Fujiwara asked immediately, he didn't mind eliminating the evil in an easy way.

At this time, Nangong expressed his thoughts.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Fear, dread, the relief of waking up after a night's rest was gone again.

Chris felt that he was in the fire and was being burned crazily. On that day, the Baxter civilization was completely destroyed. It seemed that everything originated from one person.

'We at Baxter are the chosen one, and we must manage this universe better. '

At that time, Chris believed in this sentence, and it was impossible to question it. When all the education you can get access to says this, how can you question it.

But that's not the case. On that day, other civilizations in the universe began to rebel under the organization of one person.

That person has a blue body, red eyes, a strange mask on his face, and a restrictive armor on his body.

A rebellion begins, a rebellion for Baxter civilization, and 'liberation' for other civilizations

Finally, fire fell from the sky and consumed everything.

What did you see?

The death of loved ones, the flames that spewed from them, they...  

"Chris, avenge us."

"Chris, take revenge on them."

"Chris, Chris, Chris!"

They come, they have no expression, they spit fire out of their mouths whenever they speak, their bodies crack with every step they take.

"No, no, no..."

Chris wanted to run away, he kept backing away, he was terrified.

"Are you going to put our deaths behind you?"

The father who was always silent but took care of everything was collapsing.

"Don't you remember the pain at that time?"

When I was young, I focused on mechanics and forgot the time, so I didn’t have to worry about being disturbed or hungry, because my mother was waiting all the time. She talked, and then her whole jaw fell to the ground and broke.




Friends when they were young, colleagues in the workplace, and the opposite sex whom they liked, even if their bodies were rotten, they still crawled over with their palms grabbing the ground.

Suddenly, the severed limb at the foot grabbed him.


One finger after another grabbed onto his body, even tearing at his own mouth.

The soul of the dead does not let the living refuse, and does not let the living speak.

Only his eyes widened, and he saw a face that he had only recently become familiar with.


Like a broken bellows, Chris gasped for breath non-stop. He found that he was being lifted up by the other party, and the fear in his heart was fading away.

At this moment, that feeling became clear again.

Nangong turned his head, his right hand was held by Fujiwara, and the act of absorbing negative emotions was also stopped.

The two did not speak, but they were indeed communicating.

"You have to overcome your mental barriers by yourself. What you do is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

Fujiwara speaks her opinion telepathically, and it's true.

Nangong also gave up that practice after being silent for a while, why would such a simple reason...


He looked at Chris's face and realized the imagination in it. In the past, there was such a neutral teenager who cared about him. It can be said that he saved his heart during his most difficult time, so he superimposed his figure on it.

'I'm also a nostalgic person... huh? '

Nangong sighed in his heart, after sorting out his mood, he said:

"Don't worry, no one can take you away."

In exchange for these words, Chris stared suddenly. A few seconds later, the extremely insecure person found that his right hand was tightly grasping Nangong's arm.

Why?Perhaps it was because he saw a giant with his body as a shield before losing consciousness.

Empat Chapter 94 The Destroyed

Everyone thinks so, everyone thinks so, because everyone has been taught this way from birth.

People are in their childhood... no, not to mention the childhood, even when they grow up, they are still inevitably affected by the surrounding environment.

The Baxter civilization started off by plundering and using violence to suppress other civilizations. This is extremely painful for other civilizations that have suffered from it, but it is only for other civilizations.

Of course, the government, high-level officials, the news, and the internal public opinion of Baxter Civilization did not say so. He used words such as 'human rights', 'liberation' and 'co-prosperity' to inform everyone.

In the past, Chris also believed in this deeply, and felt extremely honored about it. He has made achievements in mechanical technology, and the machine Jadon is just one of the less successful technologies.

For my own civilization, I love my hometown, so I have to work for it.

For the peace of the universe, for the order of tranquility, so we must work for it.

All cognition is like this until the day of destruction comes later.

At first, many researchers received the task, one of them was the senior who brought Chris to the beginning, he received a special task, and took the seedling named 'Hypageton' to other universes for experiments.

Later, those researchers lost contact one by one, and the experiment has not been able to achieve results.

Then, there was a rebellion on one of the planets, led by strange red-eyed giants.

It was thought to be just a senseless riot, but after that, more riots appeared.

Of course, the civilization that launched the riot called it a rebellion, and after that, there was a protracted war.

No one knows where those civilizations obtained the unknown technologies. Using these technologies, whether mechanical weapons or monster weapons, they finally reached the galaxy where the Baxter civilization was located.

After that came destruction. Chris didn't know if anyone else had escaped, at least until now he hadn't encountered his compatriots.

The death of relatives and friends, the destruction of his hometown, and the hatred of subjugation eroded Chris's heart. At that time, he did not have nightmares, because he had a clear goal.

But after that, he knew something he shouldn't know.

Since the destruction of the Baxter civilization, people have been scrambling to celebrate, and everything is waiting to be done. Not to mention everything, at least nine out of ten people in Chris can meet people who are cursing his hometown.

Why is this happening?

Why do these people hate the existence that gave them a better future?

This kind of curiosity made Chris have to understand, he had to understand, and then knew one thing.

No matter how gorgeous the embellishments are, they can't cover up the facts. As long as they get in touch with the truth, no matter who they are, they can see the true face of Baxter civilization.

Blocking technology, biological toxins, cracking the planet, extracting energy, human experiments, this is the so-called 'co-prosperity'

The Baxter civilization is the cancer of this universe. So, what are the things about the Baxter clan in the past?

One thing Chris realized was that no matter how he tried to say 'I didn't know', it didn't make any sense, because what he had done in the past was to provide technology and support for the 'aggressors'.

He enjoyed that favor and assisted him. How many people were killed by the weapons made based on his technology in that war?

'I don't know, so I'm not guilty'

There are no such simple things in the world. At that time, you cheered and supported yourself without knowing anything. This practice itself is unconsciously evil, and whether you are guilty or not does not depend on yourself.

So Chris ran away, he didn't know what to do, he just hid his identity and kept wandering between universes.

I saw new cities being built, I saw people from different civilizations imagine the future together, I saw the pain behind the joy, and I saw the sad people who lost their relatives and friends in the war.

Want revenge?

Chris didn't know what to do with himself, so he kept running away.

Until one day, until he saw someone being chased by a negative energy monster that appeared due to the war and released the robot Jayton.

Why do you do this?

I don't know, maybe it's just to alleviate my guilt.

Then his escape began, and many people were chasing him, chasing him non-stop, from one universe to another.

No matter what kind of emotion it is, there is no one to tell, so I talk to myself to the works that accompany me.

"Probably that's what made me feel differently about it."

The story came to an end for the time being, and now Chris looked up at the unrepaired machine Jayton, and whenever he needed to vent his pain, he could only talk to the weapons he made.

So day after day, it seems that it has become its own friend.

But this way of escaping also made him fall into a nightmare. The ghosts in the dream entangled him, and he had no time to think when he fled. Once he calmed down, he would think of the past again.

The silence began, and Nangong didn't speak. Although Chris in front of him didn't say that sentence, Nangong could see the 'understanding' from the other party's actions

In other words, Chris already understood in his heart that the Baxter civilization deserved to perish.

This is a rational thought, and it is precisely because of such a rational thought that Chris's heart is suffering from the past.

If your hometown is destroyed, all your relatives and friends die, and you are the only one who survives, how can you abandon that kind of hatred at will.

But at this time, you suddenly know the truth, that is, they deserve to die, including yourself, so what kind of shock is that?

What kind of thoughts and emotional struggles will there be in such an experience?

Nangong didn't understand this either, and he didn't know how to comfort the other party, or maybe no one in the world could comfort the other party from the same standpoint.

No matter what you say, you can't get around the conflict between reason and sensibility.

After hesitating for a while, Nangong could only ask like this:

"The person chasing you has given up, what are you going to do in the future?"

Not to mention giving up, it might even have been eaten up by the alien beast, but there is no need to say such speculation.

Hearing this question, Chris could only remain silent in the end. His original purpose was to escape, so what would he do after successfully escaping?

Even this place is no longer the universe I was originally in, so what should I do?

Looking for a place to start over?

How can it be counted as starting over?It's impossible to start over with a past that you can't let go of, and Chris knows it all too well.

"Do you have the heart to redeem yourself?"

At this time, Fujiwara's question attracted the attention of the two, and she knew why the young man in front of her was in pain.

"If you really have such thoughts, you should go back to your own universe to accept the trial. I have to forgive you. Those who want to sanction you are not those who covet the technology in your hands, nor are we."

Those who suffer from the practices of Baxter's civilization are qualified to do these things.

Nangong didn't say a word, he also knew that this was the most correct way, but... there may not be any good results in the end.

There is something wrong with the Baxter civilization, what about the people of the Baxter family?They grew up in an environment that was deliberately organized, and the culprit should be the high-level leaders of Baxter's culture.

Today's Chris is a civilian and technician who realizes the mistake. If war crimes are to be completely liquidated... no, they have been completely liquidated.

It was precisely because of the complete liquidation that the Baxter civilization was completely destroyed without even the slightest chance of surrender, right?

'No one is innocent'

It was the rebels with such an idea that only Chris survived.

Who is right?

War, oppression, aggression, plunder, why are such tragedies always repeated in different universes?

"I'll protect you until I figure out the answer."

As Nangong said, he was used to protecting someone.

And hearing such words, Fujiwara just shook his head, even though he was called the "giant of justice" in another universe, he understood that there is no absolute justice in the world.

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