
"I'm always envious and envious, and I can never end my envy."

There is always someone in the world who is better than you in a certain aspect. When you are envious of this, you will be envious of that. When will the envy end?

Or simply do your best.

"Simple self-improvement is also a practice of the heart."

The mirror knight held the mirror sword that reflected his face with both hands while talking.

"In that case, my practice has been completed."

The red lotus flame lying sideways on the ground scratched his cheek.

"I was just talking casually just now."

"I don't think you're thinking anything at all."

The mirror knight sighed. The person in front of him would only think when he was under pressure, but not when he was not under pressure. Whether his mind was empty or not depended entirely on whether there were important things to do.

The two spent some time here, and if they want to go to Esmeralda, they just need to teleport through the mirror.

The mirror knight family has been the guardian knights of the royal family for generations, and it is normal to have special passages.

"Then again, I want to eat flames."

A flame ignited on the fingertips of the red lotus flame, and then the mirror knight raised the mirror sword in his hand.

Not long after, the flame reflected by the mirror was taken out and handed over to the red lotus flame.


Red Lotus Flame felt a little overwhelmed, he was just talking nonsense just now, really?

"it is good!"

He took the flame.

"......not good."

What the hell is this smell, it doesn't feel dry at all, does it deserve to be called a flame?

"By the way, isn't this my own flame!"

The flames produced by energy are of course not tasty, what is needed is natural fire!

The rest is still going on, time is passing, this world, this universe is running according to its original state.

But things always start so suddenly, it's hard to react.

In a corner of the universe, among the stars, the star that suddenly appeared for no reason is just static, and it hasn't even rotated.

In the interior of this planet, a person sensed and found that the universe was completely different from what he had imagined.

"The shards of power are gone..."

He frowned, but felt something special after a few seconds.

"The fragments are not there, but a complete thing was born? My theory is not wrong."

Everything in the world seems incomplete to him, but what he feels now is the same existence as the original universe, like a piece of flawless wall jade.

110 Chapter Six Bitstar

The danger always strikes so suddenly, only a planet equivalent to the size of the moon blocks the brilliance of the sun, which also causes it to be noticed by everyone on Star Esmeralda the moment it appears.

Zooming closer to the interior of the atmosphere, the two planets should have pulled each other and collided, resulting in mass destruction, but in fact such a tragedy did not happen.

Gravity is perfectly controlled, and the unknown planet is still surrounded by misty gas, making it impossible to see the true face.

"Quick, hurry up and notify everyone to evacuate!"

No matter what it is, it is definitely not wrong to be cautious, so people acted quickly, notifying the people on Esmeralda and the Mirror Knight on another planet far away.

The planet was noticed by the visitors on Esmeralda, who observed it with a special vision that penetrated the foggy cover and saw the interior.

It is completely different from normal planets, with mechanical lines engraved on it, which is an artificially manufactured object.

Who is coming?The visitor is not good?

Just as the visitors observed the planet, the man inside the planet also stood up, and he came to the planet following his perception.

"It's so easy to get all together."

Judging from the man's own perception, although there are not many "complete creatures" he feels, they are all concentrated on the planet below.

The influence of the past battles has been eliminated for some reason, but it doesn't matter, being able to find such an existence can be regarded as a gain.


There is no need for the observation of this 'bit star' at all, the man can see clearly what he wants to see just by relying on his own eyes.

"Soaked machines."

What he saw in his line of sight was the red machine weapon that was rapidly installing parts and armor. The supposed power source of that machine had already received enough impact.

"A woman who has inherited a small amount of Noah's genetics."

What he saw in his line of sight was a woman leading a group of people to take refuge. That woman looks young now, and the damage of the years has not yet shown on her body, but how long can this beauty last?

In the next moment, the two looked at each other even though they were separated by such a distance.

The man stared at the light in the woman's eyes, but the woman felt that way for some reason.

"Is... what is it?"

Emerana couldn't understand the strange feeling that rose in her heart at this moment, her body seemed to speak of strange joy, like an old friend reunited.

Maybe the existence in front of him is not the enemy?

"Princess, please evacuate immediately!"

Jambert, who had re-equipped the body parts, interrupted Emerana's thinking. Before Emerana could say anything, the fog surrounding the bit star fluctuated due to the detachment of something.

The crescent-shaped spaceship is only mediocre in size compared to Bitstar, and its attitude is resounding in another universe—the mothership of Groka, the strongest single soldier of Drasion.

The spaceship transformed while landing, its posture changed from a hull to a heavy mechanical warrior.

The landing brought vibrations, and the heat flow from the jets raised the air temperature.

Unlike Jambert's urging, Emilana did not leave. Instead, she stepped forward and questioned in a dignified voice:

"Who are you? Why did you invade Star Esmeralda?"

Fists should be revealed after words cannot be used. In order to avoid misunderstanding, Emerana chose to start the conversation.

This peace of mind was not exchanged for words but for attacks. Goroka, who had transformed from the mothership into a bishop's posture, raised his clawed right hand, and the hidden muzzle of the palm gathered energy.

"Princess! If the conversation fails, please leave immediately!"

The moment Jambert sensed the danger, he stepped forward. Before he reached his body, he had already swung his left fist. The ejected fist drew an arc from bottom to top, and the uppercut hit Bishop Groka's arm. .

The impact force changed the angle of the bombardment, and Kirthadis's beam instead blasted towards the Bit Star above.

The red ball of light did not cause any waves. Bishop Groka turned his head towards Jambert who was attacking it, and the continuous firing of Blair beams was as fierce as a machine gun.

The head is the muzzle, and this design is also found on Jambert's body. His head emits emerald green light. Two machine guns form a barrage and collide midway. The explosion and particles fly randomly, and the aftermath blows Wind pressure kicks up dust.

Neither of them got close to the battle, and it had already developed into a fierce battle. Jambert retracted his left fist under the traction, and took off the battle ax on his left shoulder with his complete hands.

The moment he completed this action, the launch port on the upper end of the thruster behind him opened, and the missiles produced by him with tail flames bypassed each other and bombarded the enemy from different directions.

On the barrage, it was Zhanbert's victory. In less than a second, the pile of missiles hit Bishop Groka's body, and the violent explosion directly swallowed the opponent's figure.

'Sure enough, something has changed in my body. '

Jambert wants to get stronger and notices that he has become stronger for some reason. His power furnace used to need to be regularly replenished with Emmenal ore as fuel, but now it can produce energy without doing this, even using other substances as fuel.

'The output has also become higher than before. '

He spun his body, and the tomahawk was brought out with stronger power.

The explosion sound enough to knock people out of consciousness pierced the sky, and the tomahawk slammed on the enemy's body.

'Won. '

Jambert thought so, and then his self-confidence hurt him.

The particles were blown away, and the huge sharp claws rushed forward, grabbing this moment of relaxation and firmly locking Zhanbert's body.


When the radiance and particles dissipated, Bishop Groka had a battle ax studded on his shoulder, sparks danced in the wound, but the slash that penetrated the armor failed to win with one blow.

The brilliance inside the claws lit up again. Bishop Groka gathered his strength and released a cannonball at zero distance. The red flames that exploded traumatized Jambert's hard armor.

The first shot was over, and the second shot was imminent. Except for the left claw, Bishop Groka's right claw was not idle. It used the other sharp claw to grab Jambert's upper body, locking his arm together with his chest.

Abolishing the opponent's hands to make him unable to resist is the judgment of Bishop Goroka.

However, there is a problem, that is, Jambert's hands can't resist, only the upper arm is left in his arm, and the rest is missing.

When the second zero-distance Kirthadis beam exploded on Jambert's body, the fists that rose into the sky also fell vertically.

Sparks shot out, electric current leaked, and the tomahawk embedded in Bishop Groka's body smashed into the ground, with two fists above it.

The moment he was restrained, Jambert launched his fists, using their impact force to exert force on the battle ax again.

But this approach was successful. Bishop Goroka's body was completely split in two, and the mechanical eyes went out when he hit the ground.

Jambert's arms were reconnected, he grabbed the tomahawk, and even though he suffered some damage, he still defeated Bishop Groka. There was no long and fierce battle, and the decisive victory was only within a few rounds.

That performance was fully seen, and the man inside Bitstar nodded, and his action was completely seen.

The body is invisible, colorless and shadowless. One of the visitors sneaked into the mechanical Bitstar without any fear. Even the advanced defense system of the Galactic Empire could not find the visitor. This is the source of confidence.

"Do you have a way to replicate that machine?"

The object of the man's questioning was another person in the control room with him. The other person was wearing armor and had a wing-like cloak on his back.

It's just that the man's original helmet disappeared, and he replied with rational words:

"Knowing the structure can only be copied, otherwise it is just talking on paper."

The two have a similar appearance, which is almost indistinguishable from the residents of Star Esmeralda.

'If it's a mechanical planet, it should be able to erode. '

The visitor thought in this way in his heart, but before that, an irresistible force blocked his whole body.


The stealth that even the Galactic Empire could not detect was seen through, and before the visitor had time to react, he found that he had been caught.

There was no words, no questions, the man just made one movement - holding hands.

The exploding white liquid looked like blood, and the visitor was completely crushed, while the man just watched the liquid dissipate in the air.

"Let me continue to try, send troops."

He didn't care about the visitors who rotted into pieces but didn't disappear but gathered, but instead gave orders to another person.

Accompanied by the words, the machines inside Bitstar started up again, they executed the instructions and landed towards the Esmeralda star below.

This was noticed immediately, and Jambert on the ground thought his eyes were wide open if they could be wide open.

Jambert fired the finished missile again, and the muzzle of the head also fired continuously. However, compared with the Bishop Groka form, the mothership form moved quickly in the air to complete the evasion.

The three Gloka Bishops transformed and landed on the ground. They focused their sights on one person, and Jambert quickly realized the reality that he was locked.

At this moment, the battle ax he held tightly in both hands reflected the posture of others.

"...Although it is very inexplicable, it seems that we are the only ones blocking this place."

After saying this, Jambert rushed forward, while the three Bishops of Grocca fired rapidly, firing continuously with the Blair beams from the head muzzles.

The bombardment caused Zanbert, who was lacking in speed, to explode sparks from time to time, and his originally bright and neat armor was also cracked.

After getting close to the distance, the thrown battle ax was thrown at one of the enemies.

It's just that the speed is too slow, and the bishop of Groka just pushing to the right is enough to complete the evasion.

The moment the battle ax passed by, the figure reflected by the battle ax was materialized.

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