
Hikari's subconscious response has just said that the fleet that travels through the dimension has arrived.

At the same time, everyone heard such a cheerful voice:

"This is really surprising. When did the Kingdom of Light, which is so powerful in the world, be beaten to the door by unknown people? Did the guards get weaker and weaker during my absence?"

The tone really didn't sound like a greeting, and what he insisted on saying was closer to ridicule.

"This voice is...Tregear!"

Hikari first recognized the junior he had been optimistic about. When the communication was connected, the two blue scientists faced each other with technology from a distance.

"Isn't this Director Hikari? Didn't you abandon the light for revenge, put on the armor of resentment and embark on the dark road?"

That passage was downright sarcastic.

"And now I've given up the darkness and returned to—"

The conversation stopped here, because Tregear was pushed out directly.

"You can't! Go aside!"

The impatient Asuka, or Dyna, directly pushed aside the person who had nothing good to say when he opened his mouth and couldn't spit out ivory.

What does this guy say 'the land of light is my home and I can lead the way'

Then how can this be called leading the way? It's all here to find a job.

At this time, a third party was mixed into the communication line, and Beria said in an unpleasant tone:

"Who are you, if you just pass by, get out of here immediately!"

"Huh? Isn't this the traitor Beria who gave up everything in pursuit of power? It seems that you escaped from prison and plan to take revenge on the Kingdom of Light? You haven't grown old for so long, have you?"


After a brief silence, Beria on the communication side stood up from the throne.

"Boy, it seems that you really want to die."

For Beria, the days when it was difficult to even move his neck were humiliating. He is not the kind of person who is generous enough to laugh and pretend he didn't hear it.

Kingdom of Light, Beria, these things have naturally been heard by Dagu and others. Since they are going to other universes, they must listen more if they have information.

If you know something, then the current situation seems to be very clear.

Di Jia glanced at Tregia. Although the other party was very yin and yang, he explained the situation clearly in a few words.

Is it on purpose?Or is it just a stinky mouth?

Facing Beria, Dyna didn't hesitate at all, he looked directly at the screen.

"Let the horse come if you have the ability."

He responded with provocation.

"What is the dark giant? There are more than one or two people who lost to us!"

Well, of course we include Tiga and Empat.

"If you think that the pile of miscellaneous fish I'm talking about is on the same level as you, you're a frog in a well."

Beria's tone was not friendly, and at this moment, Sophie finally spoke:

"It seems that everyone is here with a purpose, why don't you let go of the useless hostility and sit down and have a chat right away?"

Although a bit despicable, Sophie did deliberately let the unhappiness of the other two parties go.

Only when there is a conflict between Torregia's side and Beria's side, can the Kingdom of Light borrow the power of Torregia's side.

Strength alone is not enough in this position, kindness is kindness, stupidity is stupidity, and the two cannot be confused.

The current situation is very urgent. Seeing that the two sides have already had conflicts, Sophie immediately became a peacemaker.

Three parties, three forces.

Tregchia looked absent-minded, but in fact he was not the one talking about it, other people could do whatever they liked, he just wanted to ridicule whoever he opened his mouth.

For Dijia and the others, the Kingdom of Light is the destination they want to reach. Whether it is to find friends from the past or things about Lucifer, they all need more allies.

As for Beria, before the battle, he really didn't know the level of the fleet that was not weaker than him. He came to the Kingdom of Light to suppress others with power, not to consume his own vitality.

'Although I failed to obtain other things, as long as I obtained the Gigabit Fighting Instrument, I have achieved the most basic purpose. '

So Beria nodded and replied:

"Okay, let's talk."

In fact, Zoffy would not use force if she refused Beria decisively. The biggest enemy is always Lucifer, and the Kingdom of Light can't have any accidents until Lucifer is eliminated.

However, Zuofei didn't know about this, and Beria took advantage of this. The game on the negotiating table was not only with each other, but also with herself. If she wavered, she would fall into a weak position.

'Tsk, I didn't expect a bunch of inexplicable guys to pop up halfway. '

Beria felt that his two attacks on the Kingdom of Light in the past should be used as a bargaining chip to shake Sophie. Now it seems that Sophie has received reinforcements.

It has been 30 minutes since the vanguard went to the universe where Lucifer is located, but now the Kingdom of Light has set up a negotiating table.

After about 1 minute, it may not even take 1 second for these people to get somewhere.

Beria, who was wearing the dark armor, was turning the double-headed stick at this time, and the Gigabit Fighting Instrument extended as if waking up from a deep sleep after gaining the user.

On the other side, as the negotiator's guards, Tiga and Dyna communicated with telepathy:

"There seems to be something wrong with this guy."

"Well, very strong."

It's like getting so close that you can feel the power that you can't feel through the screen, the bottomless darkness, and the darkness is mixed with blood red.

"It smells of blood."

Di Jia believed in his perception, that Beria's body had a feeling of being entangled in blood.

"May I ask why you are here?"

Sophie didn't intend to hide it at this time, he immediately asked Captain Baxter, who was guarded by Tiga and Dyna.

And Baxter didn't intend to hide anything, he replied directly:

"We came here following Empat's trail. May I ask if he has been to this universe? Apart from this incident, we are also looking for Lucifer's whereabouts."

Lucifer, the universe overlaps, as inferred, the universe with interdimensional ability will naturally investigate after observing this situation, and then take action.

There is a universe where Sameello chooses to be crazy, and there is another.

"Empat has indeed been to our Kingdom of Light."

Sophie's words directly attracted the attention of Di Jia and Dyna. After searching for so long, they finally got new clues, which is a good thing.

Afterwards, Beria listened to Zoffy's succinct narration with little interest.

And Sophie once again felt the "connection between people" in the process of telling

The man who wants to find his way home is not alone. Even if he can't find his way home, his friends and people he values ​​will follow him.

Just like a lost child who wants to go home, his family will also be anxious to find him. This is a two-way relationship.

It is impossible for a person to live alone in the world, and the connection between hearts brings light.

While the negotiations were going on here, the man named Tregear also met the long-lost boss.

"Director Hikari, long time no see, let me guess, you should have made progress on Lucifer's matter?"

Different from the past, today's Tregear can know the emptiness inside the Kingdom of Light through perception, without the feeling of the former like a cloud.

Unlike ordinary people, Tregear, whose hometown is the Kingdom of Light, naturally moved here freely.

"It just so happened that I brought important people with me."

Without waiting for Hikari to reply, Tregear said to himself that he didn't feel the existence of someone on this planet.

He could only say as expected, he must have gone out to face Lucifer as a vanguard.

Since this is the case, there is no time for those weird one-liners.

With Tregear's open hand, Hikari was very surprised by the three people who appeared there.

"You didn't even wear protective clothing——"

The brilliance of the plasma spark tower is not a boon to most creatures. The strong light will damage the retina, and the high temperature will turn the body into ashes. Before that, the gravity here alone is enough to crush the body.

"You, hello..."

A young man in the palm of Tregchia greets with a stiff attitude, minus the lost five years, the young man named 'Alpine My Dream' has not even graduated, and is a little timid when facing strangers of.

However, he couldn't hide the curiosity in his eyes.

'A planet of giants, a civilization of giants...'

In my dream, no matter where I look, I can only see the existence named 'Ultraman' working hard at his post.

A whole planet of Ultraman, my God, is this the infinite possibility of the multidimensional universe?

At this time, Tregear said to Hikari again:

"In order to fight against Lucifer, I brought professional technicians. The general method will not work against that monster."

So what do you do to defeat the opponent?

First of all, the most basic foundation is to stand on the same level and confront the opponent, elevating our side and weakening the enemy.

"Let's start intelligence sharing."

Tregchia acted quite upright, and Hikari nodded immediately. No matter what the other party has become, the memory of the past still exists, and Hikari trusts this junior.

Regarding Tregear's performance at this time, Diana who came with her had only one thought:

'What's the matter with this guy? '

Frank to the point of unnatural, what's the situation?

Chapter 140 Two Primordial Darkness

This is a universe eroded by alien beasts, and the universe ruled by Lucifer is full of dangers. Even if the reinforcements arrive, they will crash into the enemy's home field and throw themselves into a trap.

To defeat Lucifer, one must use everything available, and in order to do this, various things were prepared in a short period of time.

"It's embarrassing, Shiro."

Beria said while shaking his left hand, as if something disgusting was stuck on it, he just used this hand to pull Sai Luo up from below.

Regarding this move, Sai Luo's reaction was also very straightforward. His hand that was grabbed just now was now constantly rubbing against the ship, as if there was something dirty on it that had to be wiped off.

"Did you come here in a hurry in order not to die inexplicably?"

Although Sai Luo's response sounds ugly, it can't actually be said to be wrong.

Regarding Beria's rescue of him, he knew very well what the reason was. This time may be a once-in-a-lifetime union, a union to get out of this terrible situation.

At the same time, Tartarus and Diablo, who were also on this ship, could finally rest for a while.

The two of them were oppressed by the alien beast just after the battle, and the little energy left was consumed a lot.

"If I had bones it would have been broken, if I had skin it would have melted away."

Diablo still felt terrified about the situation just now. Fortunately, the materialization of pure energy lifeforms is nothing more than a mimicry, and there is no such thing.

Unlike Diablo, whose good comments were full of nerves and bad comments were empty-headed, Tartaros looked towards the rear of the fleet.

It shouldn't be over yet, it will be solved in about 20 seconds with this little combat power alone.

As he thought, the preparations were not over yet.

However, "preparation" means that it has not yet been achieved, so Lucifer's left palm is facing upwards, and the condensed black balls there are composed of pure dark energy.

It would be foolish to watch the other party achieve their goal, he threw the black ball straight out.

As long as there are some capable people present, they can clearly feel what it is, and the equipment in the battleship can quickly obtain the corresponding data.

A pseudo-black hole, the huge gravitational force directed at one place pulls all the battleships in an instant.


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