"They are not defective products. They yearn for the starry sky and knowledge. Even if they only have a short life, they work hard to survive, create their own value in their limited life, and embark on the path of exploration just like us."

The observation of life in the second universe started a long time ago, so most people can almost be said to be watching how those lives developed to this point.

"It is these precious lives of yours that make the people around us suffer. Don't tell me that you have not experienced life and death!"

Lucifer's tone reveals anger, he has never been a calm person.

At this moment, many people realized a very important thing, that is:

"You get so caught up in your anger and grievances that you lose your sense of calm and just want to vent."

Someone expressed his judgment, and Lucifer immediately refuted it:

"No, I'm just proposing a most likely and most constructive experience. Where did you throw your past attitude of satisfying curiosity and exploring without fear? You don't want to try to see if you can fix it. Is it our hometown?"

At this time, someone continued to speak:

"Because we have learned to be in awe of death, not only for our own death, but also for the death of others. Have you ever tried to observe the new life in the second universe without prejudice?"

"Of course I have. They are short-lived and fragile. After birth, they need to spend one-tenth of their life to learn and grow. They are also accompanied by the process of growth. They are like insects that have to go through a certain period of time to grow. ,waste time."

Lucifer's tone still contained inexplicable anger.

"How can you comment on other lives like that?"

"This meeting is a complete waste of time. You can't even come up with any evidence if you just rely on emotional inferences."

"I must tell you, you have to learn to fear death and cherish life, even if it is not your own."

"You must be crazy to destroy two universes with your personal anger alone."

You talk to each other, seven words and eight words, the scene of the meeting is becoming noisy, and it is going out of control. There is no doubt that Lucifer's proposal will be rejected.

A lot of loud voices and only dissenting words made Lucifer irritated, all words were a bunch of meaningless things.

"Give me quiet."

He said this in a low voice first.

"I told you to be quiet!"

The ground collapsed with the stepped right foot, the huge conference hall shook, and the dark breath overflowed in all directions. For a moment, no one could see any light, and only darkness was reflected in their eyes.

"Wait, wait, I think this meeting can end here. What everyone said makes sense. I'll let him calm down."

With these words, the darkness was dispelled, and next to Lucifer was Noah who pressed his palm on his shoulder, and the two looked at each other at this moment.

The dark flames burned in Lucifer's eyes, and Noah felt that Lucifer was gradually becoming someone he didn't know.


Lucifer got rid of Noah's palm, and he went straight to the exit and left the conference hall, leaving behind everyone who looked at each other in blank dismay. The momentary energy release gave people an unparalleled sense of oppression.

"Borrowed, borrowed."

One person hurriedly left the table and chased after Lucifer who had left.

Noticing that movement, Noah chose to stay where he was and explained to his friend:

"Sorry everyone, Lucifer just lost a friend recently, so his emotions will inevitably get out of control... Be careful!"

The power of thought stopped the falling wreckage, so the person who noticed this situation got up gracefully.

"I think we should talk about it somewhere else."

It is not surprising when the cracked conference hall completely collapses. Everyone who followed this suggestion stood up and left in an orderly manner.

And Lucifer's right hand, who had already left the conference hall, was trembling. He clenched his fist vigorously to destroy the dark energy caused by the emotions in his heart. At that moment just now, he really wanted to blow everything into dust.


Hearing this call, Lucifer turned his head, and what he saw was his friend who was also eroded by aging.

Lucifer spoke after taking a deep breath:

"Miller, don't worry, I have indeed found a way. It doesn't matter if I don't have other people's assistance. I can't get this done by myself."

Having said that, he also showed a smile.

It's just that the smile is weird to others, it's just the forced 'smile' on the face, and there is no smile in his eyes.

The man known as 'Miller' wanted to back off for a moment, but he didn't.

"Let this matter go, you come with me."

"Where to go?"

"Second universe."


Now it is not difficult for the original universe to go to the second universe. After all, many people here want to observe and see the difference between the second universe and the original universe, life, celestial bodies, physical rules, etc. wait wait wait.

The two moved quickly, and Miller had naturally been to the second universe. In the past, he had already developed fear when he knew the phenomenon of 'death', and this fear still exists today.

Through the universe, came to a planet in another universe.

What is held here is a ceremony, with flames burning straight to the sky.

"A poor move that only pollutes the environment."

Lucifer commented disgustedly that when one party is full of hostility to the other, no matter what kind of action it will only lead to bad reviews.

Hearing that sentence, Miller responded with a wry smile:

"This is a commemorative ceremony every 100 years. People on this planet believe that flames will bring their thoughts to the dead. Lucifer, no matter who has the fear of death, everyone is the same."

Along with the concept of 'death' came the desire for 'survival'.

"We want to live for ourselves and the people around us. It's not just one person. Lucifer. I'm afraid of death. People here are like that. You really feel that it's normal to sacrifice others for the sake of those around you. How to do it?"

While Miller doesn't deny his own fear, he also understands where it comes from, and understands that others feel the same way.

"I think your approach is wrong. The dead are gone. We cannot sacrifice everything that exists today for an uncertain result."


Uncertain results, this description is not wrong, because Lucifer just thought that this would be effective, he did not actually do it.

"I have the power to do this, do you want me to watch this possibility slip away?"

Unlike other people who didn't know him well, Lucifer listened carefully to Miller's thoughts and felt Miller's emotions and emotions. If his friends also raised objections, what should he do?

"What if this possibility is false?"

What Miller is talking about is also a new possibility.

"Lucifer, just like our universe originated from a huge explosion with no known cause. There are always many mysteries in the world that we cannot solve. The birth of this universe is also like this. Perhaps this is just a part of natural evolution. "

The primordial universe has already accepted this reality as part of the 'natural evolution', just like everyone can't find the cause of the big bang, and they don't know what the world looked like before the big bang.

"It's wrong to sacrifice more innocent lives for things that are important to you, at least I think it is wrong."

Miller told his thoughts again, listening to those words, Lucifer's restless heart gradually calmed down, and he began to think about everything again.

An inferior life, an imperfect life.

He looked at such an existence, and watched the people holding hands around the flames, who saw someone crying from the brilliance.

Grief for the past, nostalgia for the dead, everyone has the same idea.


Lucifer closed his eyes and opened them again, the flames in his eyes went out.

"I'll reconsider if you say so."

Is everything a process of natural evolution?

The original universe, the second universe, the third universe, and then slowly, the fourth, fifth, and sixth universes appeared.

Everything is changing and nothing is changing.

In a world that keeps changing, there are two people who don't change at all.

Time has taken away many things. The myths and stories say that the people who lived on the ground in the past had the power to reach the heavens and the earth.

There are people walking around in the noisy city. He is alone, walking around, constantly walking around, witnessing the changes of the world.

Culture is inherited in inheritance and lost in inheritance.

The same is true for knowledge. People gradually lose the power they had in the past, and finally everything is equal. Birth, old age, sickness and death have become problems that all lives have to face after all.

Because of this, everyone should cherish the person in front of them even more, and don't let the momentary loss of control hurt each other.


The scream was so vivid, the girl who fell from the air was caught by a light force, someone rushed halfway to the emergency brake and almost fell, the same force lifted him up.

Leaving people's shock, confusion, and doubts behind, the man is still moving forward, and finally he stops in front of the park. It is said that this tree... No, it was planted before 2000. of.

"Where are you going?"

The man asked another man in front of the tree, and the man replied after a moment of silence:

"After the house burned down, it turned into ashes. After the ash fell, it merged with the soil. The matter did not disappear, but the matter changed its form. I am going to complete a new project."

Chapter 130 The last one left

"In the end, it's just you and me, Lucifer."

"Didn't we already know this was going to happen?"

The 2000-meter-high tree was planted by the two of them [-] years ago. The original universe has changed, and the things that really happened in the past have gradually become myths and legends.

For people whose lifespan is only a thousand years or so, those who have lived for millions of years are just the gods in the stories, and it is impossible to exist in the world.

After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, have the creatures and people of the past become extinct?

Looking at such a huge city, and looking at the interstellar exploration fleet that is about to sail in the distance, Noah felt that this was not the case, and the spirit would not die.

"Want to come with me?"

Noah looked back at Lucifer in front of the tree, and now other universes... No, it should be called a multidimensional universe now.

There are hundreds of thousands of multidimensional universes, and no one can stop the natural evolution, just like no one can stop the big bang.

"Forget it, I don't want to be tired of being with you all the time."

Lucifer's response was very unkind, it's exactly the same as before, even friends don't get tired of being together all the time, it just becomes annoying.

The two have been doing the same for these years, they are doing their own things, but every once in a while they will meet again somewhere to confirm each other's situation.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Lucifer turned around and asked Noah, so that each other can confirm what the other is going to do every 1 years.

Hearing that question, Noah stepped forward and stood side by side with Lucifer and replied:

"Recently, I discovered some strange situations in Universe 57. Many monsters have gone berserk. They will leave their territory to actively attack other creatures, and they have strange energy on them."

Monsters, weird beasts, they are named so because these creatures are dozens of times larger than normal creatures. This alone is weird enough for other creatures, and there are quite a few monsters with strange special features. ability.

After comprehensive consideration, Noah named it 'Monster'.

"Are you a guardian again? You always manage so leniently."

Lucifer's evaluation seemed a bit harsh. Since the universe has become more and more strange creatures have also increased. Humans are no longer the center of the universe, and species stronger than humans have appeared.

It's like some kind of balance, the power of the body is distributed to other creatures, and the power of wisdom is reserved for humans.

Before the wisdom is fully developed, people are shivering and are at the middle and lower levels of the food chain.

Noah was used to those spicy words, and he looked towards the clear sky.

"There must be some point in us surviving like this."

From the birth of the original universe, to the split of the original universe, and now everything has evolved differently, their strength has not weakened, and even inexplicably became stronger.

What should this power be used for?

"I'm going to find that meaning."

At least Noah can be sure that when he repelled the berserk monster, he protected the life that might be injured, and also saved the manipulated monster.

"Then I wish you luck."

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