"Siro! The only way to face an invincible enemy is to seal it!"

The voice of Tartarus is not only heard by one person. Due to the conflict of time ability, everything returned to normal. Everyone saw Lucifer bound by chains, the golden space, and the silver 'sun'

"I need more energy, focus energy!"

The situation has changed. What Lucifer has to fight against is the same time ability as him, and no matter what kind of ability is driven, it must require energy.

Tartarus was staring at Lucifer, and Lucifer understood what that meant.

The chains began to crumble in the struggle, and more chains poured from Narakree.

At the same time, gushing from within Nalak were two other forces that had been hidden until now.

There are four of the best fighters of the Absolut family, but two have shown up, and two have been waiting, because Tartarus said 'not yet'

Now that the appropriate time has come, the two of them tugged on the chain tightly, pouring all their energy into it.

"Everyone, gather your strength!"

The father of Otto stood up with his sword, and the Otto family also understood the sealing technology, which required a huge amount of energy.

In the ruins, half kneeling on the ground, lying on the ground, people raised their hands.

Chapter 140 Seven Returns to 'Zero'

The time ability and the time ability cancel each other out, and the opportunity Tartaros seized brought a head-on confrontation that has nothing to do with experience and skills.

The seal is engraved on Lucifer's body, and now it's the energy in Lucifer's body against the energy of the outer seal, and the stronger side will win.

This is why Tartarus has been accumulating energy. He has thought about the situation that 'the enemy cannot be defeated no matter what', so let's seal it up.

As long as the enemy is unable to act, this side may be able to think of ways to fight in the future.

Sai Luo was the first to act. He moved his arms forward, and the time ball formed by his ability floated above Lucifer's head. The light that shed was the energy of time, and this energy strengthened the seal of time.

Followed by the Kingdom of Light's still conscious guards, they poured their own light energy into the time ball, further strengthening the energy inside it.

Then there is the Plasma Spark Tower, under manipulation the light energy of the Spark Tower also provides the energy of the seal.

In the state where the seal has been engraved, all Lucifer can do is to use his own energy to break free from the energy imposed on him, so now a situation is formed.

Lucifer is fighting against everyone present.

Are you stronger alone, or are all the people present stronger?

The longer the seal lasts, the greater the impact on Lucifer. The stagnant time makes the flow of dark energy slower, and the slower the flow, the more serious the resistance to the seal.

Different from normal seals, the seal of time directly acts on the target itself, not the kind that locks the target into a certain area, but the target can still move freely inside.

The time seal developed by Tartarus will allow the subject to stay in the sealed moment forever, and the subject cannot even think.

The battleships and weapons floating in space release the power furnaces, and the energy is injected into the seal.

The King of Ultra gathered all the light in the entire universe on the illusory palm, and then sprinkled it down. The snow falling from the sky was flooding, and the light covered Lucifer's body.

However, even such a strong brilliance could not hide the essence of the opponent, and Lucifer's figure was still so dark.

He stared at everything in front of him with three blue eyes, unexpected things happened one after another, but the so-called reality is like this, there will always be unexpected situations.

'Do you want to seal me like this? '

Lucifer looked at Nexus, who was also providing energy on that side, and the result of not fully recovering was that, except for the low-level application of the Meta field, he could no longer use more space-time abilities.

There are actually only two people who need to be dealt with now, one is Tartarus and the other is Sero. The two of them are the key to maintaining the time seal.

If the time energy disappears, the accumulated ordinary energy is just ordinary energy.

So what to do at this time?

It's very simple, Lucifer left behind, or in other words, prepared in advance.


The roar of the beast came, and there was a person in this universe who had dealt with such an existence many times before, knew the fluctuation, and knew what that existence was.

The enemy is Lucifer, Lucifer is here, but Lucifer is not completely here.

Think about it, have you forgotten something very important?

What was it that nearly wiped everyone out in the first place?It is this universe, this universe filled with alien beast elements.

All the rocky planets turned into alien beasts, not all of them were killed, they were simply suppressed due to the resistance of the stars.

Here is the crux of the matter.


Empat heard the sound of rubbing, and his warning didn't come out in time, he just reacted instinctively.

The price for this reaction was that his condensed dark blade completely collapsed, his right arm was chopped into several pieces, a third of his upper body was torn apart, and he was completely unbalanced and thrown away, because he did not Not the first goal, but an obstacle in front of the goal.

Now that the obstacle is removed, the claws are so sharp.

"Tartaros, get out of the way!"

Diablo was very close, so he felt a collision of energy, and immediately saw the silver-gray giant being thrown away, and saw the teeth lining up and down in the mouth.

In the next moment, Diablo's arms that hadn't healed were blown off, and his chest was covered with ten sharp claws.

In the chaos of a large number of particles, his body was completely torn in two, revealing Tartaros who turned his head back.


Tartarus also saw the incoming...beast.

The beast has the same blue eyes as Lucifer, and the upper half of his face is similar to that of the Ott family and the Absolut family, but the lower half of his face is an open mouth.

This is just a head, with a face on each side of the neck, red blood vessel-like exoskeleton all over the pitch-black body, no wings on the back, only a pair of spines.

If Lucifer gives people the impression of a 'giant', then the existence in front of him is equivalent to a 'half man, half beast'

"Cough ha——"

Before he could react, Tartaros was stabbed across the body, and the beast screamed and pulled its claws, just like it did to Diablo and Empat, tearing Tartaros's body apart. Body ripped apart.

Not only the lacerations, but flesh-like substances even spread out from Tartarus' terrifying wound, and the alien beast factor was eroding him.

After losing the maintenance of Tartarus, the seal was directly and completely shattered by Lucifer in an instant, the wreckage of the chain flew away, and the energy that wrapped him was also bounced away.

Everyone forgot one thing because of the fierce battle that couldn't take their attention away, and that was the alien beast who thought it was 'already settled'.

This is Lucifer's advance preparation and Lucifer's backhand.

The alien beast is the product of the alienation of part of his power, and this part of energy can be withdrawn or not.

The ambush has to play a role at a critical moment, so at the last moment, all the alien beast factors in the entire universe were separated from their alienated products, and they were completely assembled together.

Different from the hypocritical thing in another world that claims to be THE ONE, this is the only alien beast controlled by the king of alien beasts, named 'Beelzebub', the real THE ONE.

Reversing time makes things easier, but what about not?

Lucifer also prepared Beelzebub, and now Beelzebub completely defeated Diablo and Tartarus in a confrontation, and the time seal was completely destroyed by Lucifer.

Beelzebub's next prey didn't need much to say, it rushed straight to Sai Luo.

No more meta fields, no more suppression, no more enhancements.

Even if the power in his body is awakened again, the current Selo only has time to attack with Emelim cutting.

It looks like gold and blue, with green wrapped in blue, and the blow strengthened by this form is even more powerful than the usual cluster rays.

However, in the next moment, Sai Luo felt his world spinning, his body was completely out of balance, and his head seemed to be crushed.

The front flipped Beelzebub tightly grasped Sai Luo, destroyed his posture and threw him forward. The sharp claws that had completely defeated Tartarus pierced Sai Luo's abdomen, and the sharp claws changed shape again, from Spikes extend from the edge of the five fingers.

The spikes are like branches, and the branches extend out more branches, thousands of needles, ten thousand needles, constantly destroying Sai Luo's body.


The unmatched pain almost destroyed Sai Luo's consciousness, and the time ball began to collapse the moment the color of his body faded.

Without any weakening, no one could stop Lucifer, no one could stop Beelzebub, the seal failed completely, and Selo and Tartarus completely lost the ability to fight.

But there was another person here, and Lucifer was jealous of that person, so he left everyone else and went straight to that person.

Noah, who was evenly divided in the past, is now just an incomplete weakling. Nexus is advancing, and his right hand touched the energy gathered here.

Nexus backed away irresistibly as his body was pierced straight through.

Beria's huge fortress set off a violent explosion, and the entire fortress was shaken by the impact.

Ignoring the collapsing debris around him, Nexus grabbed Lucifer's wrist with both hands, and the other's palm deeply penetrated into his body.

Pushing and then pulling away, his open wounds got worse.

"Although you can't beat me now even if you acquire those energies and evolve into your original posture, I won't let you do that."

Lucifer stirs the other's wounds as he speaks, causing more damage and pain.

Nexus' palm immediately lost strength and drooped, his eyes clearly saw Lucifer, and then clearly saw Beelzebub.

At this moment, Beelzebub was moving rapidly, everywhere it went was the fireworks of death, the warship was broken, and the Goroka mothership was cut into several pieces.

Empat, who stepped forward to meet him, was smashed into the Giga Endola that was about to explode, and was swallowed up by a violent explosion.

Beria, who blocked the road, took a knee aimed at the face after several punches, and Beelzebub threw it at Bishop Goroka who was attacking from the other side.

"So much death, so much pain, Lucifer, is it really right to destroy the present in order to retrieve the lost? So what if people from the past can come back?"

Nexus didn't have much strength left, and he couldn't even speak.

Facing that question, Lucifer did not waver.

"They will see a world that is perfect again, they will have endless time to remember love, and go to the future, they don't need to kill, they don't need to be tortured by the pain of survival."

He answered like this.

"Then they'll fear you, they'll hate you, they'll stay away from you because you've taken so many lives, and they'll still have your ruthlessness and brutality in their memory."

What Nexus said is not wrong. Even if the peers are united, they are still not the original person. They have a lot of souls and memories mixed in, and there are many people who are enemies of Lucifer.

"But they will live, forever."

Lucifer pulled out his hands while answering. After losing support, Nexus floated towards Lucifer due to the slight pull of the previous movement, hit him and floated away. Lucifer did not catch his old friend.

"That's how it all ends."

Noah's reappearance is no longer possible, and Lucifer has been wary from the beginning that Nexus can obtain energy and return to his original posture.

Just relying on the current multi-dimensional universe——————


Never thought of such a situation, at this moment, Lucifer suddenly turned his head, because he noticed energy fluctuations that he absolutely could not ignore.

On that side, the brilliance of the stars gathered together.


Nexus laughed, he could hardly even speak now, but he did.

"what have you done?"

Lucifer realized that he seemed to have made a wrong decision, and it was not Noah who should really be wary.

The light was gathered because the item called 'Palaghi's Shield' had the property of 'focusing light'.

Before Nexus went to touch the energy of the entire universe, it was not because he wanted to restore his original posture, but because he wanted to make Lucifer think that he wanted to restore his original posture.

From the very beginning, Nexus didn't intend to do that, because he knew that even if he returned to his original posture, he would not be able to win in his extremely poor state.

So he made a decision, just as Lucifer can turn a part of his own power into a strange beast like Beelzebub, Nexus, or part of the power left by Noah is the "Pallaji Shield"

Activate the characteristics of Palaji's shield, focus the light, and at the center of it is Cyro.

Perhaps because of the resonance between the lights, all Ultra fighters, whether conscious or unconscious, responded instinctively.

All energy is concentrated on Palaji's shield, all will is concentrated on Palaji's shield.

In order to erase the unsightly light, Lucifer released all his power, and the power to reverse time was isolated, and the light particles sprinkled by King Ultra guarded the light.

The blasted dark energy collided with the gathered light, and Beelzebub on the other side raised his palms and pushed forward. The dark energy bombarded again, almost completely erasing all the light.

However, at this very moment, a new light and a new will are mixed in.

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