’ Empat was a bit of a surprise to me, but it wasn’t a big deal. '

At least Lucifer didn't consider the so-called 'Empat forces' at first

It seems that such a thing still exists?

Existence exists, anyway, everything will be 'returned to zero' soon.


It was at this moment that Nexus, who had not participated in the battle, felt the power.

It was at this moment that Lucifer liberated the power that had been hidden and deliberately reserved until now.

140 Chapter [-] Returned to Zero

Time has stopped, and there is nothing wrong with using such short sentences to describe the situation in front of you.

The world turns into pure black and white in the eyes, time cannot be suspended, there are a lot of conflicts in the physical rules, and time cannot be reversed, because it is the rule of the universe.

But at this moment, all the rules no longer play any role, the river named time is reflected, and the existence that manipulates time can clearly see it.

In the previous battle, Lucifer commented on his enemies 'this is the final battle for you'.

The prefix 'for you' is not a lie.

The existence that cannot manipulate time is not at the same level as Lucifer. Empat, who had fought against Lucifer at first, understood this instantly.

Beyond all things, invincible ability.

If everyone is a chess piece on the chessboard, then Lucifer has the ability to jump out of the chessboard, and even overturn the entire chessboard.

As an existence that appeared together when the original universe was born, Lucifer did not pray for power in the distant past, because he did not need strong power in the original universe.

But at the beginning of the demise of the original universe, he began to have the idea of ​​'I want to reverse everything'.

This kind of thought became extremely clear after countless life and death, and after experiencing the cycle of good and evil, so his wish became a reality, and he did not know when he began to gain the ability to play with time.

What is the shape of time?

This may be related to the cognition of the person who manipulates time. In Lucifer's eyes, time is engraved with pictures, and countless picture frames are closely connected. The above are things that have happened in this universe so far.

The timeline has no end, it will continue to move forward, but this process is completely suspended.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Lucifer has only used such a small ability as 'future vision', what he hides is the power to manipulate time.

Because he has been waiting, he wants to see how many enemies will appear and fight him here.

Similar to what I thought before, Kingdom of Light, Dración, Absolut, King of Ultra.

Unexpectedly, the person in contact with Empat and Noah, who should have been sleeping until the end of everything, finally woke up although the other party was in a poor state and could only appear in a degenerated form.

Lebrondo's heir has some strength, but it's nothing more than that.

Then if you take a closer look, the enemies seem to have all jumped out.

"You can't resist me, just watch there."

Lucifer spoke at this pause, and not many people could hear him.

If it is a complete state, then Ultra King and Noah will not be affected even if time is reversed, but it is different now.

To put it in a bad way, what can two half-dead people drag their bodies into the battlefield by force?

Now Lucifer has seen everything, he knows who his enemies are, and he knows what abilities his enemies have.

The aurora formed by the Kingdom of Light is indeed a problem, so destroy it before it is formed.

Empat's resistance was unexpected, so kill him completely.

Kill all the people present before the reinforcements arrive, and destroy half of the plasma spark towers that make up the current environment.

In simple and easy-to-understand terms, Lucifer has the ability to 'archive' like a player in a game.

He figured out the enemy's configuration and abilities during the battle, then he paused the game, opened the main menu, and selected 'load archive'

The battles so far have all been tantamount to non-existence, because the player has not saved at this moment.

To put it bluntly, all of Lucifer's previous actions were just probing, wanting to know how many enemies there are and how many variables there are. Now that he knows it well, there is no need to continue "playing".

Nexus can't move, he can't break free from the grip of time, because of lack of strength.

The same is true for the King of Ultra, he doesn't have much power left, and it is already full strength to provide a certain amount of support like before.

Everything will be erased, everything will return to zero, and no one can resist Lucifer.

The very end of the picture frame began to dissipate, and at this moment, a voice sounded, and the backs of his hands were lit with red light.

"Lucifer, not everything will go your way!"

In this multidimensional universe, time ability can only be said to be extremely rare with such a huge base.

And Absolut Tartarus, a warrior of the Absolut family, has mastered the existence of this ability.

To fight against Lucifer, the ability of time is absolutely indispensable, so he has been waiting.

The first to move is Diablo, because he is the closest.

Dazzling gold appeared in the original black and white world, and a different space named Nalak began to spread crazily in this world.

The sprawling scenery made different colors appear, and the world that had been static began to revolve again.

For the others, it was an extremely strange scene. They, who were fighting fiercely with the black water last second, could not see any enemies at this second.

The only thing that exists here is Lucifer with four wings spread out. Lucifer stretches out the fingers of his right hand, and the black dot stretches into a line, and the line is a penetrating blow.


Black and colorful, the moment the two collide, the colorful is completely defeated.


Mebius' body was out of balance in the air, he was bounced away by the impact, and the black energy beam sliced ​​through his waist like a sharp knife.

'It's different. '

At this moment, he realized that Lucifer's strength was not one-up or two-up compared to just now, but stood in another dimension completely.

'Didn't he even use his full strength before? '

A kind of discouraged thought arises in the brain, but this is because of a little misjudgment caused by the failure to understand the situation at this time.

Lucifer did not use his full strength, but the current strength is because this is the domain of 'time'.

The Meta domain is covered by a stronger domain, the suppression effect brought by the aurora completely disappears, and the power of Lucifer can be fully displayed.

Gold and black collided, and standing in front of Tartaros as a shield was Diablo. Just the beginning of contact created a hole in his arm, and the hole was expanding and deepening.


In just half a second, Diablo's right arm was pierced, and the same penetrating injury appeared on his left arm.

Tartarus is very aware of the pain of his comrades in arms, but he knows better what he should do now.

The playback of the time got stuck in the middle. Although they didn't know what happened, everyone knew what to do now.

For a brief moment, either advancing or light, the attack blasted towards Lucifer.

Shorter than an instant, the aura of Lucifer's materialization shattered the light, and the weaker guards were even ejected directly, like birds with broken wings being thrown into the higher sky.

At the tip of Lucifer's fingertips, the blade cut horizontally, trying to block the shot in the middle.

The Ultimate Blade let out an overwhelmed scream, Father of Ultra was directly bounced away, and the timer on his chest began to flash.

The front end of the Gigabit Fighting Instrument tried to guide the energy beam to deflect it. The huge force made the weapon come out of his hand. Six of Beria's ten fingers were bent into strange shapes.

After a second passed, no one knew what happened, or their reaction ability could not make them understand it clearly.


Dyna's right chest was a huge opening, and the breastplate didn't work. The huge opening even made one wonder if the right shoulder would fall off along with the arm.

Di Jia could only see his bare right leg, and a large number of ruins were falling, burying him in it.

Eddie, Leo, Astra, Max, Geno, Seven 21, Naios, the warriors who rank high even in the Kingdom of Light are now in the same state even though their positions are different.

Buried in the ruins, embedded in the wall, lying on one side, lying on the ground.

Unlike the general guards who could be blown away with momentum, they who wanted to stop Lucifer suffered a direct attack.

However, how did the opponent attack?


Just as Leo was about to stand up, he knelt on the ground again. He was so proud of his physical ability that he didn't see anything. What he saw now was Lucifer's straight arms and fingertips.

In other words, did the opponent directly defeat them with just one hand?

The previous stalemate was like a dream.

The Meta domain is no longer there, and while Lucifer's ability is not suppressed, the strengthening of the soldiers also no longer exists. One is strengthened and the other is weakened. The result is just like this.


Mebius, who was ejected at first, had already completed the action of charging, and then he felt Lucifer's sight.

"It couldn't be easier to solve you."

At this moment, Mebius suddenly felt a strange situation, and after feeling it, he became unable to feel anything.

'I'm in...'

Where?what happened?

It shouldn't be something to be stunned on the battlefield, but he, or the Ultra brothers were indeed stunned.

The situation in front of them is different from what they remembered. In their memories, they should be concentrating their energy on Mebius. What's going on now?

The answer is simple, time has been reversed.

The combined warriors are reversed to their unfit state, and Mebius Infinity has no time-resistant characteristics or strength.


Diablo clutched his left arm, and along with his chest was a huge laceration.

Quite a few warships were directly cut open, and Mebius and the six Otto brothers who had been disassembled were hit by the black energy beam before they had time to react, and the slash that could cut the planet at will was engraved on their physically.

Losing their strength in the pain, they fell to the ground. Diablo, who was a little weak from resisting the attack, saw Lucifer's raised left hand.

'A stronger attack than before is coming! '

It's a hunch, and it's accurate.

As long as Lucifer defeats Tartarus, everything will return to its original state. The black sphere detonated the moment he saw it, the gold faded, and the scarred people suddenly stopped moving.

The time is about to go back, the picture frame begins to be erased, one picture after another disappears, and the positions of people begin to change.

Time stood still again, followed by gold and silver, which converged into a sphere, and its brilliance had an impact on time at the moment of release.


Lucifer looked at Sai Luo, who hadn't moved much since before, but now the opponent's body has changed, silver inlaid with gold, and the posture awakened by time is displayed again.

He seemed to have just woken up from a dream, which was a premature awakening.

In a series of stimuli, the power in Sai Luo's body resurfaced again, and he used this power to resist Lucifer's time reversal.

"I knew it."

Tartarus has not lost the ability to move, what he needs is allies, allies who can also manipulate time.

"I've been waiting for this moment!"

The red gem lights up again, and Nalak appears behind Lucifer.

However, this time was different. A large number of golden chains gushed out from Nalak, and they quickly entangled on Lucifer's body.

"This is......"

Lucifer could clearly feel that his body was undergoing some kind of reaction.

Folding palms together, Tartarus gathered all his strength into one.

"Are you going to use time against me?"

Lucifer knew what kind of situation this was, his body functions were slowly coming to a standstill, and that was because the other party planned to stop him at this moment forever.

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