"No, I can't move..."

Jambert was unable to move, and his body was completely disassembled.

That's right, it is completely disassembled, every part, every connection and every part has been completely disassembled.

That thought force crushed him and at the same time carried out extremely precise movements, how could it be possible, but the fact happened.


What is the existence of kidnapping the princess?

Than Beria...or even Far Beria?

"I'm going to the Kingdom of Light to ask for help, and I'll leave it to you here."

The Mirror Knight, which cannot be dismantled, jumped up pulling his extremely painful body, and he quickly escaped out of the atmosphere.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In the gaps outside the multidimensional universe, there are a large number of crystal balls symbolizing the universe in the cracks of the dimensions.

Here, the bit star stays in one of the positions, because it has to take back another existence.

While waiting, Lucifer stared at Emilana in front of her, at that face, at the existence of the other party.

This young woman is really decisive, her thoughts are logical, and she has a spirit of sacrifice. Isn't she afraid of going deep into the enemy's camp alone?

"It's impolite to stare at a woman like that."

Emelana didn't know why she had such courage, but unlike the rationality and sensibility in her heart, it seemed that her body wanted to get close to the other party without authorization.

What is going on with this weird situation?Who is this person in front of me?Was she under some kind of mental manipulation?

"You're right. I'm the one who was rude. Serve tea."

Lucifer applauded lightly, and the AI ​​inside Bitstar responded immediately, taking tabletops, chairs, teacups and teapots from the ground, ceiling, wall, and robotic hands, and poured steaming hot tea into the cups.


Emilana's eyes widened. To her, all this was a bit unbelievable, and some people couldn't react.

"What the hell are you..."

She didn't know what to say or how to evaluate it. It was such a polite young man who did what he did before.

"Don't worry, you can treat this place as your own home, and soon you will be able to meet the people you want to meet."

Lucifer's tone was very gentle, he was not cheating, as long as his plan was completed, things would end naturally.

"Hey, it's done."

At the door of the room, the gender-neutral person knocked on the wall. Hearing these words, Lucifer stood up.

"You can also walk around, as long as you're not afraid of getting lost."

Leaving this sentence behind, Lucifer walked out of the room, leaving only Amirana staring at the steaming tea.


Weird, everything is so weird.

At the same time, the interior of Bitstar is not much hotter than usual. The heat is divided into dozens of channels, some of which converge in one place, and some of them leave Bitstar and float between the cracks in the dimension. Used as a road sign.

'The damn thing is too big. '

Red Lotus Flame knows that he can't burn this mechanical planet down, nor can he invade the internal system, so don't ask Flame to do precision work.

He moved with a hidden figure inside the planet, saw a large number of mechanical weapons stored in this planet, and saw the people acting on this planet.

One of them couldn't see the reality, and the other could be said to be 'weak and weak'. The red lotus flame was sure that he could burn it to ashes without even taking 0.1 second.

Now the two walked towards a wide space, and there was a person holding a spear in the space, and that person threw the golden giant wrapped in black ropes to the ground.

"The head of Chaos you wanted, I did get it back."

Says Jeter, the Terrorist who returned from another universe.

Chapter 110 Eight Baits

"The existence of darkness in the heart is more likely to be eroded, or is your energy too terrifying?"

Jeter's inquiry was exchanged for the usual smile, but Lucifer did not answer.

Today, Chaos' head is lying on the ground, and his body twitches from time to time, which is a manifestation of resistance.

However, the dark energy binding Chaos' head became stronger and more active due to the proximity to Lucifer.

"The bait and elements have been collected, and the next step is to catch them all."

Lucifer can confirm this, he has made enough preparations before, and there are basically not many obstacles left.

"you sure?"

Unlike him, Baxter star Chris still has doubts about this.

"Didn't you say that there are three existences in this world who can compete with you?"

There is a king, a legend, and a savior. Those are the stories he heard in the past when chatting. For Chris, it is difficult for him to imagine that there is anything else in this world that can be compared with Lucifer.

In fact, the story has not been finished yet, and there will be follow-up developments after that.

For example, the existence of 'Noah' was seriously injured due to Zaki's sudden betrayal, and was attacked by Lucifer to the point of death.

Lucifer is not worried that the other party will die, just like he will not die, and Noah will not die either. The two of them are the best embodiment of the original universe.

Speaking of 'King of Ultra'

As expected of the existence of light, when he could lend a helping hand to a universe that was about to be destroyed, he did so without hesitation.

However, it makes no sense. The Salome civilization is a pawn chosen by Lucifer. Their way of destroying the universe is different from that of the alien beasts. They tear the entire universe apart by detonating stars.

How powerful will the three overlapping universes be when they are destroyed?

Lucifer seized the moment when the King of Ultra made his move and attacked. He didn't care about fairness or injustice, that kind of thing was meaningless.

If the King of Ultra was to save the universe through integration at the beginning, now he has to be integrated with the universe to heal the wounds together, just as the integration of the Ultra family is two-way.

In this case, Noah and the King of Ultra will be out.

Next, Legendary Legerto, that is an interesting existence that actually doesn't exist in any universe right now.

Justice and order, these two giants can only be reappeared when the enthusiasm of existence is high and the mind is united. Now that justice is in the hands, it is waiting for the entry of order.

The long layout has paid off, as long as everything ends in one universe.

"There are only three existences that I need to pay attention to now, the Kingdom of Light established by the Ott family, Dración who manages the universe, and Absolut, who has not been seen so far."

What Lucifer said was a new term, neither Chris nor Jeter knew what kind of existence those three were.

"I can tell you slowly later, let me finish my work now."

After saying this, Lucifer focused his attention on Chaos's head. He pointed his outstretched palm at the unconsciously struggling golden giant, and the surging darkness in his palm could pour into Chaos's head again. .


The struggle did not stop but became more intense. However, the golden giant's original wings began to wither and dissipate, and its beautiful posture became ugly.

Strong muscles are combined to form a body suitable for fighting, the red pupils reveal a fierce light, and the roar of beasts resounds in the empty space.

Chaos's head was eroded to a blurred consciousness and sank completely. At the same moment, Jeter suddenly raised his head, swiped the spear in his hand, and the purple light attached to the crescent moon turned into chopping waves and shot out.


The questioning was a step slower than the previous one. A huge gap was cut in the ceiling of this space, and there seemed to be nothing inside.

However, if you look carefully, you can see the twisted air, which is a symbol of heat.

'Tsk! '

The red lotus flame clicked his tongue in his heart, he realized that he was exposed, because at that moment just now he really wanted to rush out.

He didn't understand most of what the people below were saying. The only thing he could be sure of was that the target of the other party seemed to be Sai Luo's hometown of the Kingdom of Light and set a trap for it.

Until here, his actions of tracking and spying on intelligence were still normal, but when Lucifer started to further erode Chaos' head, the red lotus flame couldn't sit still.

He didn't know what Lucifer was going to do to Chaos' head, but it was obvious that Chaos' head was making painful sounds.

'Is it possible to plan to kill him? '

When Honglian Huoyan had such a speculation in his heart, his fluctuating heart caused the heat to get out of control, and his existence was discovered by Jeter.

'How can I be such a naive man! '

Even if you have to take care of the affairs of people you don't know, it's okay now, something will happen.

The red lotus flame heats up at a high speed, and rematerializes its own power into a real flame.

Above the ceiling, extremely scorching flames formed clusters and bombarded Chris, who was unable to react at all.

For Honglian Huohuo, he couldn't understand his appearance. Anyway, that guy was mixing with the enemy, and there was a high probability that he was also an enemy. Attack the weak ones first to divert their attention.

Before Chris could do anything, Jeter took a quick step to block in front of Chris, and the spinning spear in his hand isolated the cluster flames to the outside, forming a large fire wind.

After completing this protective action, he glanced at Lucifer in front of him. That person simply raised his hand, and the thought power he used directly and precisely captured clusters of flames through the wall.

Red Lotus Flame's method is very simple. He attacked Chris just to divert the attention of the enemy, because he had already realized that this time the enemy was different from the past.

The materialized flames did not gather together, but simply exploded at the original position.

Since the tracking is exposed, then simply destroy the planet directly, making it unable to move, so that the tracking of the Kingdom of Light will be more convenient.

The idea is good, but it may not be realized.

The flames are directly pressed into flames, and the flames are forcibly pulled together.


When the red lotus flame reacted, he found that he was already suspended in the air, and his neck was pinched by the palm that looked no different from Emerana's family.

'I originally wanted to let you go longer, but now that I've been told, I can't help it. '

Lucifer had known for a long time that a little mouse had been mixed into this bit star, and the reason why he ignored it was because this little mouse could also be regarded as a bait, an existence that lured prey into a trap.

It's a pity that Jeter discovered it, so it will take a little more effort.

The gushing flames formed fists, and the arms of the red lotus flames continuously punched Lucifer's body. Not only here, but the flames gushing from his back also formed a pair of fists.

Transforming advantages by changing one's posture is something that energy life forms can only do.

Half a second was dozens of punches, but the dozens of punches didn't even make any waves, only the fluttering flames fell down like feathers.

"I've seen this trick before."

Lucifer naturally remembered that person, the blue-eyed dark warrior who allowed his body to disintegrate in order to exceed his predictions, and even surpassed himself in the battle to complete new tricks.

That talent, that power, is amazing but also melancholy. No matter how similar they are, they are still two people. It is precisely because of this similarity and difference that it makes people feel sad.

Clenching the palm, the dark energy is transmitted.

At this time, the red lotus flame understood what Lucifer did to Chaos's head, and his consciousness fell into darkness the moment he understood it, and the dark lines wrapped him like silk, Corroded everything about him.

Lucifer let go of his hand, and the falling red lotus flame swayed half-kneeling on the ground, and then straightened his body after settling down, as if a knight was waiting for the king's order.

"Okay, let's talk about what's next."

Lucifer turned around, and Chris followed him. Only Jeter followed after looking at Chaos' head and the red lotus flames. His pale blue eyes did not reveal any emotion. with mind.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Wait, wait, still waiting! How long are we going to wait!"

Annoyance, anxiety, and this kind of irritability of not knowing what to do made this golden space even more dazzling.

"Calm down, blind action will only expose us completely, Lucifer is still invincible today, we need to wait for that momentary opportunity."

"So what kind of opportunity is that momentary opportunity? You should tell me clearly!"


Irritable and impatient, he always wants to rely on strength to solve everything. This is Absolut Diablo, one of the strongest fighters of the Absolut clan.

'It's remarkable to just talk about strength and special abilities, but to talk about strength and special abilities. '

The other golden giant who was evaluating Diablo had some arrogant thoughts in his heart. If you want to talk about special abilities, it is his special ability that he is not observed and influenced by Lucifer now.

'It's really frustrating that Absolut's strongest fighter looks like this. '

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