"This is?!"

In a corner of the universe, Ultraman opened the barrier and supported the cuboid with both hands.

But there was a terrifying force crushing him all around, trying to crush him to pieces.

Where exactly is the attacking enemy?What is attacking him?

One of the Otter brothers had experience with such situations more than anyone else.

A warrior named Jack once fought against a terrifying monster named 'Bashmon', the opponent was a glutton that devoured planets and stars, and the way he defeated it was to break into the opponent's body and start destroying it from the inside.

Jack was under terrible pressure at the time, and that pressure was insignificant compared to the current pressure.

But the similarities among them explain a lot, and considering the previous incident of "a whole universe attacked them", he immediately came up with a deduction:

"Could it be that we are now in the body of a monster?"

It was completely different from Bashemon's time, now Jack couldn't find anything to pierce, and the surrounding space looked so distorted.

As he speculated, all the people are in the body of a strange beast, and that strange beast is a strange beast named 'Universe'.

Unlike the Ultra warriors whose defense is also strong enough, the Goroka motherships are indeed tough, but they are dead things after all.

Their hard outer walls were eroded first before they were crushed, and a large amount of alien beast factors turned into 'meat lumps' sticking to the metal surface, corroding and transforming the metal.

If this continues, they will be transformed into new alien beasts by the alien beast factor before they are crushed.

And it is precisely because the weapon has no consciousness that it can be easily discarded.

Gigabit Ndola, which was difficult to move, directly concentrated its power and opened fire, and that terrifying energy collided with this "part of the entire universe", and a huge explosion occurred without even being able to leave the body.

This bombardment not only evaporated the alien beast factor, but even engulfed itself.

This is Dración's plan. It is good to remanufacture such things as weapons. Even if they self-destruct, they must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

Lucifer, who was advancing, noticed this situation, and he just glanced at it and didn't care about it. Let them self-destruct if they want to self-destruct. Even if they cause an explosion, what is it compared to the scale of the 'universe'?

Its forward movement stopped again at this time, because a brilliant light was released in this universe.

"This is......"

It is not the radiance that a single Ultra warrior can display, this radiance is independent of the holder.

The father of Ultra brought out equipment for this battle, and there is a thing called 'Plasma Spark Tower Core'

Not long ago, when the Jiakalu Legion invaded the Kingdom of Light, Beria awakened the Kingdom of Light with this core, and gave the Kingdom of Light support.

At that moment, the father of Otto was inspired. He was never a pedantic person. In order to fight against Lucifer, he believed that a "suitable battlefield" was necessary.

Even if he wants to step into the enemy's home field, he must create a home field that belongs to the Kingdom of Light.

So now above the palm of Father of Ultra is the core of the floating plasma spark tower. After its activation, the strong light released burns away the surrounding alien beast factors, and the nothingness is filled with brilliance.

This was just the beginning, Father of Ultra held the Ultra Sword, which he slashed at the core of the Plasma Spark Tower.

"bring it on!"

The true power hidden in the body is released, and the resonance between the ultimate blade and the plasma spark tower is guided by this power.

In an instant, the field of light that was released during the battle with the Ampera star began to expand wildly in all directions. The strong light energy drove out the alien beast factor, and even opened up a new field in the interior of the universe.

No matter where you are, you can see this light, and you can feel the power brought by that light.

The Ultra fighters understood the location of the coordinates, and they converged in the direction of the light.

The situation has not reversed, but there has been a slight turning point.

"Chris, get Bitstar moving."

Lucifer issued the first order, and the second order began to be issued.

At this time, the father of Otto in the field of light raised his head, and the field that spread like paint hit the barrier. At the edge of the field, a large amount of liquid dripped like water droplets, and inside the water droplets were newborn aliens. Raw beasts, they are crazily nibbling at the edge of the domain, as if they want to devour the domain directly.

The alien beasts of the planet are the manufacturing factories of alien beasts, what about the universe?

This is Lucifer's home field, and now Sero is speeding through the universe, perhaps because of the Palaji shield on him, all the alien beast factors are actively avoiding him.

At this moment, flames swept over.


The straight flight path drew an arc, the front flip stopped midway, and the reversed Sai Luo clearly saw the familiar flame.

"and many more!"

This call did not receive any response, and the released flame beam attacked.

The bright flame brightened the surroundings, and in the next moment, there was a silver light in the center of the flame. The silver light divided the flame, and a large number of orange sparks scattered.

"Red Lotus! You..."

The sword collided with the stick, and the red lotus flame didn't respond to Sai Luo's voice. He just danced the flame stick frantically against the long sword blocked by Sai Luo.

The fist that is swung, or the movement of the fighter will reveal the will.

From the attack of the red lotus flame, Sai Luo couldn't feel the consciousness belonging to the opponent, that is to say...

"You idiot! I'll wake you up now!"

The counterattack swung from bottom to top cut off the long flame stick, and a little flame spewed out from the center of the red lotus flame's body that was retreating rapidly.

The two approached, and the sword and the double short sticks came into contact again.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the universe, what Gauss saw was a familiar enemy.

"how come......"

Musashi remembered that gesture, the skinless body exposed dark muscles, the yellow organ on the chest was like a face, and the red eyes were full of hatred.

Chaos is dark, the head of Chaos that should have been purified has returned to this terrifying posture under the erosion of darkness.


The roar went straight to the soul, and the madness made Musashi wake up.

"Free you now!"

Concentric in one body, Gauss's original silver-blue body turned into red and blue, surpassing the future form of the solar eclipse to meet the fast-attacking Chaos darkness.

In various locations in this universe, fierce battles broke out.

120 Chapter Four As Planned

After the order is issued, it is natural to start acting immediately. Now in this universe are the troops of Dración and the Kingdom of Light. The former is difficult to resist the erosion of alien beasts due to its nature, and the latter...here is a Very interesting place.

In fact, the Goloka series inside Bitstar is the masterpiece of Dración. Drasion used to send Justis and the Goloka mothership as scouts, and some of the Goloka motherships are missing. It was Bitstar that made the capture.

Everything is for this moment now, Chris gave the order to let the Goloka mothership inside Bit star come out in full force.

There were other things to do than these mechanical weapons, and he called for his important work.

After receiving that instruction, Jeter took his long gun and walked out of his room, or maintenance bay.

Today's Bitstar is very noisy, because a large number of airframes are attacking in an orderly manner.

"It's you again, I really don't know how to give up."

Jeter clearly saw Emilana in front of him. I don't know if it was because he didn't explicitly refuse and showed that he could communicate. Emilana always hoped to convince him.

At this time, Emerana was still not angry when she heard Jeter's evaluation. She was not an idiot who was overconfident. She knew that she did not have the most important "strength" for a fighter.

So just do this:

"The only thing I can do now is to persuade people who can be persuaded through words. Do you think this is really good? What will happen to the original people if all the existences of all parallel worlds are unified?"

Emelana is not the type to throw shit at the status quo, she just keeps thinking based on the situation in front of her.

There is a lot of information revealed in Lucifer's words, and Emilana doesn't know why the other party revealed so much to her as a prisoner, but there are indeed things that can be used.

For example, what she said now:

"A person's self is made up of memories. Our hearts and our souls are all unique, established by past experiences, but when all of us in parallel worlds are unified into one, who is the real meaning? Me? Who the hell am I by then?"

If everything Lucifer said is true, what about the personality and soul of that person after the two same people with different experiences and memories are united? Will he become a new person?Isn't it a horrible thing to mix with other people's memories?

Faced with this question, Jeter did not answer directly, he just said this:

"It's a pity that similar twin universes will not appear so easily, at least there is no other me at present."

Jet moved forward again, his body disappeared and reappeared, and went directly past Emerana to the battlefield he was asked to go to.

'Who will that person become when all the peers are united?Maintain the original self?Which self is the original self? '

Of course, Jeter has thought about such a problem. He has a "heart", and the memories of the past are still engraved in his soul.

But there's no point in thinking about those things now, he's just going to do his job right now.

The battlefield he is about to go to is a battlefield where old friends confront each other, and it is also the status quo that Lucifer deliberately planned.

The universe is the home field for the Ott family, where they can absorb energy from the stars to replenish themselves, but this universe is different, the light of the stars can only be seen by sight, and the alien beast factors everywhere completely block it .

Not only that, there is still a faint light shrouded in Gauss's body today, that soft white light resists the oppression of the alien beast factor while constantly consuming his power.

With the excess power consumption and the lack of star supplements, today's Gauss is slowly consuming energy even if he is not fighting, but now he has to fight.

"Musashi, the enemy corrupted Chaos just to fight us at this moment. It's not surprising when they attack, so we have to seize the moment to rescue Chaos."

Gauss's consciousness communicated with Musashi, took away Justis, and took away Chaos' head. This was simply a deliberate game to capture him.

"A momentary chance... eh!"

Just after thinking for a short time, Musashi and Gauss felt pain in their shoulders.

They evaded the impact of the mind force by rotating their bodies, and they shot light arrows continuously, forcing Chaos to no longer use the mind power in the dark.

However, just as it was difficult to fight against Chaos Darkness in the past, Chaos Darkness did not dodge or evade, directly turning the power in the body into a destructive sphere.

Gauss's counterattack hit the purple magic ball and was swallowed, and the purple magic ball was pushed to Gauss again.

In the next moment, the magic ball changed its direction due to the operation of the mind force, and it followed Gauss behind and chased Gauss.

At the same time, Chaos Darkness also accelerated further, outflanking from the other side.

If you encounter flanking attacks from both sides, you will be seriously injured if you are not careful. If you want to get out of this situation, you must find a way.

Gauss turned around and took the initiative to meet Chaos' head on that side, and the magic ball chasing behind him did not slow down.

It seemed to be too easy to see through the general approach of driving tigers and wolfs away, but Gauss's movements suddenly changed.

Unlike the dark decisive battle with Chaos on Earth in the past, Gauss is now in a form called 'Future', and his energy is not weak, and he has not suffered any injuries.

So his movements exploded in an instant, and that movement was unimaginably fast.

Gauss, who often harassed the enemy at super speed, once again used this tactic. He moved five angles in a short period of time, leaving visual afterimages at each angle.

It seems that there are dozens of Gausses, where is the real him?

It is not difficult to distinguish this point. Chaos darkly crushed all the afterimages with his mind power just by clasping his palms together. He stopped suddenly and then retreated. The magic ball he manipulated also exploded under the command, turning into an expanding energy storm .

The question is where is Gauss now?

Chaos couldn't find the enemy's trace in the dark, and he also felt the energy of the enemy. Why did this happen?

Could it be that Gauss is really fast enough to have surpassed his perception?

Thinking was interrupted here, because the beautiful blue-white light bombarded Chaos' dark body at an astonishing speed.


The purple energy storm was torn apart and turned into a cyclone-like scene, and within its original interior, Gauss' right fist moved forward, and Gauss' slam based on the eclipse-shaped Kurzmium light had already been launched.

Just as Kurzmium's light has the ability to purify, what this blow hit was the 'darkness' on the head of the boarder and Chaos.

Gauss took advantage of Chaos' dark magic ball of destruction. The high speed he used was just to create an illusion of 'too fast to imagine', so as to disturb Chaos's dark judgment.

Because the speed is too fast, when Gauss' figure disappears, Chaos' dark judgment will tend to be "he is too fast for me to catch"

In fact, Gauss took advantage of this. He directly slammed into the explosion of the destruction magic ball, and his own energy fluctuations were therefore covered up.

Unlike the continuous output of light, the light ball that focuses on instantaneous destructive power can only rely on vision and intuition to determine whether it has hit or not, so Gauss' tactics succeeded.

Just as he and Musashi had planned before, they had to seize a momentary opportunity, an opportunity that they themselves created and seized.

"This darkness..."

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