Empat's memory was stuck before it was modified, yet the past has changed.

Time and space, the perfect fusion of the two abilities creates the ability to 'integrate the timeline'.

Lucifer chooses the past and the future he wants, and then the past of the central connection is formed at this moment.

It wasn't the light but it was comparable to the light. Lucifer's hand knife split Empat's shoulders, breastplate, and body.

"Enpat, your battle is over here."

The declaration was issued again, and Lucifer drew out his hand knife, allowing Empat in front to fall backwards.

But the battle is not over yet, because the existence in front of him is not yet completely dead.

Lucifer saw the future again, and saw the picture of the giant in front of him forcibly supporting his body to fight back against him. The way of not giving in when he was in a desperate situation really explained Zaki's death.

The imitation beast and the imperfect man, the former is just a wretch, and even those thoughts have been instilled in it by himself, and...

'The beast's vain attempt to master power that does not belong to itself is the consequence of that. '

Did Lucifer feel that a certain universe was divided into three similar universes in a certain period of time, did humans create a time machine and then create the so-called 'parallel universe'?

Funny, that's just a residual effect.

If it stands above the timeline, time itself loses its meaning.

What is the future?what is the past

The moment Zaki gained his wings, all the flow of time in that universe was disrupted, both the past and the future fluctuated, and because of this, the so-called time machine was able to work.

Zaki's ending is set by himself, and he must die the moment he acquires the wings that allow humanity's time machine to function.

The beast gained power but could not control it, and its mere existence had a huge impact on time, so it also died from the backlash of this power in the end.

Disgusting, yet again increasing the number of universes.

Thinking is temporarily suspended here, and Lucifer once again witnessed the picture of the future.

'When you see the participants, you can't help but associate them. '

Empat in front of him is an existence left in that chaotic timeline, and now he is about to fight back.

At the end of the timeline, the opponent's left arm aimed at his right body and pierced the arm blade. This was a prediction, and it was predicted that this side would attack from a dead angle.

If the enemy has a huge wound that is difficult to conceal and defend, why should you attack other places?

So Lucifer attacks, he chooses to go around to Empat's left side, because Empat's only left arm will thrust to the right.

It was also at this moment that Lucifer saw the attack after the prediction was over.


Even though he was surprised, Lucifer still avoided the thrust. The thrust to the right was only Empat's first attack, and the back hand was the wrist armor that could release dark energy at both ends.

'See through my ways?No, not just the way of action. '

Lucifer stared at the enemy whose body had been divided, the vital timer had been shattered, and now it was difficult to recover.

After finishing the attack, the opponent almost fell to the ground, using his knees and left arm to support himself not to fall down, but the seriously injured right half of his body drooped like some paper.

'A simple course of action?Or did he directly see through my abilities? '

Lucifer raised his palms after a short thought, no matter which one is worthy of praise, he is more inclined to look up to his opponent than to look down on his opponent.

"Crack, snap, snap."

Applause sounded, of course, this might be a bit of a mockery to the enemy.


Lucifer praised aloud, he never hated talented people, and a little interest arose.

"It seems that you have seen through my ability. The prediction and counterattack are so accurate that I have to praise you. You deserve to be the one who defeated Zaki. Even if the beast is just a boring fake, it is still Enoah. As a prototype, you are indeed a fighting genius, just like..."

The distant memory was recalled, Lucifer looked at the prostrate enemy and sighed for a while, maybe, maybe, the person in front of him is...

"You are entitled to see my gesture."

Lucifer released the dark energy surrounding his body, revealing his original posture in front of others.

It's just a pity that he didn't feel anything from Empat, nor did it shock the other party, and the hostility still didn't change in any way.

'It's really as expected. '

Lucifer laughed at himself in his heart, he snuffed out the nostalgia and anticipation that had arisen, what should he do next?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

What to do next?

This question is exactly the thinking engraved in Empater's mind. He has to think about this matter. His character of always thinking about it may also exercise his calmness in times of crisis.

'Manipulating time, is it arbitrary manipulation or is there any restriction?The only thing that is certain now is that he should only be able to control it for a short time. '

Otherwise, the second prediction will not hit.

Empat just completed the attack after predicting the opponent's prediction. This is a practice.

The problem is that predicting this kind of thing is "guessing" to put it bluntly.

Since it is a guess, it is an unreliable game of luck after all. In this situation, if you guess wrong again, you will die. It is better to say that you are already dying now.

"It'll be easier if you just close your eyes like this."

Lucifer took a step, and then he saw the future again. It seemed that the other party's choice was not easy.

At the end of the timeline, Empat stood up again and fought back, but that gesture...

This moment was over, and when the next moment came, the ground under their feet exploded, and Lucifer, who appeared behind Empat, had punched hard but was blocked.

"Do you still have to resist even if you turn into a monster?"

Lucifer saw a large number of tentacles and tentacles, which are not the characteristics that should be in the Otto family. The giant of light will not become such a thing, but if it is a giant of darkness, it can alienate others. can do it.

'certainly. '

Empat's answer didn't come in words, he just did it with his actions.

The right half of the body was cut open?Then don't over there body.

The spewing dark particles reunited at this moment, but they failed to form an arm or a new body, but violently changed into shapes and mixed together. The dark energy turned into tentacles, and dozens of blue tentacles emerged from the Gushing out of the wounds, they blocked Lucifer's punches like a shield.

And this was just the beginning, Empat had more than one wound, the hole in his chest was filled, but the filled part boiled like boiling water.

Boiling to the end, a large number of spikes burst out from there.

Empat's back was full of needles, as if he had turned into a hedgehog. The right half of his body fell off completely and shattered, and more tentacles gushed out from there.

After completing the evasion, Lucifer once again saw the short future, but he did not choose the future he wanted and integrate the timeline as before. If you want to ask why, it is because he has completely seen through Empat plan.

"Are you going to surpass my prediction? Then let me see how far you can go!"

Lucifer took a step forward and turned sideways, that action symbolized the beginning of the battle.

Empat Chapter 99 Goodbye

There is no need to look, this is Lucifer's judgment.

Since the other party already knows that he can manipulate time and see the future and do something, he must know that the original method will not work.

Prejudging your prediction may sound like a powerful thing to say, but it is actually quite difficult.

Empat knew that this was not a long-term solution, nor could it be relied upon, so he alienated himself with dark energy.

'The future predicted by Lucifer is not far away, otherwise the counterattack I tested would not be able to hit. '

This is only the second step. If the other party sees a farther future and takes the third step, he will already be dead.

Then the key to everything lies in the third and fourth steps, making the other party's predictions meaningless.

So now Empat has temporarily abandoned the human form, and he doesn't know what he will alienate into next, even he himself doesn't know what it will become, and even he himself doesn't know what he will initiate next Such an attack.

Alienation is going on all the time, even if Lucifer can see the first time and the second time, he can't see the third time and the fourth time.

'Forecasts do not last long and cannot be used continuously. '

If it can be used continuously, wouldn't it be good to connect directly twice and then predict the third step and the fourth step?

'This is the end. '

Lucifer in front of Empat has already turned his body sideways and made a fighting gesture, and Empat's attack method is - thrusting.

"You are both ugly and beautiful."

According to Lucifer's evaluation, a large number of tentacles coming from the front have sharp front ends, and today's dark giant has become an alien.

No one has to admit that that posture is very ugly, but the choice and will to take the initiative to transform into this posture is so beautiful, and the two are compatible, which is admirable.

The next moment, Lucifer punched forward with a straight fist, and the gathered dark energy exploded the moment it collided with the tentacles.

Hundreds of pieces were thrown into the sky, and Empat's tentacles exploded at the moment of contact with the straight fist.

Yet the power gap is on display here:

The tentacles gushing out of Empat's wound are rapidly disintegrating, Lucifer's dark energy is erosive, and the purple fire burns Youlan and spreads rapidly.

He had to abandon the unusable tentacles, and the wound was exposed again.

The enemy's figure only came into view for a moment, and when Empat saw the enemy again, the two were already so close.

Lucifer's body flipped forward, he was covered by the boulder, and over the boulder, the ground that was thrown into the sky by the conflict between the two now became his cover.

Without keeping a hand, the tomahawk kicked down on Empat's defensive left arm.


Ben was at an altitude of a thousand meters, and now it was lowered to 200 meters. Empat felt that his left arm was about to be crushed directly, and the wound that was hit was overflowing with particles, which were colliding with the corrosive purple fire.

The arm was divided into two parts, the upper arm connected to the shoulder could be felt, and the part where the purple fire was burning and connected to the palm had already lost consciousness.

The gravel was flying, the dust was dancing, and Empat suddenly looked up from half kneeling on the ground. Only now did he notice that there was something wrong with the gravel in the sky.

'He did it on purpose. '

Almost none of those stones were small, and even the smallest ones were big enough for Lucifer to hide.

Borrowing the stones as cover, and borrowing the speed far surpassing Empat, Lucifer moved quickly and shortened the distance.

The number of those stones is large enough and dense enough that they are simply rubble belts floating in the atmosphere of Mars. Lucifer can switch and hide quickly when they are close to each other.

Where is he now?

The thought power released by Empat was neutralized by the thought power, and the gap between the two sides was large enough. However, Lucifer did not have any plans to take it lightly and attacked with all his strength.

Can't find the enemy's position?

Empat twisted his head, and he found the vague shadow.

It has nothing to do with speed or prediction, it's just 'radar'

Since there is no time jump, Lucifer does exist on this Mars. The Martian wind formed by Empat with a part of his body is a particle radar, and the radar shows Lucifer's position.

After that rock, perspective...not perspective.

The body that was undergoing alienation anytime and anywhere produced new alienation. Empat's eyes exploded, and the two blue-black beams blasted from there directly penetrated the stone, destroying nothing left of it.

Lucifer, who was dodging from that rear, kept moving, but Empat didn't, he just kept chasing the enemy figure with his eyes, the head turned into a turret, and wherever the line of sight went was where the ray went.

Two beams of striking air hit the universe, and Lucifer's response was very simple. The purple light surging in his palm split at the moment of throwing out, and dozens of energy balls surrounded and attacked.

At this time, the center of the hollow in Empat's chest was hit by the thunder that exploded, and the dark thunder shot from there crazily strafed, detonating those energy balls in advance.

The purple light illuminated half of the planet, and Lucifer also fell to the ground completely. He sprinted forward and closed the distance. Empat's left fist was clenched. Is he going to attack?

Fist and fist, and then exploded with a bang.

Empat's body shattered as if overwhelmed in the fistfight, and his left half of his body was completely rotten.

What Lucifer saw was a lot of flashes, those blue ones were like stars, and now the stars are exploding one by one.

And what about Empat's mutilated body?Now he has dissimilated into a snake-like characteristic, that riddled body is like the old skin shed by a snake, and a new body 'grows' from the wound

He learned this method from Zaki, and now he has condensed dark blades on his intact arms by using this trick to go around Lucifer's side.

Cut, but slow.


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