What if the power goes berserk?Then unleash all the power.

So Empat combined these two ideas together, and the Ott family is a family that can use "photospherification" to travel faster than the speed of light.

Now combined with photosphereization and overload, he is moving at a speed beyond light.

Speed ​​is power, even if a small stone hits the surface of a planet at the speed of light, it is enough to completely shatter that planet.

Even the strong body of the Ott family can't hit the enemy at super-light speed, because that will bring about their own destruction first.

So Empat was holding a dark blade full of jagged teeth in his hand, and it wasn't him who was in contact with the enemy, but the sword.

There is nothing wrong with using the word 'response' to describe it. The dark energy that completely turned him into a dark giant seems to contain some kind of will, and now this power is stronger and sharper than ever before. snake belly sword.

The slash that can surpass even light broke out again, Beelzebub saw it, Beelzebub defended, Beelzebub's shield was cut directly, and blood spurted out from there.

When the first sword hits, you'd better be mentally prepared to bear countless swords.

The impact brought by the slash that even light could not catch up to nearly shattered Beelzebub's balance, and fragments of the dark blade flew everywhere, but this place has changed.

The dark energy ejected by Empat regardless of constraints is a violent beast under the influence of overload. They stain everything black, and the overflowing dark energy retains that property when attacking. Because this area was dyed completely black.

How much time has passed?

It shouldn't have been that long, but Tregear couldn't see anything, it was pitch black.

In this endless darkness, I saw a red and black snake-belly sword. Its slashing trajectory divided the darkness and illuminated everything along the way. At the end was Beelzebub whose body was cut open and torn to pieces.


Can't see, can't see Empat's trajectory, only a vague shadow exists at the moment when he launches an attack.

The moment the sword was swung, the sound of slashing echoed in the darkness. Beelzebub's three heads, three faces, six eyes and special senses all clearly saw the enemy, but there were many enemies, which one was the best? it is true?

Quality afterimage is an unavoidable phenomenon when overloaded, and that phenomenon completely disrupts the enemy's perception.

After the first second passed, Beelzebub's body was completely out of balance, it was thrown up, and it suffered damage from different directions.

Seconds passed, and Empat's shadows surrounded Beelzebub. They had either completed the slash, were in the process of slashing, or were about to start slashing.

After the third second, everything returned to the darkness, and Empat moved back a short distance. With the power increase brought by the dark field, all the dark energy in the dark field was held in his hands.

'This is the limit. '

As usual, here is the ultimate damage he can achieve at the fastest speed.

Does all the darkness belong to one cut, or does this cut tear apart the darkness together?Both the darkness and the afterimages flew away at this moment.

The only thing Beelzebub saw were two blue dark lights. After the light disappeared from sight, behind it was Empat with his right arm straight forward, holding the jagged snake belly sword in his hand .


The timer on Empat's chest fell silent, and the red light and the dark blade disappeared together, because the power in his body was almost exhausted.

As if unresponsive, Beelzebub's cracked body sprayed out not only flesh and blood, but also a large amount of alien animal factors.

"That is!"

Beelzebub's body is composed of xenobiotic factors, which means that it is essentially a xenobiotic beast.

To deal with alien beasts, it is necessary to use the anti-alien beast factor. The problem is that the opponent will adapt, which makes it ineffective.

But is this really the case?

Empat noticed this during the battle, and he chose to take a gamble.

150 Chapter Three Techniques Against Alien Beasts

In the initial battle, what spewed out from the opponent's wounds was the alien animal factor, but later turned into an entity like 'flesh and blood'.

Everything started when Beelzebub was affected by the anti-alien beast factor, so what is the premise for the alien beast to adapt and evolve to overcome it?

It must first be understood, and only after understanding the nature can one develop antibodies against it and overcome it.

To understand is to bear, and to bear in battle brings harm.

At that time, Beelzebub was not only affected by the anti-alien beast factor, but also endured the siege of the Empat trio, and it was weakened and realized the danger.

If so, change your posture.

The pure energy materialization will be affected by other energies, that is, by the anti-alien factor.

So it is transformed into a real entity, that is to say, Beelzebub really has a physical body, not the materialization like an energy aggregate, but the materialization of having a physical body.

In the case of having a physical body, the anti-alien factor can also work, but in the wrong way.

For example, when human beings are corrupted and transformed by the alien beast factor, they can use antibodies to inject the anti-alien beast factor to reverse this process. As long as the alien beast factor is killed, they will not be transformed into alien beasts.

To put it simply, the body becomes a barrier, the alien beast factor hides inside the body, and the body isolates the influence of the anti-alien beast factor. It is precisely because of this that Beelzebub ignores the weakening, because it has a flesh body.

Beria made a wrong judgment. Beelzebub reversed the situation not through "evolution", but through "isolation"

Rebrando's power does not work simply because Beelzebub's body is engraved with a higher order, which is an order from Lucifer.

Having intelligence is a good thing, but having intelligence can lead to over-reliance on intelligence and misjudgment of similarly behaving situations.

Empat realized that they seemed to have misjudged something, so he decided to take a gamble by developing a stronger new skill on the spot.

In fact, the body is a very complex system. The brain gives orders, and then the nerves, bones, and human body systems cooperate with each other to complete an action.

If it's just pure flesh and blood, it's just a lump of meat that can't move, and it's hard to control the puppet if it is forcibly manipulated.

So how did Beelzebub complete those complex and powerful movements?

The answer is actually very simple, it has constructed its own body system, but that body system is completely different from normal creatures.

What flows in its body is not pure blood, but xenobiotic factors.

The easy-to-understand statement is that energy is transformed into bones, into nerves, and consciousness as the brain to issue commands.

In this way, things are very simple. Beelzebub uses his own power to control the newly condensed body, and uses this body to fight against the enemy.

It was indeed injured, but at the moment of injury, those flowing alien beast factors would immediately turn into new flesh and blood, continuing to isolate the influence of the anti-alien beast factors.

Relying on this 'flesh armor', it reversed the situation and defeated the three of Empat.

After that, Beria's Ultra Bomb did bring it damage, but not enough.

If the light-attribute Ultra Bomb explodes instantly, then the Dark-attribute Ultra Bomb is a continuous kill.

This is the worst part, even if Beria uses the dark armor as fuel to drive the blood flame, the killing speed of the blood flame cannot keep up with Beelzebub's regeneration speed.

The characteristics of alien beasts give Beelzebub a terrifying physical ability, and the physical ability naturally also has "regeneration power" in it.

'It is impossible to defeat Beelzebub with continuous killing methods'

The injuries that Beelzebub was given in the previous battles were essentially skin traumas that consumed physical strength.

Torregia's siege was unsuccessful due to insufficient attack strength. To cause real big damage to Beelzebub, what is needed is an 'explosive blow'

Perhaps it was luck, or maybe it was just a coincidence, Empat had to develop explosive skills in order to keep up with the intensity of the enemy in the harsh battle.

He is used to exploding his power in a short period of time, so he displayed a new skill.

Unleash the constraints of Overdrive completely, blasting all the power out before the Ultra Bomb burns itself out.

How does the superluminal slash change direction?

The pure black dark field distorted the direction of the space, and Empat released and pushed the ability he possessed to the extreme to form a slash that completely cut Beelzebub's body.

It was no longer the so-called skin trauma, even the nerves and blood vessels were chopped to pieces, what spewed out from there was the original source of Beelzebub, the alien beast factor.

The response of the alien beast was instantly reflected in the machine, and Beelzebub began to regenerate.

However, in that short period of time, in the time that didn't even last five seconds, how many times did Empat cut off the blade?

Beelzebub opened his mouth to roar, this action made his chin completely detached from his cheek, where a large number of fragments were inlaid there, and the fragments of the snake-belly sword that collapsed in each slash corroded the enemy just like the characteristics of dark energy the flesh.

With one movement, Beelzebub's body was completely torn apart, its thousands of pieces of flesh were full of shattered sword blades, and these fragments were deeply embedded in it, hindering regeneration.

Empat's opponent is Beelzebub who has no special abilities, so in the competition of strength, he completely overwhelms the enemy in a short time at the cost of all his energy.

This short period of time is enough, and the scene in front of him has already made people understand what to do now.

The piece of meat twitched crazily in the sprinkled blue light, constantly deforming as if it was about to explode.

There is no longer a physical body as a barrier to isolate interference, and the anti-alien beast factor crawls into Beelzebub's body along the blood vessels, and starts killing from the inside, just like injecting antibodies directly into the body.

It's just that, as Beelzebub with no normal part in his body, this is no different from pouring highly poisonous substances such as cyanide into his body.

Because of this, the fragments of its body were constantly struggling, and the alien beast factor sprayed out from the inside was killed by the anti-alien beast factor just as it emerged.

Thick skin regenerates, and it breaks down completely before sticking to the flesh on the other side.

If the enemy is Lucifer, there may be no way here.

If the enemy was Beelzebub, then the technology accumulated here might be useful, and that was exactly the case.

The pieces of meat fit together, and the internal alien animal factors are summed up to allow the body to regenerate. The first thing to construct is to isolate the outer skin.

The thin film is formed, and the thin film is broken down.


The sound of something rotting could be heard, and it was a few primitive-looking missiles that pierced through the meat.

Normally, the missiles developed for alien beasts would not be able to hit an enemy missile like Beelzebub.

But facing Beelzebub's meat is another matter, so the missile that blasted into the meat directly exploded, and the overflowing anti-alien beast factor directly started a fierce fight with the alien beast factor.

"Is this the so-called fire coverage?"

Tregear pressed his right hand on his mask, re-strengthening the seal, lest even his own consciousness be completely swallowed by chaos.

What it saw in its line of sight was a brightness comparable to a supernova explosion, which was the salvo from the fleet that had been struggling to keep up with the battle.

Missiles and artillery, and a large number of anti-alien beast factors blasted out. In addition, the fixed net generators thrown down were in different positions, and the energy barrier completely locked that area inside.

The polyhedron-like structure is formed, but it does not affect the artillery fire into the interior at all.

This fleet from Empat's original universe is already used to dealing with alien beasts, and they have developed quite a few weapons, which are combined with the anti-alien beast technology from Gaia's universe.

However, no matter how powerful the weapon is, it is useless if it cannot hit, and Empat's attack provides a chance to hit.

As if to use up all the ammunition, the firepower continued to penetrate into it, and it was bound to completely wipe out Beelzebub.


Beria stared at this piece of light that he didn't feel disgusted with, because this light was not light energy, but energy like the anti-alien beast factor.

"Don't worry, there should be no more variables at this point."

Tregear relaxed a little bit, his body was not tired because of Grimd's energy supply, but his spirit was very tired.

All the previous ones were talking about all kinds of things in a mess, that’s why he opposed the unity of the same body, and the two of them will definitely go crazy, but we can’t let Taylor become like this, don’t put the strange Stuff mixed into his soul.

"No, I mean there's another person there."

Beria corrected what Tregchia said, did he forget someone?

In that incomparably bright light, there is a person who lost consciousness about 20 seconds ago, and now his consciousness is very clear after 20 seconds.

"Can you give me a little rest?"

The man who had always gritted his teeth and persisted in the past really made such a complaining voice this time. Lying in this radiance, he could still hear Beelzebub's piercing screams as he struggled.

There is no way for the Alien Beast Factor to escape, it is constantly being weakened but there is nothing it can do about it.

The factors in its body are constantly spraying out to resist, and the anti-alien beast factors in this sealed closed space will only increase.

Empat, who stood up from the state of lying flat like a floating corpse in the universe, took a deep breath mentally to relieve his fatigue, and he saw less and less flesh in his sight, corresponding to the anti-alien beast factor.

This piece of light has no effect on Empat, or in other words, these weapons are essentially non-lethal to all life except alien beasts, and they are weapons made entirely for one kind of existence.

Finally, the lump of meat in front of him completely disappeared, not even a bit left.

Empat didn't hear any more screams, he felt that he had become different from before, and he was exactly the same as before.

The wrist armor disappeared, and the sharpness on his body also disappeared, and he changed back to that fierce but not so terrifying posture.


As long as he thinks about it, he can draw out the seemingly different snake-belly sword, and what forms it is the dark energy that has helped him countless times, and the dark energy in his whole body has completely settled down.

'If that's the case, we'll just have to wait for the result over there. '

Empat raised his head, and he stared at the fleet bombarding here from above.

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