The sharp blade touched Lucifer's neck, and particles of light and darkness gushed out there.

Then Saijia's chopping knife couldn't go deep, because a large number of black lines gushed out from there, binding the chopping knife like tentacles with life, going up along the chopping knife and wrapping around the arm.

"I learned an interesting way to use energy from someone."

The light attribute will continuously strengthen the 'one'.

The dark attribute can dissimilate 'one' into 'many'

For Lucifer, the battle with Empat was a few seconds ago, so he clearly remembered how dark energy can be used.

Even though they have the same face, this guardian with a terrifying talent in combat is completely different from the Miller in his memory.

In the past, Lucifer has never encountered an enemy that would push him to that level, and naturally he has not come now, but the application of that dark energy is very interesting.

So now he alienated himself, and the tentacles gushing out of the wound locked Saiga firmly, which couldn't last too long, and Beelzebub arrived in this short time.

The clone bears the attack, and the main body mainly attacks. This is a fighting method that normal people can think of.

But now Lucifer himself bears the attack, and Beelzebub is the main attack.

I saw the body of the alien beast spinning crazily, and the pair of huge sharp claws seemed to become hundreds of claws due to the super high speed in the process.

Now, the Meat Grinder collides with Saiga.

Countless sparks erupted crazily at this moment, and he suffered damage that could not be ignored.

Lucifer was chasing after Saijia who was constantly being torn apart. At this moment, he noticed that his eyes turned slightly, and then looked at Saijia again.


Beelzebub and Lucifer shook their fists at the same time, and slammed Saiga hard on the chest.

140 Nine Chapters Call of the King

The previously bustling universe has become quiet, and the security guards who are still able to move dig out the unconscious comrades from the ruins. Everyone supports each other, and they either lie down directly or lean on the ruins.

The Kingdom of Light is completely dark, and everyone's power consumption is also quite serious. Only the stars that are unknown how many light-years away can provide a little recovery energy.

"Are you guys okay?"

Empat took Tiga out of the ruins and placed him next to Dyna who was leaning against the wall on the other side.

Listening to this question, the two smiled wryly at the same time.

"Although I want to say it's okay, it's not good at all, it hurts."

Dyna's punctured chest didn't even heal at this time, it was filled with pure light.

Although Dijia's wound was not exposed on the surface, the sacrifice of the impact at super-light speed itself caused him a lot of damage. Now he took a deep breath to relieve the pain.

"Now we can only wait for the result here?"

Di Jia felt a little reconciled to this. This kind of consciousness is still awake but the body can't move. It's like saying 'you just watch there'

He didn't want to just watch, he was used to acting and hated it.

Unlike those two, Empat, the giant of darkness, can no longer deliver his own light energy to heal the two of them as before.

"Sorry, I can't help you with treatment now."

As he spoke, he opened his palms, and what gushed out from there was the real blue dark energy, without any trace of light in it.

In a sense, he was forcibly corrupted by Future Xili into a pure giant of darkness.

After a brief silence, Di Jia spoke in a tone that he didn't know whether it was heavy or comforting:

"It seems that you have also experienced a lot."

The existence that was supposed to have four lights has now become darkness, but it doesn't matter, because no matter whether there is light or darkness in his body, he is still the same him, and that is enough.

"That's it."

Empat nodded. He has indeed experienced a lot, both good and bad.

Although it was out of date, he did feel that it was joyful enough to see each other even after going through so much.

Life and death, after seeing Lucifer's memory, he realized this more deeply.

Anger and hatred, of course he also has such emotions, but this kind of anger and hatred makes him cherish the time and time with his friends even more.

'But she was still scolded. '

Empat recalled what Mirai had said to him before, saying he was always 'right-sounding'

Knowing that the time spent together is so little, he still leaves his family and friends behind to do dangerous things. It really is not so easy to change people.

So little time, yes, so little time, if there were everlasting time...  

Thinking of this, Empat turned to look at the sky, even at such a distance he could feel the conflict of power.

Now he can somewhat understand Lucifer's thoughts, but some things are understandable and unacceptable.

"Is it really okay for us to just wait here?"

At this time, Zamxia, who was assisting in the rescue work, walked over while talking.

"Now it's hard for us to participate in that level of battle."

Empat said some cruel facts, but unfortunately, facts are facts.

"Empat, can you hear me?"


A voice with a little old breath sounded, and Empat turned his head immediately. All he saw was the doubts of his friends, were they talking to him?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"It's completely useless... Tsk, it really is."

Beria looked at the loss report handed in by his subordinates and couldn't help but click his tongue. In the duel of high-end combat power, such things as battleship fortresses are really not very useful.

Unlike Empat, he did not participate in any rescue work at all.

Save the Kingdom of Light?Just kidding, Beria wished that the Kingdom of Light's guards would kill more people, anyway, they would become enemies in the future.

'But it seems a bit difficult now, or is that person not easy to appear? '

Beria thought about the existence of Saiga in his heart. He originally thought that this was a good time. The King of Ultra and Noah were both half-dead. After finishing Lucifer, he didn't have to worry about where to kill him again if he took care of the Kingdom of Light. Come out an enemy.

The question is why is there another one now?

Now the original plan has been ruined, and I have to think about other methods.

However, Beria also had to admit that it was because of Saiga that things turned around, otherwise Lucifer would have eliminated everyone.

Until now, he can still feel the force of the constant collision in the distance, and the battle seems to be continuing non-stop.

The problem is that waiting here is really unpleasant, and this feeling of being unable to do anything is terrible for Beria, who prides himself on his strength.

To become stronger, this armor alone is not enough, more strength is needed.

How can I get more power?



Of course, Beria remembered this voice very clearly. It was the voice of the 'king' who completely sealed him in the prison cage back then.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"You were beaten so badly, Taro."

The blue friend was saying such things, and Taro could only smile wryly.

I have to say that the mouth of meeting each other again after being separated for many years seems to have become even more poisonous.

"I've been fighting so hard. If you don't say it's to comfort me, at least don't say such hurtful words."

Hearing what Taro said, Tregear touched his chin and thought for half a second before saying:

"Well, you worked very hard, Taro, be good."


How does this statement sound like comforting pets?

Taylor was speechless for a while, but he did have a feeling of going back to the past.

Tregchia was like this in the past, always saying some discouraging things, but in the end, after talking about it, Tregchia still accompanied him to do some things that now seem silly.

Then one day, Tregear suddenly left the Kingdom of Light, not only from the Kingdom of Light, he even...

Thinking of this, Taro's mood became a little more relaxed at first.

After noticing the change in the atmosphere, Tregchia tilted his head. In fact, he could basically guess what Taro was thinking when he was careless sometimes, but overall he could still be regarded as serious.

It's nothing more than 'my old friend did such a thing' or something like that.

Thinking about it now, Tregchia realized that he had indeed done a lot of irrational things in the past when he gave up on himself.

It is true that they have done a lot of evil things with the excuse of "nothingness". It is indeed the bad things that people who give up on themselves will do, and they will drag everyone into the water.

'Looking at it this way, I'm really a big villain, and I'm still the kind of villain who would be classified as a third-rate villain in literary works. '

Tregear thought this in his heart, and at the same time, a voice sounded in his heart:

"Tregear, can you lend us your power, please?"

At the same time, Tregear saw the blue-eyed giant walking toward him.

"By the way, do you look more like a bad guy?"

He asked with his chin in his right hand.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


This is the situation in front of Saijia. Now he can't get rid of the opponent's joint entanglement, and there is no chance to use his space ability.

Lucifer's physical ability is not as good as Saijia, but he did drag Saijia into the fighting, and the reason is actually very simple.

The fists and feet intersected, and the collision sounded again and again. Saika, who was alone in the pincer attack, was hit hard in the abdomen. At the moment when Lucifer performed a knee strike, Beelzebub's elbow fell hard on the top of Saijia's head. .

Saijia had just started to fall downward, and Lucifer's pursuit had already stepped on his abdomen.

They crashed into the 'fragile' obstacles, and then the completely dead rocky planet exploded after losing the alien beast factor, countless cracks spread on the surface, and the flying fragments floated up due to the weightless environment.

The next moment, all the fragments were completely evaporated, and one-third of the planet that had already been smashed was evaporated completely by the red and black energy ball thrown by Beelzebub.

Saiga counterattacked in severe pain, the light wheel pulled by his right hand scratched in the air, and collided with Beelzebub who was stabbing ahead.

Lucifer, who stepped back a little distance, turned his palms to the left and right, and then quickly folded his palms together.

The two faces on Beelzebub's neck turned to look at Saijia while squirming, and then four beams of light formed by four eyes bombarded him.

One on the left and one on the right, two rocky planets the size of the earth collided on both sides of Saijia, firmly sandwiching him in the center.

Lucifer stretched out his left palm, which was the five fingers in human form.

Beelzebub stretched out his right palm, which was five claws in the shape of a beast.

The palms overlapped, and the two of them fit together perfectly, intimately, because they were the same person.

In an instant, the two planets were completely evaporated, not even a single fragment remained, and the spreading red and black energy waves spread wildly.

If someone observes this area of ​​the universe, they must be able to see that several galaxies suddenly extinguished a large amount of light.

It's as if someone blacked out the painting, and the black lines completely cover all the light spots along the way.

In front of Saijia's hands is a blue-purple light wheel. The crazily rotating light wheel shunts the energy waves bombarding him and reduces the damage. Even so, it is not enough.

Now he is constantly retreating due to the impact, and the pressure from the front is getting stronger and stronger.

At the same time, Lucifer and Beelzebub pressed their other palms together, and after fully confirming the hit of the attack, the four palms overlapped.

Do it with all your strength, and a blow regardless of consumption is about to be blasted.

Lucifer knew that as long as he solved Saijia, the battle would be completely over, and at this moment, the dark energy that blended with thunder and light attacked.

The red and black are the base color of the Dessum's light, the purple edge is the enhancement of Zapelio's light, and the blue and black current is the support of Torreira Alut Caesar.

The dark light mixed with the undercurrent and the thunder struck from the side, and the sudden sneak attack did completely hit Lucifer and Beelzebub who were completely focused on Saijia.

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