Grasping the momentary stagnation of the enemy, Lucifer burst out at full speed, without any extra movements, just turning himself into a spear, stabbing towards the only enemy.

The pitch-black stroke is still moving forward, and the power contained in it has not exploded.

Lucifer and Saijia passed by, Saijia was not hit, he would have been hit.

But at that moment, Saijia's body was distorted again, and the time-space distortion brought by the black hole was used by him, and he strengthened that distortion again.

At this moment, Saiga, whose body has been twisted into a strangely curved shape, exists in different positions.

Lucifer felt enemies coming towards him from different positions, and he didn't confirm the opponent's position until the elbow hit him in the face.

Saijia's fist full of light energy hit Lucifer's abdomen, and Lucifer's palm knife full of dark energy slashed Saijia's shoulder.

There was no evasion, no defense, and light and darkness spewed out without the slightest reservation.

Saijia understood a little bit. He has the memory of others, so he knows what kind of tricks Lucifer used. Overloading can indeed bring stronger power, but it also brings a greater burden.

Is the opponent's energy exhausted first?

Or can't hold on here?

Then give it a try and see who is the one who persists in the end.

Under the ribs, left chest.

Palm knife, uppercut.


Lucifer's elbow knife hit Saijia's eyebrow.


Saijia's whip kicked at Lucifer's waist.

Use each other's power to the limit, pour all the power to the opponent in front of you, and the aftermath of the attack will spread to the surroundings.

The spilled light forms a sea of ​​stars all over the sky, and the colorful Milky Way seems to be expanding.

The overflowing darkness constitutes the deep sea of ​​darkness, and the single darkness of nothingness is like the composition of a black hole.

Left, right, up, down, it's not that kind of direction anymore.

Instead, it is filled with light and darkness in all directions, the Milky Way is swallowed up by the black hole just after it is formed, and the black hole is just beginning to be swallowed up and then covered by the Milky Way.

The fluctuations of the confrontation spread completely, even surpassing the universe.

In the gap between the dimensions is the universe that has been pushed away. The multidimensional universe that has been disrupted once is chaotic again. This phenomenon was called "dimension shock" by the Kingdom of Light in the past

150 Chapter Five Containers

"That is......"

Back in the Kingdom of Light, Empat looked up and saw the conflict of power.

It is no longer at the level of energy fluctuations, but can really be seen through the eyes.

Taking the universe as the drawing board, the colorful starry sky is depicted on the black drawing board, and then as if the artist is dissatisfied with this, the starry sky on the drawing board is blackened again.

The blackened drawing board is the remaining starry sky, and the number of stars began to increase again to fill the darkness, and the darkness suddenly swallowed the starry sky again.

It just keeps repeating like this, and the scope is constantly expanding.

If what I saw before was dim starlight, what I see now is pure light and darkness.

What I see in my line of sight is a fast-switching screen, a starry sky for a while, and pure black for a while.

This is the case no matter which direction you look at, this conflict of power has already spread to the entire universe.

Slowly, the constantly switching scene began to change, and it became a Milky Way all over the sky, with a large number of black holes in different positions.

Are there more black holes or more colored stars?

The two beings who fully released their own power exerted their full strength for the same goal.

They have no words, actions are words.

Lucifer's full blown palm cracked Saiga's body, and the rock-like body structure began to fall off.

Saijia's palm knife swung down almost completely cut off Lucifer's upper body, and the abnormal energy core was full of cracks.

At this moment, Saijia's right hand was firmly locked in Lucifer's body, and the dark energy surging inside the opponent's wound seemed to be transformed into countless palms, which firmly clasped Saijia's wrist, preventing Saijia Ka pulls it out.

Saijia's left hand, which wanted to fight back, was firmly held by Lucifer, and his right hand was locked by Lucifer's body.


At this time, Lucifer directly grabbed Saijia's neck with his other hand, pulling him closer, his blue eyes sparkled, and his third eye gathered power.

Eyes and eyes, the energy beam released by the three eyes exploded at almost zero distance, and the dark energy contained inside bombarded Saiga's eyes and bombarded Saiga's head.

Unparalleled pain reverberated in Saijia's consciousness, and the next moment, Lucifer's body was directly blown into pieces.

Saiga's right hand completely disappeared in the detonation, and the rainbow light overflowing from the wound was forming a new arm.

Lucifer's body was glued together again, and black viscous liquid seemed to flow from the wound.

The two punched again, and what rotted in the collision was black.

Unlike the tough light, Lucifer's newly regenerated right arm doesn't seem to be that hard.

Then Saijia's right hand was entangled in black liquid, and the alienated dark energy turned the shattered arm into something else, and a large number of tentacles entangled Saijia.

Saijia counterattacked immediately, the ball of light he pushed out of his palm missed, and Lucifer in front of him completely collapsed but appeared in another position.

At this time, Lucifer was on the right side of Saijia, and the dark energy entangled with Saijia formed Lucifer's body. Not only that, Lucifer's upper body existed, but the lower body remained black.

In just a split second, Saijia's body was swallowed by the gushing black water, and Lucifer threw his fist into the water.

After several collisions, the black water exploded, and Saiga's body was still bright, and the tough light was not corroded by the dark energy in a short period of time.

He drew closer and swung his fist across Lucifer's hollow face. Lucifer only had a third of his face, with only one eye, and the other side was flowing black.

There will be flaws after the attack, so the black water formed by Lucifer directly hits the enemy's body.

It looks like a 'liquid' but has a more exaggerated hardness than a solid. Saiga felt that he was hit by something like a planet.

The black water in front of me is still advancing, and it splits into several flanks. Which side is the real Lucifer?Or can everyone be Lucifer?

Saijia's fists were closed at his waist, and at the next moment, the moment Lucifer appeared, the shadows of the fists scattered all over the sky.

The strength and speed exploded at the same time, and the random punches hit several Lucifers almost at the same time, and they were sent flying almost at the same time.

While splitting, Lucifer's strength also decreased to a certain extent, and Saiga's concentration of light energy brought about strengthening.

The black water collided together reunited into one, and before it split again, Saiga hit the enemy's face with a flying knee, and hit the enemy's head with his elbow.

Then his other leg was touched by Lucifer's right hand, the black water shifted again, and now Lucifer appeared behind Saiga.

The palm knife hit the waist, and the palm knife pierced from the waist.

"Can't you hold on?"

"Who are you talking about!"

The elbow hit the face, this time the whole head exploded.

The overflowing light is reattached in the seams, and the leaked darkness forms the head in the seams, and there is not much power left.


The voices only heard by the two people came from the response from the collapse of the body. Unlike the previous situation where the attack was only pain, the body cracked, shattered, and collapsed when being attacked now because it could not bear it.

Attacking at different positions of the enemy, the arm is cut off while the opponent's chest is smashed, the abdomen is pierced while the opponent's arm is torn off, and the moment the kicks collide, they explode at the same time.

The repetition of regeneration and destruction is different, and in the end, who can survive?


The wailing of the body echoed in the consciousness, Saijia's regeneration was slower, and the arms he had just formed at this time could not defend against the sharp claws that pierced his chest.


Lucifer clenched his palms tightly and crushed the universe in the opponent's body. At the cost of overloading and high consumption, he won the confrontation. Was he the one who won...?

How strong is the power to collapse a universe?

That's probably no less than the big bang when it was born. The Salome civilization in another universe intends to use the huge energy generated when the universe collapses to smash other universes.

So now the power was called, Lucifer couldn't draw his arm, and now it was too late for him to dodge.

"That skill is not yours alone!"

Who is this voice speaking?

Is it Saiga?Or Saiga's carrier Sailo?

Lucifer has personally experienced it, and he has also learned the trick of 'overload'. The principle is simple enough, but the problem lies in the user's own manipulation ability.

It is difficult for Sai Luo to master this skill because of his personality. What about Sai Jia?

The moment Saijia realized what kind of trick Lucifer was using, an idea came to his mind - overload.

However, it is not a continuous output, but a blow that completely concentrates it, just like what Empat used against Beelzebub before.

Using it directly will definitely be noticed by Lucifer, so now is the best time.

The moment Lucifer crushed the universe in Saiga's body, that terrifying energy began to run wild, like an 'ultra bomb'.

Instead of using it by himself, but using the enemy's attack to achieve the same effect, this is Saijia's calculation.

If he achieves the 'unable to hit' situation through space manipulation, then Lucifer achieves the 'hit is invalid' situation through time manipulation.

Compared with the former, the latter is more difficult, so Saiga thinks about how to defeat the enemy in the battle.

'Did you mean to—'

'I failed on purpose. '

Lucifer's cognition is consistent with the facts. What Saijia needs is not the result of mutual damage, but the result of completely defeating the enemy.

So now he uses overloaded techniques, but completely focused on one point.

Lucifer's consciousness reacted, but his battered body did not.

Time begins to freeze.

Time was smashed to pieces.

Saiga's fist contains the power to shatter the universe. No matter what the reason is, the power in his body has reached the limit, and this power is concentrated in his right fist.

The lavender glow was extremely soft, and when this soft light hit Lucifer's chest, everything became different.

That light diffuses to the entire universe, no matter how far apart, as long as you are in this universe, you will definitely be able to see such a picture:

First a little, then all, the tangle of light and dark disappears into a lavender splendor.

The entire universe is filled with this force, which was the force when the universe collapsed, and this force was also the force when the universe was born.

Even with such a distance, Kingdom of Light still made a sound of being overwhelmed, trembling as if it was about to collapse.

Empat held his arms in front of him, and he could only see the overflowing light with narrow eyesight.

Dimensional shocks, more terrifying than ever before, appeared, and all universes were disturbed, affected, and therefore chaotic, re-swayed to different positions.

The only thing in the countless multidimensional universes, which is different from other universes, is the flowing blue-purple crystal ball.

It seems that a moment has passed, and it seems that the so-called eternity has been reached.

To recognize, to recognize that time is flowing, time will begin to flow.


It was a small voice, and this voice was recognized, and time began to flow.

Everyone turned their heads, and there was a blue and red giant kneeling staggeringly. The bracelet on his wrist had returned to its original shape, and he seemed to be panting violently.


People recognized him and called him by name.

Saiga, who appeared with Sai Luo as the carrier, has disappeared at this time, and Lucifer...


A new sound appeared, it was the sound of something falling to the ground, mixed with the beating of a heartbeat.

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