Seizing the opportunity for a moment, a blue-purple circular saw appeared in the center of the red-black undercurrent. This circular saw directly cut the undercurrent from the center.

The wheel of light went away, and Beelzebub and Lucifer also separated.

One man and one beast, the former stared at this side, and the latter let out a low growl of warning.

Floating there were the three who did not give the light to Saiga, Empat, Beria, and Tregear, who were the dark giants mixed in among so many light giants, and they kept the strength.

But so what?So what if you come here?

"Life is short, why rush to die?"

Whether Lucifer is asking a question or making a mockery, only he himself knows, but it is certain that Beria is very displeased with Lucifer's attitude of "standing on a high ground".

There is one person watching this battle, that is King Ultra, who is one with the universe and naturally knows everything in the universe.

'Going on can't win'

It is very easy to conclude that Lucifer itself is in a complete state, and Beelzebub is the result of cultivating a part of the power split by Lucifer in the distant past, and is the ultimate alien beast.

The combination of the two exerted more than [-]% of their power, and Saijia was completely at a disadvantage, so the two had to be separated.

How to do?Who is still capable of fighting today?

Persuasion...not really persuasion, because everyone knows that if the saiga loses it's over.


The first time I heard Saijia's voice, it was a strange accent, as if one person was speaking, and it seemed that countless people were speaking.

"Leave the alien beast to us to deal with."

As Empat said so, he focused his gaze on Beelzebub.

It seemed that the gaze provoked a reaction. There was no greed for food in the eyes of the other party, only the killing intent to destroy everything.

Just looking at each other like this, there is a creepy feeling behind it, because the fighting instinct is telling 'danger, can't fight, run away'

How strong is the gap between the two sides?

Lucifer really wasn't sure whether the opponent came prepared or simply rushed over. The only one he knew of among the three was Empat who had no chance of winning and would fight for others.

At this moment, Saijia and Lucifer faced each other, just like before.

At this moment, Beelzebub cast his eyes full of murderous intent on the three of Empat.

"Well, I think this thing looks really ugly."

Tregear's taunt was the signal to start the battle, and the distance between Saiga and Lucifer was less than ten meters.

A sudden false note

Touch today!I'm going to do big things about my life, so I touched

Well, although it was a bit sudden, I did say something happened a few days ago, so I'm sorry

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——

Chapter 150 The Dark Giants

Beelzebub plus Lucifer, if it is two against one, then Sika will be at a disadvantage.

So what we have to do now is to separate them and create one-on-one equal fighting conditions.

The problem is how to separate them. Saiga alone cannot do it. He just split Beelzebub into two halves through space, almost causing the other party's entire body to be thrown to the edge of the universe, but the other party quickly Just restore it again.

The alien animal factor is the alienated product of Lucifer's power, and Beelzebub is the alienated Lucifer. It is easy for an enemy of this level to cross the universe, so someone must contain it.

Who are the people who can contain Beelzebub here?

No, I should directly ask who are the ones who have the power to fight now?

Saiga and Lucifer on that side had almost met each other, and Beelzebub's movements were straightforward enough. The moment he leaned forward, he had already shortened the distance.

The task of the Empat trio was to buy time... Of course, that's what it said.

"Come on, the beast hunting has begun!"

Beria issued a declaration, his right hand held up the gigabit fighting instrument, and Rebrando in his body seemed to be roaring.


None of the three people present had such an idea. With such a weak way of thinking, it would cause one's own hesitation and decrease in strength. Since it was a fight, the only way to go was to completely defeat the opponent.

Beelzebub's speed was unimaginably fast. In Empat's eyes, it was just a vague shadow, but seeing the shadow meant that there was still a chance to keep up.

Empat completely liberated the power, activated the overload, and its claws touched and interlocked with the enemy's claws.

Head-on conflict, darkness and darkness explode in the conflict, red and black and blue and black are entangled with each other, and then red and black overwhelm blue and black in just half a second.

The gap in strength between the two sides is so obvious that Empat can feel the pain of his palms and fingers being crushed.

He threw his head back and smashed out with all his might.


The loud noise echoed in his mind, but the recoil only hurt himself.

Beelzebub opened his mouth, the center of which was full of fangs, and his tongue split into countless thorns.

It looks like a giant, but it is actually a strange beast, this is the essence of Beelzebub, and it is a strange beast, yes, it is a 'beast'


Voice contains consciousness, and consciousness carries orders. The giga combat instrument in Beria's hand is a weapon for manipulating monsters, and Lebrondo is the king of monsters in the past.

Are Alien Beasts Monsters?

Or is 'monster' just a concept?

Some kind of 'conceptual' power mastered by the ultimate life form that once ruled the universe, at that moment, Beelzebub's whole body surged, and the alien beast factor that constituted the entity crazily vibrated.

But not enough, this alone is not enough to cause harm, it just causes some impact.

Seizing the momentary opportunity, Empat's arms were shattered by the enemy's strange force, he turned his body, and the kick driven by the momentum directly hit the opponent's cheek, and the explosive force directly kicked Beelzebub out.

Waiting there for a long time was Belial holding a Gigabit Fighting Instrument. The double-headed stick swung from the side, and the burst of electricity attached to the enemy's body.

The two attacks did not deal damage, nor were they actually intended to do so.


Tregear's right hand tightly held the mask on his face, and then tore it off regardless of the damage.

The flowing energy is like spilled blood. At that moment, it is neither light nor dark, but the chaos that can be both light and dark overflows.


Lucifer, who was fighting Saiga on the other side, felt the energy he had felt in the past, which was the godless beast named 'Grimd'.

Will even monsters that do not belong to this world have to be involved in this battle?

'No, not like that. '

He accurately captured the source of energy, and the center of the chaos was not Grimd, but an ordinary member of the Ultra family.

It's just that the other party seems to have mastered some special technology, which allows him to borrow Grimd's power.

'interesting. '

As a scientific researcher, Lucifer knows what the most important principle is, which is the characteristic of Grimd.

A little distraction brought a disadvantage. From different positions in the space, a large number of light wheels shot out, and hundreds of discs directly locked Lucifer inside.

I saw Saijia waving his palms, and the plasma light ball was thrown at the enemy.

Strange things appeared, the light balls hit the disk, some light balls directly refracted and blasted towards Lucifer, some light balls disappeared from one disk, and appeared from the inside of another disk.

How many of the hundreds of light wheels contain the power of space?

As Lucifer said, Saiga is not yet proficient in her own power.

As Lucifer judged, if Saijia mastered the power, then things would become troublesome later.

So at this moment, Lucifer is surrounded by light wheels and light balls, and the two damage forms of explosion and cutting are constantly attacking.

The battle on this side is still going on, and the battle on the other side directly switches the battlefield.

Even Lucifer couldn't feel the location of Beelzebub through the fog. The fog leads to a place outside the universe, a place beyond the gap between dimensions.

Monsters beyond common sense live here, but at the top of these monsters is the chaotic beast, the heartless monster Grimd.

The dark blue mist completely enveloped the location, but Grimud didn't exist here, it was a mimic space.

The mask on Tregear's face now looks like a flame is burning, and part of the seal set on him has been lifted.

It was with this gushing power that he completed this chaotic space that blocked everything.

"Tsk, it's much more difficult than I imagined."

Tregear's existence has become unstable, and Grimud is an unintentional existence, which means that it does not have a clear sense of self.

When alone, Grimud would only move aimlessly, but once it sensed something other than 'chaos', it would quickly start to act, corrupting and transforming that opponent.

In short, a 'territorial awareness'

It is not so aggressive in itself, and it is precisely because of this that Tregear can seal Grimud into his body, because he himself has become a product of 'chaos'.

Grimd was growling now, however, and it sensed other presences in its domain.

"Buy me some time!"

When Tregear sealed Grimud inside his body, he never thought about breaking the seal again.

"Using the kind of power that I can't control is the result."

Regarding the question of comrades-in-arms, Beria just uttered mocking words. To be more precise, he did not regard the other two as comrades-in-arms, but a fragile alliance when the interests were the same.

At this time, with the trident in his left hand and the double-headed staff in his right, the light and thunder frantically shot at the beast that was blasted into chaos.

"Sure enough, such an attack can't hit."

Beelzebub didn't even count as being 'forced', it moved quickly in this space, avoiding the attacks coming from the attack.

Beria grasped the enemy's movement trajectory and threw the trident in his left hand again, and the stab wounded by Rezolim's light had already predicted the opponent's position.

'will hit'

If you continue to hold, you will definitely hit. The problem is that it must not be that simple. How does the opponent plan to avoid it?Or should we directly accept the attack and defend it?

At that moment, Beelzebub changed his posture.


What shape is the trident?

What is the shape of the spear?

Beelzebub's posture has changed, which is not simply alienation, but a manifestation of his "alien beast" essence.

The current Beelzebub looked like a squirming red and black spear. This spear turned a zigzag line from its original position and stabbed at an exaggerated speed.

Predicting the position of the enemy will inevitably also consider the size factor of the enemy. The problem is that even the size of the enemy has completely changed.


The loud noise reverberated from the impact, Beria's hands shook, and he was thrown back.

"You monster!"

Just as his words said, the spear that hit the Gigabit fighting instrument still looks like a spear, and then the contact point is flesh and blood like roots. These flesh and blood spread on the fighting instrument. This is Bessie. Bu's lower body.

And what about Beelzebub's upper body?Its upper body returned to its original posture, and the sharp claws on both hands were extended, turning into ten scimitars. The scimitars pinched Belial in the center at the same time, trying to tear him apart completely.

The sparks exploded, Beria's arms blocked the scimitar, and cracks spread out again in the dark armor. If he blocked it with pure body, his arms might have been cut off.

It was at this moment that Empat, whose arms had recovered, held the trident that Beria had thrown before, and he threw the weapon with all his strength again, and the target was undoubtedly Beelzebub.


He focused on the enemy's posture, the alien beast, he had already dealt with such monsters a lot, and many people on another earth had studied this kind of existence.

If it was Lucifer, then he might have nothing to do, but if it was a strange beast, the situation would be different.

In the past, when he had just arrived in this universe, Justis's full blow passed through the center of the Xenobiotic Beast Planet, because the Xenobiotic Beast Planet changed its posture.

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