The dark energy that returned to silence was divided into two, one was himself, and the other was converging, and turned into Lucifer's posture.

'Did he reject Lucifer himself? '

The movements in Tartarus' hands relaxed slightly, and at the same time, Lucifer, who was expelled from his body, took a deep breath.

"You defeated me beautifully and rejected the perfect world. In the future, you will continue to experience pain in this incomplete world, experience parting, experience conflicts between ideas, break out in battles with others, and then witness death. "

Lucifer's voice can be heard very clearly by anyone.

"But they will also experience meeting, getting to know each other, and experiencing the kindness between people. The world has two sides."

At this time, Nexus... No, it should be Noah, his body changed back to its original posture when it came into contact with Lucifer.

Neither Noah nor Lucifer will really die, and the only way to face the undead is 'seal'.

"The world has two sides."

Lucifer nodded, he had no strength to resist, and Noah imposed the seal, but the seal was a little different.

The existence that can surpass even time can only be confronted with the same existence, so Lucifer can feel Noah's power flowing in his body, and his power is also drawn by Noah.

"Then you continue to struggle in this incomplete world, let me, let everyone see whether this momentary light disappears completely or connects with more and more lights, and finally forms a magnificent light. "

Lucifer's words don't know whether they should be regarded as encouragement or ridicule, only he himself knows this.

"But don't forget one thing, that is, you still have other options."

No matter what he means, anyone can understand it very clearly.

"When you give up, don't forget that there is one last road to go, the one that ends all other pains with the greatest pain."

After saying this, Lucifer's body disappeared in the illusion, and Noah's body shook to show Lucifer's posture.

The two seem to be integrated into one, and it is not known who is holding whom.

"Sorry for causing you trouble."

After Noah said this, he raised his head, and the long and long journey seemed to be temporarily interrupted now, and Lucifer did not give up his thoughts.

'People are hard to change'

This sentence is really suitable for Lucifer.

"The world is entrusted to you, to all the lives that exist today, and it will be your story from now on."

After saying this, Noah's body also disappeared in the illusion, and no one knows where he will go... It is not absolutely the case.

"Don't forget, the opportunity to turn things around and change the world is in your hands, and you will always have another choice."

Someone gently pressed on the shoulder, and that person whispered in his ear.


Empat turned around abruptly, but no one was there.

everything is over?

No, it all starts here.

One thing is certain, that is, the disaster caused by Lucifer will come to an end here, unless...

'Unless someone will lift that seal in the future? '

Empat touched his chest lightly. There was not a single trace of foreign matter left in his body. Even so, he could still feel a certain existence.

150 After Chapter Seven

Everything is over, the battle is over, the battle that has spread to countless universes has come to an end.

In the end, Noah and Lucifer disappeared together, leaving behind the scarred universe and us who survived.

But there was a very important question before us at the time, which was 'we are divided from our universe'

That's right, all contact was completely lost, because the full-scale battle between Saiga and Lucifer caused a dimensional shock of the same level as the original one.

The new dimensional shock disrupts the arrangement of the multidimensional universe again. In short, we cannot go back.

I can only look for them one by one until I can go back... I thought so at first, but then something strange happened.

That is, the disordered multidimensional universe was rearranged into order. Who did this?Or is this because of some kind of natural law at work between multidimensional universes?

Maybe this mystery can be solved in the future, or maybe it will always be a mystery.

In any case, the victor finally returned to his hometown, and there is another very important issue here...

"It's time to rebuild the Kingdom of Light and the Plasma Spark Tower."

There was darkness in front of Hikari, and the plasma spark tower in the Kingdom of Light had malfunctioned due to overload, and the construction planned for so many years had to start again.

But after gaining experience, the second time is definitely not as troublesome as the first time.

The problem is that as a member of the Science and Technology Bureau, Hikari feels a very headache, and then he must have a good meeting with the people from the Urban Management and Planning Bureau.

before that......

"The next time we meet, we will be enemies."

Above the Kingdom of Light are two people who will part ways without a common enemy.

Beria has considered whether to take advantage of the current situation to start an attack, but both sides have consumed a lot of energy, the outcome of the fight is uncertain, and this is the universe where the Kingdom of Light is located, and it is the opponent's home field, he does not want to fight half Other civilizations came as reinforcements to disrupt the situation.

"Belia, fighting like this makes me feel like I'm back to the past."

Are the words of Otto's father trying to persuade the other party back?

"But we can't go back."

Not really, old love is one thing, status quo is another, Beria has blood on his hands and is an enemy that must be defeated.

Temporary union does not mean anything, as Beria said, the next meeting is the enemy.

Beria didn't say anything about Ultra's father's words.


He left behind a voice of unknown emotion, then turned and left.

Soon, the fleet belonging to Belial disappeared from this universe. Although Sophie wanted to take the opportunity to locate the other party's coordinates, it was a pity that all the current facilities in the Kingdom of Light were paralyzed, and none of them were operational.

In front of the ruins, Taylor's trot gradually slowed down, and he stopped in front of another person.

Torregchia turned his head. The situation where he was waiting for the other party reminded him of the past. At that time, he was still a member of the Science and Technology Bureau, and Taylor was a member of the Ultra Guard. The other party was on a mission. He was in his hometown waiting.

It's very similar to the one in front of you, isn't it?

But this time the situation is a little different, for example...

"What are you waiting for? Come on."

Tregear stretched out his arms, waiting for the opponent to put on restraints like handcuffs.

Considering the things he has done in the past, this situation is a perfectly normal result. The Kingdom of Light is not the kind of stupid civilization that abolishes the death penalty. Showing mercy to the perpetrators is a disrespect to the victims.

So Tregchia just forgot it for a while and knew that if he didn't leave quickly, he would definitely die, and the death penalty didn't have to run.

"......Feel sorry."

Taro apologized, and then restrained Tregear with a restraint instrument. He already knew what would happen to Tregear if he was caught.

Why on earth did it evolve into this?

"It's not your fault."

Torre Chiya knew Tai Luo well, so he knew very well what Tai Luo must be thinking about, "I couldn't bring him back", "I didn't care enough about him at the time" or something like that.

However, Taylor himself has no obligations or responsibilities to him. Now Taylor is suffering because of the friendship between the two, and his kindness makes him suffer, so...

' Pain is right. '

Tregear smiled in his heart, he knew that even if he comforted the other party, it would be useless.

Even if the death penalty is only one of him, letting Taylor see such a result will definitely leave a memory that Taylor will never forget in his life.

'It must be a dull pain every time I think about it. '

That's right, that's what you want.

Tregchia thought that was great, and when the time came to show Taro that he was not dead at all, how would Taro behave?It's exciting.

As for the actual sanctions...

In fact, Tregia himself didn't know whether he was alive or dead in this situation. The so-called "one death" just didn't hold true for him.

While the atmosphere between Tregear and Taro was weird, someone was watching him.


Silence, Diana, a scientific researcher who has been on standby in this M78 nebula, looked at Tregia silently. For some reason, her intuition told her that the blue guy must have nothing good in mind.

If this person has something good in his heart, there must be a problem in the world, which has reversed people's minds. At that time, Empat will definitely become the ultimate scumbag who does all kinds of evil.

Speaking of this...

Diana didn't bother to take care of Tregear over there, let them solve their own affairs.

Turning around to look, someone got off the battleship here.


You can already see it from a distance, is that guy Zamxia waving his hand because he is afraid that he is not conspicuous enough?

Then again, there was another person waving.

"These two really get along well..."

Masaki shook his head helplessly, while Asuka was waving on the other side, and he deliberately adjusted the speed of waving to maintain symmetry.

They are also people with out-of-the-box personalities, and they hit it off right away, but the most important thing is that guy.


Compared with Dagu, that person was obviously much taller at 1.8 meters [-], and the other person was being helped off the plane by Dagu.

At this time, both parties noticed each other, so Diana could clearly see the smile on that person's face.

It seemed that the other party didn't even notice it. It was an uncontrollable reaction when friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time reunited.

Diana's face was rigid, but compared with her face, her body started to move forward naturally.

Soon, the two groups of people got together face to face.

"long time no see."

Nangong smiled and opened his mouth, even his tone became more excited, which made Zamxia say something immediately:

"So you can talk like that too."

What's the matter with this guy, not only has his expression changed after a while, but his tone is not so flat.

Is this the change that a man who becomes a father must experience?

"Although as an opening remark, the old-fashioned old-fashioned is enough."

Diana folded her arms and shook her head in denial.

"That's really sorry, next time I will tie myself to the door to apologize, and please the great Lord Diana to let me go."

Nangong said while smiling, while Masaki realized one thing:

'No, there is a conflict between tying five flowers and pleading guilty. '

Are you going to crawl from the ground to someone's house with something on your back?

'However, considering the special nature of the Otto family, it is not impossible. '

Teleportation solves your worries, right?

Compared with Zhengmu's rigorous thinking, Diana looked Nangong up and down.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but you've been quite glib."

She was surprised by this, but Nangong smiled. He also has a lot of experience in getting along with women, especially in the aspect of 'coaxing'.

"Anyway, let me take a break first, we'll talk about anything later."

Nangong's words seemed a little impolite, no one would say he wants to rest just after meeting.

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