At this moment, all over the city, the towering tentacles began to collapse, and their ashes-turned roots naturally could no longer support the top.

The chaotic city became bright due to the raging of THE ONE. A large number of pillars of fire tore through the ground, burned the tentacles, and destroyed the gloomy clouds. The giant that made up this flame straightened its body.

THE ONE's plan to hold the entire city hostage failed, his plan was destroyed before it even started, why did it happen?

All because Tiga 'already knew'

What are alien beasts?He is well aware that not only one universe is facing such a crisis.


THE ONE's words stopped halfway through his abdomen, and he was pierced through a hole.

After Di Jia's right fist was inserted into THE ONE's body, it was strengthened again, and he lifted the alien beast in front of him with his right arm alone.

He lifted the huge thing high and threw it into the sky, which was the precursor to the final blow.

"You, do you think you've won!"

THE ONE couldn't control his body, the destructive currents in his body paralyzed his movements, making him unable to do anything.

The annoyance of having his plans ruined calm down after accepting a small defeat and destroying this body of his?Save the city?so what?

"Where do you think this is? This is a planet under my control!"

On the ground, Di Jia's palms crossed in front, and then horizontally opened left and right, the pure white lines gathered the white light of quicksand.

"Despair starts now!"

As THE ONE said, he transferred his will to other 'bodies'

The number of alien beast factors on the earth is exaggerated, how many people can a giant of yours protect?

Just hugging this broken city and lingering on——


What is this in front of you?What is this obscuring thing?

"It won't be yours any more."

It was the first time Di Jia spoke, his tone was a little angry, and the L-shaped arms released pure white light, and the heat blasted towards the upper corner directly lifted THE ONE's body from the world. Erase nothing left.

THE ONE traveled from one corner of the earth to the other. Just as his consciousness was transferred from the original body to the newly formed body, the new body was completely shattered.


Swelling, shattering, and once again the whole body exploded without doing anything.

Consciousness was continuously transferred, and the body continued to explode. The death of the alien beast was even faster than the transfer of its consciousness. After several deaths, THE ONE found that there was no body on the entire surface that could be transferred.

He escaped from the surface into the underground, the surface has become a forbidden place.


But is it safe to go underground?

THE ONE, who fled in embarrassment, exploded again. What caused this?

He realized that his body self-destructed and exploded after receiving the infusion of a certain energy. It couldn't work here, but it had to go down, down, and down, to a place that no one could touch.

The alien animal factors that can make up the body are wiped out at an exaggerated speed, but it doesn't matter, as long as the main body is still there, it can continue to reproduce and regenerate.

Therefore, a large number of pieces of alien beast meat were combined together to form the so-called 'city wall' to block the rear and then be eliminated.

'The most important thing now is to escape to a place where there is no interference! '

THE ONE's thinking is extremely clear, and he did exactly that.

Finally, the impact from above completely disappeared. He didn't know what attacked him, and he didn't know what the new giant was. The resulting fear began to weaken after he escaped from the sky.


"Finally see you."


Hearing such a sentence, where is this place?

In this world eroded by a large number of alien beast factors, why do they exist?

What is going on?What the hell happened?

Gaia and Aguru are standing here, they are not V1, but V2, which is the proof of the abundant power of the earth.

However, the earth was severely depleted after the battle five years ago, and a large part of it is still eroded by the alien beast factor. How could it be possible to squeeze out new power?

It is impossible for the two earth giants who were too weak to survive before———

The fallen sword blades crossed into an X shape, and there was no blood, and the slashed position was completely evaporated.

The blades of light protrude from the front of the palms of Agur and Gaia. With this movement, the energy gushing out from the inside of the earth completely eliminates the existence of heterogeneity.

What fell from the surface of the earth, and what spewed out from the core of the planet, the two forces merged in the collision, just like the intersection of water and a large number of tributaries extending.

The faint green light is like a plant, which symbolizes life. The earth itself is eliminating the alien beasts and the germs that corrode it.

"How, how is it possible!"

The words were spoken, and then THE ONE's mouth was pierced directly. The light blade in Aguru's palm was extremely solid, and he quickly pulled up and cut his head to create a new wound.

"I don't want to hear your voice anymore."

As Aguru said, five years, and the battles five years ago, anger, pain, sadness, depression, everything will come to an end here.

"I will crush you to pieces, and a thousand swords will pierce your heart!"

In an instant, the traces of the sword were engraved in the air, and Aguru's slashing and stabbing were perfectly blended, and each attack could take away a part of the enemy's body, which was no different from Ling Chi.

The vitality of the alien beast prevented THE ONE from dying immediately, and it was precisely because he did not die immediately that he could only watch his body being chopped, destroyed, and pierced.

He can't fight back, can't escape, the tributaries of the planet travel through the interior and exterior of the entire earth, not only that, a large number of tributaries are ejected from the surface, and swim in the interior of the sea.

This is not the energy that the earth alone can have. Where does this energy come from?

It shouldn't be like this, how could it be like this, why would something inexplicable come out to stop it in the end?

THE ONE's consciousness didn't figure it out until it disappeared, and he couldn't figure it out either.

Even Gaia and Aguru didn't know where the power came from. The only person who could understand this was Tiga who was standing in the city at this time. He raised his head, and the place where he is now is not the night , Even so, you can see a lot of emerald light.

Traveled through different universes, followed the trace of a person, and even developed more new technologies.

Inside the huge battleship, a young man in black and white clothes raised his still shackled hands to caress his chin.

"It seems that the energy inside the earth is more than those planets seen before, and the immune system is working perfectly."

"Although you are a bad person, I have to say that you are indeed very talented."

"Haha, isn't it best to put your bad words behind your back?"

The fleet capable of crossing parallel universes is well-equipped, and there are quite a few people on board this fleet, and one of the most important people is the developer of interdimensional equipment—Tregia.

And now the woman beside him shrugged, she didn't think it was a bad word at all.

"The so-called suppression before promotion, I am praising your talent that is really unnecessary."

Diana, a scientist from the Baltan civilization, once again looked at the earth below. The emerald light was like flowing water, spraying and falling, turning into rain of light and falling to the earth.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There is no light, no darkness, and a completely isolated space. It took a lot of work to make this prison. This small world that does not penetrate even a little bit of energy is indeed the best quiet place for energy life forms. .

Nothing can be absorbed, and the efficiency of recovery is also locked. Speaking of this, the Ott family who has been treated this way throughout the ages is probably the only one besides Beria.

'I don't know how Taro will react when he knows this. '

Then again, he probably wouldn't even know about this, after all, this is another universe far away.

In such a space, it is extremely difficult to even calculate time. When the body moves slightly, although it does not feel rusty, it does have a dull feeling that has not moved for a long time.

Unknowingly, even the original posture is not maintained, only the human posture is sleeping here, which may be a means of saving energy.

If a person can't do anything and can only stay in one place forever, then this can't be regarded as alive, but can only be regarded as torture.

Kirisaki leaned against the wall and raised his head, the place was still airtight and nothing could be seen.

He has been imprisoned here since losing that battle, why not kill him?

"Should I sigh that luckily all I killed were scum?"

He had no interest in killing people, and the reason why he did that at the time was just to test Dyna's spirit.

On the earth, he has protected the earth in an objective sense and saved many people.

However, considering his assistance to the old imperial army and helping prisoners escape from prison earlier, if the merits and demerits of the two sides conflict...

"When will I be imprisoned, should I be released? If I stay any longer, I will dismantle this me here and change to another world, although it has already been changed."

God knows what other Tregears in other worlds are doing. The ability inherited from the evil god has blurred the life and death of the individual 'Tregear'.

The so-called cloning issue does not apply to Tregia, after all, there are too many.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, there was still no response from the outside, so Kirisaki yawned. What he felt was not only the concept of life and death, but also the concept of rules.

'I'm not really going to die, so of course I can do whatever I want'

This kind of simple and crude concept in the past is inevitable, and there is only one reason why he is willing to sit here, and that is the "gambling game"

Even if the blue-eyed guy sounded good at the beginning, he had to face the reality. That's how Kirisaki made a bet on his own, wanting to see whether the bet would win or lose.

It should be long enough to be here, how many generational changes will this time bring?

What kind of psychology will a person who remains unchanged in the changing times have?

So much to look forward to...huh?


Kirisaki felt something, and bluntly said that it was not the sound that the prison should have when it was opened.

In order to confirm that he heard correctly, he pressed his cheek against the wall, and used his hearing to confirm in this small space where even perception was blocked.

'The person who made this cell must be someone who knows enough about the Ultra family. Really, isn't exposing one's own characteristics the same as telling others about one's weaknesses?It's a shame that you dare to trust others so much. '

Feeling troubled by the situation at this time, Kirisaki listened intently, and then heard some kind of...the sound of drilling?

Instead of opening layer by layer, it broke into the inside violently. What exactly is that?

This prison is hard enough to make such a sound, which is proof of the conflict of hardness.

To put it simply, someone came to rob the prison?

There was a smile on the corner of Kirisaki's mouth, and he took a step back and put his palms together. This gesture that he missed was derived from a self-created light technique.

Back then, he was just an ordinary Blue Race, and he really didn't have much talent in combat.

In order to overcome his weakness, he had to play tricks.

Waiting, waiting, waiting, finally, there was a crack in the wall, and a fierce voice came out from the gap.

At the same time, a blue line was connected to the corresponding palms of Kirisaki, and based on this, more lines connected the palms together.

The moment the crack exploded, Kirisaki aimed at the monster he saw and combined his wrists into a cross shape, the current turned into a heat flow, and Torre Lasham's rays were released.

The light illuminated everything, and there was indeed no energy inside the prison, but something breaking in from the outside weakened the blockade.

Relying on these energies is not enough to restore your own energy, but it is enough to release the light once.

The principle of Torreirasium's light is similar to that of Zapelio's light. The action of accumulating energy is to extract the surrounding energy, and it can also release light when its own energy is insufficient.

It’s just that the difference is also obvious. The essence of the Zapelio light is to further enhance the power of the light, that is, to a higher level, and the Torre Lasium light is to make up for the shortcomings, that is, from negative to zero.

After releasing the skill for a long time, the light blue light stream bombarded the incoming monster, and Kirisaki sneered at this.

"There really isn't such a good thing in the world!"

The monster that drilled the hole was dozens of times the size of Kirisaki at this time, and the 'drill' that penetrated the cage at the front of the opponent seemed to be some kind of carapace.

In an alternate universe, the monster would be called 'Megaflash'

Torrelashum's rays were refracted within half a second of hitting, and the scattered destructive energy bombarded the surroundings, while Megaflash released transparent tentacles, trying to swallow the creature that contained a lot of energy.

One second, two seconds, the tentacles shattered the ground of the prison, and Kirisaki, who kept the light, evaded with movements that completely surpassed human beings, and a large number of tentacles almost filled the entire space.

Blue light poured into the gap between the tentacles, and the next moment, the entire prison exploded, and it was Kirisaki who made it explode.

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