"Children's malice is always so obvious and excessive."

The friend on one side seemed to be sighing, but the man didn't dwell on this matter.

"By the way, I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for never abandoning me. If I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with you!"

The first half of the sentence is thank you, and the second half is to cover up your shyness and start messing around.

"Speaking of which, are you really not going to have a relationship?"

"Love is not the only thing that can be called love."

The man's friend shook his head, and the two joked with each other under [-] meters of water, and moved on after adapting to the water pressure.

The universe is changing one by one, time flows continuously, and more and more people are seen and met.

"Does that mean I'm too much of an eyesore for you?"

The army has completely surrounded the palace, and the generals forced the palace to commit crimes.

"I knew it was going to be like this."

The friend kneeling on the ground was tied up, his expression was neither bad nor bad, very calm.

Reverse the time to the time when nothing happened. In 435, the general died of illness. Later generations will evaluate how many achievements he would have made if he was still alive.

Even with the same face, people are not the same person.

In the hospital is an old man who is dying, and she is waiting for the last moment of her life.

There was a person standing beside her, and the left eye of the young man in black reflected a different scene.

A woman's time will be reversed, she will become young again, she will live again, and then she will forget what happened because of the time reversal.

The kids grow up, the kids have kids, and those things are all forgotten.

Reversing time will not make her happier, it will only make her confused, and she will die in the end.

If the time is reversed for the second time, then she will only find that there is no one around with her memory.

The future in sight disappeared, and the man did nothing.

A happy marriage, full of children and grandchildren, she has lived happily enough.

The ability to reverse time, the ability to modify the past, this ability is constantly used.

One universe after another, Lucifer can always find people with the same face. Unlike Noah, he cares more about the people he can't forget.

"Hello, my name is Lucifer."

How many times have you introduced yourself in such words?

Meeting people, getting along with people, and then forming a new fate, this fate drives him to continue to act.

There was a guardian protecting some people, and slowly, he discovered something.

There is such a person in this universe, and there is such a person in that universe. They have exactly the same face and figure, and they spend different lives in the same time period.

Who is who, no one is anyone, they are just themselves.

So what exactly are you doing?

"Hello, my name is Lucifer."

I kept trying to find everything in the past, and finally found that the past is the past because it cannot be retrieved.

People's life has become shorter, even only a mere hundred years.

Life is too short, so you only care about the things in front of you.

I have been running around for others and responsibilities all my life, and I can't even live for myself for a few days.

The looting goes on forever, and even if this universe is at peace, there are more universes suffering like this.

The suffering will never end because resources will always be contested.

In order to survive, hurt others and fight for the right to live.

Goodwill will not die, and malice will follow.

How can we break this eternal cycle of reincarnation?

Intelligent life can be kept in captivity, and the good and evil depends largely on their environment.

So the three-eyed god ruled everything, completing a world full of goodwill.

But no, it's just a universe, they will eventually come into contact with the concept of 'evil' in other universes.

The flowers that grow in the greenhouse are broken in the wind and rain. Knowing the evil and still doing good is the real strength.

The number of universes is still increasing, and good and evil are still intertwined.

The world is too big, how about shrinking its scope?

In the original universe, if all the current universes can be summarized into one...

Memories of the past are recalled again, the perfect world is split into countless imperfect worlds, such degradation...

Life is like light, which will be passed on continuously.

However, every life is unique, and when it disappears, it really disappears.

Underneath countless identical faces are countless people with different cores.


I was even more sure of it when I saw that man, Miller, the giant in front of me, that man had the same face as you, but only a face.

The weak "you" used crazy fighting methods, ignoring his injuries and fighting against me.


All illusions are composed of memories, Nangong began to fall, he escaped from the darkness, and the light cut on his heart made him break free from the shackles completely.

Lucifer, that man's eyes are always stuck in the past, he values ​​his friends around him, loves them, and then suffers from love.

Cut off reincarnation, end suffering, these are just incidental.

"If the multidimensional universe can be reduced to the original universe, then the scattered people in the multidimensional world must also be reduced to the original person"

Wanting to see the deceased again, Nangong was very clear about the existence of that kind of emotion.

'They're still alive in my heart'

After all, this kind of thinking is just the self-comfort of the living. Life will continue, but what will continue is not the original person, but a different individual.

And what I want to see is the original them after all, not other people with the same face.

When he saw Qing Ge for the first time, when he realized that Qing Ge was another person, what kind of mood did Lucifer have?

Keep getting, keep losing, the more you want to get it back, the more you realize that it is impossible.

His unwillingness to get along with countless people with the same face and different cores drove him crazy.

130 Nine Chapters Irresistible

"What, what?!"

The dim starlight of the universe was blocked, and what Sai Luo saw after cutting off the heart sword was a terrifying scene.

What emerges from Empat's body is not pure dark energy. The pitch-black color shows various faces, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and different expressions emerge from the pitch-black dark energy, arranged in a disorderly manner.


Empat raised his neck and made a painful sound, and more and more darkness spewed out from his body, tens of thousands, counting the number of faces in hundreds of thousands.

Those vivid expressions were full of agility, and finally, I saw the strange wings divided into upper and lower parts.

As if just getting up, Lucifer stood up from Empat's body, and the crystal on his forehead was like a devil's third eye, adding a more terrifying impression to it.

A large amount of leaked dark energy was flushed and pulled back into the master's body.

Crying, laughing, all the noisy sounds stopped here, what happened?What exactly did you see?

Lucifer took a step to the left, completely leaving the body that was resisting him.

He turned his head, glanced at Empat whose body gradually became stable, and then looked at Sai Luo who was full of guard against him.

"Well done, this is worthy of the power inherited from Noah."

The compliment was unexpected, but the attitude was unavoidably disgusting.

"It's better to stop your crazy plan if you have time to say these words!"

Sai Luo's right hand moved forward, and the long sword pointed at the real enemy, pointing at Lucifer who had lost his strength from Empat's body and revealed his true face.

Different from the imagination, the figure of the other party is five points similar to Noah, and what is reflected in his body is not madness, but a special harmonious order.

Lucifer spoke naturally and rationally. He knew what he was doing and did it. He was not bewitched by anyone but still did it. He used his own will to do such things.

"do something like this..."

A third voice intervened in the conversation, and Empat on that side forcibly stood up after his body settled down. His condition was not very good, but now was not the time to care about his condition.

"The only one who will be happy in the end doing something like this is yourself."

In a sense, Empat, who has witnessed history, gave such an evaluation. After all, Lucifer's approach itself is contrary to the person he wants to see.

If they can really be resurrected, how can they accept it after realizing how the original world was restored.

"They didn't pray for immortality."

Empat is very aware of this. Everyone in the original world has accepted the influence of the evolution of the universe and accepted the inevitable fate.

If you want to rely on killing the lives of all other people to maintain your own immortality, then you would rather accept death.

This persuasion was meaningless to Lucifer, because he had considered everything before making a decision.

"There was an opportunity in front of me, but I didn't take it."

What he was thinking of was what happened before the original universe disappeared. If he had been determined to destroy other universes at that time, things would not have developed like this.

If it is derived again, it will be destroyed again, and it will continue to repeat.

But that's when he was told - you shouldn't be doing this.

Because I respect the other party's ideas, I chose not to do so.

But in the end, what you get is regret. If you just rely on eternal life to enjoy endless enjoyment in the world, it will be very easy, but there is no reason or meaning for doing so.

Is immortality a blessing or a curse?

If immortality brings unavoidable pressure that accompanies this life, then it is hard to judge whether this is a curse, at least it will definitely not be a blessing.

"Tell me, Nangong Lan, what kind of thoughts did you have on the day the person you valued died?"

Lucifer has already seen everything, after all, even his body is completely manipulated by him.

Faced with this question, Empat fell silent. He was unable to give an upright answer because——

"I can clearly see that there is anger and hatred in your heart."

Hatred of the ethereal existence of time.

"But I'm not completely ruled by emotion like you are."

At this point, Empat can give a negative answer, so Lucifer sneered:

"That's because you don't have the ability to do that."

I can only lament the passage of time, not enough power, so powerless.

"Won't you join me? In the original world, you can see the people you want to see again, and they will tell you that they have not seen you for a long time with the memories they had in the past."

Lucifer extended an invitation, and he extended his right hand.

"I reject."

Empat straightened his body and refused, saying how crazy it is to kill someone who is alive for someone who is dead.

There is no hatred, no anger, it is simply sacrificed as a sacrifice.

He would never agree with such a killing of innocent lives.

Lucifer still received a refusal answer. He was a little disappointed about it, but he also missed it. The person with the same face also chose to refuse at the beginning. Even if everything changed, there seemed to be some things that remained the same.

"Since this is the case..."

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