
Qingge murmured, it was the sound she would make when she was thinking, and simply put, she didn't understand it.

Seeing this, Lucifer explained again:

"I don't need mechanized data. The fastest way to understand people is to get along with them. It is difficult for people in high cabinets to empathize with ordinary people, so I plan to touch the spirit of people here."

He put the photo he received in his arms on the table, and there was a man inside.

"A woman wanted me to track down this man because she suspected that he was unfaithful and in love with someone else. Creatures nowadays seem to be very forgetful, and emotions become expendable items that will be exhausted, or because of the short lifespan. You don't need to memorize so many things."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes. If his physiology deteriorates, his memory will naturally deteriorate. This may be an unavoidable condition for ephemeral species. It is a congenital defect, but...

"A woman wants me to find evidence of a man's infidelity and keep it. Do I intend to confront it or do something?"

Is it the hatred derived from feelings?

Or an idea born of profit?

Anyway, let's have a look.


Qing Ge was still pondering, she still felt that there were many things she didn't understand.

Love and love are things that have nothing to do with her. Objectively speaking, in the "social stage" she was in in the past, there was no room for "feelings between men and women". That's all.

"Don't you understand?"

Qingge nodded at Lucifer's question, and after getting this affirmative answer, Lucifer also knew what he was going to do.

"In the future, you can work with me. No matter how much you say, it's better to see it yourself."

Practice can prove the theory, no matter how the times change, there is nothing wrong with this.

After a few seconds, Qing Ge, who came to his senses, first stood up vigorously, and then showed a troubled look.

"I'm afraid I won't do well."

Qingge can still feel the sense of distance until now, she feels that she is out of place with everything around her.

"If you're afraid so you don't try, you'll never make progress."

Lucifer's words are correct, but it's a pity that everyone understands the truth, but not many people can practice it.

"And I'm here."

As long as this sentence is enough, this is the only reliance Qingge can find in the incompatible world.

Half a second later, she suddenly heard this sentence:

"Have you grown a little taller?"

"As time goes by, it will naturally grow... What's wrong?"

After answering, the man in front of her eyes flashed an emotion that made her incomprehensible.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

This is just an office building in a certain business district, and there is a famous detective in one of the rooms in this office building. It is said that his success rate is 100%, so fake that people think it is a forced advertisement .

But since 80 years have passed and there is no sign of word-of-mouth collapse, it must be a bit level.

'real or fake......'

But here lies the problem, the young man felt a little weird, that's why the detective in front of him was so...

How does that young face look like someone who has been in business for 80 years?

'Oh, the son inherited his father's business! '

That would make sense, probably.


The detective put the tea on the table, the bird standing on the bookshelf shook its head as if it had just woken up and then stopped moving, and the creature lying behind opened its mouth and yawned.

'It's more like a circus than a detective agency! '

At this moment, the door opened, and the guest turned around to see a mature woman.

"God... ah."

The woman got stuck in the middle of her sentence.

"The official name of our place is Detective Agency of Divine Machine and Miao Suan."

The detective showed a smile, although the name made the guests feel that it was more like a fortune teller than a detective, and the woman behind was more like a fortune teller.

Chapter 130 Hello, my name is Lucifer

Solve incidents and see all kinds of life.

Emotional disputes, the love between people is exhausted with the passage of time, this emotion has not been able to accompany the marriage into a family relationship, so gradually they cannot tolerate each other.

Business conflicts and interests can be compared to cakes. The more people eat, the less people can get. Gradually, they become intolerant of each other and try their best to exclude each other.

Oppression from top to bottom, those who give orders and those who execute orders, those who give orders are used to giving orders, which is essentially a superior position, so they want to maintain this position, and they want more. At this time There may be resistance.

Occupying resources in order to survive, beasts occupy territory, hunt, and harm other creatures in order to survive, this is for self-continuation.

Interest is also one of them, and money, power and status are also resources, and scrambling for these is actually a struggle for resources.

Money, power and status, all of these can lead to a better and better quality of life, just like the competition for areas with better hunting, areas with more fruit trees, and areas near water in primitive times.

These things haven't changed in essence, it's just that the 'resource' has been refined and given another name.

But just as most living things cannot survive without reunification, so can people today.

There are not only bad things in the world. Some people help each other, and some people take the initiative to take responsibility in the face of disasters.

The wife who suspected her husband finally found out that the husband who always played missing had taken another part-time job for a birthday present. The teenager finally knew that he was not his own child, but his biological father was a good friend of his stepfather who died young in the past.

Negative emotions, positive emotions, the human heart is chaotic, it may turn into light or sink into darkness.

The good, evil, good and evil in the world keep reappearing, and the reincarnation continues, and time takes away life.


Time slowly carved marks on a person's body. The person was originally smooth and wrinkled, his hair changed from black to white, and the signs of life gradually became weaker.

The planet has changed two rounds of rulers, and this one is clean and honest, just like the last one was at the beginning.

Just witnessing so many girls go to the last stage of life, Lucifer has exhausted all means, but now he can only hold each other's palm, and the warmth seems to be unable to pass through.

I knew it would become like this, and the pain was expected.

"God, every now and then I feel like you're looking at someone else when you look at me."

The old woman said softly, time will bring experience, and after seeing more things, you will gradually be able to understand other people's thoughts.

"You seem to be looking for something non-stop, but unfortunately I can't go there with you."

Sure enough, humans and gods are different. Gods don't grow old or die, they just live in this world.

"No, I've found it."

Lucifer denied Qing Ge's words, he was very sure of this.

"I'm supposed to be looking for something called love."

Love between friends, love between lovers, love between relatives, love is something that human beings desire instinctively.

"From you, I found that feeling again."

Lucifer has no hesitation in expressing his feelings. The passage of time brings not only laments for the years, but also "love"

That sentence is very important, Qingge spoke again after gathering a little strength:

"I love you from the bottom of my heart too."

At first I thought it was a god, and gods need to pay a price to fulfill their wishes. Now that the village and villagers are safe, the price must be the phrase 'you have to leave with me'

Later, it was discovered that God did not need to pay for fulfilling his wishes, he just wanted to find something in others.

Now that he has found what he has, it is really gratifying.

"Life is still too short."

The gathered power approached, Qing Ge closed her eyes, and at this age she spoke the last words.

The pitch-black mist overflowed, and finally it was suddenly withdrawn into the body of a person.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

A person's life is too short, so what exactly do I want to find?

Loving someone, then terrified of losing them, then inevitably losing them.

Wanting to get back what was lost, so I started looking.

They died, but they must be born again one day.

With this in mind, I started to act.

On the planet that was ravaged by terrifying monsters, the winged black giant kicked the monster away, and the light that was thrown directly vaporized and blasted it into pieces.

After everything is over, people return to their lives, and new rental houses naturally have new neighbors.

"Sorry, I bumped into you, Lana, please apologize to Big Brother."

"It's okay, this is your... child? It's cute."


"By the way, my name is Lucifer."

A man introduced himself to a mother who was holding a child's hand. The mother's expression was a little strange, because she always felt that this young man looked familiar.

Time flows, human life is too short.

In the harmonious and prosperous age without war, the young man waving a folding fan debated with others, and finally returned with a big victory, wandering leisurely in the street reciting poems.

When he opened his eyes, he couldn't see people bullying the good and fearing the evil. He argued with Poppi, and saw that his three-inch tongue was about to be smashed to pieces.

In the blink of an eye, Poppi was wailing on the ground, clutching his broken arm and yelling.

"Aren't you hurt?"

The man who appeared there at some unknown time asked.

The young man holding a folding fan helped his hat, and he saluted with fists in his hands:

"Thank you brother Gao Yi, dare to ask brother's name? If you are willing, please go to the little brother's humble house."

"...My name is Lucifer."

Although the expression was a bit strange, the man who helped him still gave his name, which was a bit strange to the young man holding the folding fan.

The two moved forward together, the young man didn't know each other, he just somehow felt that the other was trustworthy.

Putting wine on the table to add to the fun, watching the sky at night, and talking happily.

Time flows, human life is too short.

In one school, the boy looked at the new teacher, he shrank his neck, wondering why the new teacher always looked at him from time to time.

Stars are born to extinguish, and civilizations are born to destroyed.

Universes are born one by one, and universes start to perish for some reason.

On the battlefield, the soldier who thought he was doomed was pulled up, someone assisted him, and the two of them killed out like a god, completing the mission.

"Lucifer, we did it!"


In the universe, the explorer who had already accepted the fate of death saw a pair of hands grabbing his spaceship, saw three blue eyes staring at him, everything seemed to be just a dream, but he woke up in the hospital, alive. down.

Under the deep sea, the survey mission is being carried out. On the side of the man is his friend who looks the same as ten years ago. For some reason, he doesn't look old at all.

"There must be a continent that existed in ancient times here, and we will find it."

"For success and fame?"

"How is it possible, even if others say that I am whimsical, they still believe me, so I must repay them, and I will not let the children in the school point at my daughter and say that her father is a liar."

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