like 'overload'

To put it bluntly, this trick is still a derivative of its good part. It is a very simple kind of strengthening. If the strength is not enough, the speed is not enough, and the defense is not enough, then I will use energy to upgrade in all directions.

It is precisely because of this simplicity that it is strong, and the application of energy has the possibility of further development.


Sero felt a heavy punch, and he could see Lucifer's eyes through Palaji's shield, which was the fist that had already hit.

"Fly out."

Lucifer said so, and then the new strength was transmitted to Sai Luo's side again.


At this time, the dark blade that was being disintegrated was stuck on top of Palaji's shield, and the dark energy spread across the surface of the shield like a tree root.

At the back end of Lucifer's wrist armor, the propulsion like a jet engine was ignited again, but this was not for its own acceleration. The energy erupted inside the wrist armor made the dark blade shoot out in one breath, just like a device like a pile driver, the impact Apply force to blast the pile into.

The irresistible force caused Sai Luo to be sent flying, and Lucifer stepped forward immediately.

Now the red and black dark blade is stuck to Palaji's shield, and its energy is used for propulsion. To use a metaphor, a thruster is forcibly installed on the shield to apply force, and the force naturally becomes the ability to destroy the game. Luo balance factor.

Before the distance was close, Lucifer directly docked his arms into an L shape, and the instantaneous Zapelio light bombarded Palaji's shield again.

This time, Sero failed to hold the important weapon, and the shield came out of his hand.


In his line of sight is the enemy that is approaching rapidly, and the particles that explode are the aftermath of the slash.

At this moment, the two are still in the same position, and at the next moment, a large number of sword tracks are still in their original positions.

Empat's dark blade is indeed not as good as those special equipment in terms of quality, but it has an advantage, that is, as long as it has enough energy, it doesn't matter how many times it is broken.

At this time, Lucifer smoothly slashed with both arms, and the sword shadow directly engulfed Sai Luo.

In Sai Luo's eyes, it was a siege net that was difficult to breathe, and he could not escape to other positions. The double swords did not exert the power of weapons now, but were only used for blocking.

The experience he had when fighting Empat in the past was useless at all, because the fighting methods were different, and the slashing movements were also different.

That's a matter of course, even if the person in front of him is Empat, the inside is still Lucifer.


I saw the thorn piercing the body of the double sword again, and the root-like traces began to spread.

Lucifer repeated his old trick, before that, the double sword split into two head darts and forcibly got rid of the implant.

Sai Luo crossed the head darts and rushed forward, but unfortunately the slash failed to touch the opponent, but saw Lucifer's other hand moving forward.

The intense rubbing sound echoed in Sai Luo's consciousness. A moment ago, a little red light appeared in his eyes, and a moment later, the red light flashed across the side of his cheek with sharpness, taking away a lot of light.

Just like the previous piling, the dark blade ejected by Lucifer had a terrifying initial velocity, and it was only a little bit short of piercing Sai Luo's head directly, but this was enough.

Unrestrained by gravity, Lucifer, who is free enough to move freely in a gravity-free environment, doesn't even need to care about the way of exerting force. He seems to have become a long whip, and the right leg that is thrown upside down explodes with force, kicking fiercely. It directly hit Sai Luo's chin and kicked him upwards.

Lucifer held his left hand, forming a snake-belly sword.

The blade was thrown upwards, the sawtooth surrounded Sai Luo, pulled it back again, and clenched his right fist to prepare for the pursuit.

For Sai Luo, the snake-belly sword entangled in his waist is now rubbing against him and trying to cut him off. The enemies in front of him are staring at him, and he has very little time to think, pitifully, and he is still in a passive state.

But there is a turning point, a very important turning point, a new trick that I thought about before but couldn't use.

At the next moment, Lucifer and Sai Luo had previously fixed the double swords with the power of thought, the double swords, or the nature of the head dart owned by Sai Luo is "amplification"

The fist and the fist hit the double swords at the same time, and the pale golden light that exploded pushed Lucifer back for a distance.

The sudden blow really surprised Lucifer, and the situation also changed at this time. Palaji's shield was shaped like a flying raptor, and it directly broke the Concertina from bottom to top, and re-equipped it on Sai Luo's body.

With a double sword in his left hand and a long sword in his right, Sai Luo charged towards Lucifer.

"It's the same no matter how many times you come."

Lucifer swung his arms, and the dark blade formed the opponent to meet the attack.

The sword and the sword did not give up the slightest confrontation, and the entangled two kept trying to oppress each other.

The colliding long sword and the dark blade were rubbing against each other frantically, the blades kept shaking during the contact, and finally retracted at the same time, colliding with the weapon of the other hand.

Sai Luo slashed the long sword horizontally, and Lucifer, who was flipping forward, dodged the slash, and swung the dark blade during the flip.

Lucifer's slash failed to cause any damage, Sai Luo quickly turned around after raising his double swords for defense, and slashed vertically before Lucifer's movement failed to stabilize.

The long sword collided with the two dark blades, but Lucifer didn't look back, only the back of the wrist armor could form the dark blade.

So the front of the wrist armor is lit, and the dark blade is fired from the rear like a crossbow.

Sai Luo immediately leaned back, and two dark blades passed in front of his eyes.

Lucifer was about to step forward, but his opponent let go of his left hand.

The double swords are manipulated by the power of thought to charge forward, like a materialized chopping attack.

However, simply relying on the power of the mind is not as good as the user's own manipulation, not to mention that it is not just one person who can use the power of the mind.

Lucifer released his mind power, he planned to snatch the right to control the double sword, he was confident of success.

The moment its thought power was attached to the double sword, the weapon was disconnected from the center and turned into a double-headed dart again.

This was indeed sudden, but not unpredictable, because Lucifer had seen the scene of the double sword splitting before, so he naturally knew that there would be such a way.

So his mental power quickly followed up, and quickly seized the control of the head dart.

At the same time, the long sword in Sai Luo's right hand was retracted on the left side of his waist, which was the power of the slash.

'Head darts to draw attention away from a real attack? '

"little tricks."

Lucifer made such an evaluation, so what if he cut it?

The defense is easy, and you can even use the so-called 'particleization' to evade directly, and you have enough time to prepare.

Lucifer mobilized the power in his body, he hit the dark energy on his right hand, not to mention the fingertips, the whole right hand turned dark blue, and the intense dark energy surged in his palm.

Chapter 130 Heart Sword

Slashed out the sword, grasped it tightly, and Sai Luo's face was directly locked firmly. Lucifer's five fingers were sharp blades, and the palm of his hand was the muzzle of a gun. Empat used the nameless trick against Garuka in the past again. .

In fact, Lucifer doesn't need to care about the physical injury, because no matter how badly the body is injured, it is not enough to cause real harm to him.

But at this time, the sword blade that Sai Luo cut across his body, a few particles were pulled back just after floating out of the body, because most of the energy was completely transferred.

The white light stained on the long sword was released with a wave, but it did not cause any damage.

Selo felt his head was about to be crushed, as if it had been stuffed into a meat grinder.


The dark blue energy attached to Lucifer's palm disappeared without a trace, and the oppressive power also disappeared.

His body became stiff, and he swayed back.

"This, this is..."

Lucifer found that he was not harmed. Even if he used that kind of evasion technique, it is impossible for the blade to cut through the body without even the slightest impact.

However, in fact he was not hurt, or Empat was not hurt.

There was a problem with that slash, it was not a slash in the true sense.

Sero realized that he didn't have the ability to purify the darkness when he was fighting the controlled Crimson Flame before, and Palaji's shield said to him 'cut it down, it's fine'

At that moment, he vaguely noticed something.

Manipulating double swords with mind power will be countered, he has known this for a long time, he just needs a chance to really hit the opponent.

From the beginning of the battle to not long ago, he had no chance to attack the opponent, and just fell into a passive state.

Even if he used Empat's body, Lucifer's long life was not in vain, and his combat experience was very different.

There is really no way to let the opponent show his flaws without selling some flaws, but after the opponent reveals his flaws, Sai Luo has a way.

That sword wasn't a slash, or it wasn't a slash intended to inflict physical damage.

What exactly is Palaji's Shield?

It is the crystallization of a part of the power left by Noah.

The nature of the double sword is 'amplification'

So what is the nature of Palaji's shield?

At that moment just now, Sai Luo vaguely understood the answer, the nature is 'gathering'

It sounds confusing, but he did gather a certain power just now, that power has nothing to do with damage, but a 'call'

The heart sword, cutting the heart, is a sword made of will.

"Should take my friend..."

Sailo said so.

"It's time to put my body..."

Lucifer heard the second voice, that voice came from his body, it was the voice of the soul of this body, that soul had not sunk into the illusion, so it was able to seize this opportunity to struggle.


Lucifer's movements completely stopped, and he indeed heard a double voice in his ears:

""It's back. ""

The combination of voices seems to be indistinguishable from each other, the world in front of Lucifer's eyes has changed, he fell down, and what he saw there was what he had already seen.

Slowly falling, and finally standing on a lake, this wide lake is blue, reflecting the clouds in the sky.

There is a rainbow in the distance, but in the bright sunshine, it is raining moderately, and the drips bring ripples.

"One day this rain, this lake will continue to expand, maybe there will be stormy waves, and finally submerge you, don't you think so?"

Lucifer turned around, the man standing there didn't have any shaken expression on his face, just looked at him, and then replied:

"At least I don't think so now."

Nangong Lan, this man stared at the enemy occupying his body, but there was no pure hostility in his eyes, but a complex intertwined of various emotions.

Hearing that answer, Lucifer showed a smile on his face, and that smile was mixed with nostalgia and bitterness.

"So strong, so far from the man I knew."

He raised his head to look at the sky, feeling the falling rain, and having seen Nangong's memory, he knew where the rain came from.

"You were not born a Guardian, what you do defines who you are."

Then I came here all the way like this. People who lost a lot along the way also gained a lot, but that desire will eventually be lost to time, life, and rules.

"So you're going to stand against me now?"

Lucifer turned his head to look at Nangong again and asked a question.

"I'm not going to go down the path you've chosen."

Nangong shook his head and gave a negative answer. Just as Lucifer had seen his memory, he had also seen the other party's memory. Although it was only a fragment of a long life, it was enough for him to understand the other party's actions.

"Is it... In that case, it's time to say goodbye."

Lucifer said his farewell words, and the figure of the other party disappeared without a trace from here.

Nangong lowered his head, and the memories of the past were reflected under the water.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Have you heard? A new phenomenon was recently discovered on planet A8211."

"I have heard that it is said that this phenomenon is manifested in the fact that the organism no longer responds to any stimulus."

Such discussions can be heard in the ears, and it seems that many people have already known what happened on that planet.

The man walked in the aisle, and finally entered a huge room, where people were already waiting, and a discussion began:

"The phenomenon on A8211 is just the beginning, and the Primarch then manifests itself as the body transforming into something else new."

Records were played at the meeting, recording that the creature's body slowly disappeared and dissipated, its bones were exposed inside, and its flesh and blood were gradually changing into other things, and even new creatures were multiplying.

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