fall of the Kingdom of Light. The head of the Melos Branch should give a corresponding speech at this time."

This is also correct, war needs morale, and the current situation is like the general before the war who didn't know where he went alone, let alone appease, it would be good not to lower morale.

"If we rely on 10 people, now..."

Not only the players, but also those who were actually present could not be calm about the situation in their hometown.

Really, the calmest person present should be Empat, after all, he knows little about the Kingdom of Light.

It was precisely because he was calm that he opened his mouth and said:

"Excuse me, mind if I say something?"

After drawing everyone's attention and getting Aura's nod, he said:

"Why not try to negotiate with other civilizations? Ask them to help us?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the meeting became quiet for a while.

After a long silence, Rattler replied:

"The responsibility of our Space Guard is——"


Empat interrupted the other party very rudely.

"Exactly, please stop for a moment. If possible, we, Baxter Star, would like to participate in this meeting."

The Baxter star who seemed to be the leader sent messages through the device through the door, and similar situations also happened in other sub-bases.

Chapter Twelve Preparations for War

Things have been settled. Compared with the original [-] guards attacking the Jiakalu Army, it is much better now.

Although it is impossible for various civilizations to bring out all the troops to fight, the gap in numbers has been evened out now.

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