"You go and give me the wisdom of those foolish people now, that's what he said."

During the battle in the capital of the Galactic Empire, Beria didn't say much, and it was hard to tell if it was true or not.

But from this sentence, Sai Luo always felt that there was some kind of strong will in the other party's ridicule.

After a brief silence, Father of Otto said in a complicated tone:

"Foolish people... Beria, does he think so?"

Giving the foolish people wisdom, what did Beria see in the time after the war?

Unlike the Otts, the lives of other species are short, and it is this short life that creates limitations.

Reflections on the past are deep in a person's memory, but his memory will not be passed on.

The Ott family has thousands of years to remember, but what about other races?

100 years, 200 years?Gradually, the past events are just cold words written in history books, and later generations don't have a deep feeling for them.

So people repeat the same mistakes again.

Fool, is this what Beria sees?Were these things driving him down another path?

Father of Otto recalled the incident when the Garkalu Legion attacked the Kingdom of Light. Beria said something similar at that time:

'We've looked at different targets since then'

'We've long since parted ways'

'The Kingdom of Light is an eyesore to me'

After destroying the Kingdom of Light, what does Beria want to do?

Beria wasn't dead, Sero was almost sure of that.

Arc Beria is just a way for the other party to escape. The question is what is he going to do?

Before thinking about it, I heard a call:

"Siro! Is Siro here!"

That was the sound from beyond the plasma spark tower.


Father of Otto nodded, chatting anytime is fine, don't delay the business.

"it is good."

Sai Luo got up and jumped up, and flew to the outside of the tower. The members of the Space Guard were waiting outside.

"What's the matter, why are you in such a hurry?"

He asked suspiciously, and at this time the guard also said words that he could not ignore:

"The self-proclaimed mirror knight said he needed to find you in an emergency, as if something happened to his universe!"


Hearing this, Sai Luo immediately accelerated to the general base of the Space Guard.

Something happened to that universe?Is it Beria?Is it a strange beast?

Soon, Sero arrived at the general base of the guard, and beside the mirror knight was a member of the Silver Crusade who treated him.

110 Chapter Three

Green water and blue sky, green grass and green mountains, towering trees leading to the sky, this is a planet named Zhulan.

In the past, this place has been destroyed and ravaged, but finally turned into a home for monsters to live safely.

Since it is the place where monsters live, it is naturally different from the environment required by ordinary life.

Oxygen content, temperature, and humidity are all different. Because of this difference, passengers still need to take some small protective measures when they come.

For the young man named 'Haruno Musashi', the measures are slightly different this time.

"It reminds me of when I was a kid."

At that time, he was just a child, and then he met the giant of light who landed on the earth. Who would have imagined that that encounter turned out to be the beginning of a long journey.

After meeting again, the two became one and fought together against the Chaos virus, which was still extremely crazy at the time, and then crossed the attack of Santos and the trial of Dración. After going through all kinds of things, there is peace today.

"Will that come to my hands?"

The blue giant walking in this mountainous field walked at a slow speed, with Musashi sitting on his shoulder.

The two looked around. There were cubs drinking water by the lake, and nearby was a female animal washing its body under the waterfall. Monsters are actually very simple creatures, and the days of peace naturally bring about reproduction.

Although only these years have passed, many new generations of monsters have already been born.

From a human point of view, there is only peace and beauty on this planet, which looks almost like the country of adults.

Most of the time it is Gauss who maintains the planet. For this giant, this is something he is happy to see. For Musashi, it has been a little bit troublesome recently.

"Sorry, I haven't come to help recently."

Musashi was a little annoyed by this, he also experienced some troublesome things.

As for what it was, the two had actually talked about it last time. Gauss hadn't made much progress in this regard, but at his age, Ning had naturally seen many examples.

"Isn't this very good? I think whether a person's life is happy or not depends on whether he enjoys the present. When will things between you and Ayano come to fruition? Remember that there is also a tradition like 'wedding' on earth, right? At that time, I will also send you a congratulatory gift."

After Gauss said this, Musashi scratched his hair.

"It's too early to say that..."

This young man who is not afraid of fighting feels shy about it. It seems that courage in battle and submissiveness in love are completely different things.

"If the two love each other, then you should say what you should say and make the promise you should make."

Gauss' tone was very gentle, as he always gave opinions like an elder.

The two continued to walk in Zhulan, and the monsters also made noises when they saw their presence, as if to greet them.

There is more than one waterfall on such a huge planet, and there is a "galaxy" and a colorful rainbow over there.

On the reef on the side of the waterfall, the golden winged giant also noticed the two of them.

Unlike the vicious and distorted posture in the past, does Chaos now understand the existence of good and evil, her, or him?

Chaos, who doesn't need to be distinguished by gender, raised his head, and he pointed to the clear sky, which was red.

"There are guests here."


Musashi raised his head in doubt, and Gauss quickly identified the existence of the rapid cooling and speed reduction after breaking into the atmosphere.

The other party has the ability to directly appear on Zhulan Star, but it would be impolite to do so. Breaking into the atmosphere this time is equivalent to 'knocking on the door'

Musashi was very impressed with that existence. The gray-black spaceship was 200 meters long and looked like a dart.

The Goloka mothership, one of Drasion's vital forces, what is the purpose of this mothership coming to Zhulan now?

Unlike Musashi, Gauss immediately had a bad premonition in his heart.

Gauss and Musashi, even though they were one and united in the past, they are still two individuals. After the battle, Gauss has Gauss's own responsibility, and Musashi also has his own life as a person, so the two will separate.

Friends, family members, lovers, no matter what the relationship is, they have never been together all the time, and they still miss each other even when they are separated, but it is because of these separations that there is a gap in information.

"Gauss, Justis lost contact, he's missing."

This is the first sentence of Mothership Goloka, Musashi was stunned, what does this mean?


Gauss, who was silent, was not as calm as he appeared on the outside. Before Justis went to other universes, he came to look for him, and the two had a detailed conversation.

The phenomenon of cosmic overlap and the crisis spreading towards the multidimensional universe, he who originally planned to go with him was persuaded to stay.

Because this universe may not be safe from danger, someone must stay to protect everyone's homeland.

Thinking about it now, that might have been a wrong choice.

"Wait a second, what does it mean that Justis is missing?"

When Musashi asked like this, Gauss was about to explain, and at this moment, the Mothership Goloka issued a warning:

"Interdimensional reaction detected, 3, 2, 1, here we come."


Gauss and Chaos raised their heads at the same time, and there were two suns hanging in the sky, one was warm, dazzling, and pure white at noon, and the other was scorching hot, dancing, like a falling meteorite. Orange sun.

The enemy is attacking, the enemy is attacking without the slightest warning, what is going on?No time to think at all.

The form of the mothership Goroka began to change, it intends to turn itself into a combat weapon 'bishop'


With Ben's buddy on his shoulders melted into his body for protection, Goss watches the rapid fall, disrupting everything, the giant fireball that sets off the wind and raises his right arm aloft as a third sun emerges on the planet.

Accompanied by this shining golden light, the blue giant turns into a red and blue giant, and the more aggressive posture is called the 'corona'

Possessing destructive power like the sun, at the same time, the power in Chaos' head was released, and golden rays of light split one after another to bypass the giant fireball.

"I'll take care of the small ones."

Yes, besides the giant fireball, there are other fireballs. They scattered from the rear of their own attack, falling one after another in different directions.

The scattered meteors are wrapped by the raised palms, which looks like this scene.

Facing the most important giant fireball, Gauss ignited flames with his fists, drew a circular trajectory on his side, and concentrated the flames.

Like a flying crane independently, the raised right leg stabilizes the body at the moment of falling, the straight right arm releases destructive heat flow, the left palm touching the right arm stabilizes the energy, and Nebaste rays meet the huge fireball.

The two streams of heat released a more terrifying heat in the conflict, even at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, it was terrifying enough.

The wings on the back of Chaos' head sprinkled golden feathers. The feathers isolated the heat like a protective net, and the temperature of the natural forest was almost lowered again. The water vapor from the lake made everything gray.

In the next instant, the fireball is counteracted by the light penetration, but there are no enemies behind the fireball.

The only thing that exists is the spatial fluctuation caused by the instant movement. This fluctuation caused Gauss to move his sight. What he saw there was the transformed Bishop Groka motionless, with a purple trace on his body.

There was no explosion, no sparks, it was just cut open at an angle, and the upper body slid down to the ground with a loud noise.

And the existence that appeared there also revealed its true face, a pair of blue eyes with blade-like horns on both sides, and seven jewel-shaped light-emitting organs on its chest.

The obvious yellow color, and the black and off-white body are the characteristics, the characteristics of Jayden.

However, unlike Jayden, this being held the weapon tightly with five fingers on its right hand, and the crescent-shaped sharp blade at the front was the culprit for cutting Bishop Groka open.

"Gauss, how many catties and taels do you have, let me, the Dreadman Jeter, give it a try."

That being said so, his body leaned forward to prepare for a sprint.

'Terrorist Jeter? '

Gauss searched his memory once, and there has never been such an existence in his memory.

"Wait! Why did you come here! Is it for a competition or—"

Gauss doesn't like fighting, he is a little sullen in his heart, but he is still thinking about "maybe it is a conflict caused by cultural differences"

That kindness has never been abandoned, but the enemy will not pay attention to such feelings.

"No need to say more!"

Jeter's voice came over at the same time Jeter also arrived.


Fast, unbelievably fast, without using teleportation, and without any burst of energy, but the existence of the self-proclaimed Jeter is just a shadow in Gauss' eyes.

It seemed that the sound of the air being torn apart could be heard, and above Gauss who fell backwards was a crescent spear, and his backhand flip was interrupted halfway through.

I saw that Jeter's left hand firmly grasped Gauss's leg, and then lifted Gauss up and swung it directly. The terrifying power of Jayton's series was perfectly displayed in one of Jeter's movements.

The next moment, Jeter turned his body away. After letting go, he dodged the palm light blade thrown by his opponent in order to get rid of the restraint. Flames fell on the blasted ground, and the flames ignited the plants.

Gauss adjusted his movements in the air, just as the other party said, there is no need to say much, what he has to do now is to subdue the other party.

However, Jeter's movements were faster. The horror man held the spear tightly in his right hand, leaned his entire upper body back, and used his waist to drive his body, turning the spear thrown with all his strength into shells.

If this blow hits, it will either kill or injure, so Gauss avoided it, and the fluctuation of space reappeared.

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