In order to get rid of this situation, Hypagedon quickly pulled its arm blade, retracting the bound arm, and deepening the scar on Tartarus' chest.

At the cost of forcibly bearing the damage, Hypagedun was indeed restrained for a period of time.

"There are two of us."

It is true what Tartarus said, there were two of them.

The arm blade pierced Diablo's abdomen directly, but he laughed.

"Ha, do you even have this side?"

"I just choose what works best!"

The energy ball in the palm of Tartarus detonated directly with the palm he pushed out, and the exploding arc almost engulfed Hypageton's entire head.


Diablo felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and the arm blade was still twisting as it went deep inside, causing him more pain, and then he let go of his hands.

The next moment, Hypagedun's field of vision was occupied, because its arm blade was gripped again before it could retract, Diablo held the position further forward, and restrained the arm blade even more forcefully.

Seeing that the pale golden arm blade almost completely pierced Diablo's body, Hypagedun pulled and stabbed along, and began to stir again.

If the spilled particles were regarded as blood, then the amount of bleeding would be somewhat terrifying.

Hypagedun raised his head suddenly, and then the sides of its head twisted in the heavy blow, and Tartaros' crossed palm blades with all his strength hit it completely.

Diablo still firmly grasped Hypagedon, Tartaros hit Hypagedon's face with his left fist, and aimed at the top of his head with the knife in his right hand, and directly slashed vertically.

The flames ignited, and the dark fireball formed by Hypageton began to shoot continuously, detonating at zero distance, and the severe pain weakened Diablo's strength.

In just a split second, Tartarus, who used Nalak to jump to the back of Hypagedon, locked the opponent's body firmly with his arms, while his neck spilled particles.

Hypagedon's jet-black tail wrapped itself around Tartarus' neck, pulling it back and forth like a chainsaw.

"Death to me!"

Hai Pajton's tail paused for a short while amidst the anger, because Diablo's heavy punch precisely hit his chest.

The left, right, and continuous punches are actually exploding, and the emblem of the phantom cow is integrated into every punch, constantly inflicting new damage on Hypageton.

No longer minding injuries, no longer saving strength, Absolut's two fighters suppressed Hypajdun.

But in this attack, the phantom cow's coat of arms was burned, Diablo's fist was also scorched in the flames, the light-emitting organs of Hypageton's whole body lit up, and the giant fireball that appeared on his chest blocked the attack and caused damage .

Concentrating the energy of the whole body, the dark fireball was aimed at Diablo and blasted directly.

'Cannot be hit. '

Realizing this, Diablo had no choice but to dodge. This action created a gap. Hypageton seized the moment when the attack weakened and tightened his tail again. His whole body spun wildly as if he had completely lost his balance. .

Finally, Tartarus, who had suffered a lot of damage, was thrown directly away.

When Diablo was about to rescue him, his attention was drawn, and when his attention was drawn, Hypagedon used teleportation.

Tartarus was injured, so he couldn't stop the movement. He faced his palms together, and the gathered energy contained golden current and silver cyclone.

At the same time, Diablo's unhealed wound was pierced again, and Hypageton's sudden teleportation achieved the result.

This ferocious monster pierced the enemy's body with its left arm, and then leaped in space again, locking the enemy with both arms, using it as a shield.

At this time, Diablo was still separated between Hypagedon and Tartaros, and Tartaros' Absolute Destruction had already completed all energy storage, expanding with its lifting action.



The two looked at each other, and Tartarus nodded, swinging both arms forward at the same time.

Like a ball of golden ball lightning, Absolute Destruction moved forward without any mercy, and directly blasted Diablo as the shield.

Hypageton jumped out from the back of the 'shield', and its dark fireball had also completed charging, and it was about to be shot now.

The overflowing and leaping arcs are pulled back, and the energy fluctuations stronger than Absolute Destruction expand.

The big dark fireball passed by the side of Tartarus tens of meters away, and what he saw in his eyes was Diablo, whose body was overflowing with golden light.

Whether it is Absolute Destruction or Nalak, or other skills are essentially the application of energy, Tartarus also has the ability to impart his own power to others.

The power contained in the full-scale absolute destruction has now been entrusted to Diablo.

"As I said."

As Tartarus said this, Diablo's left hand had already tightly grasped one of Hypagedon's legs, and it was that movement that made the dark fireball empty.

"There are two of us."

Before the words fell, Hypajeton was completely out of balance. It was forcibly torn off, and a golden fist was tightly in sight.

After a few seconds of silence, intense glare burst out in all directions, and a golden energy storm was released from Hypageton's pierced head.

A few seconds after the explosion, Diablo opened his fist, but there was nothing there, and the enemy had been reduced to ashes.

He straightened his body and put his left hand on his stomach.

"How could there be such a monster?"

It was the first time Diablo had encountered such a strong enemy.

On the other side, Tartaros also covered his neck with his hands. Before that, Hypajedon's approach was very simple, which was to directly crush his neck and decapitate him.

"We're dealing with bigger monsters than before, and that's why I've been lurking."

What Tartarus said was true. No matter how much he prepared, he still felt that it was not enough, but now he had to fight. If he didn't stop Lucifer here, he would be finished.

"Better... what?"

Diablo cuts off mid-sentence as he sees an 'unusual attack'

In the corner of the universe over there, a pure white brilliance appeared in the form of a 'slash'. The light of this blow was so strong visually that it couldn't be ignored even at such a distance.

However, what is even more intense is the contradiction. Diablo didn't feel any energy fluctuations in that attack, it was empty, nothing at all.

It is clearly a slash of energy but there is no energy fluctuation?


Tartarus also noticed the anomaly.

"We may have been hallucinating...Huh?!"

The entire universe was shaking, and it is no exaggeration to say that Tartarus could no longer see the dimmed stars in this universe, and everything in his sight became blurred.

Is this vibration caused by something wrong with this universe or something wrong with himself?

What I saw in my sight was the darkness that began to expand, and one face after another appeared in the darkness. They had different faces, joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

"What the hell is—"

In the end what happened?

120 Nine Chapters Are Suppressed

The distance is neither far nor close, it looks too close with light, and too far with slash, so the light arrows in the palm are released with the waving of both palms, forming a barrage of pressure to one side.

The purple color followed like a shadow but failed to hit, the faint white light was the trajectory of the flight, the smooth arc vibrated violently for a short period of time, and then the white arrow of light was shot out.

Unlike Quantity, the hit that specializes in Quality is only a fraction of the hit, but still misses in a sideways attack.

Lucifer turned his body away, and the bow and arrow shot by Palaji's shield carried enough power to cause damage to his body at this time.

'Has part of Noah's power turned into some kind of unique weaponry? '

He was thinking in his heart, the blow just now had some similarities with a certain move of Noah.

Bows and arrows, sword blades, armor, and the trinity of Palaji's shield provide Sailo with not only a variety of attack methods, but also physical enhancement generated by resonance.

The difference from Empat's 'overload' is that this kind of strengthening does not bring a burden on the body and further consumption, and it is not impossible to regard it as an 'overload' without side effects.

'I can see it. '

Sai Luo's vision is clear enough. Unlike before when he couldn't see the movements clearly during the duel, now he can clearly see that the opponent is about to make the next move to the left.

Since it can be seen, it is to pursue.

What made Lucifer wary was not Sai Luo himself, but the arrows behind him.

The arrow of light that he thought he had avoided shattered, and the fragments were connected layer by layer into several white whips of light, entangled towards him as ropes.

'There is still this usage. '

As Lucifer thought about it, he stabbed his elbows back, and the arm blade extending from the back of the wrist armor directly cut off the rope, and his movement was also temporarily delayed here.

Grasping this delay, Sero drew the bow again while keeping moving, the light formed the string, and the light formed the arrow, leaving a clear trail with a ejection.

With the same movement and the same speed, he drew the bow and released the arrow again, releasing the arrow from a different angle and attacking from a different angle.

Sai Luo's approach is very simple, just like Lucifer used a large number of palm light arrows to force, now he is forcing the opponent to move.

Some of the arrows flying from different directions went straight, some curved arcs, and some even bent several times in the middle to change direction.

Lucifer, who understood this attack method, did it quite simply. He collided his fists in front of him, and the blue flame of dark energy that had been lost due to the negative effect of overload exploded with more sparks from there.

It's not a trick like the Ultra Bomb, it's just a simple way to overflow the body surface and concentrate it.

In an instant, Lucifer's body disappeared from its original position, and what existed there was only a mass of blue-black flames, which turned into meteors as they moved forward.

Neither dodging nor dodging, the arrow was only broken and bounced off after hitting.

The head-to-head approach was unexpected, but not so unexpected.

'This guy! '

Sai Luo quickly understood one point, that is, no matter how much the opponent consumes in this battle, how much damage the opponent suffers is essentially irrelevant to the opponent.

Lucifer is just hiding in Empat's body, using that body, it's like some kind of evil spirit manipulating the host.

On the contrary, he made a mistake, that is, he couldn't keep his hands. This is not an enemy that can be suppressed by just keeping his hands. He is not yet that strong.

'If I continue to try this way, I must be the one who dies. '

Sai Luo's left hand clenched the shield of Pagila, which was now a longbow, and he pulled the string again. Unlike before, five light arrows shot out.

The light was bounced away by the dark, and the light attacked again. Sai Luo quickly fired continuously, and a large number of arrows hit the bolide. Unlike before, the arrows hit were injected with new ones before they were burned. energy.

Faster than the speed of being destroyed, the arrows connected to each other in a straight line, and the straight line was cut before the climate was formed.

The blue-black flame was split from the center, and the dark blue half-moon blade went straight to Sai Luo's head.

Lucifer raised his right hand high, and the dark flames that had not dissipated were gathered in his palm again in a swirling shape.

"Come on, Sai Luo! Kill the villain in front of you who destroyed the entire universe!"

There is no life left in this universe. Lucifer killed them. If Lucifer's words are used as standard, is the killer Lucifer himself or Empat?

The horizontal guillotine collided with Palaji's shield, and the detached armor stood in front of Zero and turned into a real shield.

The compressed dark fireball that followed spreads to the surroundings but cannot advance an inch, being blocked outside.

The fierce shock spread, and the defense of Palaji's shield was breached by the rotating 'drill'. Lucifer, whose body stopped turning, twisted his body to meet the enemy head-on, and the arm blade extended from the front of the wrist armor suddenly cut off.

On the trajectory of his attack, Sai Luo's right hand released silk threads of light, and those threads connected to Palaji's shield to pull it back, while his left hand clenched tightly, and the head dart falling in the palm turned into a double crescent moon sword.

The first attack was a slash, and the clashing light and darkness bounced off each other, only particles of different colors were exploding.

The dark blade of Lucifer's other hand stabbed directly, and Sai Luo also used silk threads and mental power to pull Palaji's shield back into his hand.

The second attack is a stab, and the dark blade fights against the raised Palaji shield. The energy weapon shaped by light and dark energy is not enough to fight against the Palaji shield in terms of quality, and it is even inferior to the double sword.


Lucifer laughed, and now he was fighting with someone who had inherited part of Noah's power, but now he was using someone else's body, back and forth, it was simply a confrontation between him and Noah in a certain sense.

"what's so funny!"

However, that kind of laughter is unpleasant for Sai Luo. For Sai Luo, Lucifer is just a great evil who goes around hurting others with selfish thoughts and has caused many people to die.

"I'm laughing that you can't even save a person right in front of you. I'm laughing at you as a useless wretch."

Lucifer's response was no different from before, he was still mocking and hitting his opponent's spirit.

In the next instant, Sero felt a more ferocious force coming from Palaji's shield.

At this time, Lucifer's arm was pressing forward, and the energy constituting the Dark Blade was offset by Palaji's Shield's 'Darkness Dispelling', but that was not a big problem.

Empat, a seasoned fighter, doesn't have any fancy superpowers and special abilities. Just like his own character, a large number of tricks are applied through control.

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