"Nowadays, many male students in the university will be disappointed. That classmate Xi Li who always has a melancholy expression now has a feeling of sunshine and rain. Maybe love has changed her."

This sentence was said by Dongyang. Hearing her words, Xi Li had just realized from her contemplation. She picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip.

"What does this have to do with me? That is to expect others to be bad for themselves."

Should it be said that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black?Dongyang felt that Xi Li and Shen Yu had a lot of overlap in the way of speaking, and why did that sentence sound so...

"Wait, you're not really in love, are you?"

Why don't you deny it?

Also at this moment, Shen Yu joked:

"Didn't you say that your daughter's first love is her father? I think that's what happened."

If it was before, Xi Li would definitely refute very fiercely, but it is different now.

"Hehe, it's almost done."

With more verbal and verbal attacks, Xi Li also knew how to refute her sisters, and it was meaningless to provoke her father to control her now.

At this moment, Dongyang and Chunhe next to each other can see each other's doubts at a glance. They try not to bring up the topic of 'father'. This is a kind of tacit understanding. What happened today?

'Could it be that......'

'is uncle back? '

Considering the new Ultraman that appeared before, is this really the case?

"Did something good happen?"

Haruhe asked curiously, and Xili showed an inconspicuous smile.

"It's just that maybe we can find some old man who doesn't care about his family."

She said so, she looked forward to it like this, when a person is looking forward to, he rarely considers the possibility of 'failure'.

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Don't think about the possibility of 'failure'. Even though she thought so, Xi Li really couldn't forget what happened last night. Can you not give an ominous omen under inexplicable circumstances?

"Don't worry, just think about it."

Kirisaki paced back and forth while talking, but his rather artistic clothes did not show any reliability.

"No matter how I look at it, I think this person is unreliable."

Aikawa approached his former comrades-in-arms, and his current friend Qihai said that they came here to contribute the so-called 'sorrows'

The question is, isn't this invisible thing really talking nonsense?

"Not even a device attached to the head."

Aikawa turned his head and gave Tachibana another example, and then, Kirisaki over there snapped his fingers to attract everyone's attention.

"Doesn't the need for redundant equipment just show the advanced technology of our company? Good! Let's start!"

"Wait, is this the beginning?"

Aikawa couldn't stop talking when he was nervous, and in the next moment, strange light particles combined into a luminous mirror surface, and there was nothing in that mirror surface for the time being.

Just slowly, slowly, the colors of the starry sky filled inside, as if something was passing by the Milky Way.

It keeps moving forward, keeps moving, and finally freezes at one point.


Kirisaki, who still had a relaxed expression just now, widened his eyes unconsciously. He recognized the planet, which should be called the 'Kingdom of Light'.

110 Chapter [-] Thoughts and Thoughts

Nebula M78, the Kingdom of Light, the Space Guard, and a new generation of heroes named Sai Luo exist.

This civilization is becoming more and more powerful, making it impossible to ignore, but it is reassuring, because they never thought of oppression and plunder, and they had already completed spiritual evolution before they had endless energy.

And those who completed this evolution chose to become 'good people'

Even now that they are facing a crisis in the multidimensional universe, they will not choose the path of sacrificing others, and they are even less willing to see someone sacrificing others.

It has been a while since the guards defeated the Salome civilization in another universe. During this time, the truth of the crisis in the multidimensional universe has been revealed.

Although it is clear, there is still not much to do, because the guards cannot find the existence of Lucifer from so many universes, and Empat, who is a missing person, has not been found, and the signal of the Otto bracelet has not been transmitted. return.

In the currently peaceful universe, Zero is standing in a corner, staring at the sky.

From morning to night, from sun to moon, the stars have walked around for a round, and the morning dew wets his body, this is the flow of time... That's what I said, but in fact, compared with the past There wasn't much feeling about it either.

"No feeling, no feeling."

Sai Luo had to admit that the power revealed after the battle with the alien beast Arc Beria hadn't awakened again, and the power that could even reverse the flow of time was still dormant at that time.

It would be better to say that the situation at that time was unbelievable. If you think about the difference between this time and that time, what is it?

"Is it because of the difference in the environment?"

Putting your hands on your shoulders, you fell into deep thought, and then recalled the details of the beginning.

The difference between this universe and that universe is—the Emmenal Ore, yes, it is the Emmenar Ore.

At that time, he was almost enveloped by the high-purity Emenaar energy, and that energy was the key to allowing him to reverse time.

Different from simply reversing time, even the lives that passed away at that time returned again. Although the Otto family is often said to be "gods" or something like that, Sai Luo feels that the real power is the power that can control even life God.

"Why does it feel like I'm boasting?"

After teasing himself, Sai Luo continued to think in this way.

"The visitor said that all creatures are incomplete, and they become complete in Noah's completion, and the past alien beasts were also transformed into Emmenar Ore because of Noah's completion, and then this The so-called 'wholeness' made me turn back time and life..."

Well, just thinking about it like this always feels like I can't think of anything.

So what the heck are those so-called 'full' things?It's puzzling.

Then again, check this out.


Accompanied by the sound, the new bracelet on Sero's wrist glowed, and when this light wrapped around his body like a thread, the ultimate armor was completed.

The light and the light resonated and amplified, and he felt his power increase again, which was an all-round improvement.

On this verdant land and amidst the morning dew, Sai Luo's body began to move rapidly.

The sword blade covering the right arm performed thrusts and swings, twisted the body and performed kicking skills continuously, and the light energy surging from the left palm turned into various shapes from time to time, maybe it was light, or it might be a barrier.

Sai Luo is a down-to-earth person. After all, there was a master named Leo who beat him every day, so there was no chance to be complacent because of his strength.

He wants to master the newly acquired power, but compared with another special posture, all he can master now is the Palaji Shield inherited from Noah.

'With every swing of the sword some fragments flow into my memory. '

Like what happened in the past, the scenery of the original universe, the people living there, and the two who were once as close as brothers.

People will change, because of experience, because of the environment, because of blows, this kind of change may be irreversible.

Thinking of this, Sai Luo flicked his right arm, and Palaji's shield was stored in the bracelet again. He has stayed here for a while, and fully grasped the power of Palaji's shield.

Although not able to achieve all the goals, it is enough for the time being. After all, I have been away from the Kingdom of Light for a while. It is best to go back and see what happened recently, and there are still some things I want to know.

Gravity and the shackles of the atmosphere are meaningless to the Otto family, and Sero quickly turns into a bright meteor, leaving a bright trail for the dark universe.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In the Plasma Spark Tower, the radiance of the core is so dazzling, it feels like being soaked in hot water while staying here, and even the hard-to-heal wound feels warm.

It's just that compared with the body, the wounds in the heart heal very slowly.

The father of Ultra can feel the powerful power inside the core, and he believes that anyone who has the ability to get close to the core can feel that power.

It's normal to be charmed by it, but when the charmed person becomes one's best friend, that feeling becomes uncomfortable.

"Yo, Father of Ultra."

Hearing the voice from behind, Otto's father turned his head, and he was the most outstanding person in the new generation.

Compared with the sharp edge when the other party left before, now Sai Luo has regained his composure, and his practice seems to have achieved results.

"Looks like you're doing well?"

The tentative inquiry of Otto's father received a confident answer:

"Of course, although the sudden power is a bit overwhelming, it's not a big deal to me."

Sai Luo shaved his cheeks. His practice this time does not affect the body, but more on the cultivation of the mind, the heart that grasps the power, and does not be charmed by the power.

When a person thinks he is above others, his heart is distorted.

Thinking of this, Sai Luo remembered why he came here, for someone who was twisted for some reason.

At the same time, the father of Otto actually wanted to have a good chat with Sai Luo, because he already knew who Sai Luo encountered in another universe.

"Father of Otto, in fact, I came back today to talk to you about Beria. What happened in the past? Why did he become what he is today?"

Regarding Beria, there was no bias in the Kingdom of Light's records.

Before it touched the core of the plasma spark tower, almost all the records were full of praises such as 'brave, unstoppable' and so on.

The hero of the Great War of Ottoman, the second in command of the garrison, but such a person betrayed, is it just for power?

During the several times of contact, Sai Luo felt that it was not so simple.

After a brief silence, the father of Otto sighed, the younger generation has not experienced one thing, that is 'war'

"I'm not Beria, so I can't fully understand Beria's thoughts, but you know, no one is born with inexhaustible power, and I wasn't originally called the father of Ultra."

With this prologue, Father of Ultra begins to tell the story of the past, when he was just the warrior 'Ken'.

The Great War of Ultra began with the declaration of war by Emperor Ampera. At the beginning, the Ultra Guard had not yet been established, and almost the entire universe was involved in the war. Ken and Beria stepped onto the battlefield for the first time.

It is not surprising to encounter anything on the battlefield, so it was only the second battle, and their troops were ambushed.

People who dreamed of the end of the war in the future, people who were afraid that they might die, people who mustered up courage for their hometown, people who were confident in their own strength, many people died.

In the end, only two people were killed all the way out of the ambush, one was Beria and the other was Ken.

"We got rid of the ambush army, but that didn't make much sense, because in fact we were only the target of the opponent's vanguard to attack, and the stronghold originally established on that planet was completely captured."

The father of Ultra clearly recalled the past. At that time, he was seriously injured, but he had nowhere to go. The planet was occupied, but he was able to linger on his last breath.

"That's when Beria told me that if we had enough power, it wouldn't be like this, anyone who dared to attack us would be completely crushed, torn apart, and I thought the same at the time. of."

The desire to pursue power had already been formed at that time. Under the high-pressure and painful environment, Ken and Beria had the same idea. They hoped to have stronger power and avenge their companions.

People have the seven emotions and six desires, and neither of them is a heartless person.

After that, the two kept concealing their identities. Fortunately, they hid all the way to the Kingdom of Light's troops to regain the stronghold.

That battle has reached a stalemate, and here comes the turning point.

Ken and Beria took advantage of the "mimesis" of the Ott family to become a so-called "ant-sized" to infiltrate the enemy's base, wreaked havoc inside, disrupted the enemy's command system, and finally regained the stronghold with concerted efforts. .

"For a long time after that, I also fought on the battlefield with anger, until one day, when I was tidying up the battlefield, I found a diary that was stained red with blood and was used as a talisman. People take it with them.”

What is written in it is not a beautiful prospect, nor is it a last word. The dozens of pages inside are all written with the same words - I don't want to die.

I don't want to die, who is different in thinking like this?

"At that moment, I knew that the enemy was the same as us. We wanted to kill each other angrily on the battlefield with similar thoughts. Then I wondered what caused all this."

Who started the war, who is the chief culprit of this war.

Even so, Ken still didn't hesitate too much on the battlefield. Emperor Ampera was unforgivable, and the enemy who killed his clansmen and comrades-in-arms was still an enemy.

Just end the war and everything will end.

However, Beria dismissed Ken's thoughts. No matter what the enemy thought, their actions on the battlefield were 'killing people'

Anyone who wants to kill me must die first. This simple way of thinking made Beria fight without any hesitation.

After walking between life and death once, he became fierce and powerful, showing no mercy.

Recalling this point, Otto's father still doesn't understand where the difference between him and Beria came from, and it even evolved to the point where swords were facing each other.

"Belia told me."

Sai Luo's memory of that sentence is very deep.

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