"Justis, if you can feel the battle here too..."

The giant who symbolizes order is here, and the giant heart who symbolizes justice is with him.

"That is......"

Lucifer saw Gauss, and at the same time saw Jeter beside Gauss, and the two arrived here quickly with the teleportation ability.

'Jet Betrayed'

Such a conclusion can be drawn.


'It is said that objects and people will give birth to new souls after living together for a long time... It seems that some troublesome souls have been bred in Jeter's body. '

Unexpected situations kept appearing, and by this time it was already too late.

King, the primordial light, the will of the universe, and the shield of Palaji that holds all hearts together.

At that moment, the darkness was completely erased.

At that moment, everything returned to zero.

140 Eight Chapters Entrusted to the Future

Aggregate, compress, unite the light of the entire universe, the light and heart of all people, after which everything 'disappears'

As if it had never existed, the universe fell into absolute darkness with no light at all.

In this darkness, Lucifer turned around, he walked out from the upper level of the fortress that was shattered by the aftermath of the impact, he stared at the only 'point' in this darkness

That is not disappearing, but everything is completely gathered in a unique 'singularity'.

"Are you going to leave everything to the future?"

This sentence was towards Nexus, and Nexus did not respond, his previous actions were responses.

Unlike them, who were left over from the past, new existences have been bred in the multidimensional universe.

The darkness was dispelled, and the light and heat were so terrifying.

At this moment, the people present saw the 'birth of the universe' with their own eyes

The "singularity" with infinitely small volume, infinitely large density, infinitely high temperature, and infinitely large curvature of space-time constitutes a brand-new prototype of the universe in the big bang. The dark point is expanding and disappearing. Light begins to appear, and purple and blue flows. Countless starry sky.

At the beginning of the big bang, there was no life, and even stars were not formed. It was a long process, and it was an absolute forbidden area for life.

However, the explosion that should have spread out began to shrink again, the singularity was shrinking, the light was overflowing, and the two continued continuously.

Lucifer walked out of the fortress, and at the moment when the singularity completely disappeared, the glorious interior revealed the birth entity.

The strange light is still continuing, and the colors are constantly changing, and finally it is stored on a single body.

The energy fluctuations that were terrifying to the limit disappeared at this moment, or they were stored.

The giant in the light shows its true posture. Its body is composed of dark red and deep blue, which is purple but not purple. The most striking thing about its upper body is the rock-like structure and the flowing light on the chest.

The restless rock inscription seemed to be a posture in which the power of light was too strong to be stable, and until now, the inside of its chest was still undergoing a special reaction.

In an instant, just in an instant, different colors flowed through his body, and the rainbow on the spectrum made his body a bit dreamy.

Part of Noah's power, part of King Ultra's power, part of Reggado's power, plus the light and heart of everyone who gathered the power.

A new universe is born at this moment, and the new universe forms a form, and all the huge energy generated by the Big Bang is deeply hidden in one person's body.

His name——


Lucifer said that name, which was a wonderful induction, just like Lucifer knew who he was when he was born, and Saijia already had his name at the beginning of his birth.

Its attitude is freshman?Is it a fit?Is it a call?or something else?

It doesn't matter what it is, the most important thing is that today's Saiga really exists here.

It is precisely because of his presence here that the already dark universe became bright again, and billions of stars shone as if singing the name of Saiga.

The shield of Palaji gathers light, the legend of the big universe combines will, and the king guards the moment of birth.

Beings enough to fight Lucifer can't really show up, they're calculated and thus hand the future over to someone else.

In Lucifer's view, the multidimensional universe is both incomplete and weak, and now these incomplete and weak people gather their power together.

There is light in the world, so it also constitutes darkness.

Some people in the world symbolize destruction, so in order to fight against destruction, the light of hope raised his right hand, and with just one movement, the rainbow light flowed around his body again.

'Come on, Lucifer. '

Saiga's actions seemed to say so.

Lucifer did not try to go back in time again, the reason is very simple, because 'when the power is strong enough, the influence of time can be ignored'

The current Saiga is that kind of existence, an obstacle that will inevitably stand in his way.

Even after excluding the most powerful three people, the fourth person will jump out. Perhaps this is the new power bred by the resistance of the multidimensional universe itself to destruction.

Lucifer and Saiga faced each other at a distance, and they hadn't started fighting yet.

At this time, the giants who symbolize light have been unable to move, and the entire kingdom of light has also plunged into darkness.

The energy of the plasma spark tower is completely exhausted, and all the light energy now exists in Saijia's body.

This scarred universe is neither aurora nor extremely dark.

Is Empat staring at everything in front of him because his nature has reversed?The warrior of Miracle Light didn't take his energy away.

In the next moment, he just saw some shadows.


Particles of light and darkness exploded in the collision, forming a terrifying storm in the explosion, the entire universe was shaking, and strong winds mixed with different colors rushed towards the face.

"What, what? What happened?"

Zamsha on his side was sure he hadn't looked away, but he couldn't see anything.

It is enough to be proud to be able to see some remaining shadows. Existence itself is equivalent to the disappearance of two existences in the universe from their original positions.

After separation and conflict again, Saiga's body frantically disappeared from its original position, as if a ball of colored light was enveloping the enemy, and he kept appearing and attacking from different directions.

Wherever Saiga moves, the space there becomes an extension of him, completely integrated with him.

Even Lucifer can't interfere with it, and an all-round combo that can't be described as 'fast' has been formed.

Kicking with energy, punching punches, plasma light balls launched, wrist blades cut out, and light wheels thrown, the energy seems to be swayed wantonly like infinite.

In just an instant, Saiga had already completed the attack of encirclement, and dozens of blows bloomed in the same instant.

The strange brilliance completely enveloped Lucifer, but what about Lucifer?Could it be that he was so suppressed that he had no power to fight back and could only be beaten?

No, what appeared at the same instant was a counterattack that exactly corresponded to Saiga's attack.

"The ability of time is not only applicable to others!"

The time is fixed at a moment, and at the same moment, Lucifer carried out different counterattacks to deal with Saijia's attack methods.

Unlike the siege network that Saiga displayed through space manipulation and extremely strong physical ability, what Lucifer manipulated was time. He just kept rewinding his time back to the original moment, and made a difference at that moment. Reaction.

The light dyed the darkness, and the darkness eroded the light. In the end, there were only two people left.

Elbows, high kicks, and Lucifer's double-hit blasted Saiga into a higher position.

When Saijia swung a crescent-shaped light bullet with his right hand, Lucifer's body suddenly changed its position.

That was unusual, because it was like rewinding, the high kick and the elbow were all reversed, and he was back in the original position.

"You who have just been born can't use the power you have well."

Lucifer had already noticed this in just a moment of fighting. Saijia's attack method just now was very superficial, and he used the simplest energy application skills. It is impossible to defeat him with this kind of ability alone.

"I won't give you time to adjust to yourself."

There was no hostility in Lucifer's words, and he was not hostile to anyone, but simply regarded as an obstacle on the road.

blood feud?anger?

None of those actually, just 'people with different positions'

The palm of Lucifer's right hand moved forward, the ability to manipulate time was used again, and the hundreds of collisions just now resurfaced.

The dark energy released by himself returns from 'dissipation' to 'existence'

Then these dark energies were concentrated again and gathered in his palm to form the only stronger ball of concentrated energy.

How will it be applied?

Is it bombardment?Is it split?

Is it a simple release?Is it a weapon that makes up energy?

At this moment, without self-will, obeying the attack of the master's fierce beast.


Saijia's raised right arm collided with the sharp claws, and the terrifying sharpness did not cause too much damage to him.


Beelzebub roared, without any hesitation, its left paw was firmly locked in the middle of the swing.

There is not only one enemy, Lucifer is the main body, Beelzebub is the clone with a strange life, what is the power gap between the two sides?

Even without the ability to manipulate time, Beelzebub's physical ability is not weaker than Lucifer's, and it can even be said to be superior because of the characteristics of the alien beast.


At this time, what Saijia saw was not the tongue, but the red and black dark energy.

Beelzebub's body was thrown flying directly, and the breath from its mouth was only a little short of hitting.

However, this is not something to be happy about. On the right side of Saijia is a beam of dark energy that is concentrated into a point, and one person and one beast cooperate perfectly.

As in the attack on Tartarus, Lucifer concentrated and compressed the dark energy into an indestructible slender light.

The next moment, Lucifer gave up the attack and turned his body sideways, because the attack he released disappeared midway and appeared behind him, and Saiga manipulated the space to change the ray.

This was just the beginning, Saiga's right palm was facing Beelzebub, and the opponent's body disappeared in an instant, leaving only the head.

Divides the enemy by space, but it doesn't make sense.

All the space teleportation traps were completely avoided, Lucifer went straight to Saiga, the two clashed in the collision, the body was the weapon, and the whip leg thrown from the side collided with the defensive arm.

This short time is enough, Beelzebub's head is filled with a large number of alien beast factors.

Unlike all other alien beasts, it is almost equivalent to an empty shell copy of Lucifer, whose body was cut and sent to other places?

From the leftmost side of the universe to the rightmost side is not such a difficult distance for Beelzebub to cross.

Factor formed the body again, and at the moment when Saijia's knee was hit by Lucifer's palm, his shoulder was hit hard, and Beelzebub's feet changed at this time, just like hunting birds. Ban firmly locked Saijia's shoulders with his sharp claws.

Without waiting for Saijia to react, Lucifer stretched out a shiny black agate-like dark blade from his right arm, and stabbed it directly at Saijia's chest.

Light and darkness, two forces collided.

In less than a second, without waiting for Saiga to fight back, Beelzebub, who turned his body, directly threw him out.

Lucifer followed like a shadow, the crossed double slash hit completely, and the chasing flying kick hit the air.

Just as Saijia appeared from one position to another, Lucifer attacked, and the chopping waves he swung continuously were completely avoided.

The distance between the two was shortened in an instant, and Saiga's left wrist once again condensed a crescent-shaped chopping knife, and the streamer attached to it was a symbol of light energy.

The knife and the sword were swung almost at the same time, and then produced two completely different performances.

Lucifer's body rewinds again and breaks away from its original position.

Saiga's slash suddenly disappeared in the middle, and that blow was engraved in another position.

The former is a manifestation of manipulation of time, the latter of manipulation of space.

Lucifer's rewinding is rewinding after all, and the position he passed before was firmly recorded, so Saijia predicted that position and cut out the blade of light.

With the light waves scattered, Lucifer's body leaned forward in the slash, and then his head fell back, and Saiga's high kick followed by a bombardment on his chin.

In this way, Lucifer's neck was exposed, and Saiga quickly swung the chopping knife.

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