"I'm just stating a solution."

Fujiwara knew that the root of Chris' pain was that he couldn't face himself, and surrendering himself was a way to face it.

The words of those two people are both correct. Chris looked at the machine Jayton on the side, and he actually had such an idea in his mind, that is:

'I've paid enough. '

No family, no relatives, suffering, dying but afraid of really falling into the bite of the dead.

Thinking of this, Chris got up from the bed completely.

"No more rest?"

"Doing something will take my mind off...Can I take that thing down?"

Facing Nangong's concern, Chris pointed to Galufas whose metal had been deformed outside while talking.

"That's what I planned from the beginning."

Nangong nodded. He brought this thing back for this matter at first, but he didn't expect that what those people said was not deceiving, and the secret hidden by Chris was so heavy.

"Thank you."

Chris took a step after thanking him, then turned his head again, staring at Nangong with those eyes, staring at this man who seemed to be so calm forever.

'Do you even want to protect someone like me? '

It's hard to understand, but...it turns out that there are still people in the world who are willing to protect people like him.

Chris looked straight ahead again, and walked towards the machines Zedon and Galufas.

But Nangong pulled up an ordinary chair and sat down. Now he is not only a little tired physically, but also a little tired inside.

The things that a person can encounter in a lifetime are limited, and what he encounters...will he encounter more things like this in the future?

"No matter what you encounter, it will be very tiring if you think seriously about it."

Fujiwara beside Nangong suddenly said such a sentence. Compared with Nangong, 'Justis' who has been active for a long time in the true sense can understand these things better.

"I know, but even so, I haven't seen enough of the world to be able to deal with everything calmly."

Nangong has always thought about a lot of things since before, and it hasn't changed until now.

"that's true."

Fujiwara closed her eyes and recalled the past, and she was not yet old enough to let go of the memories and leave the hustle and bustle.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

It has been expanding continuously since its birth, and the universe itself may be a huge life body, and there are countless small lives evolving in the body of this huge life body.

Growth and reproduction are biological instincts.

Is it the same for alien beasts?

In any case, alien beasts are 'natural enemies' to all creatures

Its ecology is too weird, the biological chain is interlocking, and the alien beast is not in the biological chain at all, it just eats up everything in the biological chain.

Invasion of indiscriminate species is what alien beasts are doing.

But at this moment, Justis had already seen that scene, the existence of the earth was really insignificant to the huge life in front of him.

It is impossible for an existence that can freely navigate in the universe to have only a little bit of vision and speed, and this is the same for alien beasts.

The spherical alien beast moved that black eye, no matter what it was, it would look terrifying when magnified.

For example, that human-like eye, with black eyeballs and bloodshot whites, is already equal to the size of the earth, but this eye is only a part of the alien beast.

"Eroding the planet itself into new individuals...it's still creepy to actually see it."

Even Justis saw this kind of existence for the first time. In front of him, the so-called 'monster' couldn't be regarded as strange at all.

It's time for repairing, and after the energy is full, there is only one thing to do, and that is to destroy this monster.

Without even making the slightest attempt, Justis concentrated and exploded the energy in his body, leaping from the original posture into a shattered form.

This cannot be regarded as a signal to start a war at all, because the planet alien beast has already started to act after seeing the food delivered to the door, and its cracked surface keeps spewing out small creatures.

As Nangong saw before, inside the body of this alien beast is a complete factory, constantly producing and splitting new alien beasts.

Now these alien beasts are attacking like an army, rushing towards the prey that is a light-year away.

Such a distance was enough, Justis concentrated his strength, his fists collided in front of his chest and stretched left and right, the light was released like sparks.

The golden color converged as he raised his arms above his head, and the dancing sparks finally converged, and were released with his fists swung forward.

Dagrum's light turned into a hot stream and blasted forward, mercilessly blasting towards the enemies ahead.

The distance of one light-year was directly crossed, and this blow collided with the tongue spit out by the alien creature from the planet, exploding the particles that constituted damage.

After contact, Justis increased his power again, and the further output of Dagrum's light expanded again, rushing towards the enemy.

Enpater Chapter 95 Destroying Stars

The original Dagrum light was a straight stream of heat, but after it was strengthened, it seemed that a more violent flame was mixed in it, and this flame rushed forward with the heat stream as its forward route, crossing the distance and rushing towards the alien beast.

Facing the bombardment of the light, all the planetary beasts did was use their bright red tongue with a diameter of thousands of kilometers to defend.

The moment Dagreum's light hit, the alien beast factor that made up the flesh was evaporated by the high temperature, and more alien beast factors gushed out from the body of the star alien beast, repairing that huge tongue.

The overly primitive defense method reminds people of backward beasts, but size is power. Looking at that huge existence, no one wants to try what it feels like to be drawn by a tongue that can be compared to a planet.

Finally, the fireball arrived after Justis increased his power again. This output directly detonated the front end of Dagram's light like a lead wire. The brightness of the upper eye.

I still insisted on it before, but now the fierce flames completely destroyed the tongue and split it into two parts.

One part continued to evaporate after leaving the body, and the other part was dyed a melted orange-red color, and this color was still spreading.

The road to the main body was unimpeded, and the Dagram light that was still continuously shining passed through the defense and directly hit the surface of the planet's alien beast.


How loud would it be if the whole planet was roaring?

In any case, this has nothing to do with Justis who is a light-year away from the other party.

He continued to attack, and the twitching of his arms led to the strafing of light.

At this time, the surface of the alien beast on the planet was an unsettling sight. The temperature that was originally kept below zero was instantly heated, and it rose to thousands of degrees in just a short period of time, and it is still rising.

An example would be the temperature on the surface of the sun, which is hot enough to directly evaporate most of the living things in the universe.

However, this is not the case for the alien alien beast made of flesh and blood. Its festered surface reveals the flesh and blood tissue inside, and the blood spurted from there is instantly evaporated.

This is just the scene at the beginning. After that, the blood was mixed with hoarfrost and turned into a cooling agent.

Now the whole planet is active, because it is now a huge living body.

The festering pieces of meat melted by the high temperature seemed to have really turned into liquid, and they scrambled to escape for a long distance, so a pit appeared on the side directly hit by Dagrum's light, which was constantly deepening.

What is this going to do?

Soon, the pieces of flesh were detached and the blood spurted out. The frost blood used as a coolant was like a fountain colliding with Dagreum's light, and a hot and cold world was staged.

The stalemate didn't last long, and the thousands of Pedrons flocking to Justis had reached a distance of only 10,000+ kilometers.

However, it was not the attacking enemy that stopped Justis from attacking, but the abnormality of the alien beast from the planet.

The huge body opened a hole and became a 'doughnut'

Yes, that's the only way to describe it.

After the fountain of Frostblood stopped, Dagrum's light did not hit the planet alien beast again, but passed through the center of the opponent.

The flesh and blood at the hit position fled around, and when they all escaped, a hollow was naturally formed in the center.

It was this void that allowed Dagrum's rays to penetrate directly through it, and this monstrous alien beast could manipulate its own flesh at will.

Then thousands of shining hot stars came out of nowhere, it was Pedron's attack, and the tentacles at the front of them gathered energy, and the energy turned into fireballs.

One releases one each, adding up to a dangerous 'starry sky'

The Pedrons that appeared on the earth did not release similar energy attacks, they just fought with their own bodies.

But it's different now, this attack method, this 'release energy' attack method is in line with the characteristics of alien beasts.

Justis already understood the "continuous evolution" characteristic of the alien beast. It was the battle on the earth, and it was the attack just now that allowed the alien beast to learn this attack method.

There seem to be thousands of alien beasts, but in fact they are all single individuals connected by the same thinking network.

The battle on Earth has long been known, so the planet Xenomorph far at the edge of the galaxy and the Pedron it unleashes now learned 'energy release'

Once you find this kind of monster, you should kill it with lightning speed, otherwise the more you fight, the more the opponent will proliferate, the more you will learn, and finally surpass you in turn.

'It's simply a vicious Chaos virus that cannot be purified. '

Justis thought so, the distance between the two sides was enough for him to see the room to avoid.

Even though the barrage looked terrifying, he still quickly evaded, and the assault light arrow thrown out by his right hand at the same time directly wiped out Pedron on the ray.

After releasing the extremely long-distance light technique of Dagrum's rays, the timer on Jestis's chest remained blue, not only because of the ubiquitous light energy in the universe.

He met Pedron, who was nothing to him now, and fought at a speed several times faster than the opponent.

The positions of the two sides changed, and Justis, who had circled behind the enemy, pushed out his fists, and the flash effect destroyed a large number of enemies.

Just keep sprinting, stopping, and attacking, the red giant who maintains a favorable position occupies a dominant position, facing thousands of enemies with one person.

For such a situation, the planet alien beast can see very clearly, it can completely observe through Pedron's vision.

Attack power, speed, these two are completely surpassed.

As for the defense, if you can't even hit, how can you test the opponent's defense?

But that's not a problem, because this is just the beginning.

One earth is enough to support billions of human beings, and this is only the number of human beings, not including animals and plants.

So how many alien beasts can a alien beast factory five times the size of the earth support?

To put it bluntly, the alien beast of the planet is essentially a fusion of a super-huge amount of alien beasts. The more it devours objects, the larger its size will become. As long as it wants to, it can be decomposed at any time, just like changing its own form just now. into billions of individuals.

Watching other individuals being eliminated efficiently, a reaction occurred in its body again, thousands of individuals were split out.

It was going to besiege Justis, to bear the attack of Justis, so that it could experience the power that could make it stronger.

Learning to evolve, the characteristics of the alien beast drive it to act.

The instinct without thinking has been read, and at this moment, without the alien beast itself noticing, an existence has invaded its body.

It is not as intense as light, and compared to the brightness that cannot be ignored no matter what, darkness and shadows are things that are not noticed most of the time.

The benefits of transforming into a giant of darkness were revealed again. At this time, Empat was integrated into the body of the planet's alien beast. He had done the integration with the alien beast in the beginning.

It's just that this time it's done more easily and more covertly, thanks to the characteristics of the dark attribute.

He was able to get here not only by relying on his own strength, not by the so-called means of "one person attracting attention and one person sneaking closer".

Can Ultra Warriors merge with another Ultra Warrior through integration?

Empat took this idea and tested it with Justis on Earth, and he did it.

Not long ago, Justis, who attacked the alien beast on the planet, actually existed in his body. If it was just two Ultra fighters, it probably wouldn't be possible to do this kind of thing, but Empat learned a trick:

'Evade by dematerializing and turning into pure particles during battle'

Simply put, it is a technique of 'dividing the whole into parts'.

Pure particles are not lethal, so he used this technique and the combination of integration to integrate into Jestis' body.

However, the Dagrum beam that Justis bombarded out before performed a "two-stage release" differently from the "single burst" that Justis used in the past.

The first time was pure Dagrum's light, but the second time was different. To put it bluntly, Empat was turned into a part of the light and was directly blasted out.

So he was sent to the surface of the planet. Although it consumed part of the energy, he successfully mixed into the body of the planet's alien beast without realizing it.

Empat intends to destroy the enemy directly from the inside to the outside with lightning speed, but before that, there is one more thing to do.

He immersed himself in his consciousness and followed that route down.

To use an analogy, the consciousness of this alien beast is like a towering tree with a lot of branches all over it.

But the big tree is attached to the soil, where are the roots connected to under the soil?What is nourishing it?

After such contact, what I feel is pure appetite, a greed that is absolutely incompatible with other creatures.

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