After rolling and bouncing, Gauss dodges the exploding fireball, and the fluctuation of space reappears.

At this moment, the teleportation repeats non-stop, and Gauss moves from one space to another continuously, and the enemy follows him.

Dodge Jayton's grapple, avoid EX Jayton's flying kick, block the robot Jayton's bombardment, and finally bear Jeter's spear attack.

Five behemoths that kept moving appeared and disappeared, appeared and disappeared, Gauss was besieged and injured, EX Jayton's heavy punch caught Jayton's knee, the robot Jayton appeared from behind and grabbed Gauss, Jeter's hand The spear stabbed mercilessly.

There were sparks and particles around the crescent, and there was intense pain in Gauss' abdomen.

The first attack failed to penetrate, and the second attack charged again.

In the next instant, the golden feathers turned into sharp blades, and thousands of feathers attacked and slashed.


Gauss half-kneeled and looked at the golden giant in the air. The enemies who had surrounded him before were nowhere to be seen, and a large number of feathers surrounded him to protect him.

Chaos rushed to the battlefield with his head, and the lives living on this planet were evacuated to a safe place by him.

The area within a few thousand meters was crushed and sunk, and the spreading flames were also extinguished. Unfortunately, the powerful thought power failed to hit the enemy.

The EX Zeton and the Robot Zedon, who evaded with instant movement, spread their wings, and they fired fireballs continuously but failed to cause any damage.

The seemingly endless feathers on Chaos' head overlapped and gathered, turning into a shield to block all attacks.

These flying feathers are not just shields, they can also be blades.

The sparks exploded, and the bodies of EX Jadon and Robot Jadon were scarred. When thousands of sharp feathers slashed across their bodies, the damage also followed.

Chaos raised his head and palms together, and then put them together in front of him.

The two Jadons controlled by the telekinetic force collided together, and the feathers chopped them into pieces. At this moment, the original Jadon, which gathered all its strength, appeared from the upper corner and fired fireballs.

The fireball was chopped into pieces, and the seemingly endless feathers attacked from different directions crazily, constantly cutting and cutting the body of the original Jayden, tearing it apart very quickly.

Chaos turned his head around, he pushed his palm with his right hand to block the thrown long spear with mental power, and threw an energy ball with his left hand to collide with the attacking fireball.

This is just the beginning. Jeter in the air is running fast. He uses his feathers as a pedal to move quickly to close the distance. Is he planning to engage in melee combat?

The sudden energy fluctuations shocked Gauss and Chaos' heads, and now what surged in Jeter's palm was not flames, but darkness.

"Have you ever fallen into darkness? No, it should be said that you have turned from darkness to light."

With the palm forward, dozens of ropes made of terrifying dark energy turned into a net, corroding the feathers they touched.


Unable to even block it, the figure on Chaos' head disappeared, completely covered by dark energy, and locked into it.

At the same time, the feather protecting Gauss lost its manipulator and fell to the ground motionless.

110 Chapter Five Attacks the Universes


Gauss, who realized that the situation was taking a turn for the worse, wanted to do something, but he had to block it, because Jayden, who suddenly appeared in front of him, swung a heavy punch and knocked him back a distance.

The first blow was followed by the second and third blows, the three-headed Jayden knocked him back together, and three [-]-megadegree fireballs bombarded the barrier he pushed out urgently.

'what happened?They were indeed torn to shreds by Chaos just now. '

This was what Gauss saw with his own eyes, but now the three monsters appeared in front of him unscathed and attacked him.

The barrier in front was consumed with fireballs, and the blinking timer on his chest told him how bad the situation was.

And Jeter, who fell from the sky, stretched out his hand and took back the Crescent Spear that was mixed with the feathers after being shot down.

"The person who gets in the way is here, Gauss, your life will be temporarily saved until our next meeting."

Jeter can feel large-scale space jumps and fluctuations. In addition to the Giant of Light, there is another troublesome existence in this universe, and that is Drasion.

Although he has the Jadon Legion, the Legion is no match for civilization. The force of Dración is really too troublesome, and there is no chance of winning in this universe.

"and many more!"

Gauss was just born, and the one trillion degree fireball that was detonated completely engulfed his figure.

A few seconds later, Gauss, who threw off the flames and heat, did not see any enemies, as if everything was just an overly real dream.

However, the scattered feathers, the ground scorched by the flames, the plants that have turned into dust and the scattered feathers all prove that this is not just a dream.

An enemy named Jeter came to Julan Star. He knew about Justis and showed hostility.

This is just the beginning, now that Chaos' head has been taken away by him, and what is that chilling dark energy...

The fluctuations in space became intense, and warships appeared one after another outside the atmosphere of Zhulan Star, and Drasion's fleet arrived here.

However, they can only catch new interdimensional fluctuations, and that fluctuation is just the aftermath, which means that they came one step too late, and the existence that came to this universe from other universes has already left.


Gauss, who was half kneeling on the ground, punched the ground, and his figure slowly disappeared, leaving only Musashi who was exhausted due to physical exertion.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Musashi still has doubts about this, what happened before?The disappearance of Justis?Now that Chaos' head was taken away by the enemy, what should be done next?

He looked up, Dración's battleship was descending into the atmosphere, because the two sides had many things to discuss.

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It all started with the universe overlapping and then being drawn into something else.

The powerful light and the powerful darkness, the conflict between the two forces allowed Dración to capture the only one clue so far. They suspect that the current crisis of the multidimensional universe is due to the users of that dark energy.

So in order to find the source of this power, Drasion sent many Goloka motherships, and Justis, who is in a cooperative relationship with Drasion, also went to the multidimensional universe.

The problem is that after a while, many Goroka motherships lost contact, and not long after, even Justis disappeared.

Such a thing happened in the pursuit of darkness, and Dración pushed the possibility of the connection between the crisis of the multidimensional universe and the master of dark energy to 60.00%.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that Justis is still alive. Even across the multidimensional universe, Gauss can feel each other's lives. This unique connection will not deceive people.

The problem lies in this point. Jeter's attack convinced Gauss that it was a trap. The other party captured Justis and forcibly took Chaos's head away, all in order to lure them into action.

This conspiracy makes people have to act. If the crisis of the multidimensional universe is not resolved, no one can survive alone.

Justis, the head of Chaos, Gauss must act regardless of public or private.

"I see, I'll go too."

Musashi understood the situation and he chose to do so.

After a moment of silence, Gauss responded:

"Go back to Earth first, you should have a lot to say to other people."

Gauss will not deny Musashi's approach. The two are partners and comrades. In order to protect this universe and all universes, it should be the best and rational to do so.

In the face of destruction one must struggle.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Siro! Huh?!"

"Wait, you can't move yet!"

The mirror knight who just wanted to get up sat back down because of the pain, and the members of the Silver Crusade hurriedly held him down. Wouldn't it be more injuries if he was injured and moved around?

"Calm down and mirror! It's fine now, the most important thing is to sort out the situation so that we can take action as soon as possible."

After Sai Luo landed, he comforted his friend. The two were still in high spirits when they parted ways before, how could they think that they would look like this when they met again?

Hearing Sai Luo's words, Mirror Knight also became calmer, because the other party was right, and the most important thing now is to sort out the situation.

What happened in another universe?

Regarding this matter, Mirror Knight also had a feeling that it was difficult to react. After careful thinking, he said:

"We were attacked, and it probably came from other universes."

Because in the universe where Mirror Knight is located, there has never been that kind of strange robot planet, let alone that kind of terrible killer robot.

Those machines are not inferior to the imperial hunters, and the number is even more terrifying. When such a mechanical planet attacks Star Esmeralda, it is almost unstoppable.

"It all started two days ago."

With the mirror knight's words, what happened in another universe not long ago was told to everyone.

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Star Esmeralda was originally a fertile planet. This planet originally made of high-purity Emenar ore is now just an ordinary rocky planet.

What should be done after past resources are abolished?

It would take a lot of time to explore from the very beginning, but now there is an existence called 'Visitor' on this planet.

They possessed the knowledge that bestowed upon the civilization of Star Esmeralda, and with their help, basic energy facilities were successfully established.

Today's Princess Emerana looks at new things and laments the importance of 'technology'. As long as there is technology, one can start anew anywhere.

So thanks must be given to those who have knowledge and technology.

"Thank you, Mr. Visitor."

The visitors floating beside her are the few who stayed with Emerana, many of the visitors chose to wander the planet after the collapse of the Galactic Empire, because they also wanted to know their current life form What exactly is it, so I am acting alone for the time being.

"Just take it as I want to do something too, and leave something for myself."

The visitor's tone was full of emotion, feeling that times have changed. In fact, he was already an old man over eighty years old before he became such a form.

But now there is no feeling of being old, just a wonderful ease.

However, he couldn't enjoy this feeling naturally. In a civilization with a population of tens of billions, now there are only a few thousand people.

As a civilization, M80 is dead, but it may not be impossible to regenerate.

"Princess, how do you think civilization is considered alive? Generally speaking, the continuous expansion of population and territory, and the continuous prosperity and reproduction of races are considered alive?"

Visitors have also thought about these issues.

"Then a race has perished, but if their spirit and culture have been passed on, can this civilization be said to have perished?"

The body dies, but the spirit is passed on, so is it considered death?

This question has different answers for different people, and the visitor also came up with his answer.

"So I hope Star Esmeralda can accept our M80 culture and technology, so that we have something to pass on."

This was what drove him to stay with Emerana.

Hearing such words, Emilana was also thinking about the same question, but after thinking about it, she couldn't really come up with a so-called correct answer.

"Life and death are really difficult problems in the world."

She could only comment like this, and then walked to the interior of the facility with the visitors, where Jambert, who saw them coming, also moved his huge body.

"Your Highness, forgive me for not being able to salute."

At this time, Zhanbert was sitting on the ground. A lot of the armor on his body had been dismantled, and his body was undergoing maintenance and inspection.

Now the technicians of Star Esmeralda are doing the so-called learning from the past. After they got the technology of M80, they want to see if they can make some new improvements for Jambert.

Of course, Zhanbert readily accepts this. He is not a pure AI, and the feelings in his heart are what drive him to become stronger.

"Jambert, you are still serious as usual."

Emilana's reaction and way of speaking was 'disrespectful' from Jambert's point of view

Since Sai Luo left, both Jambert and the mirror knight have found that their highness the princess has become much more "presumptuous" than before. Should it be said that it is good to be approachable, or does the princess know how to behave?

Jambert was a little annoyed by this, but the mirror knight seemed to be letting himself go, and seemed to be enjoying the situation.

Speaking of the mirror knight, he is not by the princess's side now, but has returned to his hometown for a while, where he will carry out further training. Jambert is not the only one who is stimulated.

In that special planet, besides the mirror knight, there is another person.

"I really envy Jambert. I feel that he can become stronger as long as he transforms his body."

The so-called practice sometimes needs a training object, and now that object is not someone else, but the red lotus flame.

The two had just finished exercising against each other, and it was time to chat.

The mirror knight smiled and shook his head at what the red lotus flame said.

"You envy Jambert, but Jambert also envies other people. For example, we can taste different flavors when we eat. Jambert doesn't have such a function. Everyone has their own troubles."

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