Lucifer's thinking was very jumpy, but Noah had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

Either they traveled through time to the period when the universe was just born, or they came to another universe.

If they traveled through time, they should be able to find another self here, and this energy seems to be much smaller than what they felt at the beginning.

"There are two universes...perhaps not surprising given twins, given reproduction."

Noah thinks this is not unreasonable, but if reproduction is to be considered, there is a problem:

"The newborn takes nourishment from the mother's body to conceive itself."

Lucifer raised his hand while talking, and the coldness that completely dissipated the surrounding heat gathered in his palm.

"This universe is too redundant!"

His right wrist was clasped before the burst of dark energy powerful enough to extinguish distant stars.

"Wait, are you going to give death to this new universe now?"

"Now it's this universe that brings death into our universe."

"Not sure if that's the case? If it wasn't, wouldn't you regret it in the future?"

The conversation between the two was briefly interrupted here. After more than ten seconds passed, the dark energy in Lucifer's palm was withdrawn, and he put down his hand.

"I see, let's investigate first."

Past rigor prevailed.

"Well, let's investigate first."

Noah nodded, and the two looked around at the same time. In the subject of investigating the origin of life, the conditions for the birth of life have long been obtained.

First of all, the heat and radiation here are difficult for ordinary life to appear. Let's find a planet with a milder temperature first, and there may already be primitive life there.

"Let's go."

The bodies of the two surpassed the light and moved forward in this universe faster than the light.

The heat is weakening, but a lot of weird things have been discovered, such as:

"The heat of the star is more intense than imagined...not just more intense, why it is..."

Noah clearly saw that the star shredded and pulled into the body the surrounding planets that might breed life in the future, and then the mass of the star would increase as a result, as if it was used as food and nourishment.

Unlike Noah, Lucifer remained silent, and he looked in other directions. The two searched carefully in this newborn universe but found nothing.

The most primitive life here right now is the stars trying to settle themselves down.

They found no evidence that this universe was sucking life from their universe.

"We can't rely on the two of us alone, let's go back."

Lucifer gave a rational proposal. As the first to arrive in other universes, their next goal should be to form an investigation team, and perhaps find connections and something more important.

At this point, a fragment of memory is completely over here.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

A new scene is reflected in the new memory fragments:

It skipped the report after returning to its own universe, the surprise and amazement of everyone after showing its own power and identity, the investigation and data collection of super-giant black holes, and the construction of the crossing ship.

"Is this another universe?"

The woman's hair has been mixed with white. As a member of the advance team, she realized that this place did not match the description.

"Maybe it's because the time flow on both sides is different."

Noah walked to the woman's side, and the two started a new discussion on this point.

Different from that side, Lucifer accurately detected the cowardice in the eyes of the young man beside him at this moment.

"what happened?"

Lucifer's question brought the young man back to his senses, and the young man held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, and took several deep breaths before he settled down.


The young man started, and took two deep breaths.

"I feel very scared. Since the incomprehensible phenomenon of death, I have been afraid of unknown things. I think it is very scary. I am afraid of encountering situations that we cannot solve."

That sense of fear hovered in my heart without knowing when, lingering, affecting thinking.

This so-called 'timid' attitude did not make Lucifer laugh, he let out a long breath and nodded:

"I know, I know that feeling."

This fear comes from the collapse of previous cognition, and the unchanging scenery in the past suddenly fell apart one day.

The person who was able to see and say hello would not be there one day, forever.

And it wasn't just one person, suddenly the people walking down the street were different from the people I remembered.

"What will happen tomorrow? Will someone die tomorrow? Who will I say goodbye to tomorrow? Thinking like this will cause fear, but we are acting now to get rid of this fear. Let's find that answer together, shall we? "

Lucifer stretched out his right hand and pressed on the other's shoulder. After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, the young man kept nodding.

"You always give me courage."

As the young man said, slowly, the captain's voice sounded in the boat:

"We have found a planet suitable for the birth of life, and we are about to enter a faster-than-light voyage. Please get ready."

A planet suitable for the birth of life, who knows how much time has passed, maybe life is not just born, it may already be multiplying.

At the beginning of acceleration, the excellent technology and materials made the ship not even shake. What you can see from the inside and outside of the ship is gorgeous colors, and even the light is left behind.

Finally, the huge ship arrived at the outer side of a blue planet, and on the outer side of that blue planet were one after another apparently artificially built mechanical objects.

The function is activated, and the spaceship stops and hides.

Going down through the atmosphere, I saw a sea of ​​people.


The women cried out in surprise, because what they saw were many, many, many, many, many people, so many people were surprised. Compared with them, the life in this universe seemed to attach great importance to the matter of 'reproduction'.

Adults, children, people come and go.

And then again, how much time has passed, and how has it multiplied to this point?

Although they still seem to be in a situation where they are trapped on this planet.

"Okay, take protective measures. Who knows if we will have an accident because we don't adapt to the environment a little bit. After we detect that there is no problem, we will release it. And let us observe for ourselves what life in this universe is like."

Noah told everyone to put on special costumes, and they had to admit that they had become a lot more careful since they lost their 'undead'.

The cabin opened, and Lucifer jumped down first. He knew that he was special, so he just left the task of finding the way to him.

At this point, a fragment of memory is completely over here.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

A new scene is reflected in the new memory fragments:

Time was still flowing forward, Lucifer stared at the motionless little creature in his scientific research room.


The door was violently knocked open, and the youth there looked at Lucifer in horror.

The surrounding scenery was receding rapidly, and after hearing that sentence, the surrounding scenery became blurred. This may be because Lucifer has no mood to remember other things.

Here is the location called 'hospital', used for treatment and recuperation.

But injuries and diseases require treatment, and the phenomenon called 'aging' is irreversible.

"It looks like time is going to be tougher than we thought."

The woman on the hospital bed said this, her tone was very gentle, the face in the past did not coincide with the face in front of her, why did it become like this only after more than 300 years?

Shouldn't that be the case, life is so short?

"I'm really not reconciled. I still have a lot of things I want to investigate, a lot of things I want to know. I didn't expect that my life would end one day. I never thought about it before."

The female voice seemed a little weak, and now she could no longer speak as loudly as before.

"However...maybe this can also satisfy my curiosity about death. What is the world like after death? I'm going to take a look next time, good night."

The old man closed her eyes, and her life ended here.

It seems that something is dissipating, going away, and finally can't feel it at all.


There was a long silence, no one spoke.

It started to rain in the sky, and the rain knocked down the grass and the umbrella. The old friend was sleeping in the ground, and the surrounding grass hoped that she could turn into a new life.

People are still dying, and many people die with the passage of time, and now "death" is an acceptable thing for everyone.

At this moment, although it was out of date, new information was transmitted from the communicators of Lucifer and Noah.

'Important discovery, please rush to the investigation institute immediately. '

This is the information from the research institute.

Chapter 130 Two People's Changes

Planets are attracted to each other by gravity, technology is developing very fast, and now it is even base?

The atmosphere is bound by technology, and the magnetic field is bound by special energy. Only one push is needed, and the two connected planets will sail to the unknown sea of ​​stars and explore new unknown things there.

As for why not stay so long?

How can it be possible to explore the mysteries of the universe by only staying in one galaxy!

It is too petty to send only a few people to explore. Even children can understand the principle that more people are more powerful.

Therefore, the two planets that were pulling each other were launched together. People have traveled through several galaxies and detected many unknown races.

For example, the murloc who just came ashore, or the huge creature that only exists in the story.

But now, the two planets that have passed through many, many are frantically trying to escape from that dangerous area.

"This huge gravitational force is totally unreasonable! That black hole is bigger than any black hole we have observed before, and we were pulled by its gravitational force before we even confirmed its actual existence!"

Yes, it's that unreasonable.

The reason why they went here was because they realized that there were unreasonable things here, but they didn't think that it was so unreasonable.

"Mobilize all energy for the leap!"

"No! Even the time and space here have been distorted!"

It is impossible to escape by propulsion alone, and it seems impossible to jump through the wormhole. Is it possible that everyone will die here today?

'Dead in the search for truth'

It sounds like a very good thing, but doesn't death on the road mean that you haven't found the truth at all?

That would be too bad!

"Turn off all facilities to save energy, don't worry, I've got you guys."

I heard such a voice.

"You were talking just now?"

Everyone looked at each other suspiciously, but everyone didn't understand what was going on?

In the next instant, a silver giant was reflected in their eyes.


Larger than the two planets combined, a thin light seems to be shrouded around those strange wings.

The existence named Noah showed his figure, he consumed his own energy to enlarge, and then touched the two planets with his palms.

Whether it is thought power or biological standpoint, he ignored the pull of the giant black hole, ignored the chaotic space-time and directly escaped from the gravitational net toward the outside.

'My body seemed to be undergoing some changes. '

Noah felt his wings. Unlike in the past, these wings sucked something as if they were eating.

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