Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't say so in his mouth:

"At that time, you will know. After all, I am not sure whether I can meet that condition."

As for this sentence, Diablo has heard it more than once.


This sigh was simply the most typical way of complaining, and Diablo no longer looked at the person who was still sitting still at this time.

'This Tartarus will know what he says every day. The time has not come yet, but he still doesn't say a word after holding back for so long. He is simply the kind of person who utters riddles but does not answer them. What kind of riddleman! '

Just as another giant, Tartarus, was displeased with Diablo's impatience, Diablo was also displeased with Tartarus' inactivity.

If you want to stand still and tell me the reason for doing so, okay?Aren't you just sitting there like this, not purely showing off?



Neither of them spoke, neither of them looked at each other, only the special space called 'Nalak' was shining golden.

This is an independent narrow time and space, composed of Tartarus. The power he possesses allows him to compete with Lucifer to a certain extent, but it is not enough, far from enough.

'If Lucifer cannot be defeated...'

Tartarus has also considered such a possibility, and he also knows what kind of result it will usher in.

The original universe may be a beautiful enough world, but he does not want or desire such a world.

What's the point if 'I' is no longer 'I'?

Thinking of this, Tartarus clenched his originally relaxed hands.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

This is a peaceful universe, the universe where the Kingdom of Light in the M78 nebula is located. Mirror Knight came here to ask for help, and he hoped to get help from the Kingdom of Light.

The enemy is extremely terrifying, but the Kingdom of Light is not afraid of it, rather it feels refreshed by it.

The enemy that has been unable to track has been exposed. The simple enemy is not terrible, but the kind of existence that you can't even find and have no way to attack.

"I see, you should take a good rest and recuperate first, we will definitely rescue Amyrana."

Sero comforted the mirror knight with firm words and made a promise to manipulate dark energy, stronger than Beria?So besides Lucifer, is there really anyone else?

No matter what it is, Emilana must act now after being kidnapped.

After the Mirror Knight was taken away by the Silver Crusade, Sophie who was present immediately spoke:

"Siro, don't act recklessly."

Now it is not necessary to fight alone, and the backup of the Kingdom of Light can completely start preparations.

"I know, I'm not a fledgling kid anymore."

Zero felt that he was much calmer than he imagined, perhaps because the battle with the Galactic Empire not long ago made him realize how bad it is to be weak.

It is very important to save one person, but it is also very important not to let other people sacrifice to save one person. It is very necessary to act after being fully prepared.

"You just understand."

Tai Luo on one side is also temporarily relieved. Although he has a strange feeling in his heart, in fact, according to his feeling, it has not been long since Sai Luo just returned to the Kingdom of Light.

Sure enough, it is very important to experience things like this. He also experienced many things after going to the earth once, and then he was washed away.

Now that the Kingdom of Light has a new goal, the Space Guard has moved.

The Science and Technology Bureau, which took the lead, observed the dimensional slit through equipment, and then observed the flame beacon, just as the mirror knight said.

110 Chapter Nine Dialogue


Silence, breathing slowly, although Lucifer once said that she can move around at will, but Emerana knows that she is just a prisoner after all.

Where should we go?I don't know, she is almost sure that her every move is in the sight of others, and it is impossible for this advanced mechanical planet to be unmonitored.

Even so, Emilana is still acting, and she is now trying to test the opponent's bottom line.

'Everywhere looks the same. '

After turning left and turning right, it seems that there is only a right turn left. After turning right and walking in a straight line, there is something like an elevator.

'I had no idea where I was going. '

Emelana thought so in her heart and walked straight into the elevator. The mental fluctuations in the elevator were directly converted into intelligible words:

"Which area are you going to?"

"Which areas are there?"

Amelana's tentative words were answered more than she expected:

"Scientific research area, storage area, manufacturing area, testing area, training area."

The name is very simple and easy to understand, and there is no weird description added in a mysterious way.

In the scientific research area, Emelana feels that she has no way to understand what the scientific research area is about, and there is one thing that people care about, for example, there is no such thing as a "prison area".

"What is the closest area other than the scientific research area?"

"Cultivation area."

Her question was answered, as always, so she said at once:

"Take me to the training area."

The moment these words were spoken, the elevator-like facility did not move up and down, but emitted a ring-shaped beam of light.

Before Emerana could react, those halos directly enveloped her completely.

The scene in front of me changed instantly. It was the same as the previous passages. It was very bright. The difference was that it was very wide. It was so wide that one could see the incomparably empty space that was isolated.

Emirana walked out cautiously, perhaps because she had faced death before, and her courage was greater than she imagined.

It seems that no one exists in this area. What is the so-called cultivation?

There was nothing inside the huge mirror, and she always felt that it was a huge container when she looked there.

A large number of instruments are scattered all over the place, and various data are displayed on them, but they don't know what they mean.

Emilana tried to get closer to one of the screens, a large number of values ​​on it were written in words she didn't understand.

The meaning is actually very simple, that is, 'response enhancement'

There was no vibration, no shaking, and no roaring sound, but the shadow fell, and the light that should have been able to illuminate the vicinity disappeared because of the occlusion, and the sudden dimming made Emerana raise her head subconsciously.


When a person is frightened, they may scream out loud, or they may not even be able to utter a sound.

The previously transparent mirror had worm feet, and a large number of worm feet allowed the huge thing it supported to cling to the container of the cultivation tank.

Compared with the real insects, that existence looks better, the yellow organs are bright and dark.

However, its huge figure is enough to arouse people's fear, and Emerana is no different from ordinary bugs in front of her.

The next moment, the giant worm was still crawling on the mirror surface. Its huge and heavy body didn't seem to be a burden, and the twisted crawling track like a centipede made Emerana back subconsciously.

This movement of hers did not have any effect, but her posture was different in the eyes of the giant worm.

After making the judgment of 'delicious', the action of the giant worm stopped here, its twisting body turned its head downwards, and then it left again towards the bottom of the cultivation tank of unknown depth.

Emelana no longer felt the eyes, nor the pressure brought by her huge body, she could clearly hear her heavy breathing.

"Although I said that you can act as you like, I really didn't expect you to be able to find the portal."


Emerana looked back and found Lucifer standing there looking at her with slightly interested eyes.

'Is it luck?Or intuition? '

Lucifer didn't know this, he was simply interested in the girl in front of him.

"Don't run around again next time, or you might really be eaten."

He stretched out his hand while talking, but the movement that wanted to hold Amyrana's wrist was quickly avoided by Amyrana.

"Sorry, I'm being rude."

Realizing that he was being too intimate, Lucifer raised his hands and took two steps back to apologize.

"Anyway, let's get out of here first. It just so happens that Chris and I have a lot to talk about. Why don't you come to our tea party?"

Emirana didn't speak, she just nodded, and then took a step forward to make a gesture of following.

'wrong. '

No need to speak, just keep thinking in her heart, Emelana felt a strange sense of separation for the man in front of her, polite but extremely rude.

Soon, she followed Lucifer to a spacious room through the teleportation array.

It is bright and beautiful here, with potted plants dotted around, and a small fountain brings moist mist and coolness.

Different from the appearance of the weapon, there is such a place in Bitstar?

When the two appeared, Chris noticed them, and he put down his half-drunk tea.

"Are you interested in this kind of woman?"

Chris raised his eyebrows. He admitted that this woman in backward clothing is indeed a beauty, but that's it?

"Interested, but not in the way you think."

Lucifer replied with a smile, and he opened the chair for Emerana.



Reciprocating courtesy with courtesy, this is the education Emerana has received since she was a child.

At this time, Chris looked up and down Emerana again, but with his knowledge, he couldn't see anything special.

"Where did we talk just now?"

Of course Lucifer remembered, but there must be an opening speech to bring up the topic again.

"Talking about things after the fusion of the universe."

Chris replied seriously, he really wanted to know if it was true, according to this theory, people who passed away in the past might really be able to be resurrected, or reincarnated.

"Yes, it is here."

Lucifer nodded, and he continued to follow the topic:

"When I completely crush all the universes, the energy contained in each universe will be concentrated again to fill up the only one universe. At that time, all life will be reborn there."

Not that short and fragile life form, but true immortality.

"How can there be all multidimensional life in just one universe?"

Chris raised a question about this, no one has calculated, and there is no way to calculate how many people there are in multidimensional beings.

Just hearing this question, Lucifer couldn't help laughing, he said:

"The whole amount of life in a universe is not enough to fill half the universe, why should you worry about such a thing?"

Lucifer felt that what he said was quite conservative. It is true that the lives that have been born in a universe are not enough to fill half of the universe. The probability of intelligent life appearing in today's multidimensional universe is extremely rare. event.

"If you are worried about resources, it is even more unfounded. All the planets in the original universe are living planets, so-called livable planets. You don't need to worry about those at all, let alone you don't have to worry about the life forms of the original universe. Resources will be depleted."

While speaking, Lucifer picked up his cup and took a sip of tea.

"The vast majority of life in the multidimensional universe today is suffering from the dilemma of survival. In the original universe, there is no need to think about these things, because you will not be hungry, old, or die, and all the difficulties of survival will no longer exist. "

What he said was 'impossible', yet his expression was one of unabashed and wavering confidence.

Idiots are talking about dreams, Emilana on one side thinks so, but she didn't miss the most important thing:

"Wait, what are you going to do with other universes?"

Crushed, that's what Emerana heard just now.

"Destroy them."

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