Ultra fighters, multidimensional crisis, and alien beasts.

While he was running for his life, something was going on in the world that was impossible to ignore.

"If this is the case, the enemy must be extremely dangerous. Even if you go to fight, you may not win, right?"

This sentence has the feeling of uplifting others' morale and destroying one's own prestige, but Chris is right.

It is an ideal situation to gather strength first and then formally clash. The reason why we say the ideal situation is that it may not be possible to achieve it.

"If we leave this universe first and then come back, the enemy will probably disappear. Our knowledge of the enemy is zero. What if the opponent is the type who likes to play hide-and-seek to hide himself? He just needs to keep hiding and continue to create more overlaps , more and more universes will be destroyed.”

Nangong believes that when the number of universes is reduced to a certain extent, it will be easier to find traces of the enemy.

But he was unwilling to accept such a thing, so he cut off the tragedy from here.

"Since Fujiwara came prepared, there should be a way to contact his companions, right?"

Chris turned the conversation to Fujiwara on the other side, and upon hearing what he said, Fujiwara nodded and then shook her head again. She had already discussed this matter with Nangong on the way home.

"To release a signal that can be captured by other universes, there must be strong fluctuations. The other party will be aware of it at the moment the signal is sent. Since we don't know the enemy's intelligence, we should carry out a surprise attack instead of sitting on the sidelines."

It is such a simple judgment that everything can be ended by taking down the enemy before the enemy reacts.

Now we need a person who can deliver the enemy's intelligence, and Chris just has this condition.

No matter what Nangong or Fujiwara said is reasonable, Chris can only come to the same conclusion after understanding it.


'Because I'm not an Ultra warrior? '

If you don't know how strong the enemy is, you have to fight the opponent. Even if you save the multidimensional universe, there are tens of thousands of people. I don't know how many people don't know about this, and they won't be grateful for it.

It can be said that it is for self-rescue, but...it is normal for the "pebbles" that explore the road to fall into the water. As a single individual, this is equivalent to actively taking risks.

Chris didn't understand that thought, he just nodded.

Although you don't understand, you won't criticize and criticize. This is a necessary respect.

"I see, I will continue to repair the spaceship now."

It’s just that this approach is equivalent to leaving the two of them behind, and the flow rates between different universes are likely to be completely different.

Maybe the support came just right, or maybe the support came a little too late. For people who can travel through different universes, everyone knows this.

Chris stood up again, and he turned to the spaceship on that side.

Just as Nangong was watching the back, he suddenly heard a sentence from beside him:

"Maybe it's okay to leave me here alone."

Fujiwara made such a proposal, and she continued:

"I can see something hidden in your eyes. Those things make you linger. I have seen it in another person before."

Gauss... No, it should be Gauss and Musashi. When she met Gauss again and fought Gauss later, she noticed that the other party had become different from before. It was a connection.

A feeling of having someone you value and learning something from someone you value.

Fujiwara knew that she had something like that in the past, but she discarded it because of Santos' change, and finally picked it up again on Earth.

"You still have someone you want to see and protect."

Her words were true, Nangong shook his head after being silent for a while.

"But I'd rather leave a world where they can live."

Different from the entanglement in the past, Nangong now knows what he should do.

If this crisis is not resolved, everyone will have no future, and the enemy is right in front of us, yes, right here...


Obviously there is no heart, but it feels like the heart is beating.

As if his heartbeat would speed up when he was nervous, Nangong felt that something was beating violently in his chest, telling him something was wrong.

He experienced this feeling not long ago, it was————

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Distance, space, everything is meaningless.

The entire universe doesn't make sense, or it doesn't make sense to people who don't care.

'It's a feeling of being seen, of being perceived. '

So to find that source, so leave any planet where it was originally and move forward.

"Noah, just like you can feel me, I can feel you too, but it's impossible for you not to know this, so..."

The stars, the sun, the moon, the stars move, stepping on this dead red land, spanning billions of light years, beyond distance and space, he stands here, standing in this long dead world.

Empat Chapter 97 Invincible

Mars, the land that human beings hope to develop, the land that human beings place their hopes on, and another dead earth that may have had life in the past.

Of course, those are all just imaginations. After all, humans today do not have the technology to migrate and develop, and it is so difficult to even reach Mars.

Right now on this planet, under the red sky, a being has landed here.

Its figure seems invisible, unable to be seen, whether it is perception or vision, it is just a black shadow.

But the black mist floating on its body that cannot be ignored is not real, but the warrior's intuition is telling it this way—the imposing manner, the strength, this kind of feeling is now materialized in this existence.


The black shadow's body is both blurred and clear, the blur is because it doesn't know its reality, and the clarity is because it can witness the whole body.

This is where the weirdness lies. The completely opposite concepts of vagueness and clarity are completely integrated into one person.

After a short pause, the black shadow took a step forward, and the wind picked up dust and brushed against his body.

"I advise you to leave obediently."

Without sound, telepathy acts directly on consciousness.


There is no sign of any life on the entire planet, but there is nothing in the true sense.

Now Empat is hiding on this planet. What is the power in his body that reminded him of danger?

The answer is 'Meta Field'

In other words, it was the power that Noah gave him before he fell asleep, and that power allowed him to travel through different universes.

And it was this power that allowed him to perceive a certain existence peeping at him. Empat knew that Noah was seriously injured in the process of chasing something, one of them was Zaki, and the other?

There is no basis, but he knows that this person on Mars is the so-called 'king of alien beasts'

And the other party has already noticed his existence.

'Is it induction?Is it mind power?Or some ability I don't know about? '

About 3 minutes ago, he noticed the peeping on him on the earth, and it was this peeping that made him forcibly pull out the power in his body.

The crystallized power is being thrown away on the other side of Mars, functioning as a bait to lure the opponent.

In other words, if the enemy uses the previous peeping method, the only thing the enemy can see is the decoy on the other side of Mars.

But now, the enemy is speaking to him on this side of Mars?

'No, maybe he's just cheating on me. '

The moment this thought arises, that calm voice reappears:

"If you dare materialize from the wind and attack me, you will die."


Wind, Martian wind, there is indeed such a thing on this land. Enpat, which has been broken into parts and turned into transparent dark particles, is actually all over this planet, and those winds are essentially his body.

It seems that what Sombra issued was not a warning, but a sentence, a sentence of death.


Some kind of fear felt in the overlapping universe in the past is aroused again, what is the cold feeling of being seen through?

'No, it's just because the high-dimensional observation magnifies my perception, which causes that level of mental oppression. '

Thinking in Empat's heart like this, his shocked heart calmed down again.

The feeling of 'I can't win' has appeared more than once in his life, yet he has survived, won, and is used to fighting for his life.

Empty your heart and calm down, don't think about the past now, don't think about others, just think about the enemy in front of you.

At this instant, Martian Wind changed shape, and from there appeared a blue-eyed giant.

Empat didn't even have the slightest movement to charge up, and the arms combined into an L shape emitted black Zapelio rays.

Facing this blow, Sombra didn't turn his head back, he just dodged to the side and dodged the ray.

' is not an invisible action. '

According to Empat's judgment, the moment Zapelio's light blew past the black shadow, the black light changed its posture.

It is the dark particles in his body that make up the light, so emitting light is not necessarily an 'attack'

Can also be 'change own position'

The application method further developed on the ability of 'dividing parts into parts' allowed Empat to instantly shorten the distance. Now his body is wrapped in dark flames, the overload has been activated, and the red dark blade gushing from the inside of the wrist armor on his right arm has taken shape. .

This was a pincer attack from both sides. The remaining phantom at his original position swung his right arm, and then the whole phantom shattered into particles, forming a giant blue wheel of light that quickly struck.

The pincer attack has been formed, and Empat stabs forward with the dark blade.

In an instant, the enemy in front of him disappeared.


Seeing nothing, nothing.

I didn't feel anything, and the space was stable.

The unrealized dark particles are still floating on this land as the wind, and they feel nothing.

The particle radar didn't pick up anything, nothing moved.

But... what is this pain?There shouldn't be any enemies around, but...

Behind Empat, a black shadow stood, and he said in Empat's ear:

"As I said, you will die the moment you attack me."

Empat felt the pain, as previously declared, and that pain came from 'penetrating'

From the center of the back, a pitch-black palm had penetrated.

From the very center of the chest, a sharp hand knife has been pierced.

Empat's timer could no longer warn of danger, because the blue crystal was full of cracks before it could flash, and was finally completely shattered.

The black shadow was very close to Empat, so close that he almost leaned against Empat.

It's just that compared with this gentle movement, the hand knife that completely pierced Empat's chest and shattered the timer was extremely cold.

Empat could feel his limbs and whole body twitch with the sudden pain.

"This, this ability..."

It's not pure speed, because the particle radar doesn't respond.

It is not manipulating the space, because the space is stable without the slightest abnormality.

Not speed, not space, then what?what else?

'Space, space, space, space, space, space, space, time. '

Is it pure intuition?Or is it because I have seen another Zaki who came across time and space?

Empat's consciousness was active in severe pain and had such a guess, he could only think about it in this way.

After the previous cognitions were useless, wild thoughts became so reliable.

'Impossible, but that's all I can think of! '

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