It is not safe anywhere, and you may die anywhere, and the monsters slowly erode as if they are enjoying the pain of creatures

?Tiga Chapter [-] Chasing

The battleship floating in the earth's atmosphere seemed to have carried out a 'shelling' action just now.

The light that penetrated into the ground triggered more light, the power inside the core of the planet was amplified and drawn out, and the earth, which had been severely eroded by the alien beast factor, released its power again to eliminate the erosion.

This is a technology from another universe, and in this universe, perhaps because of the strong energy of the earth, the elimination of alien beasts is much faster than imagined.

The power of the planet turned into brilliance rose to the sky, and combined with the clouds, it turned into rain and sprinkled down.

The clouds parted, and even so the drops of water

?Tiga Chapter One Hundred and Nine After Everything

"Please sit down."


Here is no longer a crowded street, but maybe because of luck, the house has not collapsed even after so many experiences.

Sitting on the sofa with a bit of an old atmosphere was a somewhat uncomfortable Dagu. He had to say that he still had a feeling of being unable to recover until now.

"He actually has a daughter?"

I couldn't help muttering this sentence, even friends have to say that someone has a strong sense of abstinence, making it impossible to imagine that the other party has such a closer existence.

"It's an adopted daughter, first let me say that I'm actually not

?Tiga Chapter 110 Missing

The enemy who seemed to have foreseen everything still did not anticipate the current situation. He seemed to want to shout something before he died, but neither Imen nor Fujimiya planned to listen.

They rarely hated their enemies, but this enemy was an exception, and letting him die in despair and unwillingness was considered revenge.

Frankly speaking, neither I Meng nor Fujimiya expected such a turning point.

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this, but if you think about it, haven't we been forgetting one thing?"

Because it is so easy to ignore that it has not been noticed.

"Empat is from

Chapter 110 of Tiga Chapter Where Missing Goes

"You mean miss?"

Numb, really numb, Aikawa felt that his whole body was shaking just now.

What Xi Li said on the phone was shocking, but it also felt reasonable. The captain he knew where he came from was a mystery in the past, but now the mystery has been solved.

This era has changed a long time ago, and many things don't have to be face-to-face, they can be explained clearly just by talking on the phone.

"I'm fine, half a month is enough time for me and your Uncle Orange to ask for a day or two of leave."

Aikawa had to say that he was quite happy that he was speaking face to face now. If he used one sentence to describe himself, he felt that he was a relatively traditional man, that is, he would feel awkward when he said the word 'missing'. It's so embarrassing.

After hanging up the phone, Tachibana, who had just retrieved the dinner on the other side, noticed the action of putting down the phone.

"What? Who's calling?"

What the two of them experienced today really made people feel a little tired. Things like alien beasts appeared again, and then they were directly beaten to death within half a day after showing off their might.

Tachibana chatted with friends from other departments. According to them, the earth monsters that had been lying there awakened again. Besides, there were also strange things like the sudden growth of plants in some places for several years. Condition.

It seems that those geyser-like green lights do have some special effect, and yes, this is the color of white instead of green, not the kind of dark green that makes people feel uneasy just looking at it.

Although this description is a bit inexplicable, it is the same thing anyway.

"Xili called, saying that the Ultraman who appeared in the city today went to look for her. That Ultraman was the captain's former friend. I hope we can find the captain together."


Tachibana put the dinner aside and asked seriously.


"How to do it?"

"Relying on how much we miss the captain... Ah, I don't mean to complain, but I feel very hot when I say it."

Aikawa picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip, while Tachibana kept thinking for a few seconds before accepting the matter.

"Missing, it's closer to regret than missing."

Ju felt that he actually had no hope that Nangong was still alive, not without it, but very little.

When a person lives without seeing a person or a dead body, he is more inclined to think that the other party is dead, but this does not mean that he has no feeling about it.

Whether it is disappearance or death, it is one of the types of loss. The past was so good but now we can never see each other again. The regret and longing are unforgettable, and I still think of it from time to time.

To find, that is, that he is still alive?

"Since you're still alive, you should come back soon... It's not that simple to say so."

Tachibana shook his head, then took a deep breath.

"Okay! It's time to miss you!"

"Hiss... Don't you think it's something for two men to miss one man?"

Aikawa felt uncomfortable all over again.

"In any case, these things should be brought to an end."

Tachibana's words didn't mean to be joking. In a sense, their nearly ten years of life was a life played by strange beasts, and they couldn't take a new step until this matter was completely resolved.

How much misery are those damned monsters causing today?

There are still many people lying in the hospital for treatment. The mother who was "bewitched by the cult" they are tracking has woken up, and Tachibana has not checked the situation.

Just like many people, that woman’s expression is a bit empty like the others, the key is not whether it’s fake, but whether they think it’s fake or not, what’s the feeling of losing twice?

"The psychological department is busy."

Mental illness is also a disease, a very difficult disease.

I just hope that no one will suffer from such things as alien beasts in the future.

"Eat and eat!"

Aikawa's words interrupted Tachibana's thoughts, making the slightly dull atmosphere disappear.

Tachibana smiled wryly, he also knew that his friend didn't like heavy thinking.

In the army's dormitory, the two picked up dinner. Today's dinner is more delicious than ever. Why?

Perhaps because of the giant's reappearance, no one can deny the importance of the existence of "Ultraman", and it is like a backbone that once again pulled everyone's hearts.

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"Missing... Even such illusory things can work, what kind of world is he in?"

Qihai sat in front of the computer, her work at hand came to an end temporarily.

"I see. When the time is decided, you can just call me directly. You also know that it doesn't matter when I go."

After hanging up the phone, Qihai blinked at the characters on the screen, which were in French.

Compared with the past, she has mastered a new language during this time, because she can't rest.

Perhaps because of her past habits in the Night Raiders, she always had a strong sense of what to do.

This habit is easy to change, as long as you indulge yourself for a period of time, it will disappear naturally, and it is precisely because you know that you choose not to do it.

So Qihai chose to learn a new foreign language. Relying on the government subsidy after retiring from the army and the salary of this small translation job, she lived fairly well. The only problem was her eyesight.

Taking off the anti-myopia glasses that I don't know if they are useful, Qi Hai pinches the center of her brows.

"I miss you..."

Saying those two words again, Qihai has learned one thing in these years, that is, people's memory is not strong, and in the daily accumulation, there are always things in the past that are forgotten.

Today, she doesn't think of that man from time to time like before, but she goes to bed early, because once the night is too late, she will think deeply.

The dead of night is an easy time to think, but it will become troublesome if it is accompanied by music, so she doesn't like listening to music very much now.

"Things that are useless to think about are worse than not thinking. This kind of thinking is really an ostrich."

I feel helpless about what I did, Qihai lost a hand, and this hand will not come back.

After she accepted this fact, she accepted the fact that her captain might never come back again. Thinking about it would only make her feel bored, so she might as well not think about it, people always have to move forward.

But just leaving something there and leaving it alone doesn't mean it's gone, if there's hope at all...

"Welcome back in French as I remember it was..."

At that time, you can scare him, he probably can't speak French, right?

Thinking here was interrupted by the ringtone, a new call came, Nanami picked it up, and the caller ID on it was the word 'Mina'.

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"Welcome to our ship, the two Ultramans of this planet, it is a great honor!"

For Captain Baxter, today's event is a bit exciting. This is the Ultraman he entertained, which even his father doesn't know. Gaia' and 'Aguru' names.

"You're exaggerating! It's better to say that we are deeply honored!"

I Meng glanced around with my eyes while talking, although Fujimiya didn't speak, but his eyes didn't move much.

This is the instinct of technicians. They also want to know how the battleship defies gravity and floats in the air, and what kind of technology is used to conceal its existence so that ordinary people cannot witness the battleship.

In fact, my dream and Fujimiya came here today because they received an invitation, and after they were known by the GUARD as 'Ultramans', the higher-ups also intentionally asked them to come here to find out.

Some people may say that it is necessary to be so intriguing, but to put it mildly, getting along between companies of the two countries is already troublesome enough, not to mention two civilizations and two universes.

"Please, both of you, there are actually many things we can communicate with each other."

Baxter issued an invitation, they are actually very interested in 'Planet Giant'.

Although the technology to exorcise the alien beasts was developed through the research of the 'planet will', they have never seen a 'planet giant' born completely in the true sense

Gaia and Aguru are special. If we can analyze them, then this technology will definitely be more perfect, and it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort in the future.

'Personally, I also want to brag to my daughter, and I can't always let her run to her grandpa. '

Thinking of this, Baxter smiled, he was just an ordinary person.

As the group moved forward, someone saw them too.

"The giant of the planet, that's just a theory, but it really exists."

Kirisaki said this, and his words made Diana beside him suddenly turn his head, which was different from what he said before.

"So you were lying and deceiving people?"

About the will of the planet, the power of the planet, the life of the planet, and so on.

"No, no, no, a theory has to be proven to be sure of its truth. If you have a very definite theory that hasn't been proven yet and that opportunity is right in front of you, wouldn't you choose to verify it?"

"At least I would choose to do it by myself and with like-minded people."

Diana felt that she hadn't developed to the stage of a scientific madman. At least this theory was indeed successful, so she didn't pursue the past.

"By the way, where did someone else go?"

Kirisaki hasn't seen Daiko since today.

"Different from you, he is serious and dedicated."

Of course Diana knew where Dagu had gone. That person left the earth with the radar to patrol the universe. God knows if there are alien beasts in other places.

"Is he mean? Why work so hard?"

Kirisaki asked back with a face full of surprise, but Diana didn't answer the provocative words.

It can only be said that different ways do not conspire with each other, and there are too many words without speculation.

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