And if you go deeper... Empat's surroundings are empty, and you can't see anything.

He didn't know how long he had been sinking, but he felt a strange feeling rising, as if he was suddenly floating to the surface of the water, a sense of release.

Empat didn't forget why he came to this universe, all because of an intuition that he couldn't understand himself.

And now, he found the answer.

At the root of the big tree, there is a mass of pitch black, pure darkness, looking at that darkness... There is no sense of uneasiness.

Yes, pure, peaceful, without chaos.

In the center of this darkness, there is a being standing.

In an instant, a foreign object appeared in the body of the alien creature from the planet, and inside the exploded flesh was a silver giant that hastily landed.

Empat touched his chest, and there was a scalding heat burning inside. If he continued to explore, he would definitely be noticed, he had such a hunch.

And this hunch, this intuition that had led him here was burning again in him.


That was the last thing Empat saw, but there were more important things to do now than that.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, countless flesh and blood twisted into a ball, forming sharp thorns, attacking from all directions.

One face after another appeared above the shrunken flesh wall, including Pedron's, Yabo's, and the Refret and Slan people who escaped from the earth before, and now the faces of 'theirs' Emerging and protruding, it is forming the whole head.

It's just such a thing that the alien beast takes its shape after devouring the creature.

After the faint blue dark flame appeared on Empat's body surface and became a dark giant, the 'overload' has also undergone some changes. The most important thing is that when using this trick, it doesn't seem to be driven by 'light' time berserk.

Of course, while the stability is improved, the strength of reinforcement is also weakened. The so-called gains must be lost.

Surrounding near-stationary raids start to speed up into 'slow'

In the past, the skills that could only be used in the overloaded state gushed out directly, and a large number of blue thunders gushed out from its body surface, and the periphery of the thunder was a blue 'surface'

At this time, Enpat is surrounded by a shield-like energy ball, and this ball expands with the release of core energy.

In just half a second, the surrounding meat-grinding thorns and walls of the meat block were completely wiped out.

Imitating the surface of a supernova explosion, the energy storm with Empat at its core began to expand crazily.

He released all the power in his body, regardless of any remaining energy, the attack began to expand rapidly, reaching the size of the moon in a short time.

However, this is just the beginning, how can the size of a mere moon be compared with such a huge alien beast?

So add more force, keep increasing force.

Empat was in the enemy's body, and he heard the crazy cry, as if there were countless strange beings making piercing calls.

At this moment, a large number of mouths were opened on the surface of the planet's alien beast, and its terrifying eyes turned wildly.

The next moment, the rolling eyes stopped, and blue light gushed out of the open mouth.

The bright blue makes people feel dazzled, and the surface of the alien beast is cracked, as if it was torn apart by an earthquake.

Whether it's its mouth that opened, or the cracks on its surface, it didn't spew out magma, nor did it have corrosive gas liquids, energy attacks, or attacking alien beasts.

It doesn't matter how many tricks this strange beast has failed, because it is dying at an exaggerated speed.

Today's Empat is equivalent to a star, and its huge mass pulls everything around it.

Individuals who wanted to separate and escape found that they could not violate that gravitational force, and the planetary beast began to collapse just like a real planet, and the terrifying gravitational force inside it directly tore the flesh and blood, and pulled them into the destructive blue glow among.

From the perspective of the outside, strong light leaks from the inside, and the entire planet begins to collapse towards the inside.

The entire body of the alien beast began to collapse, so the light inside became more and more dazzling.

Unknowingly, there are only a lot of fragments left on the huge planet to cover the surface of the 'blue star', making people see some 'black spots'

And these black spots are also rapidly disappearing, the giant who made all these in the center of the strong light spread his palms left and right, so the whole star began to shrink crazily, pulling it back into his body.

After the light went out, there was nothing left in that space, only a looming red light spot and two oval 'blue crystals'

Empat Chapter 96 Two-Way Peeping

After the alien beast production factory is eliminated, facing the remaining alien beasts is easy. Empat has to say that mind power is really a very useful skill, very ordinary and strong.

There are not so many fancy ways to use it, but it fits the feature of "assistant" very well. What is consumed when using it is not the energy in the body but the mental power.

Just like what was used in the previous battle on Earth, a large number of alien beasts were gathered into balls and then blasted away in a concentrated manner, leaving nothing behind.

The crisis of the proliferation of alien beasts that may endanger the entire universe has been temporarily resolved, and the problem lies in the existence seen before.

Empat didn't fully see the whole picture of the opponent, the only thing he could be sure of was the pair of wings with a strange sense of sight.

In the past, he had seen that special equipment on Noah's body, and saw different equipment of the same type on Zaki's body.

And now, what happened to those wings?

"I may have found a certain existence that secretly created and manipulated the alien beast."

After the battle, Empat said these words to Justis.

Who is behind the scenes?

Both of them came to this universe essentially to do this thing, but no one expected that things would develop so smoothly, not even Empat himself.

Because in the past, he couldn't find Zaki even if he integrated with the alien beast in another universe, and he couldn't find... that her.

Why did they find each other so easily after arriving in this universe?

He touched his chest again, and there was something hidden under the flicker of the timer, nothing that seemed to be able to activate in the past.

While Empat kept thinking, it was impossible for Justis to be in a daze. The giant from another universe asked this question after a short consideration:

"Can you determine the location of the other party?"


Empat nodded and gave a definite answer.

Justis knew that Empat's condition was not good. Even if the blow just now blown up the solar system, it would not be a problem. After releasing such a skill, it was impossible not to consume it.

"Let's go back and fix it first, and then look for the other party after the state is perfect. This period of time can also allow us to think about countermeasures."

A hasty attack will only lead to self-destruction, and the enemy may have destroyed an unknown number of existences in the universe.

'Based on the words of two people...'

Justis realized he was close to the answer to the riddle, but it might not take two of them to solve it.

The two headed towards the Earth at the same time, because Chris was still there.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Even the technology of alien planets is much stronger than the components of the earth. This is a difference in technology, and development must be used to make up for it.

Moreover, Galufas and Robot Zedon are weapons produced in the same universe, and have metals produced in the same universe.

Now Chris is welding with the tools in his hand, and the damage inside the machine Jayton has been completely repaired.

Corresponding to this, Galufas can no longer see its original appearance, and its shell that has been deformed long ago has lost its original appearance, and it is just pure metal.

After repairing the machine Jayton, he will continue to repair the spaceship, but it should come to an end for now, and the fatigue of the combination of mental labor and physical labor has surfaced.

Chris jumped out from the inside of the robot Jadon, raised his head, and couldn't see the sky, only purple... Can it be regarded as the night sky in a sense?

The purple that symbolizes dark energy flows in this night sky. The strange thing is that he doesn't think it's scary.

The aurora phenomenon is not a spectacle that only exists on the earth. Today, Chris has a sense of sight of a monochromatic aurora flowing in the sky.

The person who made up this night sky still said the word 'protect' after knowing his past.

Think again when the two met for the first time, the other party really fell from the sky like a hero in a storybook.

'Who the hell is he?Who is it? '

Chris knew that it was because of his own deliberate estrangement that he only knew the other person's name. His defensiveness prevented him from getting to know each other and getting closer to each other.

what about now?


I don't know, I really don't know. If I don't do something for a long time, I will become very unfamiliar. The same goes for communicating with people.

Chris didn't know what to say now, but at this moment, the edge of the field fluctuated, as if passing through a layer of water curtain, and the two people who had gone out before came back.


Chris's lips parted slightly, but nothing came out.

Unlike him, Nangong said this after approaching:


"Not too long."

Chris replied immediately, and Fujiwara on the side felt that the conversation was a bit strange for a while.

Nangong also felt strange, that is, did the attitude of the person in front of him change a bit?

' this the discomfort of opening up? '

To be honest, there are not many people in the world who are willing to tell someone everything about themselves. Chris probably broke the string after the mental pressure reached the limit before, so he confessed everything like venting.

'This time should take into account the other party. '

Nangong felt that as a person, it is still necessary to consider others.

"How is the repair of Jadon the Machine?"

He changed the subject, and Chris was happy to get rid of the strange atmosphere just now, so he immediately replied:

"It's been completed. It doesn't matter when it starts up. The spacecraft will take about two days."

"So, speaking of which, can your spaceship travel to other universes?"

After getting the answer, Nangong asked a new important question again.

"Yes, that's how I escaped here."

Chris nodded. The Baxter civilization has long mastered the way of traveling through the multidimensional universe, otherwise it would not have taken Hypageton to other universes for trial production.

"That's fine."

Nangong nodded, this way things will be more convenient.

"Chris, in fact, I hope you can leave this universe after repairing the spaceship and go to the universe where Fujiwara...Jestis is."

The reason for saying this is that Justis searched this universe consciously, which is different from the one he was thrown over.

Even if Nangong leaves this universe, he doesn't know how to return to the Kingdom of Light, and Justis has the corresponding coordinates.

"Wait, you mean I'm going alone?"

Chris is not an idiot, of course he can understand what Nangong said.

A strange feeling rose, which he knew shouldn't arise, but he couldn't help it.

The man in front of me who said 'You can be with me first' not long ago now suddenly said 'You are still alone'

What does it mean?

A strange feeling of being betrayed rose up in his heart, and Chris knew where his psychology came from. He just inevitably responded to the dogmatic feelings for the first person who reached out to him in a high-pressure environment. .

because it is the 'first'

To achieve a two-way relationship, you need to get along with each other. Most of the time, you start with one-way.

"Calm down first."

Nangong hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, he was never the kind of person who likes to see people feel uncomfortable.

"I haven't told you who I am and what I'm doing, have I? I'll tell you all these things now."

To put it bluntly, Nangong actually doesn't have much persistence in the matter of 'hiding his identity'. After all, he was discovered and picked up by someone within two months of becoming an Ultra warrior.

Hearing what he said, Chris also calmed down a lot. The two of them did know about the other unilaterally.

After that, Nangong began to talk about the more important things. After all, if he really wanted to mention all aspects, wouldn't it have to involve the super ancient war?

Although when he was talking, he wanted to complain about Fujiwara standing there and listening together like a normal person.

Along with the words, Chris also gradually understood the status quo.

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