Chris gave a ruthless response. Anyone who can say such things calmly is either a madman or a fool.


"Don't worry."

As if possessing some magical power, Lucifer's words calmed Emerana's emotions, and her thinking became calm again.

"You don't need to focus on destroying the universe. After hearing about the situation in the original universe, don't you have any other thoughts about it?"

Lucifer's question made Emilana silent. After half a minute of silence, Emilana came to a conclusion with calm thinking:

"I admit that what you said is very exciting, but wouldn't destroying other universes to create a universe be a horrible massacre?"

Emerana doesn't think anyone will survive the destruction of the universe.

"What is the concept of massacre?"

Lucifer asked a question.

"Mass killing of the defenseless."

Emilana answered.

"That way the carnage is happening all the time."

That's what Lucifer said, the smile on his usual face has disappeared, and he said something unacceptable in a very calm tone.

"How many multidimensional universes are there? How many multidimensional universes are plundering resources? Not just between people, isn't the so-called biological chain like this? The strong slaughter the weak, and the weak reborn." Kill the weaker ones."

In a word, the strong prey on the weak.

"During tens of billions of years of history, the same thing has always been happening in different universes, different planets, different civilizations, and different races. What exactly caused this cycle of pain? "

Lucifer asked a question, and he didn't intend to wait for an answer, but gave the answer directly:

"To put it bluntly, it is the competition for survival resources. People eat animals, animals eat grass, and grass also competes for nutrition in the land. Everything is such a competitive relationship. After the emergence of civilization, countries are born. In order to live better, a country will To plunder weaker countries, and here again the carnage you speak of."

The historical cycle of strife never ends.

"Before the integration of civilizations is completed, different beliefs, different ideologies, and the crimes that will result from the loss of the pressure of survival breed massacres. Have you ever seen the kind of people who kill people purely for enjoyment? For A person who kills in self-righteous justice?"

Lucifer has lived for too long, he has seen the good, the bad, and both.

"When a civilization becomes prosperous, the people no longer worry about survival, and that kind of leisure allows some people with twisted hearts to release their malice. When some people have mastered resources, they will form a so-called class and form a so-called powerful society. Weak ties, oppression from top to bottom."

Lucifer stretched out his hands, and the dark energy in his palms formed an image pyramid.

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance, and resistance starts from the bottom up, and finally smashes such a system. After that, this civilization has experienced a period of prosperity, and then?"

The remains of the pyramid that had just collapsed before were erected again.

"People's hearts will change due to changes in the surrounding environment, not to mention that it is a meaningless luxury for everyone to maintain the same belief, so history repeats itself again."

The new pyramids were built, as if the change of dynasty was nothing more than a change of people.

"Or maybe people wake up and reject such mistakes."

What Emerana said had a feeling of bravado, but she, the royal family on Esmeralda is just a group of people with special abilities. Now that the Emerald ore has disappeared, the royal family It is really no different from people.

Hearing such rebuttals, Lucifer nodded, the pyramid he built was completely shattered, and there was nothing left.

"It's a pity that a new massacre has come."

The planet is constructed, and outside the planet is a falling meteor. A meteor smashes the earth, sets off a tsunami, sinks the continent, and evokes a volcano.

"Or maybe so."

Everything was reversed, the meteor did not come, the city continued to develop and progress, and finally a spaceship began to go to the starry sky.

"The war has begun."

The powerful cosmic civilization plundered the fragile cosmic civilization and turned it into a colony.

Emelana has seen that scene before, and that's what the Galactic Empire did.

"Even if there was once a bright and warm light in this universe, it was but a fleeting moment before it was swallowed up by the darkness of the human heart."

The scenery composed of dark energy is accompanied by the expansion of Lucifer's wave. There are a large number of planets, and buildings symbolizing civilization emerge on the planets, and then they are destroyed, appear, destroy, and appear.

The spaceships in the starry sky attack each other and knock down each other.

'No, that's not the case. '

Emilana thought so in her heart, not always.

"At this time, a civilization appeared."

As Lucifer said this, the star map became dim, because the stars had already been extinguished, and the years had passed, and there was a star emitting emerald green light of life.

On this planet, the giant with the medal on his chest stood up.

Chapter 120 The Distant Past

The giant in the illusion combined its arms to form a cross, and the light of Spethium shone brightly as if it wanted to dispel all the darkness.

"The Kingdom of Light, a world with warm light."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed slightly, his words seemed to be praising that wonderful country.

Soon, however, the next sentence seems to praise the negation:


Hearing Lucifer's evaluation, Amirana immediately retorted:

"At least the Kingdom of Light has brought new order and peace to my universe, allowing more people to escape from miserable situations and no longer die for meaningless reasons."

Such things have happened in the past. If it wasn't for the appearance of Sai Luo, Beria might still continue to dominate. If it wasn't for the Kingdom of Light, what would happen after the empire was destroyed?

The light has passed to this universe to bring about a new wind of reform. Lucifer has not understood the past history, but he will not deny Emerana's words, so he just said this:

"Light is like a bond, passed down from generation to generation."

This sentence is not what he said, but someone once said it.

"But there is a limit to the length of the bond. From one party to the other, what if one person handed over the bond but the other didn't catch it, or couldn't catch it?"

Lucifer raised his hands, and in the illusion were two crystal balls filled with stars.

"These are two universes. There is no point of intersection between these two universes. They just run on their own. The one on the left may build a utopia of mutual help as you imagined. The one on the right What about one? Maybe the law of the jungle will continue forever.”

Gradually, the distance between the two universes became farther and farther, and it seemed that they would never meet each other.

"In the universe where the weak are prey to the strong, some people die in pain, some people pray longingly, some people want to change the status quo, and some people continue to die. One day, this universe ushered in a traveler, and that traveler came from the Kingdom of Light. After witnessing this scene, I acted in response to the voice of the weak.”

The warriors of light from Nebula M78 have started the battle, what will happen to that result?

"Maybe he fell in this battle and nothing changed in the end, or maybe he finally reversed this rule and remade the universe."

Both corresponding possibilities are spoken, and Lucifer alters the vision again.

"No matter how much such warm light gathers, it doesn't matter how many universes exist in the world, and how many universes are repeating this kind of thing."

Copying and pasting, as if performing such an operation, the crystal balls in the phantom proliferated wildly while shrinking, arranged in hundreds or even thousands.

"The Kingdom of Light's hand has length. No matter how much you stretch out your hand, you can't protect all the universes. Your universe was saved only because of good luck. Have you ever thought about being saved in other universes when your universe is saved?" How many people are dying at the same time."

Tens of billions of people may be saved in this universe, and tens of billions of people may die in another universe.

"No matter how hard you try, people will die in the world. No matter how many people wake up, people will still perish. There will always be people who allow their own malice to ferment and hurt others. Don't you think that creatures like people are really hopeless?"

Lucifer's words still maintain his original focus, which is:

"People with warm hearts can easily do any kind of animal behavior, so I want to crush all the universes and reassemble them into the only universe."

He clenched his right hand tightly, and the constantly proliferating universe in the phantom shattered into spots of light, and the spots of light gathered together again.

"The number of universes is too large to be saved, so make it the only one."

Lucifer issued a declaration.

"Most of the contradictions in the world are due to the uneven distribution of resources and the difficulty of survival, so given the endless resources and disorderly living environment."

There is one final question here.

"If the hearts of the people breed evil again, they will have nowhere to escape in the only universe, and I will punish them."

There was something weird about that sentence, so Amyrana pointed it out:

"Are you going to be a god?"

Create the world, punish evil, manage everything.

"I'm not a god. If I'm evil by then, I believe people will face me with swords and defeat me."

Lucifer knew that he didn't have any lies, whether others believed it or not was another matter.

"If the multidimensional universe continues to develop, there will still be countless bloodsheds. In that case, I will create the biggest bloodshed, and then make this bloodshed the last bloodshed."

The Kingdom of Light is a beautiful country, and they persisted in their naive behavior in the eyes of others, but this kind of naivety saved many people.

It's a pity that no matter how you save others, the pain can't be relieved, and the chain of hatred is still repeating.

Lucifer wants to cut off this chain fundamentally, he has seen enough, and it is precisely because of this that his attachment to the past has turned into practical actions.

"No matter what, I have to reconstruct the past scene, and that scene is tens of thousands of times stronger than today."

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Beria knew better than anyone that something was going on.

The Galactic Empire he built in the past is now destroyed, but he doesn't care much about it, because the universe itself is just a test field he created. Compared with the so-called Galactic Empire, he is more concerned about other things .

The universe he is in now has a history of about 200 billion years according to the research of the scientific research department. As for why the intelligent creatures here are so primitive and backward...

Beria moved his right hand, recalling the deciphered records found by the previous archaeological department.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The excavation team found something special over there!"

Hearing the report from his soldiers, Beria nodded in response:

"Got it, go now."

Before the soldier could react, His Majesty in his eyes flew to the other end of the sky at an exaggerated speed, which was much faster than any other means of transportation.

It didn't take long for Beria to arrive at the outskirts of the ruins excavation site. The dust and soil had been completely cleaned up. What was dug out of the underground city was:

"The three-eyed god conveys the will of heaven, with four wings waving, the evil will be destroyed...humph."

Today's Beria understands what the three-eyed god is in the ancient records. The lifelike stone statue has a carved posture, a winged crystal, four wings on its back, and a crystal with a head that looks like a third eye.

How did most civilizations in this universe be destroyed?

It's not such a complicated story, killing in the battle for kings, pressing the button when it's about to be destroyed, it's bound to pull everyone else down together.

It is said that a long, long time ago, an evil god with two faces and three eyes appeared in this universe. It was a terrifying monster that symbolized chaos without dividing light and darkness.

There seems to be no clear will in this beast, just the exercise of instinct to bring about the power of destruction.

One day, a giant corresponding to the monster appeared. The giant had only one face, but had three eyes, and special wings on the back. He fought fiercely with the monster, and finally sealed the monster in the end of the distorted time and space.

After that, the universe was saved, and the world praised the three-eyed god who disappeared after that.

However, such things as belief will be forgotten. Unknowingly, civilizations have the ambition to annex and have the desire to dominate everything, so war brings destruction.

As for the three-eyed god...

"Everything will change with the passage of time, and pure beliefs will also be contaminated. One person's light cannot illuminate everything, so someone must guide them."

Beria shook his right hand, but the weapon that always accompanied him disappeared, and the feeling of discomfort was so obvious.

"Forget it, I'll go get you back soon."

The Gigabit Fighting Instrument is still the most reassuring to hold.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Everything screams, the planet disintegrates, God's punishment comes, and life dies.

"What did you do! Lucifer! What did you do!"

Two consecutive questionings are enough to prove the intensity of his emotions. The silver-white giant is named Noah, and the black giant who just destroyed a planet in front of him turned around and remained indifferent to the questioning.

"Some little lessons need to be given to disobedient children."

Lucifer's tone was very calm, as if the destroyed planet was nothing to him.

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