The angle of refraction of the light is just right, the attack of the tentacles creates a crack, so the prison is destroyed.

The jumping Kirisaki saw the starlight and felt the energy, without needing any breath.

He stepped on the transparent tentacles, and the tentacles automatically reacted and split into more attacks.

If you want to ask the difference between Kirisaki at this time and before, it is that he has an extra mask in his hand.

"Thank you, a strange creature that doesn't look cute at all."

The vortex of dark mist formed, and Megaflash failed to react. The mist surged along with the stabs, and the blue palm directly pierced Megaflash's hard shell.

What about the inside if the outside reflects light?

The energy of the explosion completely tore Megaflash apart from the inside, but the movement of the pile of fragments was wrong.

The shoulders, the breastplate, the face, and the fragments belonging to the alien beasts stuck to Tregear's body, and the internal factors began to proliferate and erode the moment they touched the fusible objects.

"This is......"

Tregear was surprised by this, what kind of creatures can even corrode energy creatures?

'That is to say, it was aimed at me from the beginning? '

He felt that he was imprisoned here as an energy life form, so he attacked with such enthusiasm and wanted to have a good meal. Even if he was blown to pieces, he still maintained a strong appetite.

"You do interest me."

Tregear touched the fragment with two fingers, and the peeled piece of flesh seemed to be bleeding, but the blood itself was the active factor.

These factors, these fragments, this strange vitality, and...

"Calling other entities?"

Blue-black flames flowed from Tregear's body, completely burning up all the fragments stuck to his body.

He looked into the distance, and the same appearance and individuals as before were attacking, and there were really many of them.

"I hate grappling."

Flame rose from his feet, wrapping around Tregia's whole body like an explosion. He turned his five fingers into claws, and faced the large number of alien beasts attacking.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"This place is simply a maze, why did you ask me to do such a dangerous thing?"

"Then why don't you go outside?"

"Let's discuss this later!"

The interior of the planet seems to have turned into a huge maze, and Zamsha is now acting in this maze.

He went deep into the ground, looking for the coordinates sent by the machine.

And on the ground tens of thousands of meters away from him, a blue giant is galloping in the sky.

Alien beasts, germs from another universe invaded this universe, assimilated life, and eroded the planet.

Now on this land, Dijia's palm swiped quickly, and the light arrows in his palm shot crazily and pierced through the attacking alien beast.

Unlike him, Dyna in the sky was hit by a strange beast, but that was only one of Dyna.

The huge alien beast that was roaring a second ago was counterattacked by the two Dynas attacking from the other side. Even though its own strength had declined, the two heavy punches under the superimposition of speed still caused strong damage.

Today, Dyna, who is a miraculous type, transformed into three people with the ability of clones, two of them blocked, and one of them stored energy. The Riborum light wave launched without the slightest superpower, directly blasted the powerful alien beast with destructive energy.

At the same time, the body of Tiga, who took a step on the ground, turned purple, almost turning into brilliance.

The alien beast disturbed by the light arrow in his palm had just raised its head and found that it had lost its enemy's trace. A dozen punches broke out on it's body, followed by more punches.


With a roar, the backhand claws only tore apart the shadow, and the kick from the upper corner exploded with a stronger force than before. The powerful blow broke the neck of the alien beast, but the enemy immediately began to attack. regeneration.

Therefore, Di Jia, who regarded the alien beast as a pedal, swung his arms horizontally, and the half-moon-shaped cutting light applied damage again, and there were pure white lines in front of Di Jia who jumped up.

The energy storage of Zapelio's light is completed at the same time as the cutting light is used, just like a pure white eraser across the scroll, and the alien beast is completely wiped out without any remaining.

The two giants dealt with the two powerful alien beasts, and then more alien beasts attacked from different directions.


Tiga reminded his comrades in the sky.

"I know!"

Dyna knew that their mission was to attract attention here, and the other soldiers pulled the trigger, and a large number of bullets hit a large number of enemies.

If the distance is further extended to space, you can see the strange scene of this planet.

On the left is a planet of flesh and blood, and on the right is a withered and yellow planet. There is an extra dividing line in the center due to erosion. What is causing this phenomenon?

"Get out of the way!"

In the interior of the planet, the lightsaber Zamsha swung directly sliced ​​through the rushing alien beast, and he kept slashing as he advanced.

It seems that the other side of the planet that has not been completely eroded is also full of alien beasts, and is in a process of 'being eroded'.

Zamsha's appearance attracted the attention of the enemy, and the alien beasts didn't mind what they ate.

In the next instant, Zamsha's left hand drew another lightsaber from his right waist.

The left hand is blue, the right hand is yellow, and the blades of the two colors overlap and their shape changes.

The high-purity crystals that make up the blade release the hidden internal attributes or elements, whatever you want to call it.

First there was a large amount of water, and then yellow electricity. The water curtain splashed harmlessly on the body of the alien beast, and the lethal current would spread crazily through the conductors.

A lot of crashing sounds were heard in an instant, and the alien beasts that lost their body control were twitching in different positions.

"This trick is really good. I will give it a name when I go back later."

Zamxia continued to move forward without looking back, and at the same time the communication sounded again:

"Let me first say that your swords were improved by me. Without those swords, you would not be able to use such moves, so the right to name them should belong to me."

Diana on the other end of the communication said so.

"Do you have to pour cold water on this moment?"

Zamsha, who swung his sword again to chop up the attacking alien beast, let out the above strange battle cry.

A large number of eyes lit up in the stalactite-like underground.

"Ah, if I had known, I wouldn't have barked."

Zamsha draws out white and red lightsabers, the white is high concentration of compressed oxygen, the red is flame, and the air explodes.

The crazy shaking of the underground space even affected other directions.

"And who did what?"

Guregel, who leads the team on the other side, is different from the past. He holds the same weapon as the others in his hand.

The continuous firing of the rifle formed a firepower net and fired crazily, suppressing the enemies in front.

The energy cannons taken out from the second row fired directly to evaporate a large number of alien beasts.

Even fighters don't want to touch the blood with their fists and start to infect it.

These monsters called alien beasts appeared two years ago, not long after Empat disappeared.

Where did he go?what did he find

These answers were brought by one person, although he fell into a deep sleep after telling some things, and became the shopkeeper.

But so what?In short, the problem of alien beasts is the first to be solved now.

Thinking of this, Guregel took a step.

"Suppress firepower, move on!"

?Tiga Chapter [-] Turning Point

At this moment, in a sense, the alien beasts raging in the universe where Empat was originally located were indeed brought by Noah.

Empat had already fought against Zaki in this universe, and in that intermittent battle, Zaki's shattered body fragments turned into alien beast factors, and were blown farther by the conflict of energy place.

When the Star Alliance noticed the abnormality, the disaster of the alien beast had already begun.

At first they were able to contain this situation, but gradually, they found that things like alien beasts seemed to be endless, and they couldn't kill them cleanly.

later evolved into a

?Tiga Chapter [-] Transactions

"Dyna, Asuka, my old friends, we are already old acquaintances, so there is no need for this?"


"My friend who I don't know, you seem to be a well-educated and educated person. There is no need for us to repeat this kind of thing again, right?"


"You two, I've already cooperated so much, so there's no need to handcuff your hands and feet like this? What do you think human rights are all about?"


"Okay ok, I get it, I get it, it looks like the Star League is a shitty place, face to face

?Tiga Chapter [-]: Counterattack

People often refer to the stars all over the sky as the Milky Way, which is the most gorgeous, common, and most inescapable beauty in the universe.

This is a landscape that can become a 'natural landscape', because every star is formed naturally, they have their own history, their stories.

Some stars once gave birth to life, and some stars are nourishing life today, and everything conforms to nature.

But this universe is mixed with creatures that do not belong to nature. They are born out of one person's unwillingness, and they are opposite to everything in the world. They are born to devour life and destroy everything.

?Tiga Chapter [-], its purpose and ideas

The germs and creatures spreading in this universe are called xenobiotics, and this name was brought by one person.

That person has the typical characteristics of the Ultra clan, that is, milky white eyes and a unique posture.

He disappeared after warning about it, and he didn't appear here again until today.

Its name is Nexus, at least it is Nexus now, when he reappears, the alien beasts in the entire universe have been eliminated.

The planet itself is also life, the star itself is also life, and the universe filled with all kinds of life itself is also a special kind of life.


?Tiga Chapter [-] Next Action

Developing a cross-dimensional engine to investigate other universes is not so easy to pass such a big event. This universe has just experienced the catastrophe of alien beasts, and a lot of resources and money have been invested in linking the planetary immune mechanism.

And now you want to form an interdimensional team?

It has to be said that it is a bit difficult to force others, but under such circumstances, this proposal quickly gained a lot of approval.

Asuka, who walked out of the conference hall, shivered subconsciously, and he wiped off the sweat that he didn't have.

"It's so enthusiastic that I feel a little scary."

?Tiga Chapter [-] Twin Universes

This planet is going to be destroyed.

I don't know what kind of disasters fell from the sky, they reproduce in an unacceptable way just like the appearance of aliens.

The animals that compete in the ecological circle are just plants that enjoy sunlight and rain, which can still be called living things.

Buildings turned into man-eating beasts, and roads turned into rivers that drowned everything.

The entire planet has become a lair of monsters, and this is the result of resistance in the end.

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