Lucifer turned around and left directly. He waved his hand and didn't intend to get involved in Noah's battle, because he already had something to do.

'665 universes have been checked so far. '

While thinking in his heart, he moved forward.

If matter does not disappear out of thin air, but is constantly transformed, then where does the soul transform after death?

"And I wish you the best of luck in finding what you want to find."

Such a voice came from behind Lucifer, and he didn't respond, the two actually knew what each other wanted to do.

The back figure in Noah's sight gradually disappeared, and after he shifted his attention, he heard this conversation:

"Isn't there some weird movie being made over there?"

"I don't know, but the lead actor is pretty good-looking."

Following the sound, two young students a hundred meters away were pointing at him.

'It seems to be regarded as a strange person. '

It's true that it sounds weird and crazy to say a bunch of weird things in public, but it's not like that, it's not like that, I'm a good person.

'It's better to say don't eavesdrop on other people's conversations from such a distance! '

Noah quickly turned around and left the park, leaving in a completely different direction.

Next, he will leave this peaceful universe and go to other universes. The phenomenon of monsters becoming violent is becoming more and more frequent, which cannot be ignored.

In order not to see the devastation on the ground again, he is determined to take action, which is also for the future of other lives.

Noah walked on the street, and there was nostalgia in his eyes. The past was not far away for a life like him, and the sadness in his heart did exist.

It's just that compared with sadness, his heart is not without joy.

No matter how time passes, there are things in the world that will not change, such as the goodwill in people's hearts, the pursuit of beauty, and the vision for the future.

Noah turned his head, and the girl he caught with his mind just now was thanking a young man non-stop, but the young man kept denying something.

The young man wanted to rush out just now, in order to prevent accidents for both of them, he intervened a little bit.

Now it seems that the young man's actions seem to be seen, um... Will it develop into love?

Noah was thinking about the future, he found a place where no one paid attention, and disappeared from there.

And he is not the only one acting in this city, Lucifer has a deeper feeling for time.

"Has the limit of lifespan been reached there..."

There is not only one tree planted, but now there is a big old tree with a bent 'body'

This tree has existed here since the city was only a small village, and a village of that size in the past has now grown to this point.

Perhaps, as others said at the beginning, even if the lifespan of ephemeral species is short, what they leave behind will continue to develop under the inheritance of people.

It is not simply relying on one generation, but many, many people succeeding one after another to complete a career.

'But in this case...'

Lucifer stayed in front of the tree, noticed his movement, and the old man on the bench at one side smiled.

"Young man, you have come to the right place. There are many stories about this ancient tree and this city. It is said that when this city was just a village, the land was barren, there was no water source, and it was often attacked by wild animals. But one day, A man has come here."

The old man told a familiar story, but now it seems that no one except the children is willing to listen to the story quietly.

Before the old man continued, Lucifer read out the next development:

"Then the man planted a seed with magical powers, and springs gushed out from where the rhizome passed, improving the land and allowing the village to develop. After that, every 300 years, the man would come here and re-watch In the case of a village, people also worked hard to develop in return for his kindness, and finally built a magnificent city."

Hearing such a story, the old man's eyes widened, because up to here the story is 'exactly the same'

900 years ago, when he was a child, there was a man in black listening carefully to the stories he had heard from his parents.

But as a child, he spoke intermittently, but in the end, the other party finished the story with short words.

After 900 years, it was not until this year that he, who was already very old, came back here to feel the sunshine and recall the past.

That man in black, that man, that man————

"Long time no see, Lin."

The man showed a smile, but that smile was not very pretty.


The old man stood up, and the other party disappeared like a hallucination.

There is another paragraph at the end of the story-the man is looking at the city, but it is not the city. His smile and eyes are full of loneliness. No one knows what he wants to see.

"how come......"

A man who is immortal, with magical powers, that is a true story.

You are still young, but I have...

For a moment, the old man seemed to vaguely understand what the last paragraph of the story was about.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Forests, villages, and...young girls.

She was sitting in an exquisite sedan chair, being carried away without even moving her legs.

Hearing the yelling and feeling the shaking, the girl took a deep breath, with a sense of fear in her heart, which was taken for granted.

When the girl closed her eyes, she could see her father's determination and her mother's pain, and there was no way it would turn into such a thing. How could mere people compete with the mountain god.

Finally, the last shaking stopped, and I could no longer feel the slightest sense of movement.

The girl in the sedan chair could hear the hurried footsteps and the heavy and chaotic breathing of running away. Slowly, she couldn't hear anything now, only the silence of the emptiness.

The girl took a deep breath, and lifted the cover on the side of the sedan chair, so she couldn't see anything except the silence of the forest.

There is no sound of beasts, no squeaks of insects, just hide in the big sedan chair like this.

The girl who thought this way shrank back into the big sedan chair, closed her eyes, and could only hear her own breathing.

Freshly slaughtered sheep and newly brewed wine are placed around the big sedan chair. They are not neat, but form a chaotic scene with the big sedan chair.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the forest that used to be scary is now eerie because of the silence.


There was a very, very loud sound, the sound of something being crushed directly.


The small voice only rang in her ears, the girl covered the top of her head, and she was so frightened that she directly hit the top.


There was still the sound of being crushed, but at this moment, I heard a very loud breath.

It's not just the sound, although the girl doesn't know the temperature, but she does feel that it has suddenly become hotter.

In the next instant, she bumped into the rear of the sedan chair, gravity made her cling to the sedan chair, and something lifted her together with the sedan chair.

The curtain in front of the sedan chair also hangs down by gravity, and what the girl sees is the sky.


The shortness of breath was due to the fear in her heart, the sky was no longer in the girl's sight, and a huge eye reflecting her figure appeared from there.

'Yes, it is the mountain god! '

Only a mountain god can be so huge!

After realizing this, the girl's fear soared again. She felt that she had accepted her fate, but when things came to an end, there was only one thought in her mind:

"Help, help, help me, help..."

The voice is very soft, maybe only you can hear it, what if it is louder?Will it scare the mountain god?

No one here will hear her cries for help, she was sent here just to 'die'.

In the nearby villages, everyone knew what was going to happen, they just prayed that this sacrifice would work.

Finally, the eyes in the girl's eyes disappeared, and the sky was reflected in her eyes for a brief moment, followed by red.

Stinky, high temperature, the mountain god opened his mouth, it wanted to try to bite that strange thing.

The big sedan chair was crushed by the fangs, and the girl inside lost her foothold, and she will fall into the mouth of the mountain god.

The girl saw the sky again, and she felt the weightlessness, the powerlessness of being unable to do anything and falling from the sky, her heart was beating like a drum.


The mountain god let out a roar. Its body could not maintain any balance under the impact. The man in black in the air swooped down. He hugged the falling girl with both hands and then turned over and landed steadily.

After touching the ground, the man ignored the mountain god who hit the ground and lowered his head to the girl who buried her face in his chest and said:

"It's all right."

No words are needed, the meaning is conveyed telepathically.

A few seconds later, the severe pain made the mountain god unable to recover on the ground, while the girl scratched her hands around, and only realized who she was lying in someone's arms after repeating it several times.

The hidden face was raised from the man's chest, and when that face was fully revealed, the man's movements became stiff, and countless emotions were revealed in his eyes.


The man opened his mouth but was unable to speak. His opening and closing of his mouth looked a little funny, and the emotion in his eyes finally turned into joy.

"Margaery, you—"

The words stopped here, because the man's joy was dispelled by the doubt and anxiety in the girl's eyes.

All performances lead to one thing only: she doesn't know him.

Chapter 130 Five Different People

People's souls don't disappear after death, maybe they just forget everything and reincarnate as a new life.

You are still here, but you are not here.

What should I say to you like this?

The man named Lucifer still remembers the memories of the past. If one day someone dies, the living will complete this task-whether the dead disappear completely.

He knew that this was a restraint, a collar, a shackle given to prevent him from going to extremes in the future.

But Lucifer doesn't mind doing this, he is thinking about one thing now, that is:

'Welcome back?wrong.haven't seen you for a long time?Not right either. '

The words used at this time are very important, but then again, the most important thing at this time is definitely that.

"Hi, my name is Lucifer, what's your name?"

In short, a brief self-introduction first.

However, the priority of this sentence is a bit too low for the girl. The girl's eyes widened, and she looked at the mountain god she witnessed for the first time in horror.

A silver dragon that has not yet been called 'Hilbagon' finally stood up unsteadily from the ground. It opened its mouth and stared at the existence that knocked it to the ground.

The pride of being a predator makes it extremely angry, and this anger is about to vent through roaring and attacking.

But the next moment, it saw an eye, and the tiny being just looked back at it.

'will die. '

This premonition stimulated the whole body in an instant, its open mouth was closed after a moment of stiffness, and it directly retreated step by step, hiding in the different space constructed by itself.


Lucifer looked back in silence, he felt that the monster still had some eyesight, if he didn't go away, he would immediately turn him into a nutritious meal that nourished other creatures.

"Don't worry, it's all right, what's your name? Is there any injury?"

Lucifer looked at the girl again and put the girl down directly. From the outside, there was nothing wrong with the girl, but inside it was another matter.

The scene just now is very casual and you can see what's going on, isn't it just that a foolish person intends to sacrifice someone to the so-called 'god'?

Thinking of this, Lucifer kicked the remaining can of wine beside him to pieces.


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