
Perhaps because he was more sensitive to the flow of dark energy, Empat took a defensive stance in an instant, and he realized that something had changed.

"You'd better not resist, because it will make death easier this way."

Lucifer issued a declaration, and with this declaration, the entire universe became restless.

Different from the previous scale, after there was no longer any barrier, the alien beast named 'Universe' launched a thorough action under the drive of its master.

The split small alien beasts returned to the inside of the main body, and the stars that were not eroded by the alien beasts completely lost their traces.

The shape of the universe began to change. If you look at it from the front of the gap in the dimension, you can't see the starry sky from the outside, you can only see the terrifying posture of the alien beast.

All the people who jumped into this universe were equivalent to actively entering the stomach of the alien beast, and the alien beast that woke up from a semi-slumber state due to Lucifer's instructions completely started to move.

Question, what exactly are alien beasts?

The common-sense answer to the enemy of all life...is already clear, what is the answer that goes further and goes back to the source?


"Tartaros, what can you do!"

The communication between the two fighters from the Absolut family was temporarily interrupted, because they couldn't separate their strength to talk, the terrifying pressure let alone their bodies, even pure energy could easily crush them.

Empat on the other side tried his best to resist this force, and then his arms made an overwhelmed sound, as if listening to his body being slowly crushed.

A whole universe is in motion, more precisely digestion.

Inside the field of light constructed by Father of Ultra, a large amount of liquid dripped, and once those liquids touched things, they began to corrode.

"Gastric juice, this is gastric juice!"

Jack knew this very well. He used the dart turned into a bracelet to release the flash of sparks, and quickly chopped up a Bishop Grocca, but this did not help the situation improve.

The field of light that was previously compared with the 'planet' is now shrinking at an exaggerated speed.


Accompanied by the roar, the galaxy in Max's hand erupted with radiance. It seemed that a sword that could pierce the sky could not reach the outside. It was completely unrealistic to rely on one person's strength to compete with the entire universe.

The field is still shrinking, and soon it will be unable to hold even a few thousand people.

"do not give up!"

The father of Ultra has the core of the spark tower in his left hand and the ultimate blade in his right hand. While repelling the invading enemies, he is also integrating his own strength into it to fight against the pressure outside the field.

"Even at the last moment, you can't give up! If you give up in your heart, you can't seize the opportunity even if it is in front of you!"

The timer on his chest kept flickering due to the consumption of power, but words and will alone could not change the status quo.

3 minutes, as long as 3 minutes, this field will completely collapse, and all Ultra fighters will actually come into contact with the alien beast and be digested by this terrifying alien beast.

There are very few existences in this universe that are not affected, and one of them is Bitstar. There is no starlight from the inside, because the universe has become a strange beast, so how can there be starlight in the body of the strange beast.

Jeter held a spear in his right hand and returned here with Gauss on his left shoulder.

He stared at the outside scenery, thinking about the current situation.

"Is it over?"

Although it is not unexpected for the current situation, he still feels disappointed.

The future world will probably show a new attitude under the control of Lucifer, but what kind of person will the person in his heart become?

There is still a ray of light in the endless darkness, but this light is so weak that it is impossible to detect it.

There is another person who is not affected by the alien beast, that person is wearing silver armor and holds a sword in both hands.


What exactly are alien beasts?

The answer was finally revealed before the eyes. The surroundings of Sai Luo are not the product of the materialization of the alien beast, but the factor of the alien beast. This factor does not have a real entity, but some special particles.

After merging with something to obtain a posture, it is just pure energy when it is not fused. This form of expression is similar to the Otto family.

The essence of the xenomorph is 'part of Lucifer's power'

If part of Noah's power was materialized and became the armor of Palaji's shield, then part of Lucifer's power was materialized and became a strange beast.

Dark energy has alienated this part of power, turning it into a special existence that can self-proliferate, self-evolve, self-split, and self-completion.

They don't have real souls and wills, they only follow the instinct of 'completion' to devour other lives, and that's a matter of course.

Because they are not life in the true sense, they are the products of alienation after Lucifer differentiated his own power.

It's as simple as a person making a machine and giving an order, so the machine naturally executes the order.

In other words, as long as Lucifer is completely defeated, there is a high possibility that the alien beast will stop its activities.

'What the hell am I fighting? '

Sai Luo can't feel the aura on Lucifer's body. This doesn't mean that the opponent is not strong, but he can't feel it.

"Sure enough, I will solve it myself."

Lucifer was not surprised that Sai Luo was not affected. After all, the opponent had the power of Noah, which was left in the visitor's universe in the past.

Noah probably sealed up part of his power with the Emmenar Ore in consideration of the fact that the alien beast would start to move again after he was gone.

When the person named 'Belia' is alienated into a strange beast, Palaji's shield will also wake up and complete its original task, so this light energy constitutes Palaji's shield due to the characteristic of 'gathering' shield, and handed it over to Sero.

The armament is good, and the user is also a good user, but it is still too weak.

Lucifer is serious, now this is a decisive battle in a sense, so he stretched out his left hand.


Sai Luo's movements became weird, he seemed to be dodging something non-stop, and the invisible force of thought was bombarded crazily.

Left and right, up and down, sideways and somersaults, Sai Luo's movements are fast enough, but in his opinion, they are too slow.

' will be hit. '

He had such a hunch.

' is passive. '

This is his judgment based on the current situation.

In order to get rid of this situation, he focused his strength, the double crescent moon sword in his left hand was wrapped in golden light, the beam beam was applied to the double sword, and the golden chopping wave was thrown out in one throw.

The characteristic of expansion makes this blow more powerful, and the power contained in it also explodes immediately.

The slash went straight to Lucifer, and the next moment, the double sword was just a double sword.


Lucifer turned his body sideways to avoid the sharp blades. The light energy originally attached to the double swords did not disappear, and they were refocused after the explosion.

The long sword in Sai Luo's right hand is flaming gold, using the "gathering" feature of Palaji's shield, he keeps injecting light energy that exceeds the upper limit, but relies on the feature to gather together the power that was originally blasted .

The chaotic and volatile terrorist power was forcibly manipulated and compressed, and he launched an assault with this power.

After understanding the characteristics of Palaji's shield and using it immediately, Zero, who has done this, is an undoubted combat genius.

Talent determines the upper limit in the future, but unfortunately the future is still a matter of the future.

The moment Sai Luo cut off the golden sword, he was thrust into his arms.


It has nothing to do with ability, but simply because of the huge gap in the basic 'physical ability', Lucifer pushed forward with his right palm.

The dark energy in his palm exploded, bombarding Sai Luo in front of him.

The armor turned into a shield, and the shield was blasted to pieces. The energy that was originally gathered exploded, but instead became an impact that opened the distance.

Like a stone bull falling into the sea, Sero felt erosion, and within a second, his overloaded ultimate bracelet was also covered in darkness.

Chapter 140 Chasing the Trace

"Is it over like this? Or..."

Lucifer stared at the scenery in front of him, he was sealed into the dark interior, and the Ultra fighters who were sealed into the body of the alien beast began to be digested, and they could not resist the pressure of the entire universe.

This is the layout, a practice of the so-called "please enter the urn".

If the opponent rushes into this universe, then no matter what, it will evolve into such a result.

Originally, he planned to settle the battle easily, but he didn't expect that the 'body' would resist unexpectedly.

After a few seconds, it seemed that everything would go on like this.

Inside Lucifer's third eye, a new landscape is reflected, which is from the future after 7 seconds.

What will happen if the current world continues like this?

Normally speaking, Lucifer's prediction time is not long, but for an existence of this level, 7 seconds in a battle is enough to do a lot of things.

It's a pity that this prediction is too short outside of the battle. For example, all Lucifer sees now is a ray of light.

However, no matter how many times he could miss this light, this light is too familiar to him, it is the light that has existed since the beginning of time.

The quicksand-like blue is the degeneration caused by the weakening of strength, but the targeted effect still hasn't disappeared.

Wherever the light goes, the darkness recedes, and the factors of alien beasts are purified.

When everything in sight returned to normal, that light followed closely.

From beyond the universe... no, can't say that.

It should be said that the cosmic-scale alien beast encountered a direct hit of light, and the blue light flow penetrated the body surface, directly blasted into the body, and began to spread forward without stopping.

"Noah, do you still stand in front of me at this time?"

The light keeps shooting, and the special energy contained in it completely breaks up the alien beast factors, allowing them to re-transform into the original original particles from the materialized posture.

However, a mere ray of light is insignificant on such a huge scale, so the fleet crashed directly into this universe.

It's like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and he came to die by himself... Lucifer thought so at first, but what was unexpected was that the beams and missiles fired from the fleet had some strange characteristics.

Their power is not as great as imagined, but they can drive away the alien beasts, or what they kill is not the flesh of the alien beasts, but the alien beast particles that can alienate creatures.

It is like vaccination, which is doing essential damage like sterilization.

All the cannons are deployed, all the bullets are fired, and the warships that file in are constantly attacking. Such an approach is still stupid to Lucifer. Do people nowadays think that they can fight against the entire universe?

At the front of the battleship that entered first, at the very front of the battleship, the Ultra warrior with a strange crown had a strange pattern engraved on his chest, but in the center of the pattern was a crystal.

Its silver-red body is full of youthful vitality. Nexus maintains the release of laminated light and storm. Its attack is not a direct hit. In front of the cross-shaped arms, the amplifier plays its due role.

"Noah, are you here on purpose to die?"

Lucifer asked the old friend in a degraded posture. He didn't attack directly because he was still waiting for an opportunity.

"Lucifer, it's not too late to stop!"

Nexus wanted to persuade the other party, but those conversations didn't make any sense.

The fleet rushed all the way into this scene, and the artillery fired by the modified fleet was almost completely harmless to creatures.

On a certain planet in a certain universe, monsters called alien beasts are constantly raging. In order to fight against them, the race named 'human' keeps studying them and wants to kill them completely.

Now the resulting technology is used as the core, and the anti-alien beast factor complements the appearance of Nexus, turning it into a further "specialized weapon against alien beasts"

Armed with such weapons, they charged into this universe.

In the darkness, Empat felt that his consciousness was about to be completely dissolved. It turned out to be such a feeling to be swallowed and digested.

He has power, but his power is not enough after all, not enough to resist an entire universe.

Will lose, will die, will it end here?

Is the light flowing in front of my eyes an illusion or reality?

To catch the light, Empat stretched out his right hand, and the blue light swept across his wrist without taking him away.

The empty palm didn't catch anything, but there was a certain heavy feeling on the wrist.

A drowning person can't see anything clearly, he just keeps struggling, struggling towards the direction of the light, and finally falls into the darkness.

But his struggling movements will be seen by others. At this time, someone grabbed his wrist and forcibly pulled him out of the darkness.

What is reflected in the line of sight is simply a firework show, the blue light that keeps bursting is an explosion of energy, and the floating white particles are the purified alien beast factor.

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