
It hit the boat all of a sudden, and the messy things sprayed over before I remembered to react.

It seemed to be some kind of water, like some kind of energy fog. When Empat finally saw things clearly, the alien animal factor contaminated on his body had completely disappeared.

"Why, how..."

Even Empat couldn't understand the situation right away. Standing in front of him was his comrade-in-arms from his hometown, and the giant with white eyes stretched out his right hand towards him.

"Why are you......"

why are you here?

How are you doing recently?

long time no see.

All kinds of thoughts were entangled in the brain, and they didn't stop until the other party spoke.

Dija said this:

"Because you are too slow, waiting for you for too long, so we came to you."

It's that simple answer.

"You haven't changed anything since before, and you always go forward alone, without considering whether you can solve the problem."

The man who spoke there had white armor, and a pair of blue eyes that did not reveal emotion.

"Having gone through so much, can't your rock-like brain learn a little bit of a lesson? You will always be alone to try your best."

The other party said so, and Empat fell silent.

"Anyway, you—"

"No, wait, before that..."

The speech was interrupted, and Empat stopped the other party from continuing to speak.

"who are you?"

Empat didn't remember that he had ever known such a person. The white armor looked like a bone structure, but his face had a mechanical feel. The red face gave the impression of a ghost.

Who is this person?

"...It's me, it's me, Zamsha."

After being silent for a while, the man revealed his identity in a helpless tone.


Empat was stunned, what the hell?

"You're not rejecting machines..."

"Convenient things can't be put down once you use them, can't you?"

Zamxia laughed, he was quite satisfied with his new armor.

'wrong. '

Damn it, this idiot completely ruined the plan here with a word that doesn't talk about the atmosphere. Originally, Zamsha planned to use this to create the illusion that he turned into a machine to help after thousands of years, but now it doesn't work at all up.

By the way, don't you have the ability to see through?You should use it!

"All sorts of things have happened since you left, but we're still here."

Dijia nodded. Normal people would not be on guard against their friends, so everyone has some ideas about each other's troubles.

Responsibility and emotion, the conflict between the two does exist.

"Since the scale in your heart will always only lean to one side, then you have to put the things on the other side on the side you lean on, and that's it."


Empat stared at Tiga's palm, then held it.

If you can't solve the problem alone, don't fight alone.

It's so clear and easy to understand, but...

'Let me fix things so you don't have to worry about it. '

Is it right or wrong to think that as long as I can fix the problem, no one else is at risk?

"How many troops do we have?"

Empat immediately asked the crucial question.

"This time the enemy cannot be solved by relying on military strength alone."

To be honest, he felt that he couldn't beat Lucifer. It was the purest difference in strength. He didn't know where the opponent's upper limit was.

"So we brought in more reinforcements."

Zamsha pointed to the other side, and Empat looked along. What was there was not a simple warship, but a huge, claw-like fortress. Not only that, but the accompanying warships were also completely different in style from this side .

Empat thought that Sai Luo must have been rescued, but it was not their side who saved Sai Luo.

On the battleship on that side, Sai Luo was sitting on the ground. In front of him was a beast-like red and black giant. The giant was wearing dark armor and held a double-headed long stick in his right hand.



They are rivals and merciless, and the two who wanted to kill each other twice meet again in this universe.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Captured! Captured but there is no way to fully connect!"

"The observed universe has become something else! It is definitely not a pure universe!"

"If you forcefully jump through space teleportation, it is likely that the follow-up team will be broken up directly!"

Inside the Kingdom of Light Cosmic Science and Technology Bureau, here are the people in charge of logistics. The vanguard of the Kingdom of Light has entered the enemy's lair, but now they have completely lost contact. It may be no problem to say that they are "fallen".

At this time, the reconnaissance team who went to the gap between the dimensions sent back a contact:

"Headquarters, we have arrived at the scene and observed from a distance of [-] meters. That is not the universe. I don't know how to describe it, but the surface of the universe seems to be wriggling, and I have a kind of it looking at How we feel!"

The images and words arrived together, and Sophie, who was also waiting here, was very anxious, but he also knew that he must calm down now.

There are currently three approaches:

The first one is to force space teleportation, but as the people from the Science and Technology Bureau said, when the coordinates are chaotic, it is unknown where they will be lost, and there is a high possibility that they will be broken one by one in the end.

The second is to break in directly from the outside. The problem is that the vanguard team lost contact because of this approach. The abnormal state of the universe is also disturbing.

The third is to wait, waiting for the vanguard to send back the news. The problem is that doing so is almost tantamount to dying, and it is very likely that the vanguard will be completely consumed internally.

How to do?

No matter how you do it, there are risks and advantages.


A loud siren sounded, which was a reminder that an unknown fleet had invaded the Kingdom of Light.

"At such a time!"

The surveillance quickly captured the existence of the other party, and the other party did not cover up at all. The eye-catching claw-shaped fortress just swaggered above the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Light.

Before this side could ask a question, the signal was transmitted directly from the other side.

After switching it on, that person appeared there.


Beria, not just Beria, the Ampera Stars used to build a pair of armor, even after the Ambella Stars died, the armor set off a bloodbath.

The special equipment called 'Dark Armor' is now worn by Beria, and Beria has now returned to the Kingdom of Light with a real army when the Kingdom of Light's defenses were empty.

What is he going to do?

Thinking of this, the guards couldn't help feeling flustered. If they were attacked this time, the Kingdom of Light might really be completely destroyed.

Hikari turned his attention to Zofi, who was in charge at this time, and the captain of the guard asked calmly after a short thought:

"Belia, what is your purpose? To destroy the Kingdom of Light? Or is there some other reason?"

If you really plan to go to war again, there is no need to have such a dialogue, just go to war directly.

"As expected of a person who has won the Star Medal and the Ultra Badge, the reaction is fast, let me just say it bluntly."

Beria leaned forward with his right arm folded over his knee.

"In order to fight against Lucifer, the enemy of all universes, return the gigabit fighting device to me."

In the last battle, Beria was finally defeated, so the Gigabit Fighting Instrument he was shot down before was obtained by the Kingdom of Light again and was about to be sealed up again.

Not everyone can use the Gigabit Fighting Instrument, at least it must be Leonix, and its original user is Lebrondo, and now most of Lebrondo's soul is in Beria's body.

In other words, the most suitable user for the gigabit fighting device is Beria.

Hearing that request, Sophie remained silent for a while.

Chapter 140 The Three Parties Gathered

Who is Beria?

The traitor of the Kingdom of Light, the emperor of the Galactic Empire, and the successor of Lebrondo, whose crimes are beyond description, treason, massacre, racial purification, brainwashing, human experiments, such a person came to the Kingdom of Light to recover his weapons?

And this person also mentioned the name 'Lucifer', which he said was to fight against the greatest evil.

However, Sophie was very aware of how coincidental the timing was. She arrived just at the time when all the main forces of the Kingdom of Light had left and asked for the Gigabit Fighting Device. It was as if it had been calculated.

According to the information brought back by Sero, although Arc Beria has the name of Beria, it is actually just a strange beast constructed with Beria's body as the nutrient and carrier.

And Beria's main force and Beria's own soul disappeared to nowhere, and considering the current situation...

'Belia probably knew about Lucifer before us. He knew that he could not fight Lucifer with his own strength, so he would unite and seek benefits in this alliance. '

The so-called confrontation with Lucifer is not for justice and peace, but simply because Lucifer threatened Beria, so Beria chose to fight.

How can an emperor be called an emperor if he has no land?

How can a ruler be called a ruler if he has no objects to dominate?

It didn't take long for Sophie to guess Beria's psychology.

It is definitely not a good practice to return the Gigabit Fighting Device to the other party, but what will happen if you don't give the Gigabit Fighting Device to the other party?

The reason why those fleets are here is very clear. If you don’t give, you still have to give. If you don’t give, you will grab it. It is very unwise to consume each other here.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and it is too realistic to have to join forces in the face of a greater threat.

"I see, the Congress of Light will return the Gigabit Fighting Instrument to you."

Sophie gave the answer, and Beria laughed when she heard the answer.

"very good."

For this universe, cross-dimensional activities, that is, traveling between different universes, are too normal, so it is very easy for him to send scouts to this universe.

That's right, this is the moment to seize.

"In order to fight against Lucifer, should the Kingdom of Light also take out more sealed weapons and props?"


Hikari couldn't help but make a sound, he knew very well that Beria was just talking to the lion, and now he said to use it, and naturally he didn't plan to return it after it was used up.

This is Beria's plan. He is planning to take this opportunity to plunder the Kingdom of Light, so as to weaken the Kingdom of Light and enrich his empire.

Beria has never forgotten who his enemy is. For him, Lucifer is just an obstacle that got in the way. After clearing it, it will be the turn of the Kingdom of Light and the Cosmic Guard.

The current situation is that the enemy is strong and we are weak. Considering that Beria has attacked the Kingdom of Light twice and tried to destroy the Kingdom of Light, Sophie dare not bet on whether the opponent will really ignore Lucifer's threat and the Kingdom of Light. The country goes to war.

To put it in a bad way, the Kingdom of Light is now the meat on the chopping board, and whether to choose cooperation or attack is all in Beria's mind.

'The timing was really good. '

Sophie realized this again, and at the same time, the Bureau of Space Science and Technology caught a new wave.

"Interdimensional voyage detected! The coordinates... are [-] kilometers in front of the Beria fleet!"

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