How can something like this be allowed to happen, so...

Intense dark energy gushes out in the form of flames, and the red blood flame mixed with black is the explosion of Belia's full power, and the blood flame that swallows everything is tightly entangled with Beelzebub.

The moment Beelzebub was about to separate from the inside, the blood flames surged again, because new energy was injected.

The particles reunited, and Beria's figure was as fierce as ever, but he couldn't hide the feeling of weakness no matter what. He no longer had the dark armor, and he used that armor as a carrier and fuel and threw it into the Ultra bomb. .

The blood flames had already entangled Beelzebub, and Beelzebub's skin became scorched black, and ashes kept floating out of its body, as long as there was a little wound, the blood flames would get in there.

There was no sound, that was because Beelzebub was dealing with the situation in silence, the fire of dark energy that was enough to incinerate consciousness had no effect on it, the head on the left side of its neck fell off as if it was rotten, and then burned do.

'That's it, just burn it like this'

Such an idea did not come true, because ashes no longer evaporated from the wound.


Beelzebub moved, it moved in the blood-red sea of ​​flames, the previous damage seemed to be fake.


Evolve, then ignore damage.

No matter who saw such a scene, they would definitely come to such a conclusion. At this time, Empat, who was barely suturing the wound, was also staring at the scene, and he concentrated his strength again.

Before he acted, someone else acted before him.

The sense of chaos that filled Tregia before broke out completely at this time, and the dark blue fog overflowing from his body completely enveloped him.

Then Torregia quickly rushed out of the thick fog, his thrust tore through the sea of ​​flames, his elbow hit Beelzebub's body, and his body was easily torn into pieces.

Beelzebub crushed its enemies, and Beelzebub was struck again by its enemies.


What appeared in front of Empat and Beria was a strange scene. What did they see after the chaos erupted?

The dense fog and the realm of chaos were completely integrated, so Tregia appeared in this dense fog.

Ever since Tortorekia completely sealed Grimd into his body, he has the ability to freely travel through multidimensional universes, the ability to be immortal, and... thousands of incarnations.

There are the same and different Tregears in different universes. They have the same consciousness and share each other's memories and knowledge. This is a wonderful experience.

And now that part of Grimd's seal has been lifted, Tregear finds that he has only one way to suppress it again, and that is to 'spend all his power to his heart'

Blocking is worse than sparse, such a simple truth constitutes the current situation.

After somewhat stabilizing his own existence, Tregear unleashed Grimd's manic Chaos power.

Now those forces of chaos are recruiting Tregia that exists in different multidimensional universes, ten or twenty?It's not that petty amount.

Beelzebub is hit, Beelzebub rips the enemy apart, Beelzebub is hit, Beelzebub rips the enemy apart.

This kind of scenery was repeated continuously, Tregear attacked from different directions, and he achieved an absolute advantage with numbers.

With claw strikes, rays of light, and heavy punches, Tregear wrapped in thick fog blasted Beelzebub into the distance, where another Tregear was already waiting.

There were more than a few dozen Tregears launching an attack at the same time, and more than a few dozen Tregears launching a pursuit at the same time.

The already overflowing power of chaos was completely released here, and Beelzebub, which had withstood hundreds of attacks in an instant, was defeated. At this moment, it fell into a disadvantage. The power is swayed.

150 Chapter Two

Walk through attacks, get hit by attacks, dodge attacks, and defend when you can't dodge.

The speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped completely. The violent explosion devoured the terrifying alien beast. Tregchia, or many Tregchia's palms were facing the same target. When their upper bodies exerted power, Instinctively lean forward.

The dark blue energy aggregation expanded more and more, and was completely torn apart at the moment it was about to erupt.

The storm spread in all directions, and Beelzebub rushed out of it. It still maintained its three-headed and six-armed state. The single arm that turned into a shield was enough to defend, and the single arm that became a spear swung wildly. Hitting, the re-condensed palms continuously released dark energy.

No matter which direction it is in, there are no dead ends, and the forward Beelzebub is madly accomplishing different things at the same time.

It bombards the enemy in the distance, it defends against the enemy's attack, it cuts the defense line forward, and it tears all the targets in sight.

The three heads breathed out, and the road was completely torn apart.

But it's not over yet, the raging red and black periphery, and the giants possessed by chaos seem endless.

Tregchia attacked again, countless Tregchia attacked together, and the dark blue and red black exploded crazily in the collision.

In the next moment, all the swords and spears pierced through Tregear, and Tregear, who penetrated through, locked these weapons firmly.

As the distance got closer, countless thunderbolts wrapped around Beelzebub, killing and wounding frantically.

At this moment, Beelzebub's figure changed again, and hundreds of Tregears were penetrated almost at the same time. Now Beelzebub is like a huge sea urchin, with a large number of spikes spreading crazily, tearing Everything on it breaks down.

This amount is not worth mentioning in terms of the total, and Tregear is still advancing.

How many Tregears are there?

Then you have to think about how many multidimensional universes there are.

In terms of strength, he can't compete with Beria, and he has been left behind by Empat, who has experienced a lot. However, in terms of "immortality", perhaps no one can match him.

The Grimud in his body released power, and this power summoned countless peers.

If the quality cannot be compared with the enemy, then rely on quantity to suppress and change the target from 'killing' to 'delaying'

Entrust the hope of victory to Saiga's side.

Kill, kill, kill, Beelzebub is just repeating the ruthless act of 'killing', but no matter how it charges, no matter how many prey it shreds, no matter how fragile the enemy is .

In the continuous killing, its posture is constantly changing, and its distorted posture is a variety of different sharp weapons, constantly destroying Tregear's individuality.

Its body completely changed into another posture at this moment. It was a ball of meat, with tentacles extending crazily from the surface of the ball, and what the tentacles bombarded was not Tregia.


In an instant, the world in front of me seemed to have changed, and the whole world was shaking, because the giant tentacles bombarded the 'edge of the field'

"I was noticed..."

No matter how strong this domain is, it is still a domain, a different space constructed by power.

If there is a stronger power, it can be directly covered.

Beelzebub 'adapted' to this domain in the non-stop battle, and it followed the track of 'chaos' to find the edge of the domain.

If you smash this domain, you will return to the original universe, where Lucifer exists.


It takes time to smash the domain, since the opponent has transformed into such a posture with almost no resistance, then directly——


Beelzebub did change his stance, but it wasn't a stance against the domain as Tregear thought.

What is the huge flesh and blood?It is a manufacturing factory of alien beasts.

The tentacles spreading out from the meat ball, and the flesh condensed from the tentacles, this picture is simply the so-called 'growth'

Treating the tentacles as branches and the body as the fruit, Beelzebub's body is splitting into a large number of individuals, and it is reasonable to use these individuals to fight against Tregear and the clone to fight the clone.

Grimd is strong, but Tregear is not.

Just like you can't launch a nuclear warhead with a pistol, Grimud's power can't be fully exerted in the hands of Tregchia. Beelzebub noticed the fact that Tregchia is vulnerable to a single blow during the battle. fact.

Today it is only suppressed by quantity, as long as the quantity increases, the quality will solve this disadvantage.

More importantly, as long as Tregia is restrained, he can smash this chaotic realm with his free hands.


The entire field vibrated, and the tentacles that spread to nowhere were bombarding the space while giving birth to strange beasts.

'Not good. '

Tregear realized this, and now there is only one way to reverse the situation, to completely liberate Grimud, and let this chaotic monster fight with the alienated monster in front of him.

But what does it look like after that?

No matter who wins in the end, they have to face Grimud.

Tregear pressed his left hand to his chest, and the remaining layers of the seal were still unsealed.

Just like Grimd's characteristic, even if he felt the seal loosen, he didn't show any sign of struggle, because the current Tregear is a part of 'Chaos'.

"I've been waiting for a long time, then leave it to me."

This sentence came so suddenly, if I leave it to you, what can I do if I leave it to you?

One of them, Tregear, turned his head, and what he saw was the blue-eyed giant with the timer on his chest flashing red.

Empat is floating there, what the hell are people who can't win alone are talking about now?

The words of questioning could not be uttered, because Tregear realized the abnormality of the opponent's condition.


The spewing dark flames burned violently, Ultra Bomb?No, something more different.

That forbidden technique has developed into other tricks under the manipulation of the other party, overload?Maybe so to speak.

At this moment, Empat held his right hand empty, and the dark flames around him were no longer restrained, like a cloak flying in the turbulent current.

"I need a sword."

The timer on his chest remained blood red, and his clenched right hand grasped the energy-condensed weapon.

The snake-belly sword held in the backhand was raised, and the left hand also held the hilt tightly. Empat held the red and black dark sword with both hands and placed it on the right side of the body.

At this moment, Tregchia backed away, he had to back off because the field was eroded and covered.

The dark energy ejected from Empat's body transformed chaos, turning the domain that had no attributes into its own home field.

Is that really dark energy?Such intense dark energy is almost indistinguishable from violent light.

At the same moment, the 'fruits' growing on Beelzebub's 'buds' sensed the danger, and they looked in the same direction at the same time.


The sound of the sword's cry echoed almost at the same time, and the flesh and blood were cut open.

The branches and fruit were completely cut into pieces, and what did the bystanders see?


This is just a visual illusion, and Tregchia can clearly understand this, and it is precisely because of the visual illusion that people are shocked.

The dark blue chaotic realm is now rapidly turning into a pitch-black darkness realm, and blue and red are dancing in the pitch-black darkness realm.

It was Empat who cut horizontally on this side, Empat who slashed obliquely on that side, and Empat who pierced the enemy's body with the blade of the sword there.

Everything is Empat, Empat seems to be everywhere, but it is not really the case. Unlike the situation of Torregchiana's "clone", Empat achieves a similar performance solely by relying on speed.

He only showed his posture at the moment of 'slashing', and then accelerated further, to the point that no one could react.

Within half a second, hundreds of Empat chopped all the spreading tentacles and the alien beasts condensed on them with similar or different slashes.

Within half a second, Beelzebub's posture changed back to the most solid and powerful posture again, with three heads and six arms, and beast claws and sharp weapons.

This strange beast realized one thing, and that was the presence of the most threatening existence here.

Where is Empat?He's still accelerating.

This man who has been through countless battles and for a long time has never thought of changing his fighting style, he just keeps developing on this road.

Speed, strength, and defensive power are combined into the so-called 'basic ability'

What Empat needs is this basic ability, and the overload brings about the improvement of the basic ability, so how can the overload develop to the limit?

'Restrictions lifted'

No longer use thought power to restrain one's dark energy, let the dark energy run wildly under the activation of the Ultra Bomb, thus bringing about further strengthening.

However, what is the difference between doing so and self-destruction like the Otto bomb?

The answer is yes:

It was in this battle that Empat saw two tricks, or ideas.

First of all, Tiga's super-light impact after switching to the air type, although it did not cause too much damage, it did repel Lucifer directly.

Followed by Tregear's 'restriction lifted'

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