Gauss had already realized the strength of the enemy when he felt it on Zhulan Star in the past, and this is exactly the case now.

Even Gauss' heavy blow could not instantly drive away the darkness lodged in Chaos' head.


Musashi's warning voice sounded, and the feeling of danger came at the same time.

'No, it's still worse——'

a little.

This kind of thinking was affected, because the scalding [-] trillion degree fireball hit his waist firmly, and the bursting flames engulfed his whole body, and the terrifying heat seemed to want to completely vaporize him.

The blue-white light became weaker, and the blue-white light skyrocketed rapidly, and the struggling Chaos' dark movements were still like a paused video tape.

The new fireball blasted into the interior of the fire wave, and the sea of ​​flames that expanded thousands of meters spread and surged wildly, trying to submerge everything.

Finally, Gauss' heavy blow still stopped, and Chaos' dark movements remained still, and he chanted a name indistinctly:


The center of the turbulent sea of ​​flames was shaken open, and the timer on Gauss's chest flashed red.

What appeared there was a giant in black and white, and the existence named Jeter aimed at Gauss' neck, and the pierced crescent gun was blocked before hitting.

This is just the beginning, swinging, stabbing, Jeter, who attacked this weapon from different directions, seemed to be surrounded by a lot of silver light, and finally all the silver light merged into one, the same final stab as at the beginning passed through Overcome Gauss' block and took Gauss's head straight.


The crescent blade touched the skin, and the cold touch was transmitted.

However, Jeter's movements stopped here, he raised the crescent gun slightly, and raised the target's chin.

"Even if you are under attack, you have to save your snatched companions. For this reason, you took the initiative to step into this hell. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Compared with the previous fierce battle, Jeter had won the victory without much effort, because all his attacks hit, and Gauss did not evade in order to purify Chaos' head.

This is the same as Lucifer predicted, and this is the role of Chaos' head.

"I'm afraid of dying."

Gauss said bluntly that the desire for life is common to all things.

"But I have more fears than death."

That is the death of others. Compared with the long life of the Otto family, other lives are but a short moment.

Gauss had lived a long time, and other lives were too young to be sacrificed to someone's madness.

Hearing that, the moment Jeter retracted his gun, Gauss counterattacked. The two sides were already enemies, and this was a very normal move.

However, in the next moment, Gauss found that he was unable to move.

His body was firmly locked, and the enemies who appeared behind him completely suppressed him with pure strength.

Jet swung the crescent gun again, but this time, he threw out the tail of the gun with all his strength, and hit Gauss directly on the head with a heavy blow, taking away his consciousness.

After confirming that the other party fell into a coma, Jeter turned his head to look at the motionless Chaos Darkness. The violent atmosphere on the other party appeared and disappeared from time to time, and the purification was indeed effective.

"Things to fear more than death... hum."

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The assaulting alien beasts crashed into the edge of the field of light. They wanted to erode this area, but the light blasted from the inside completely destroyed it.

Now the field formed by the father of Ultra is the gathering of Ultra warriors, who defend the enemy as defenders.

But if you stick to it for a long time, you will lose it. Anyone can understand this.

Part of the Vanguard Army gathered their forces. The Bureau of Science and Technology once created a stargate that can travel through different universes, which is the use of energy and technology.

This can be done technologically or through 'talent'.

The Otts are born with the talent of 'space', but each one is different.

Now people with this talent are concentrating their strength on building the Stargate, and as long as it can be completed, they can bring reinforcements or retreat from the Kingdom of Light.

The field created by the plasma spark tower controlled by the father of Ultra can even be said to be independent of this alien beast universe and will not be affected.

At this moment, Seven saw a familiar presence.

"Those are Dración's weapons."

He pointed out the approaching existence on the outside, and the motherships blasted out physical missiles and energy beams, and fired continuously to quickly smash and expel a large number of alien beasts.

"Oh, did they come along the track too!"

Ace felt refreshed, and there was absolutely no shortage of reinforcements.

Just like that, the Goroka mothership forcibly opened a path, and they headed towards the Realm of Light.

The Kingdom of Light did not reject or guard against 'Dración', after all, they rushed over killing the alien beasts all the way, didn't they?

Masses of ordnance were brought into the field, and the shelling was fired before the exchange could begin.


Eddie's emotions haven't stabilized yet, but his instinct as a fighter makes him react subconsciously.

After he ascended, the passing shells below him made him realize that he had made a big mistake.

The soldiers stabilizing the Stargate in the rear were engulfed by the sudden shelling, and the brilliance that was like a flame in the last second scattered and disappeared in all directions, and the sound of a large number of timers echoed.

Without waiting for anyone to question, the mothership Groka transformed into a bishop, firing random bombardments at everyone but them.

In an instant, the Domain of Light was filled with chaos, did Dración betray him?

Chapter 120 Five New Points

Hands tied, this is the truest feeling of Sai Luo at this time.

I don't know how many times there were collisions, the red lotus flame had already abandoned the original long flame stick, and he used the short stick that was cut into two sections to perform another usage.

Sai Luo swept the blade across and chopped the incoming fireball. The opponent's two flaming sticks were like a pair of staffs. Every time he swung the fireball, it was not only the fire blade, but the flying flames brought damage. And blocked the line of sight.

Waving again, the arms of the red lotus flame waved in the same direction, and the driven flames turned into a blazing big wave and surged towards Sai Luo.

On top of the flames hundreds of meters high, Sai Luo jumped out by climbing.

Aiming at him like this, Honglian Huoyan threw out the two short sticks in his hand, and the pair of weapons changed again compared with before, with an extra orange rope in the center.

The fast spinning nunchaku was like a dart, and the red lotus flame threw a new boomerang again, a total of five shots aimed at Sai Luo.

'No collision necessary. '

As Zero moved forward, his body swayed and flipped to change the angle, dodging the scorching attack.

Just after completely avoiding it, he felt the heat approaching again.

The previous darts turned into boomerangs, and they circled to the rear and then retracted from different directions.

Seizing this opportunity, Honglian Huoyan clenched his fists tightly, and the power that erupted in his body turned him into a flaming meteor.

After a second passed, the distance between the two was shortened by thousands of meters. The first straight punch hit Sai Luo's upright left arm, and light and fire floated from there.


One thing Selo realizes is that he doesn't have the skills to purify others.

The continuous punches were coming, and the blocking blade was unbreakable, frantically blocking the opponent's continuous bombardment.

Just as the left palm of the red lotus flame was burning, gathering a large number of flames, a large number of silk threads also extended from Sai Luo's open palm.

This doesn't match his fighting style, it's just a trick created temporarily based on the current situation.

Thousands of slender silk threads won by quantity, and the light golden cloth of light was thrown out at a speed one step faster than the attack of the red lotus flame.

As if wrapped in a quilt, the body of the red lotus flame was completely trapped by the cloth of light. Sai Luo clenched his fists tightly, grabbed a corner of the cloth, and then turned around and swung it from top to bottom.

The unbalanced body of the red lotus flame collided with the dart thrown by himself, and the collision between the flame and the flame did not cause too strong injuries.

After completing the movement of borrowing the opponent to block, Sai Luo opened his left palm, and the silk thread extending from the front of the five fingers was connected to the slightly flickering curtain.

He moved forward again and threw the curtain out a second time.

In order not to be controlled, the body of the red lotus flame expanded rapidly, and a large amount of flames spewed out from different positions of his body.

However, Sai Luo moved faster than that. The curtain he threw was composed of countless silk threads, and now the silk threads split and opened again, completely enveloping the flame trying to escape like a spider spinning silk.

From the curtain to the net, the function of the bondage has not changed in any way.

The re-concentrated silk thread became a curtain again, and the curtain completely covered the figure of the red lotus flame, and contained the other party in it. What should I do next?How can the red lotus flame return to normal?

After thinking about it after the confrontation, Sai Luo can still be regarded as easily capturing the controlled red lotus flame.

It is true that Red Lotus Flame is becoming stronger and has a new way of fighting, but it is not only him who has become stronger, especially Sai Luo.

After the battle with the Galactic Empire, he sorted out his experience, adapted to his body, and controlled the Palaji Shield. This is not an easy practice, and now he has indeed achieved results.

'To purify the darkness on the opponent'

Sai Luo thought this way, when he had the time to think, an instinct passed into his thinking.

'You can do it, we can do it. '

It was as if someone was talking to him, and at the same time, the long sword on his right wrist trembled slightly, making a sword-crying sound, it was saying 'slash straight down'

What the hell is Palaji's Shield?

It is part of the power left by Noah, so how can this power be used?

It was at this moment, when Sero was about to follow his instinct to do so, that he relaxed.

Because he was certain of his victory, the cloth of light made by him was deeply eroded by the darkness, that gap had been opened, and the red lotus flame inside was so abnormal compared to before.

A large amount of heat accumulated, and its original orange flame turned purple the moment it burned.

This mass of purple floated on the palm of the red lotus flame, which was out of place with the surroundings.

'Dangerous, must not be touched. '

Sai Luo had such an instinctive reaction the moment he witnessed it, how to hide at such a close distance?

In other words, there is no way to avoid the situation of mental arithmetic without intention in the first place.

When the red lotus flame threw out the purple flame, his body changed back to its original color again. What exactly was thrown in the form of flame?

Sai Luo only had time to block the blade in front, and pressed his left hand on the blade to increase the strength of resistance. It wasn't until the purple fireball touched him that he realized that the soft flame seemed to have no strength at all. .

'What is——'

Even so, the hint of 'danger' that flashed in his mind still did not disappear. In order to get rid of it, he tried to shake off the purple fire that had been stained with it from the sword.

The action stopped here, and the purple flame was completely exhausted.

The red lotus flame has almost exhausted its strength, and his body is unable to move because of the loss of energy.

The long sword on Sai Luo's right wrist was only a few tens of centimeters away from the palm of his left hand, which was used to defend him before. The movement of swinging the sword was completely stopped just as he was about to make it.

His thinking didn't last, or in other words, he kept at this moment.

Just as Noah could divide part of his power into Palaji's shield, Lucifer did exactly the same thing. When he corroded the red lotus flame, he gave a very small part of his power to the red lotus flame. is an attack.

The exhausted red lotus flame used that blow as Lucifer planned, and the purple fire was not a flame in essence, just because the energy supplier showed the form of a flame.

Time, space, time and space, and even the ability to modify what Lucifer bestowed in the past is the confinement of time and space.

Today's Sai Luo is fixed at an independent point in time, he is stuck at this moment, and in simple and easy-to-understand terms, Sai Luo is imposed a time-out.

If no one lifts it, then he will be frozen at this moment forever, neither alive nor dead.

For Lucifer at this moment, this is a test.


As if the heart is beating, this sound is the vibration of time and space, and it is something resisting in that independent time point.

There seems to be a blue heart in Sai Luo's body. The beating of the heart is the proof of survival. The talent hidden in Sai Luo's body is awakened under the pressure of the outside world.


The beating is still going on and getting more and more intense, just like life will bring the body's reaction after intense exercise.


Swinging the blade, Sai Luo roared in the struggle, he completely shattered the power of time and space that bound him, and the light overflowing from his body was so intense.

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