In an instant, the storm that exploded from there blasted away the alien beasts that were still hitting the barrier before, and the scattered particles went away in different directions, some drifted down to the earth, and some spread into the universe.

The fierce impact completely tore some of the alien beasts into pieces, and some of them were thrown off balance completely, unable to adjust their posture.

The next moment, strong thoughts gathered them together, Empat's right palm moved forward, and the five fingers turned into claws.

In its special field of vision, thought power formed countless silk threads to entangle and pull the Pedrons one after another.

Perhaps because of Pedron's special body structure, when they bumped into each other, their bodies shook elastically, like fat insects.

That wasn't a very pleasing picture at all, and now it's even repeating non-stop.

The original Pedron has long since disappeared, and more than 800 Pedrons collided crazily.

'My senses are expanded. '

Just as the giants of light are weakened because they cannot fully accept light energy on many planets, so are the giants of darkness.

Empat no longer absorbs the energy of stars as before, but the dark energy floating in the universe is also locked outside the atmosphere.

Not only for this reason, he awakened Mephisto's ability while searching for the alien beasts on the earth.

Mephisto is a puppet deliberately created by Zaki with his own power. In a sense, it is a much weaker clone.

Therefore, the power to manipulate the alien beasts has been inherited. Although that power is incomplete now, the perception can still be achieved. Using this special vision to search for alien beasts, Empat continues to gather a large number of Pedrons together.

The picture is getting more and more disgusting. The Pedron in the form of an insect is 10 meters long. What will happen if more than two thousand 10-meter Pedrons are crushed together?

Their bodies, their tentacles are constantly shaking, they are alive and able to move.

Their sounds cannot be transmitted due to space, and even so, it is uncomfortable to look at.

It is simply a living asteroid. The asteroids formed by entangled insects are mutating. They change their posture and combine with each other.

However, it was too late, and the golden sun, which was going against gravity, broke away from the atmosphere.

The Dagrum Ray, which Justis had already fully charged, raised above his head, and then threw it forward.

The shattering-type triumphant light technique is a stream of light like a flame spray, this blow directly bombards the inside of the 'worm ball' in front of it.

Half a second later, rays of light burst out from the gaps in the swarm, and a large number of cracks began to spread, and the brightness illuminated the two giants present.

Empat maintains the oppression of mind power, and all enemies cannot escape.

Justis poured light energy into it, and it exploded in one breath.

At this moment, Empat suddenly felt relieved, and the Pedrons he squeezed with his thoughts suddenly shrank inward, because the existence that was crushed in the center before had completely disappeared.

Justis's Dagrum light evaporated the inner Pedron to make room, so the outer Pedron was pushed in by the force of thought, and then swallowed by the violently released heat.

Now it seems that a star is devouring the existence approaching from the outside, and Pedron, who attacked the earth, is being completely wiped out.

But before that, Empat's open right hand grabbed a half-burned Pedron, and the dark energy pouring into its body hurt it again.

Half a second later, the last Pedron was completely destroyed, but...


Empat can only describe it this way, he saw a star-shaped alien beast, and saw the picture inside the alien beast.

That entire planet is the alien beast, and it is also the mother body of the alien beast. Its body splits crazily and creates new alien beasts.

An even more egregious enemy is roaming the stars, not to eat planets, but to make more planets part of itself.

Empat Chapter 93 Temporary Revision

People on the earth saw the monsters and saw the monsters fighting.

The city was destroyed, but what was destroyed even more was the previous cognition.

Extraterrestrial creatures do exist, and they even use the earth as a battlefield to fight.

Too much power can lead to wariness and insecurity, just as a nuclear-armed state distrusts other states.

How will the world work in the future?What is the purpose of those extraterrestrial creatures?

These are matters that the high-level human beings need to discuss. For ordinary people, especially for the city where the monsters fought, everyone is concerned about how to deal with such a huge economic loss.

Fortunately, only the commercial street was destroyed, and people were not displaced, and people's situation was like a dream, and they suddenly appeared in other places without knowing what happened.

The number of deaths is zero, how to do it?

Was it because extraterrestrials helped them?

The uproar is still fermenting, and the existence that makes this planet make such waves is outside the uninhabited wilderness, in a different space formed by dark energy.

In addition to the machine Jadon, another machine was placed here, and the God of War Galufas who was incapable of fighting was brought back as a trophy.

Now Nangong put down the comatose and unconscious Chris in a human posture, and he looked at the sleeping face with complicated eyes.

Things are really as those people said before, is Chris a descendant of the invaders?

How should we react to the offspring of the aggressor, and what should we do?

It all depends on their attitudes, and Chris... Where did the emotions in his heart come from?

'Think about it later. '

Nangong, who was half squatting, stood up, and behind him was a woman who was still a little strange to him.

"Thank you for your help just now. Without you, I alone cannot reduce the casualty rate to zero."

It will only fall into the predicament of constantly strangling the alien beasts pouring into the earth, and it will be much easier to solve it from one side to the other like this.

Facing Nangong's thanks, the woman shook her head and replied:

"I personally don't want to see any life being killed by those alien beasts just now. You seem to know what they are, can you tell me?"

Justis judged that the other party was a harmful creature, and that kind of appetite for other life was absolutely malicious to other creatures.

The two of them have temporarily withdrawn to the earth for a period of rest, and there is still a period of time before the alien planet arrives in the solar system.

Attack and kill the enemy with lightning speed... As the saying goes, speed is the most important thing in a soldier, but it should only be done when one's own state is in good condition. Both of them will be exhausted in the battle.

The Xenobiotic Beast planet is the old nest of the enemy, and it is unwise to attack without repairing when there is repairing.

So they are communicating here now, first of all, they want to answer Justis' question, that is, what exactly is a strange beast.

For Nangong, he didn't know much, because when he met Noah, the other party's condition was terrible, so he only knew part of the characteristics.

Creatures that do nothing but devour other life, and Zaki who manipulates them.

Zaki has been wiped out, why are there alien beasts in other universes?

Nangong didn't understand this matter, what is the so-called alien beast?What is their source?

"I chased from my own universe to another universe. With the help of others, I eliminated Zaki who manipulated the alien beasts, but there are still alien beasts in this universe."

Why is it?

'Is my fight just a part of something? '

Nangong could only speculate like this in his heart, otherwise he would not be able to explain the situation in front of him, and even Zaki was just one of the participants in this incident.

After thinking in silence for a while, Justis put down his right hand resting on his chin, and said with a serious expression on his delicate face:

"Maybe it's because the Zaki you mentioned is just a pawn, and there are other black hands behind Zaki, and that existence is the real origin of the alien beast."

Justis didn't experience so many things personally like Nangong, but he had his intelligence.

"From the initial dimensional shock to the destruction of the multidimensional universe, there will be a new dimensional shock after that. I came here to investigate this matter."

He... should be called 'she' now

She began to tell her story, which was discovered in another universe, when a huge organization called Drathion observed the multidimensional universe.

What is the beginning of the overlapping destruction of the universe?

During the course of this investigation, De La Ción observed a conflict.

In the cracks between multidimensional universes, the battle between light and darkness is so fierce that the battle between the two existences did not last long, and the final result is unknown, but one thing is certain.

That's what Dración originally observed 'a universe that would have been destroyed by overlapping survived fusion'

Is the result of the battle light victory over darkness?Nobody knows.

It was for investigating this matter that Justis would cooperate with Dración and travel to other universes, and now he has arrived in this universe and discovered the existence of the 'alien beast'.

"Survived because of fusion?"

Nangong repeated that sentence once in a low voice. He hoped that this matter was related to him, but he couldn't be sure whether it was related to him.

If what Justice was talking about was what he experienced, then one thing would make sense.

’ That is to say, the being who is actually manipulating the cosmic overlap is looking at us from outside the universe we are in at the time. '

Thinking along this line of thought, Nangong recalled one more thing, a possibly very important thing, that is, when he first came to this universe, someone had already noticed his arrival in advance.

At that time, Chris was being hijacked by the Yabo people, and when he saw this, the Yabo people raised their heads first, and so did Chris after that.

The problem is that he hadn’t fully entered this universe at that time. He had already seen what happened on the moon before he had fully entered this universe. Before he had fully entered this universe, the Yabo people and Chris Already noticed him.

This shows what?

That is the so-called... high-dimensional observation?

What exactly is existence outside the universe?What happens when they focus their eyes on a being somewhere in the universe?

'If that's the case...'

Nangong's eyes turned cold, the black hands who manipulated the alien beasts, if there were no alien beasts, if there were no alien beasts.

He rarely gets mixed up with such feelings, but this time he can't ignore his personal feelings no matter what.

When the dark energy in his body became active, he took a deep breath and began to think about other things.

'In short, I still have to wait for Chris to wake up and I will confirm again. '

At the same time, Justis on the other side was curious about the Ultra warrior in front of him from a personal point of view. It turned out that there was such an existence, calmly driving the dark attribute.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet."

Nangong's words came out a bit funny, the two of them talked so much that they didn't even know each other's name.

"My name is Empat, and now I'm Nangong Lan."

Which is the real name?Now Nangong feels that they are both, and the latter one cannot be given up.

"Justis, this gesture is Fujiwara Juri."

Fujiwara said so, and extended his right hand with human etiquette.


Nangong shook hands while recalling the girl who suffered from the violence and self-righteous justice of the majority, and this kind of memory that will not fade is indeed a good thing.

Not forgetting means being able to learn from past experience.

"Then let's talk about the alien beast planet."

Fujiwara is not sloppy, and she is more concerned with business before exchanging feelings, which is almost exactly the same as Nangong's character, so during the trimming process, Nangong talked about what he saw:

A whole planet that has turned into a strange beast is filled with wriggling flesh and blood, and these flesh and blood are constantly splitting and proliferating, creating new strange beasts and new soldiers.

It sends soldiers out to scout, looking for life-bearing planets.

The reason for doing this may be to increase the number of individuals, or it may be for food.

What is the purpose of the alien beast to eat?I don't know, even though I have used the integration to empathize with the alien beast, Nangong still doesn't understand the reason, all the will of the alien beast is to 'eat'

Nothing else, everything revolves around this one thing.

Destroying a planet is a very simple matter for two people, but that is limited to a normal planet.

Nowadays, there is too little information about the planet's alien beast, and it is not even clear how it attacks and defends.

So the two fell into a predicament, and in the end they could only obtain information through fighting.

"No, maybe it can be eliminated before the opponent makes a move."

Nangong had a special idea in his heart, just like the words Sai Luo said when he was playing games in the Kingdom of Light:

'The harmless way is to kill the opponent directly before the opponent makes a move'

That's it, as long as the opponent is not allowed to make moves, it's fine, blitzkrieg.

"How to do it?"

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