The next moment, the intense pain came again, coming from that arm, because the other party planned to pull this hand out.

The blades intersected, and the dark blade pierced from the back of Empat's wrist armor accompanied by the backward elbow hit nothing.

There was no reaction, no fluctuation, just a black shadow appeared in front of my eyes.


Hearing the sound of tearing, Empat's shoulders were cut off, his chest was cut open, the body barrier did not work, and the hard red breastplate was also split.

"Enpat, your battle is over here."

The black shadow said so, his palm knife still remained in Empater's body, embedded from the shoulder, all the way to the abdomen, a large number of particles gushed out like a fountain.

The big hole in the chest took away the timer, the knife wound on the right shoulder made the injury worse, Empat's body leaned back and began to fall, his upper body became incomplete, and half of his body, including his right arm, looked like a crooked straw Generally shaking.

Those blue eyes, which were not extinguished, still reflected the black shadow into the field of vision.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


It was a sound, a cracking sound, and she was awakened by this sound, and she, who was no longer a girl, woke up from her deep sleep.

The surroundings are not dark, the lights in the room are still bright, and the moonlight outside the window just exists silently.

This is one of the countless multidimensional universes, a universe where a man named 'Nangong Lan' left traces, and he once borrowed the identity of 'Kazama Kazama' here.

But now, Kazama Xili woke up from her drowsiness, she was shocked and quickly looked under the bed.


As the sound made, there were shards of glass surrounding the face-down picture frame.

Xi Li hurriedly picked up the photo frame, and the old group photo inside became blurred due to the spreading cracks.

"......Really annoying."

As she said this, this kind of situation, which seemed to be an ominous omen in literary works, made her feel very uncomfortable.

Especially when there are important things to do tomorrow, I always feel uneasy when such a signal comes suddenly.

But she had to deal with it, so after sighing, Xi Li sat up straight against the white wall on the other side of the bed and looked at the unturned lights.

"It's been two months..."

Two months ago, the monster that claimed to be 'THE ONE' also said that it wanted to enslave human beings and make human beings completely extinct.

As a result, the giant who descended from the sky, the giant who was very similar to his father, appeared and solved the monster.

And then... one magical thing after another.

The multidimensional universe, Ultra warriors, another earth, other civilizations, and...Tiga.

'Really can?Can it be done just by relying on this? '

Xi Li stared at the group photo she put on the table, and the cracked photo frame suddenly became clear. When the glass fell completely, the internal photos were presented in front of the viewers.

'Where the hell are you doing now? '

she thought.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The body is collapsing because of serious injuries.

How much time has passed?Have five seconds?

Have fallen into such a situation before even five seconds?This serious injury situation?

'I can only think of time. '

Empat had such a cognition in his heart:

'Invincible, if it is really time manipulation, it is the ability to be invincible. '

The two sides can't even compete on the same stage, how is it manipulated?Not sure.

Are they moving at different points in time?Is it turning back time?or something else?

Empat didn't fall down, he froze. He applied his thoughts to his body so that he didn't fall down. The particles that spewed out were still frightening.

He took a step forward, raised his left arm to slash at the enemy, and swung the arm blade formed inside the wrist armor together.

'Blind corner, around my dead corner. '

Empat kept thinking, he had to speculate on the enemy's movements, otherwise he would always be passive.

Enemies initially appear behind him, which is a blind spot.

Then he appeared in the front after counterattacking back, which is also a dead end.

Will it be a dead end next time?Or-----


How many rounds of confrontation are there in such a short period of time?

Just at this moment, the black figure on Empat's left side made a sound in surprise, his chest was hit, and the dark blade gushing out from behind the wrist armor of Empat's left arm scratched his body.

There were no sparks, some were just the friction sound after hitting a hard object, some were just dark particles that exploded after the dark blade hit a hard object, and some were black shadows that jumped back a certain distance.

After the black shadow pulled away for a short distance, Empat's body, which was forcibly supported by his thoughts, fell forward in an imbalance. Twitching from the impact.

"Crack, snap, snap."

This is the voice Empat heard. Not far from him, the shadow's palms touched and he was clapping.


After offering applause, Sombra gave such an evaluation again.

"It seems that you have seen through my ability. The prediction and counterattack are so accurate that I have to praise you. You deserve to be the one who defeated Zaki. Even if the beast is just a boring fake, it is still Enoah. As a prototype, you are indeed a fighting genius, just like..."

Having said that, Sombra stopped again.

"You are entitled to see my gesture."

Empat, who supported himself with his left arm, tried his best to stand up. He turned his head, and the existence that had been covered in black before revealed a red crystal first.


Of course Empat had seen the crystal, the red crystal that looked like flapping wings.

'Noah?No, that's not right...'

If Noah is a silver-white giant, the one in front of him is a black giant. The black stripes on his body are like engraved thunders. The wings on his back are different from Noah's.

The light Noah has milky white eyes, but what about the dark?

"My name is Lucifer, the original darkness."

Lucifer has the same blue eyes as Empat, and the crystal in the center of his forehead looks like the devil's third eye.

Empat Chapter 98 Time and Space

When he stepped into this piece of red soil, he had already noticed the abnormality. Something was mixed in the wind, or the wind was made of something.

Lucifer, the giant who used this name no matter in the distant past or now, is not as praised by everyone as his corresponding existence. He knows that what he is doing is a taboo that is taboo.

Some of Noah's power is on the other side of the planet, and it was the existence holding this power that peeped at him before.

I remember it was called... Empat.

That posture, or that giant posture...

There are always similarities in different universes. The Otts, Lebrondo, Absolut, and natural imitations popped up one after another.

Thinking of this, Lucifer took a step forward, which caused countless cracks to spread.

No one except one person could notice that step on time, in that only one future, Empat stabbed out the arm blade in the surprise attack, and the light wheel behind also attacked.

The wind is its body, and the light is also its body. The dark giant who fully utilizes his own characteristics is an undoubted genius, but...

Now that you have seen it, you will definitely know how to deal with it.

"I advise you to leave obediently."

Lucifer passed on his thoughts. If possible, he really didn't want to solve the familiar counterfeit by himself.

"If you dare materialize from the wind and attack me, you will die."

The time under its feet is like a clear stream, and the future in the water mirror remains unchanged.

Deterrence and announcements didn't work, and Empat would still attack, or take the initiative to seek death.

'what a pity. '

There is no need to turn back at all, just like the picture seen on the only timeline under your feet, Empat, who turned into light, attacked from behind.

Lucifer took a random step to the side to avoid the direct hit of the light, and when the light could not hit directly, the back hand of the first step was exposed, and the materialized Empat condensed the dark blade to slash.

In the second step, the back hand is the phantom on the other side. The phantom that can attack turns the energy that constitutes itself into a light wheel, and attacks from the other side.

Some people like to fight purely by instinct in battle, but in fact most people are like this.

In the fierce confrontation, there is not so much time to think, even if you want to think, you may not be able to think of anything, so you just rely on instinct.

And some people will continue to think about the second and third steps after taking the first step in the battle. This is actually a precious talent for fighters, just like the current Empat like that.


Lucifer is still standing on the road of time.

'Time is already under my control, I have seen your actions clearly from the beginning, so! '

The dimensions are completely different, just like the so-called 'higher dimension' that Empat thought about before, Lucifer is standing in a different dimension.

What happens when you take a step back?

The wind flowed backwards, and the operation of the entire universe was suddenly reversed for a few seconds.

Lucifer, who was supposed to be in the flank, returned to his original position. For a moment, the road extending from where he was standing now began to blur, leading to the future of being flanked.

There is only one Lucifer in the world, and there is only one Noah in the world. The original universe is unique, and at the moment of its destruction, that uniqueness still rests on these two.

When Lucifer stepped back to a more forward time, the enemy that Empat should have flanked disappeared.

In all timelines, in all multidimensional universes, there is only one person, Lucifer, who walks on the timeline independently divided by himself.

"You can't know exactly what will happen in the future, you can only speculate but you can't witness it. You are an incomplete creature that can only live in the present."

Lucifer casually walked behind Empat. The opponent's slashing movement was still going on, but he didn't know what he was slashing.

"Now, I choose this future."

One is the future of Empat's pincer attack on Lucifer.

One, is Lucifer heading towards a position in the future.

The two futures were forcibly integrated, Empat carried out a pincer attack, and Lucifer moved to a position.

At a fixed moment, Empat slashed and fell into the empty space, and Lucifer indeed walked to the position he wanted, and that position was the best position.


What the palm knife penetrated was a barrier of fixed energy, then the opponent's body, and finally reached the back of the extremely hard crystal.

"As I said, you will die the moment you attack me."

Lucifer whispered ruthless words.

' Vulnerable. '

He thought to himself, because he knew he could win without manipulating time, it would just be a little harder.

At this moment, the integrated timeline extends into a new future, and that future shows that Empat, whose body has been penetrated, will fight back.

Only one person's time was rewound, and Lucifer returned to his original position again, this time he just walked straight forward a few steps.

The two tributaries are united, and the raised sword condenses terrifying dark energy.

"You don't even realize I'm attacking you."

There was a little pity in Lucifer's tone, it was like a time traveler jumping non-stop, ambush the future from the past, and people who can only live in the present can neither see the future nor know what they know The past is different from the actual past.

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