I don't know which Goroka mothership or Giga Endora made the sound. Under the control of Drasion, the road to the multidimensional universe was opened.

A mixed fleet of thousands of warships has left this universe and they have captured the source of the 'great darkness'.

Time passed slowly, and in the process of advancing, Delacion captured a strong energy.

But their vigilance is not so strong, because this energy is very similar to the energy of Justis and Gauss, and it belongs to the existence of 'light'.

Although it is a bit arbitrary to say so, life forms that are generally biased toward light are not evil people.

With a little vigilance, but also ready to fight, both sides are the same.

After approaching, neither of them launched an attack first, which provided conditions for negotiation.

In the passages outside the multidimensional universe, there are generally not so many travelers between the gaps in the dimensions, not to mention that they will meet in this way.

The two sides that have already approached the target location meet here.

"We are the Ultra Guard from the Kingdom of Light, may I ask who you are?"

Otto's father took the lead in sending out telepathy to introduce himself and asked at the same time. The polite question was naturally exchanged for a polite response.

"We are Delacion, and we are here to maintain the order and survival of the multidimensional universe."

The information revealed in Dración's words, in fact, both parties have certain speculations about the purpose of each other's actions.

There are so many universes in this world, it does not mean that only one universe is aware of destruction.

In order to stop such a thing, someone must take action, so there may be an encounter here.

At this moment, Father of Ultra continued:

"We are here to solve the destruction of the multidimensional universe, are you the same?"


Dración immediately replied that they could find out the energy level of the Cosmic Guard through the detectors, and it turned out that there is indeed an existence comparable to Dración in another universe.

This perspective translates into confidence that you can never have too many strong companions.

After a short period of joy, both parties noticed something almost at the same time.

'Wait, something is wrong. '

Gauss was thinking quickly in his mind at this time. Two civilizations and two troops arrived at the same place almost at the same time for the same thing without any communication. This kind of small probability event is not impossible, but if there is doubt Heart, no matter how you look at it, it is suspicious.



A sound appeared without any warning, and a dark energy began to expand without any warning.

At this moment, a pitch-black human figure floated in the empty place.


Sai Luo suddenly had a strong sense of separation, he felt that his body was uncomfortable because of some kind of tearing, and a feeling of mismatch came.

But before he could comprehend it carefully, the pitch-black figure spoke again.

"Thank you, everyone, come here, please die here."

The inflated dark energy exploded like a leaking balloon, and a large number of dark spears fell from there. Tens of thousands of energy weapons made of dark energy were shot out under the impetus of telekinetic power, like heavy rain pouring down. .

"We are in charge of defense!"

The father of Otto led the crowd forward without the slightest hesitation, and he took on the task of 'shield'.

There are not many conversations, but a united front has been formed.

I saw that the people of the Space Guard moved their palms forward at the same time, forming a barrier that was connected as one, and the huge light shield collided with the dark spear, blasting countless particles.


Dración issued an order, and hundreds of giga-endolas completed their aiming and locking, and the energy they gathered could destroy a star system without any problem.

The moment the gap appears, the defensive barrier will be canceled, and the shelling will be destroyed together with the Dark Spear.

However, there is a variable here, that is, why did the other party appear before they even reached the universe where the other party was?

Where is that universe?

That universe is advancing at an exaggerated speed.

'Perceived high energy response. '

When the system gave such a prompt, what Dración saw was a crystal ball full of stars flying.

Such objects have seen a lot along the way, that is the universe, but now a universe is hitting them at the speed of light.

Delación, who judged the situation in an instant, turned the muzzle of the cannon. The strong light was a symbol of shelling, and the terrifying shot hit the universe fiercely.

How terrifying is the bombardment that easily destroys the star system for living things, but what if it is not living things?

What is the damage caused by this burst of energy to the entire universe?nothing.

Right now, avoid.

The blocking of the shelling brought time to react, and everyone quickly evaded.

Zero focused his attention on the pitch-black figure to prevent the other party from attacking.

Then, the pitch-black figure just clenched its fists.

The next instant, the universe without any enemies on its path changed its shape.


It's like the meat ball is deforming and twisting, the hidden starry sky becomes a ferocious eye, and the extended galaxy is a tentacle, quickly pulling the captured prey into the interior of the universe.

"what is this?!"

No matter who it is, it will be difficult for anyone to react to this, and now the universe captures everything around it as if it is a living being.

One after another, the galaxies are densely packed like tentacles, but this is only the beginning, and the entire universe begins to expand at a terrifying speed, sucking in the existences it touches.

The sudden situation caught everyone by surprise, and the universe, which expanded to dozens of times its original volume in just ten seconds, sucked in everything except the pitch-black figure.

"The first step is done."

The ultimate form of the alien beast is the living universe, which will swallow other universes and cause destruction.

Today, Xenobiotic Beast Universe has successfully lured two troublesome civilizations, Kingdom of Light and Drasion.

The pitch-black figure landed on the surface of the alien beast's universe, and the dangling tentacles welcomed it. The alien beast welcomed its master, and the pitch-black figure also merged into the interior of the universe.

Chapter 120 Three Roads That Cannot Intersect

"here is......"

Even Sai Luo couldn't resist the sudden bondage. Unlike the gorgeous scenery seen in the gap between dimensions before, there is a special force in this universe.

Before he even had time to react, the ultimate bracelet on his wrist had automatically changed its posture, turning into Pagiela's shield and covering his body as armor.

Special wavelengths are everywhere, and he has also felt such wavelengths in a giant beast in the past. Its name is Arc Beria, and its essence is a strange beast that violates the law.

Different from the huge wavelength that was only one at the beginning, now this wavelength exists everywhere in the world, even besides.

The moment Palaji's shield turned into armor and covered Zero, something seemed to be running away.

"real or fake......"

It was precisely because of this act of escaping that Shi Luo felt a creepy feeling. After the wavelength was separated from him by a short distance, his position became a true sense of 'nothing'.

Nothingness, no light, no darkness, nothingness.

What is this manifestation?

Could it be the universe itself that fled from the radiance of Palaji's shield?

The previous attack, the performance of this universe...

"Land of Light, Dración, welcome to my lair."

That voice came from all directions, Lucifer seemed to be everywhere, and his words were transmitted to every corner of the universe.

Dración, Kingdom of Light, the combined number of the two is about [-]. It seems that the exaggerated number is insignificant in the scope of the universe.

At this time, Max scanned the surroundings, his instinct as a fighter told him that something was wrong around him, and now he and his partner Jeno were separated.

Not only him, in fact, everyone was scattered, and there was no one who could fight side by side.

This entire universe is a trap, a lure deliberately set by Lucifer. He believes that after creating so much chaos, the Kingdom of Light and Dración will not miss the only clue.

Is it knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and I prefer to go to the mountains?

Or just give up the only chance and wait for when a new universe will be destroyed?

Considering the ideas of the Kingdom of Light and Dración, Lucifer believes that the two will choose to step into the trap, and now it is the same as what he predicted, which is an admirable stupidity.

'Noah, I wouldn't have to bother if you weren't here. '

Lucifer recalled the past in his heart. During the entanglement and battle between him and Noah, more lives emerged. It is impossible to reverse time without any price. The battle with Noah made the Kingdom of Light And Dración turned into a sticky presence.

If the battle ended earlier, he could have wiped out the two at the beginning of their birth, and then integrated the timeline into the only one that was 'destroyed'.

But now it is impossible to reverse those times, just like it is impossible for him to rely on reversing time to return the multidimensional universe to the original universe.

'Noah, without you...'

Not only these things, but also things from a long time ago...

Thinking is interrupted here, Lucifer has already made a decision and acted on it, and there is no need to think about it now.

"I am here to offer you an invitation to join me and build a better world?"

The combination of this invitation and the situation at this time has the feeling of a grand banquet.

"Because you are the beings who guard the universe, you should better understand what is the source of chaos and evil. Just because you know that there are countless multi-dimensional worlds, you should understand better that your hands can reach How short the distance is."

Evil and chaos, no matter how many are eliminated, they will be reproduced thousands of times.

"In your long life, you have witnessed all kinds of ups and downs, and you have said goodbye to countless friends. Don't you feel sad about this? Don't you want to go hand in hand with your friends?"

Normal life is too insignificant compared to further life, short-lived species is just a moment in the eyes of long-lived species.

"We can create a better universe together, and integrate everything into the same universe. There will be no more powerlessness, and no more sadness caused by the gap in life."

Lucifer continued to describe his ideal world.

"If you are not old or dead, you will not be bound by the shackles of existence. There will be no competition for endless resources. People can follow their own ideas. The universe that is still infinitely extended will give birth to new puzzles. There will be no more saying goodbye today and saying goodbye tomorrow." Parting in the next life."

Well said, but at what cost?

"What are you going to do for this? Are you, who is constantly creating tragedies and pains, talking about beauty and the future?"

The father of Ultra has already grasped the ultimate blade, he questioned Lucifer, compared with the so-called 'beautiful future', what he saw was devastated.

"All you're left with is destruction!"

How many universes have been destroyed?

Dozens have been observed, so what unit should be used to calculate the lives of dozens of universes?

"Do you keep piling up corpses, and then stand on the mountain of corpses and sing about the future?"

Hypocrisy, disgusting, this is what Lucifer did at this time for the father of Otto.

That confrontational attitude couldn't be more normal, Lucifer replied:

"Before creation, destroy first. If you want to establish, destroy first. The dead will wake up again in the new world... Even if I say that, you won't believe it."

From the very beginning, Lucifer knew that his approach would not be recognized, but even so, he still chose to try, after all, if he didn't try, there really would be no hope.

'People always want the approval of others...that makes sense. '

He evaluated his behavior in his heart, with a sense of self-deprecation.

"We're seeing things differently, so there's only one way to go."

Lucifer accepted the failure of persuasion, so he raised his right hand, that action was a signal, a signal that all the alien beasts in this universe could see.

Just at this moment, the warriors that existed in this universe were attacked.

The better intuition subconsciously releases the energy in the body, and the spherical barrier locks itself inside.

The warriors who couldn't react were distorted, and the energy they released was crushed together.

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