'It's so bright. '

It's not overpowering, but it's really bright.

"Yo, are you okay?"

Zamsha's voice came through the communication facility.


Empat's tone was a little relaxed, at least they completed the task here.

"Then just stay inside, as it's to disinfect you, so that you don't get any weird things on your body, such as strange beasts."

Zamsha didn't want to see that kind of thing anymore, no one would have a good impression of a monster that only hurt people.

There are almost no shadows in this space full of anti-alien beast factors. If you want to say the only one, it is probably the shadow behind Empat.

Without him being aware of it, the black clings to and blends into his body.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Jet, what do you want to do?"

Not on the battlefield, but at the resting place of the wounded, Gauss asked about the existence of enemies and friends who had fought with him before, but turned back at the end.

The opponent paralyzed Bitstar and released him and Chaos together, but what is this for?

Hearing this question, Jeter, who had been staring at the starry sky, lowered his head. From another perspective, he may indeed have betrayed, but for him, he did not betray anyone.

"I'm just being loyal to my duty and completing my mission."

Jeter has never been loyal to Lucifer, he has always been loyal to only one person, and that is Chris.

The one who made him, the one who poured out his pain on the run, the one and only master.

Lucifer wants to reconstruct the original world, so that all the peers will be completely integrated. At that time, will Chris still be the original Chris?

But compared with death, that result might be much better.

But what if things take a turn?

"Just as what Lucifer pursues is the person in the past rather than the continuation of life, so what I want to protect is the only person."

Jeter felt that he could understand Lucifer's thoughts, and it was precisely because he understood Lucifer's thoughts that he chose to betray at this moment. How could "the only" be mixed with "others"

"...No matter what, let me say thank you first."

Gauss expressed his gratitude for this. Of course, it would be another matter if a monster died on Julan.

At this moment, the power to shake the universe came again.

How many times is it?

Two beings named Saiga and Lucifer are still engaged in a seemingly endless battle.

Under the watchful eyes of King Ultra, Lucifer swung the condensed dark blade on his right arm, and Saiga was slashed and sent flying, while the other Lucifers quickly pursued him.

150 Chapter Four Final Battle

Different Lucifers wield their swords in different positions. It is the main body, but it is not the main body. It is a phantom belonging to time, and it is the Lucifers who "may attack like this" on other world lines.

Sparks exploded from Saijia's body, slashes from different directions applied pressure from different positions, until the only body waved the dark blade to dispel all phantoms.

The exploding dark energy cannot hide the brilliance, and the sharp blade that releases damage is firmly held.

Saiga clasped his palms together, and received the strongest blow in this series of slashing blows with his bare hands like a blade.

Alienated darkness and enhanced light, there is no doubt that the latter is higher in pure intensity.

Because of this, Saiga defended against the slash with his superior physical ability, what he has to do now is to counterattack, the surrounding space folds and faces each other like a kaleidoscope, and the light bombards the only target from different directions.

The energy storm created by the explosion was torn apart before it fully expanded, and the unscathed Lucifer threw the chopping waves across the void, and Saiga's figure disappeared.

Disappearing from the original position, reappearing from the original position, Saiga who hugged and smashed with both hands concentrated all his strength, and the bursting rainbow light spread, but Lucifer remained motionless.


Saijia was silent, he understood what kind of ability the other party was using.

The next moment, Lucifer's sharp claws were like five stabbing blades, and this blow pierced Saijia's chest, piercing the gathered light, and there was a lot of light energy scattered there.

At the same moment, Saijia's heavy punch was like a sledgehammer, blasting a lot of light in Lucifer's abdomen instantly, and the aurora made Lucifer's body a little faded.

The strength of the two groups erupted at the same point in time, and a blow that hurt each other was an ordinary fight.

The two of them knew exactly what was going on, and the King of Ultra, who was paying attention to the battle, understood the reason.

Lucifer's time ability not only works on opponents, but also on himself.

In terms of attack, it can directly age the enemy, and in terms of assistance, it can change the flow rate of time. In terms of defense, just like what I saw just now, Lucifer stopped his own time, and at that moment he became a frozen point of time.

Saiga's attack had no effect on him, because there would be no movement on the paused tape.

The same goes for Lucifer though, he failed to hit the saiga who was able to freely move around in different dimensions.

One side can't deal damage even if it hits, and the other side can't hit the enemy at all. When using the two abilities, they each stand in their own invincible position.

If you want to really cause harm to each other, then there is only the method of 'injury for injury'.

Lucifer's body leaned forward, he sprinted instantly, and the falling swords hit Saijia's shoulders, the force of the explosion made the opponent unable to control his arms immediately.

But so what?

Saijia's head moved forward, and the head hammer with the rock-like horns brought additional damage when it hit. He aimed at the opponent's face and hit again, and the uppercut directly hit the opponent's face.

Lucifer, who was leaning back in the impact, drew a crescent moon, followed by an upside-down kick followed by a whip kick that rotated and strengthened.

Saijia's body was kicked away, and then his figure was torn apart by Sweeping's palm knife.

Lucifer looked up, and his figure was crushed by the falling kick.

The abilities mastered by each other are difficult to play a role in the confrontation of the same level, and everything is attributed to the initial and most basic collision.

Appearing and disappearing in different locations, the entire universe is an arena for the battle between the two.

Saijia raised his head suddenly, and the huge terrestrial planet fell towards him. Before it could make contact, the black lines gathered at one point pierced through the planet and hit his shoulder directly.

Countless shattered rock fragments spread, and Saiga, who turned around due to the impact, swung his left hand again, and the diffused rainbow light completely covered millions of fragments.

Using the debris as a carrier, the carried light becomes a detector, and the consciousness diffuses to capture the enemy's position.

At this moment, the light energy on the rock turned into chains, and the chains moved forward frantically, directly blocking the high-speed moving enemies.

Saijia appeared in that position instantly, and the ball of light gathered in his palm pushed forward.

Lucifer appeared behind Saiga, and the phantom of time began to disappear.

Two streams of energy exploded behind the two at the same time. Lucifer, who used his time ability to make a camouflage bait, successfully bombarded Saijia, and Saiga, who used his space ability to divert his attack target, successfully bombarded Lucifer.

The light and darkness that exploded pushed their respective targets in the same direction, and the two entangled giants hit each other hard.

A few seconds ago, it was a universe with a starry sky as the background, and a few seconds later it was a dead rocky planet.

The bare ground was thrown into the weightless air, and Saiga, who raised his hands high, slammed down Lucifer who was lifted up.

The already collapsed surface was shattered even more tragically, but the interior was still silent. Now the rocky planets existing in this planet have all died, and the life they once had has also been transformed into the nourishment of Beelzebub.

So no matter how deep Lucifer was beaten, no matter how much the planet disintegrated, the lava that was the blood of the planet did not respond, they had already cooled and turned into stones.

Saiga jumped up and spun sideways, and when Lucifer rushed out of the ground, the kick he threw hit the opponent's shoulder, blasting him into the ground below again.

Not letting go of this opportunity, he quickly pursued deeply, and then the flow of time changed.


The ground spreading in different directions suddenly began to flow back, and when the planet returned to its original integrity, the internal existence would be bound by the pressure inside the planet.

This kind of pressure was nothing to Saijia, and the planet that had just recovered within a second was smashed again.

Debris flew around, on the remaining half of the planet, Lucifer looked up at the opponent who escaped at the moment of being hit by jumping through space.

"Neither of us can give each other a decisive blow. How long do you think this battle will last? Thousands of years? Thousands of years? Or forever?"

Lucifer once fought Noah, and both sides have the same ability to manipulate time and space, so after locking each other's ability, it will be a frontal confrontation.

But different from that time, time and space are integrated, he is time in front, space in back, Saijia is space in front, time in back, each other can not interfere with each other's ability, which leads to this strange situation, Fierce battles only bring about damage to the surroundings.

"Until I knock you down."

Saijia's tone was not so intense, and the minor injuries suffered by the two could heal themselves in a short time.

As Lucifer said, if this situation is maintained, the two may fight forever.

Regarding the current situation, Lucifer is not optimistic. What he sees now is a new existence composed of light from different existences of the multidimensional universe in this era when the original universe is dead.

This presence stops him here, as if speaking of the possibilities that the multidimensional universe holds.

The short-lived brilliance that may have only flickered for a moment in the long river of time gathered together, and finally condensed into such a powerful force.

The multidimensional universe holds many possibilities, both good and bad.

Lucifer didn't deny that possibility, he had seen a lot, knew a lot, and still didn't change his mind.

At this moment, his consciousness received the final message, and his terrifying perception also experienced energy fluctuations that could cause him harm.

Such a 'burning' that is inconsistent with 'darkness' has also existed in the past, and it has the same evaluation as now. If it is really hit, it will definitely cause a lot of damage.

The person who is strong in the scope of 'human' wields enough power to hurt 'god'.

"He always surprises me, it's so funny."

There was an undisguised smile in Lucifer's tone, and he always admired the outstanding existence.

Beelzebub was already dead, and the slash was similar to the previous moves, it was a move that discarded special abilities and purely pursued strength and speed.

But this kind of simplicity is powerful. When your strength is enough to smash the enemy with one blow, and when your speed can exceed the space, then the enemy's special ability will not work.

The easiest way to win is to eliminate the opponent before the opponent makes a move, very simple.

"You lost, Lucifer."

Are the words spoken by Saiga true?

In a sense, this is indeed the case. Lucifer never thought that Beelzebub would lose. In his plan, Beelzebub would kill everyone else, and then two-on-one, and solve Saijia first. Drop, then completely eliminate Wang and Noah, and seal the half of Reggado.

The current situation of the problem is somewhat unexpected. Now as long as Saiga is holding him here, the Kingdom of Light, Dración, and Absolut can withdraw from this universe, and they will conduct research in other universes .

Lucifer has already seen different possibilities, and in the future after that, there may be a possibility of defeating him.

"It does turn into a tricky situation."

He agreed with Saijia's statement, and then raised his hands to mobilize his own dark energy.


Saijia realized the situation in an instant, and the dark energy in Lucifer's body burned like boiling.

"But as long as we get rid of all of you here, there will be no problems."

With both arms closed at the waist, the dark energy exploded beyond the upper limit at this moment.

Lucifer acquired quite a few tricks from Empat. At the moment of overload, Saiga was blown away in the explosion.

Saijia's manipulation of space was not even as fast as the opponent's, and his disappearing figure was captured the moment he appeared.


Saijia didn't look back. He raised his right arm to defend. Lucifer behind him suddenly turned his body in the opposite direction.


A series of black cyclones exploded, and Lucifer's uppercut at the end of his punches completely broke Saijia's defense. He aimed at the opponent's open chest and pushed out his right hand. The palm strike was accompanied by dark energy, which turned into a sharp thrust.

The sparks scattered all the way, and Saiga turned sideways, sharply flashing across his chest.

He raised his head suddenly, and above the sharp point was Lucifer with raised legs. He seemed to be sprinting along this object, kicking and kicking unrelentingly.

Saijia leaned back with his upper half, and then bent his body because of the flying knee that hit the lower back, and the elbow that hit the abdomen quickly made him fall down.

The starlight in his sight was devoured, and hundreds of Lucifers formed through the phantom of time, their palms facing Saijia, the dark light was no different from the black curtain, devouring all the brilliance along the way.

The space began to fold, but the split light began to connect continuously, and the power of time penetrated it.


Time and space are distorted, because there used to be a black hole here, and the dead black hole was reconstituted under the retrospection of time, and the center of it was Saijia whose body began to distort.

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