The black wings are full of cracks, and it is embedded in the ground.

At this time, Lucifer's wing-shaped energy core was flowing with a light red light, accompanied by the sound of a heartbeat, which symbolized the bad state.

The four wings that were originally on his back had disappeared, and the only wreckage was on his side, piercing into the ground.

The loss of strength is quite serious, and it feels like as soon as you close your eyes, you will lose consciousness immediately.

"If I hadn't blocked it for a fixed time, I would have completely lost consciousness."

Lucifer agreed with Saijia's last blow, just now he was equivalent to suffering a "big bang" head-on in a weak state

Even so, compared to Sairo who was half-kneeling and couldn't even stand up, compared to Saiga who has disappeared, he can barely stand now.

"Lucifer, it's time to end."

Nexus, who barely recovered a little strength, stepped forward. In just this short time, Lucifer's cracked body peeled off a lot of fragments.

Non-stop fighting, non-stop, strong obsession pushed Lucifer, he still did not fall, but straightened his body and stood firm.

"Did you know that something that broke once can easily break again."

Lucifer, no, it should be said that Beelzebub left behind.

Beelzebub is an existence composed of the alienated dark energy of Lucifer, that is to say, it is still the dark energy of Lucifer in essence.

Beelzebub was completely wiped out under the action of the anti-alien beast factor, and all the 'alien animal factors' disappeared.

What about the predecessor of the Alien Beast Factor?

When Beelzebub was about to die, it reversed the remaining alien beast factor into the original dark energy, and it reversed thousands of mutations and returned to the original dark energy.

The anti-alien beast factor has no ability to kill anything other than alien beasts. In that space, this dark energy found the only host.

Why didn't the other party notice this?

The reason is simple, as Lucifer said:

'What broke once can easily break again. '


It was at this moment that Empat realized the danger. It was his intuition accumulated in the battle, but this intuition failed to work.

His body stagnated at this moment, unable to be manipulated, because the dark energy that invaded his body began to erode and manipulate, making him unable to move.

Lucifer's body changed, and he rushed to the most suitable host at this time.

It was too late when the others reacted, Empat, who had been possessed by erosion, took a step back, covering his head with trembling hands.


Different from the past, the black darkness belonging to Lucifer overflowed his body surface, isolating all the brilliance outside.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh------------------"

The roar was mixed with the roar of the beast, and the dark energy seemed to be transforming into the alien beast factor, and the more intense erosion rushed wildly in its body.

This is the crackling and questioning voice of Thunder:

"what are you doing!"

The attacking golden thunderball was directly bounced off. It was Tartaros who launched the attack, and Tiga with a red chest was the one who blocked the attack.

"Don't you understand? If you don't destroy the container here, all the fighting so far will be in vain!"

After finally getting to this point, now is the moment to completely eliminate the threat of Lucifer, and it must not be wasted because of the benevolence of some women.

"Think of those who have passed away, do you want their efforts to go to waste!"

Tartarus' words were true, but Empat's body softened, he knelt on the ground, and the erupting dark energy changed from the mania before and became calmer.

150 Chapter Six Still Incomplete World

It was raining, and I didn't know whether it should be regarded as annoying or pleasant weather.

The drips fell on the body, but this coldness is nothing to non-human creatures.

People are buried in the cemetery, where do people go after death?

disappear?Is it reincarnation?In any case, it is impossible for the living to see the dead again, nor can they talk to them, knowing what kind of feelings they have and what they want to say.

So the tombstone comforts the living who stay behind, and the living look at the tombstone to miss the past and the dead.

"In such an incomplete world, the same pain will keep repeating, until maybe one day the multidimensional universe also encounters the same situation as the original universe."

Disappearing from the cemetery, standing in the endless darkness, watching countless lights return to one point, it seems that everything is coming to an end.

This is a distant thing?

Or something close at hand?

At least the primordial universe is indeed destroyed. Just like natural evolution, one day the multidimensional universe may also come to an end due to some kind of evolution.

No one can explain the common sense of nature.

"I'll ask you again: don't you plan to join me and create a more perfect world with me? You also lost someone you valued because of the passage of time. Are you going to lose it again and keep losing it?"

Nangong heard the inquiry clearly, and he looked at himself. At this time, he was not in the posture of a giant, but in the posture of a human.

Because he formed a fate as a human being and lost his fate, this is not anyone's fault.

Nangong turned around, and the face he saw of Lucifer was the same as the handsome man in his memory, but even looking at it like this, he didn't have any sense of familiarity.

As Lucifer commented, the man Nangong Lan has almost no similarities with the man named Miller in the past except for his appearance.

Reincarnation?reincarnation?Who knows, at least Nangong hasn't recalled any so-called 'memory of past life' until now

"This time, you don't intend to forcefully take my body away."

Nangong has an aversion to the existence of Lucifer, but at the same time, he also has a certain empathy. As Lucifer said, he can understand why Lucifer took this path, and the two feelings are mixed together.

Hearing what he said, Lucifer shrugged and replied:

"Saiga gave me a blow that was too heavy. To put it bluntly, I have no strength to resist now, and the same is true on your side. We have all reached the point where we are exhausted. Now you can choose to refuse, or You can choose to accept me, you have that choice."

There is no concealment of one's own situation, which is the first basis for cooperation.

Before Nangong answered, Lucifer spoke again:

"All living beings are suffering, don't you think so?"

He took two steps and looked at the universe in this illusion, whether it was about to usher in destruction or rebirth.

"In this incomplete world, people suffer for survival and run around in order to survive. Then what? Their time is limited. During the struggle, time takes away their vitality. Unknowingly, They're getting old again."

Human life is too short, and human life is too fragile.

"The child dies young, and the parents suffer from it, but they can't regain their lives from death. Some people work hard all their lives to find time, only to find that their eyes are full of gray hair, and they are getting old. This is not very sad. something?"

Lucifer stretched out his hand, his palm turned towards the aggregation of the universe, and turned his palm again, holding that piece of brilliance on his palm, as if to reshape it.

"It's not just aging, it's not just fragility. Some people are born with defects, or hands and feet, or eyes, ears, or some kind of congenital genetic disease. Some of them try to overcome this pain, And challenge the unjust fate."

Having said that, Lucifer closed his eyes, how many karmas and fates have he engraved in his long life?People who are connected by karma have their own stories.

"People will admire that will, but they can't deny the pain in any case. Why would God deprive them of their health? There are still people who are young or because of accidents or illnesses, and they can only suffer in the hospital bed , outraged by this sorrow."

There are really too many such things in the world, and every universe is repeating itself.

"The patient's family members love the patient, and hope that the patient can live even so. However, at this time, the patient would rather die, unable to communicate, unable to move, unable to perceive his own life, and the two parties are tormenting each other because of love. Is it fate's fault?"

Just a little bit of bad luck turned into such a tragedy.

"No, this is the sin of life itself, because life is too fragile to overcome illness, aging, and death, so people suffer, and the pain of life comes from fragility."

Lucifer clenched his right fist tightly. He could see very clearly what it was like to be immortal. It was because of this that he felt even more angry. This world not only took away his friends, but also brought scars.

"All life in the universe longs for immortality and everything they already have. Think about it, if the original universe can be restored, what will the world look like?"

Listening to Lucifer's words, Nangong closed his eyes, he knew what kind of world it was.

"People in the world yearn for the future and praise their dreams, but the pressure of survival forces them to face the reality. If they are immortal, then everyone will no longer rush for life, and everyone can chase their dreams and do what they want. What you want!"

What Lucifer is talking about is the life of the inhabitants of the original world.

"Life and death, sickness and aging will no longer exist. The world where anyone can chase their dreams is in front of us, and it is only a little away from realizing it. Nangong, don't you want that kind of world? You want to experience it again Is it the pain of loss?"

The pain of life comes from the fragility of life.

Nangong felt that there was nothing wrong with this sentence, and Lucifer was right.

Longevity, disease, survival, the fragility of life fill the world with misery.

Not only that, but if one does not grow old and die, then the meaning of things like resources will decrease.

To put it in simple words - I am not afraid of death, what can you do to me?

At that time, class and oppression will gradually disappear, and the evils derived from resources by intelligent life will disappear.

"I admit that I want to realize the world you speak of."

Nangong's words made Lucifer happy, but the next sentence was a turning point:

"It's not in your way. There are countless corpses under the beautiful world. You plan to destroy all life today, don't you?"

Before creation comes destruction—this is what Lucifer himself once said.

"You yourself know why you have no companions, don't you?"

Nangong's questioning silenced Lucifer, of course he knew, and he could understand why Jeter, who had a heart, would betray him.

Just as what he himself pursues is the 'only' in memory, so do others.

In this world at the end of the road, will the 'I' there be the same person as the 'he or she' there?

People in the world value their own lives and each other's existence, so they will not agree with Lucifer's approach.

Even in the original universe, people valued "self" extremely, so the residents of the original universe accepted their demise.

"Medical, science, even if there is no immortality, the world will work hard to overcome this pain."

In order to overcome illness and aging, science and technology are constantly advancing.

"But people are still dying and people are still suffering during this time."

Lucifer's words hit the nail on the head, thinking that all living beings suffer, he chose to completely destroy this pain with a complete end.

"I can't deny what you said."

Nangong understands this better than anyone else, just like no matter how many people he saves somewhere, someone will die somewhere, and reaching out his hand can't protect everyone no matter what.

"I can't decide which side is right, you or us."

Nangong understands Lucifer's thoughts, maybe Lucifer's way of overthrowing everything and starting over is correct.

"But this world is like this. We are all moving forward on the path we choose. Even in the end, we cannot be completely sure whether what we are doing is correct. Instead, we may wonder if we made different choices at that time. better."

Life is like this, constantly groping forward in regret.

"Now I choose people who live in the moment."

Nangong's body changed in his words, his body turned into silver-gray, with black lines engraved on his body.

"Is it okay even if you continue to lose? How about being selfish to yourself once?"

Lucifer's body has also turned back into the black giant. His words brought back the memories of Nangong. In the original world, he will meet and know the lost people again, and he will never lose them again.

"...sorry, I decline."

As Empat said so, the timer and eyes gleamed blue.


Lucifer finally asked a question.

"Because I'm someone who will leave people behind to be right, like she once scolded me."

Lucifer finally heard Empat's answer, the person who chose to become a guardian has experienced so many things, these experiences constitute him today, just as he said today.

Is it selfless or selfish?Different people will have different evaluations.


Lucifer smiled, his sense of weakness reappearing now and worse.

The next moment, Empat stood up from the ground, and the atmosphere around him seemed tense.

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