Slowly, he sent the two planets that belonged to this universe to a safe place and then separated backwards, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

Everything is like a dream, do such creatures really exist in the world?

In the innermost part of the gravitational circle, in the most chaotic position in time and space, Lucifer is waiting for the arrival of another person.

Behind it was a ray of white light, and in the next moment, he simultaneously accelerated and crashed into the interior of the black hole together with that ray of light.

This super-giant black hole is not the first time the two have seen it, and it has also existed in their universe in the past.

But now, something like this has also appeared in this universe, where does this lead to?


Intense energy bursts, unparalleled huge explosions, at this moment, the entire universe was born, countless brilliance began to spread, and all concepts differentiated and appeared here.

At this point, the third universe was born.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

New Cosmos Biological Investigation Report Part [-]:

The universe named the new universe is another universe that arrived through the super giant black hole. According to the observation, there is a strange area outside the universe, and two universes can be observed.

The birth year of the new universe is 24 billion years, of which 14 billion years are used for the evolution of galaxies. The stars born in the first 4 million years are like hungry monsters that can be used as fuel. The object is pulled into the body.

They are violent, hot, and aggressive. Under such circumstances, most creatures cannot be born, and they don't even have the most basic conditions.

In the next 10 billion years, the stars gradually became stable, planets began to be born gradually, and formed galaxies where life was first born.

Another billion years later, life was born and civilizations were formed, they were almost completely different from our life forms, the most important thing is that they are not 'ageless and immortal'

Unlike those of us who lost this ability after the day after tomorrow, they didn't have this ability at first, so they began to 'reproduce' to their heart's content

In our universe, perhaps because there is no pressure to survive, we do not have such a strong desire to reproduce, but in the new universe, the average age of life is only two thousand years old. In order to pass on knowledge and culture, Procreation became important.

Our universe is gradually aging, and I think we can learn how new universes reproduce.

Noah re-stored a report and opened a new one.

Survey on the Changes of the Old Universe Since Thousands of Years Part [-]:

Since death and aging began to spread in our universe, many things have changed.

For example, people began to be interested in procreating offspring. Some people chose to combine with two to reproduce, and some people chose to separate a part of themselves to create another young self.

When it comes to young selves, some people choose to create a separate replica, inheriting all their knowledge and memory, and some people enjoy the fun of education, which is almost equivalent to educating their own children.

Unlike many creatures in the new universe, the reproduction of our universe does not require the union between the sexes, which is quite convenient to be honest.

Nowadays, children's laughter is everywhere in our universe. This feeling is quite incredible. In the face of death, everyone doesn't seem to be so afraid.

The millennium is just a short moment. Noah stuffed the report he had just written back into the bookshelf, and then pulled out something less formal, which was a diary:

In the year 1578 of the universe change calendar, the weather is rainy.

Margaery passed away, and aging brought her life to an end. Before she died, she was different from our group of mournful people. She still maintained a strong curiosity and accepted death with interest in death.

Most people in our universe are like this. Death may be a new beginning, or it may be the end of everything. No one knows about this, because we don't know where the dead end up.

But... I don't like this.

When I think that I will never see her again tomorrow, I feel that there is a hole in my heart that is expanding, and I feel like I can't breathe even though I don't need to breathe.

I don't want that, I want to see her, I want to talk to her, I want to discuss all kinds of things with her.

But it's over, and I can't do anything.

Lucifer's expression is very bad, so I won't sleep today, go find him.

A page of the diary was closed, which was already 370 years ago. Noah picked up the pen and wrote a new page:

Diary · Cosmic Change Calendar In 1948, the weather was fine.

Lucifer and I came back from the new universe. After discussion in the council, we decided to call our universe the original universe. The new universe was renamed the second universe, and then naturally the third universe.

The appearance of a super-giant black hole represents the birth of a new universe, and the universe is born like this.

Until now we don’t know whether it is because the birth of the second universe led to the current situation of the original universe, some people get old, some people die, Lucifer told me this today, he said ‘parasites’

The second universe and the third universe were called parasites by the angry man, saying that those two universes were constantly sucking the blood of the original universe, which caused our universe to become so bad.

Has our universe gone bad?

People are not overwhelmed by the shadow of death, they just have to feel the sorrow and pain of losing someone they valued.

To this day I still see them in my dreams, but when I wake up I feel more empty because I'm just talking to who I think they are.

Lucifer has been getting aggrieved lately, getting angry, and he... he has very few friends.

It's normal for him to become like this, who once said that 'a few people who talk to each other is enough'. I have to find a way to relieve him, but what should I say?

Are the thoughts of your friends still carried on by you?

What qualifications do I have to say such things on behalf of a deceased friend?

I think whether it is me or he has gradually realized one thing, in this gradually changing universe we have no change, maybe one day...

The communicator rang at this moment, and it said:

"Noah, Lucifer held a meeting, do you want to come?"

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Lucifer reached out his hand to take out his diary, and opened the old page, where the scene at that time was reflected, and that mood has not changed until now, once recalled, the pain will also pour into his heart.

In the year 1578 of the universe change calendar, the weather is rainy.

Margaery died, old age took her.

I have great power, I can easily smash planets, blow out stars, and pinch galaxies, but I can't change her death.

Why did this happen, and who took her?

is it time

It seems so, but is it really so?

Everything starts with the emergence of that new universe, and everything has been messed up since the appearance of that universe.

We had endless lives, but now we don't.

The changes in the entire universe started from subtle things. I discovered something a long time ago, that is, because of the appearance of death, the small creatures that had a symbiotic relationship with certain creatures in the past also changed their appearance.

They absorb nutrients and life from larger hosts, and they do so without considering whether the host will be injured or even die as a result.

This kind of relationship reminds me of that new universe, this kind of relationship is no longer a symbiotic relationship, but a so-called 'parasitic'

That's right, the new universe is simply a parasite, just endlessly sucking blood in our universe and taking away what is important to us.

If that universe never existed...

Well, I heard a knock on the door, probably Noah, I will think about it slowly later.

At the end of the page, Lucifer's eyes looked quite dark.

That thought was recorded in the diary 370 years ago, and today, the third universe has appeared.

What about after? No. 40?indivual?

Different from the original universe, the beings in the second universe have become ephemeral species based on the 'millennium'. What about the third universe?What about after?

How short life will become in the future, and it will disappear in a blink of an eye.

It can't go on anymore, the original universe has no obligation to sacrifice for such unreasonable things.

Think about it, how much knowledge will be accumulated by creatures with an infinite life span, and how many new things will be created by using this knowledge?

What about the ephemeral species?What can a thousand years do, what can a hundred years do?

They have to use limited resources, and have to struggle desperately in the face of the difficulties of survival. During those times, more things can be created in the original universe.

Everything starts with the emergence of a new universe. Although I don't understand the situation, as long as the other two universes are destroyed and reintegrated into the original universe, the divided power should return.

Then no one will experience the pain of loss.

"Only we haven't changed anything."

Lucifer stared at his raised right hand, neither aging nor disease had eroded him, he was even getting stronger gradually, every time he traveled through different universes, every time he passed through that super giant black hole, he felt that his body was being What a filling.

I believe Noah is the same, what will happen if this continues?

Just two people lamenting over the corpses of the past?

Lucifer couldn't accept that kind of future. He searched the entire universe but couldn't find Margaery again. Where did people go after death?

After death is the end of everything, never to see each other again.

"I'm going to refuse to accept a death like that."

Lucifer clenched his right fist, and at the same time the communicator he placed on the table rang, and after connecting it, a voice came out:

"Lucifer, the meeting you proposed has been approved, please arrive at the meeting site in the next hour."

After hearing the news, Lucifer closed the diary directly, and this year's diary will not be written.

After putting it back on the bookshelf, he looked at the pet box on the other side of the table. The little creature inside was walking slowly, and it couldn't move anymore.

No matter what you do, you can only delay aging, and you can't reverse this process.

Perhaps only reversing time can change this process.

130 Chapter Three The Evolution of Nature

The meeting will be held as usual, and its topic will be 'The relationship between the original universe and other universes'

Noah had already vaguely guessed what Lucifer was going to do when he knew about this issue, because he knew that Lucifer was a nostalgic person and a person who attached great importance to emotions.

Anyone who loses something wants to get it back, it's a matter of course, the problem is...

Thinking of this, Noah narrowed his eyes, and for some reason a sentence popped up in his mind:

'Those who stand still look at the past, those who move forward look at the future. '

Then the voice interrupted the thoughts:

"After excluding all possibilities, all inferences will lead to the only result. It is the emergence of the first universe and the second universe that changed the state of the original universe, as if the birth of a new life took away the nutrition of the mother, making the The womb becomes weaker."

Lucifer's words are actually just an inference throughout, and he has no way to really prove that this inference is correct.

"When the house is burned, it will turn into ashes, and the ashes will fall to the ground and combine with the soil. Things will not really disappear, but just change a way of existence. There must be something in the original universe because of the birth of the first universe and the second universe. That fire burned out, and then evolved into a new universe."

Listening to what Lucifer said, Noah subconsciously looked at the young man over there.

There was also a difference in that person, the original short black hair was mixed with white, and the color became weaker.

"So what's the conclusion?"

Someone spoke up and asked about Lucifer's actions.

In fact, as early as 200 years ago, people have reached a consensus on the current situation. After all, no one can find the truth about the weakness of the original universe.

It now appears that this consensus may be shaken.

Soon, Lucifer's conclusion was stated:

"The ashes blended into the soil will turn into nutrients. As long as the second universe and the third universe are destroyed and the number of universes is reduced to only one, then the situation is likely to be reversed."

Destroy both universes, such a proposal was made.

Everyone looked at each other, and someone raised an objection:

"I want to ask if you know what you're talking about? We're talking about an entire universe. How much life exists in that universe? I guess your so-called destruction means destroying everything in it. ?”

There are also life in other universes, regardless of the cause, they were all born, multiplied, and now they are also going to the sea of ​​stars.

"Their lives are short, and knowledge can only be passed on through carriers and words. What is the value of such a life?"

Lucifer's response was belittled. In his opinion, life does not even have ten thousand years, and the power is so pitifully weak that life cannot even be regarded as a normal existence.

"Those cripples are still behind us no matter how hard they try, aren't they? How many years are we ahead of them? We were already exploring the stars when they were still playing mud on their own planet, and when they just learned to walk hand in hand How many things have we created to embellish the starry sky and embellish nature?"

There are basically two levels of existence.

"With all due respect you are putting your life on a scale."

Another objection was raised, and Lucifer's wording seemed a bit too extreme in his opinion.

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